Follow the program for at least three months and you will be guaranteed to be free of fatigue, attention deficit, brain fog, and insomnia.
But First Go to Naturopathic Doctor
- Get an EEG and CAT or MRI brain scan
- Check for HHV-6A virus and Epstein-Barr Virus
- Check for Lyme and Babesia
- Check for all STD’s
- Check for thyroid and anemia
- Check for all hormones
- Get a Heavy Metal Hair Analysis (you can do it online also)
- Get an Allergy to Food Blood Test (you can do it online also)
- Get a MELISA test for metal allergy (done online)
Regular or Infrared Sauna (should be as hot as you can withstand) at least 2 times a week
Detox Baths – Sea Salt, Ginger, and Epsom Salt baths at least 2 times a week
- Vegetable/Plant brushing before, during, and after saunas and baths
- Always keep your windows open at night
- Stop eating fast food and junk food immediately
- Stop eating out so much
- Eat organic and eat more vegetables
- Start walking or jogging in fresh air everyday
- Stop being on the computer and TV so much, limit computer and TV to weekends only
- Get more exposure to the sun
- Start slowly at comftorable speeds reading books
- Stay away from negative people
- Stop smoking, caffeine, and alcohol immidiately
- Take out all Silver Dental Fillings (#1 cause of mercury poisioning)
- Stop using artificial sweeteners including splenda and drinking diet sodas
- Stop taking anti-depressants and stimulant drugs (of course lower the dose each week and come off slowly, but the faster the better!)
PH balance
apple cider vinegar - 1tbsp in water every morning or night (also helpful in allergies and sinus infections)
Thyroid Gland
Iodine from kelp
Coconut oil - 1tbsp in the morning or just cook with coconut oil
Adrenal Gland
Taurine - 2g 3 times daily
Phosphadityl Serine - 500mg in the morning
DL-Phenylalanine - 2g 3 times daily
*Adrenal Cortex extract and DHEA for serious adrenal burnout only, should be taken for 1-3 months and stopped by lowering doses each week until it is safe to stop consumption (good for severe morning fatigue)
Omega 3’s - 1 tbsp Carlson's fish oil in the morning
Alpha GPC, Phosphatidylcholine, or Lecithin
Siberian Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, Bacopa, or Rhodiola Rosea
Heavy Metal Chelation
Cilantro extract or Fresh Cilantro optionally juiced (do not take cilantro alone without the below and kidney, lymph, and liver support, it could cause redistribution of heavy metal into other organs and make you really sick) - taken morning and night
Chlorella or Modifilan - taken morning and night
Chlorella Growth Factor
NAC - taken morning and night
Selenium - taken once daily (available in mineral complex, which you should be taking anyway)
2-5 cloves Minced Garlic in water taken at night
Heavy Vitamin C doses (should be taking anyway)
*Opt. Additional Gluthionine Precursors
OR a more proven choice for chelating. Doctor's supervision is reccommended
DMSA: 1/8 to 1/2 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight, per dose taken every 3-4 hours including nighttime
R-ALA: 1/8 to 1/2 mg of ALA per pound of body weight, per dose taken every 3-4 hours including nighttime
*IV-DMPS only under doctor’s supervision
HMD - http://www.thebeewel.../... is HMD.pdf
Studies show that it cleanses your body of ALL heavy metals without side effects such as those with dmps and dmsa
Studies on HMD here - http://www.mercuryex...?article_id=648 (scroll down a little, it is the 6th study)
Note: Heavy metal chelating can take as long as 5 years depeding on how high your heavy metal levels are. Have your local naturopathic doctor test you for heavy metals through a hair analysis and a IV-DMPS shot for any post heavy metal passing through urination.
Do not take EDTA. It is known to cause mercury redistribution to the brain 100x.
***Most be supplementing with high doses of extra minerals during chelation especially calcium, magnesium, and zinc because when chelating not only toxic heavy metals are passed.
Oregano Oil, Peppermint Oil, Caprylic Acid, Garlic, or Pau D’ Arco
*5 day bottled or distilled water diet, only in extreme cases of Candida
Digestive System Cleanse
Pascalite or Bentonite Clay
Digestive System Support
Apple or Grapefruit Pectin
*Betaine if stomach problems are present
Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, and Lymph
Milk Thistle
Red Clover Blossoms
Dandelion Root
Bones, Blood, Skin, Hair, Muscle, Immune System, Hormones, and Central Nervous System
Vitamin C Powder Calcium buffered for slower release - 3g x 3 times daily
Grape Seed Extract or Pycnogenol
B-Complex Coenzyme or Sublingual Liquid
Organic Trace Minerals
Mineral Complex Albion Chelated
Calcium Albion Chelated taken in the morning
Magnesium Albion Chelated taken at night (95% of ADHD people are deficient in magensium. Also, commonly in zinc and sometimes in iron.)
Sleep Support this is like a natural unaddicting Benzo/GHB alternative so be careful
450mg Kava Lactones
50mg 5-HTP
3mg Sublingual Melatonin
Powerful Stimulants after Fatigue Is Cured
Green Tea alternated every other day with Chocamine or Erythritol Dark Chocolate
Powerful Nootropics after Fatigue Is Cured
Important: Gluten and Casein free
- You will experience addiction withdrawal symptoms such as depression, more fatigue, headaches, and ext. for the first 30 days. But after you will feel 10 times better.
No oats, spelt, barley, or wheat
No breads, mushrooms, or yeast
No dairy, milk, cheese, or yogurts
No sugar, honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, fructose, or other source of sugar
No carrots or corn
No rice puffs, dried fruit, corn flakes, or other simple carbs
No canned tuna or salmon (high mercury content)
No tap water, only bottled spring water
No cheat meals
No fresh or packaged fruit juices
Fruit once a week – apples, papayas, pineapple, and mangos preferred
-Cooking in organic butter or refrigerated extra virgin olive oil is ok but coconut oil is preferred for thyroid and as a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal
-Sea salt should be used instead of regular salt
-Carbs should be avoided for breakfast and lunch because they make you sleepy. Brain needs amino acids for function.
Wild Caught Fresh, Smoked or Salted Salmon or boiled eggs with vegetables
Salmon is considered to have a safe mercury level
Organic Chicken or Turkey with vegetables
Organic Beef, Buffalo, or Lamb with buckwheat, brown rice, pumpkin, squash, potato, or yams with vegetables
Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Home made Dehydrated Vegetables in Sea Salt (no oils), or Bissinger's Sugar-free Erythritol Sweetened Dark Chocolate
*Important for Adrenal and Central Nervous System function
Bedtime: 8pm-10pm
Wake-up Time: 4am-6am – this is the most stimulating time to wake up for the body when the earth sends waves throughout your body
- Ionic air filter in each room or at least in bedroom
- Vegetable dehydrator for healthful snacks
- Stop taking vaccines (they don't work and they are loaded with mercury, microbes, and preservatives)
- Stop using sun block – know to cause skin cancer
- Use only organic shampoos, body washes, deodorant, and soaps – chemicals used in those products are known to penetrate the skin and into the blood causing cancer
- Steamer - for a chopped broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus mix
- 100% brazilian spring water - (poland spring is just filtered water)
- Stop using microwaves - changes molecular structure of food and destroys all vitamins and minerals
Alright, that's it. Enjoy being cured. God bless.
Edited by nootropicpete1, 24 October 2007 - 05:21 PM.