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ADD, Brain Fog, Fatigue, and Insomnia Cure Here

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#1 nootropicpete1

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 04:34 PM

Follow the program for at least three months and you will be guaranteed to be free of fatigue, attention deficit, brain fog, and insomnia.

But First Go to Naturopathic Doctor
- Get an EEG and CAT or MRI brain scan
- Check for HHV-6A virus and Epstein-Barr Virus
- Check for Lyme and Babesia
- Check for all STD’s
- Check for thyroid and anemia
- Check for all hormones
- Get a Heavy Metal Hair Analysis (you can do it online also)
- Get an Allergy to Food Blood Test (you can do it online also)
- Get a MELISA test for metal allergy (done online)

Regular or Infrared Sauna (should be as hot as you can withstand) at least 2 times a week
Detox Baths – Sea Salt, Ginger, and Epsom Salt baths at least 2 times a week
- Vegetable/Plant brushing before, during, and after saunas and baths

- Always keep your windows open at night
- Stop eating fast food and junk food immediately
- Stop eating out so much
- Eat organic and eat more vegetables
- Start walking or jogging in fresh air everyday
- Stop being on the computer and TV so much, limit computer and TV to weekends only
- Get more exposure to the sun
- Start slowly at comftorable speeds reading books
- Stay away from negative people
- Stop smoking, caffeine, and alcohol immidiately
- Take out all Silver Dental Fillings (#1 cause of mercury poisioning)
- Stop using artificial sweeteners including splenda and drinking diet sodas
- Stop taking anti-depressants and stimulant drugs (of course lower the dose each week and come off slowly, but the faster the better!)

PH balance
apple cider vinegar - 1tbsp in water every morning or night (also helpful in allergies and sinus infections)

Thyroid Gland
Iodine from kelp
Coconut oil - 1tbsp in the morning or just cook with coconut oil

Adrenal Gland
Taurine - 2g 3 times daily
Phosphadityl Serine - 500mg in the morning
DL-Phenylalanine - 2g 3 times daily
*Adrenal Cortex extract and DHEA for serious adrenal burnout only, should be taken for 1-3 months and stopped by lowering doses each week until it is safe to stop consumption (good for severe morning fatigue)

Omega 3’s - 1 tbsp Carlson's fish oil in the morning
Alpha GPC, Phosphatidylcholine, or Lecithin
Siberian Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, Bacopa, or Rhodiola Rosea

Heavy Metal Chelation
Cilantro extract or Fresh Cilantro optionally juiced (do not take cilantro alone without the below and kidney, lymph, and liver support, it could cause redistribution of heavy metal into other organs and make you really sick) - taken morning and night
Chlorella or Modifilan - taken morning and night
Chlorella Growth Factor
NAC - taken morning and night
Selenium - taken once daily (available in mineral complex, which you should be taking anyway)
2-5 cloves Minced Garlic in water taken at night
Heavy Vitamin C doses (should be taking anyway)

*Opt. Additional Gluthionine Precursors

OR a more proven choice for chelating. Doctor's supervision is reccommended

DMSA: 1/8 to 1/2 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight, per dose taken every 3-4 hours including nighttime
R-ALA: 1/8 to 1/2 mg of ALA per pound of body weight, per dose taken every 3-4 hours including nighttime


*IV-DMPS only under doctor’s supervision


HMD - http://www.thebeewel.../... is HMD.pdf
Studies show that it cleanses your body of ALL heavy metals without side effects such as those with dmps and dmsa

Studies on HMD here - http://www.mercuryex...?article_id=648 (scroll down a little, it is the 6th study)

Note: Heavy metal chelating can take as long as 5 years depeding on how high your heavy metal levels are. Have your local naturopathic doctor test you for heavy metals through a hair analysis and a IV-DMPS shot for any post heavy metal passing through urination.

Do not take EDTA. It is known to cause mercury redistribution to the brain 100x.

***Most be supplementing with high doses of extra minerals during chelation especially calcium, magnesium, and zinc because when chelating not only toxic heavy metals are passed.

Oregano Oil, Peppermint Oil, Caprylic Acid, Garlic, or Pau D’ Arco
*5 day bottled or distilled water diet, only in extreme cases of Candida

Digestive System Cleanse
Pascalite or Bentonite Clay

Digestive System Support
Apple or Grapefruit Pectin
*Betaine if stomach problems are present

Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, and Lymph
Milk Thistle
Red Clover Blossoms
Dandelion Root

Bones, Blood, Skin, Hair, Muscle, Immune System, Hormones, and Central Nervous System
Vitamin C Powder Calcium buffered for slower release - 3g x 3 times daily
Grape Seed Extract or Pycnogenol
B-Complex Coenzyme or Sublingual Liquid
Organic Trace Minerals
Mineral Complex Albion Chelated
Calcium Albion Chelated taken in the morning
Magnesium Albion Chelated taken at night (95% of ADHD people are deficient in magensium. Also, commonly in zinc and sometimes in iron.)

Sleep Support this is like a natural unaddicting Benzo/GHB alternative so be careful
450mg Kava Lactones
50mg 5-HTP
3mg Sublingual Melatonin

Powerful Stimulants after Fatigue Is Cured
Green Tea alternated every other day with Chocamine or Erythritol Dark Chocolate

Powerful Nootropics after Fatigue Is Cured


Important: Gluten and Casein free
- You will experience addiction withdrawal symptoms such as depression, more fatigue, headaches, and ext. for the first 30 days. But after you will feel 10 times better.

No oats, spelt, barley, or wheat
No breads, mushrooms, or yeast
No dairy, milk, cheese, or yogurts
No sugar, honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, fructose, or other source of sugar
No carrots or corn
No rice puffs, dried fruit, corn flakes, or other simple carbs
No canned tuna or salmon (high mercury content)
No tap water, only bottled spring water
No cheat meals
No fresh or packaged fruit juices
Fruit once a week – apples, papayas, pineapple, and mangos preferred

-Cooking in organic butter or refrigerated extra virgin olive oil is ok but coconut oil is preferred for thyroid and as a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal

-Sea salt should be used instead of regular salt

-Carbs should be avoided for breakfast and lunch because they make you sleepy. Brain needs amino acids for function.

Wild Caught Fresh, Smoked or Salted Salmon or boiled eggs with vegetables

Salmon is considered to have a safe mercury level

Organic Chicken or Turkey with vegetables

Organic Beef, Buffalo, or Lamb with buckwheat, brown rice, pumpkin, squash, potato, or yams with vegetables

Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Home made Dehydrated Vegetables in Sea Salt (no oils), or Bissinger's Sugar-free Erythritol Sweetened Dark Chocolate

*Important for Adrenal and Central Nervous System function
Bedtime: 8pm-10pm
Wake-up Time: 4am-6am – this is the most stimulating time to wake up for the body when the earth sends waves throughout your body

- Ionic air filter in each room or at least in bedroom
- Vegetable dehydrator for healthful snacks
- Stop taking vaccines (they don't work and they are loaded with mercury, microbes, and preservatives)
- Stop using sun block – know to cause skin cancer
- Use only organic shampoos, body washes, deodorant, and soaps – chemicals used in those products are known to penetrate the skin and into the blood causing cancer
- Steamer - for a chopped broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus mix
- 100% brazilian spring water - http://www.brazilian...om/products.php (poland spring is just filtered water)
- Stop using microwaves - changes molecular structure of food and destroys all vitamins and minerals

Alright, that's it. Enjoy being cured. God bless.

Edited by nootropicpete1, 24 October 2007 - 05:21 PM.

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#2 Shepard

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 05:01 PM

Wake-up Time: 4am-6am – this is the most stimulating time to wake up for the body when the earth sends waves throughout your body

This is the warning sent to the rest of the population that Shepard has awakened.
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#3 theta

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 06:08 PM

I had hair testing 7 years ago and had high level of alot heavy metals
cadmium 1.840 ppm lead 40.32 ppm (yes very high).

I took course of DMSA many times over the years since lead has a
very long half-life in bone. I decided a few days ago to get some more DMSA and R-alpha-lipoic acid(good for brain removal of heavy metals since chelators do not cross the BBB).

I have hypothyroism also and have taking levothyroxine many years.

My guess is I do have DRD4 polymorphism associated with inattentive
ADD though.

#4 nootropicpete1

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 06:44 PM

wow.....did you ever work in a factory which handles metals?

#5 theta

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 09:03 PM

wow.....did you ever work in a factory which handles metals?

Yeah I soldered daily and polished cadmium plated parts for years
as an adult but I'm fairly certain I had some major exposure shortly after the age 6 based on usually bad motor skills problems.

The first time I used DMSA I had a sudden burst of energy to.

#6 nootropicpete1

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 10:09 PM

that's interesting.....yeah i have been exposed through dental fillings and something else.....i have not checked for heavy metals because i don't know where in russia.....but i am pretty sure i am high in them due to severe brain fog and inability to think during the day

#7 nootropicpete1

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 10:14 PM

as for the ADD thing.......you could just have a week digestive system and maybe infected with candida and/or you may have food allergies......try casein and gluten free diet for at least 30 days......then record reactions to all foods and eliminate bad reaction foods.......if it really is a genetic thing then something like deprenyl and tianeptine will work wonders for you.....none of it works for me....not even adderall.....every stimulating nootropic or drug just makes me really exhuasted, dizzy, more fatigued, and really sleepy.....if adderall really works for you then you should really try deprenyl and tianeptine.....and maybe phenylracetam or pramiracetam

#8 theta

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 10:52 PM

I used deprenyl for many years at various doses as high as 10 mg daily with no noticeable improvement in focus. Though at the time I
had no idea I had focus problems. Thats something I learned the hard way when I could look 360 degrees and see endless unfinished
projects. ADD is very good at starting projects and very bad about finishing them. I've never tried any strong CNS selective stimulants
before so I have no idea if they would be usefull for me.

#9 graatch

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 11:49 PM

Are you taking ENADA NADH, pete?

#10 nootropicpete1

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Posted 24 October 2007 - 09:15 AM

i tried it several times....didn't do a bit of anything

#11 brotherx

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Posted 24 October 2007 - 09:37 AM

Hi Pete,

why do you recommend NADH, if it does not work for you?



Powerful Stimulants after Fatigue Is Cured
Green Tea alternated every other day with Chocamine or Erythritol Dark Chocolate

i tried it several times....didn't do a bit of anything

#12 nootropicpete1

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Posted 24 October 2007 - 09:43 AM

because it works for so much people who reccomeded it.....that's why i wrote powerful stimulants AFTER fatigue is cured. If you the don't get rid from your body the root problem, then any stimulants will have neutral or opposite effects. I am still detoxifying that is why it doesn't work for me.

#13 brotherx

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Posted 25 October 2007 - 08:47 AM

Hi Pete,

first of all thanks for the extensive listing - and your answer to my question.
I don't suffer myself from chronic fatigue - so I was just wondering.



because it works for so much people who reccomeded it.....that's why i wrote powerful stimulants AFTER fatigue is cured. If you the don't get rid from your body the root problem, then any stimulants will have neutral or opposite effects.  I am still detoxifying that is why it doesn't work for me.

Edited by brotherx, 25 October 2007 - 10:31 AM.

#14 tritium

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 05:29 AM

- Stop using microwaves - changes molecular structure of food and destroys all vitamins and minerals

A typical magnetron in a microwave emits electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 2450MHz. This frequency was chosen because it is one of the resonant frequencies of water molecules. Even this frequency is not enough to change molecular structure. Only ionizing radiation can do that and ionizing radiation only begins at the ultraviolet band of EM spectrum. Several Studies show that cooking in the microwave is actually better than other methods.

The fact is since microwaves heat food quicker they tend to be LESS destructive of enzymes and nutrients, not more.

Microwaves were extensively tested on animals, feeding them ONLY food which had been microwaved and there were NO ill effects found. This was an issue when Microwaves were first used for cooking (years before home units were available) and was throughly tested.

Now, they are in virtually every home and in zillions of convenience stores. I'd dare say a great many of us eat food heated in a microwave almost daily. However there are certainly a good number of us who eat mainly food heated by microwave and probably a similar number of people who almost never eat microwaved food. If there WERE harmful effects they would be manifesting themselves and it would quickly be obvious that certain health affects were related to amount of microwave oven use.

The following is from the Australian Information Service:

Microwave Cooking And Nutrition

The majority of reports published on the nutritive value of foods cooked in microwave ovens indicate that food prepared in this manner is at least as nutritious as comparable food cooked by conventional methods.

Most of these studies have concentrated on vitamin retention and indicate that cooking in minimal water for a reduced time, as occurs with microwaving, promotes the retention of the water- soluble vitamins particularly of vitamin C and thiamin. Microwave cooking is preferable to boiling to minimize the leaching of vitamins into the cooking water; in this regard it is similar to steaming.

Far less information is currently available on the effect of microwave cooking on other food components such as carbohydrates, lipids and fat-soluble vitamins.

For the same reasons given for vitamin C, microwave cooking enhances mineral retention in vegetables.

The quality of protein is higher in microwaved than in conventionally cooked food as far less oxidation occurs in meat cooked in a microwave. Lack of browning is visible evidence that heating is gentler, and makes it likely that vitamins A and E are better retained than in conventional cooking. However these differences are likely to be slight and of little nutritional significance.

Re-heating food quickly in a microwave retains more nutrients than holding food hot for long periods; this is significant in institutions and hospitals where food may be held hot for several hours in traditional catering systems.

The nutritional value of food does not depend only on the way in which it is cooked. Just as important are shopping wisely for quality products, correct temperature control during storage and preparation and serving food promptly after it is prepared. Leaching effects aside there seems to be little difference to the retention of nutrients between food cooked by microwaves or by conventional means, providing cooking time and temperature guidelines are carefully followed.

Microwaves And Food

Effect On Food

All food undergoes changes when heated; there is no solid evidence that microwaves cause any effect on food other than those due to rapid heating. Care should be taken to avoid overcooking.

Radiation And Food

Food cooked in a microwave oven does not present a radiation risk. Microwaves cease to exist as soon as the power to the magnetron of a microwave oven is switched off. They do not remain in the food and are incapable of making either it or the oven radioactive.

Chemical Changes In Foods

Consumer concern has been caused by media coverage of isolated reports which suggest that microwave heating produces chemical changes in foods with the formation of potentially toxic compounds. The most widely reported of these was a letter which appeared in the reputable journal The Lancet in 1989. This work was reviewed by an expert committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council which concluded that the results obtained in the experiment were not relevant to the way food is prepared and consumed. A second more recent report in a little known Swiss journal also appears to be irrelevant to domestic use of microwave ovens.
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#15 LIB

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 05:57 AM

When it comes to chelation with DMSA or ALA PLEASE read into the andrew cutler protocol.

If you are genuinely toxic with heavy metals, and you don't take a chelator at the half life, which keeps the blood level as consistent as possible with the chelator, you will get worse.

I've been down this road with mercury toxicity and just randomly taking things like, NAC, chlorella, Chlorella, and ALA at random times, or once a day, made me seriously worse. Also stick to true chelators with two thiols, like DMSA and ALA.

I take ALA, every 2 hours around the clock(this includes/sleep night) and I'm getting better.

#16 dumbdumb

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 11:45 AM

But First Go to Naturopathic Doctor
- Get an EEG and CAT or MRI brain scan
- Check for HHV-6A virus and Epstein-Barr Virus
- Check for Lyme and Babesia
- Check for all STD’s
- Check for thyroid and anemia
- Check for all hormones
- Get a Heavy Metal Hair Analysis (you can do it online also)
- Get an Allergy to Food Blood Test (you can do it online also)
- Get a MELISA test for metal allergy (done online)

I'd love to - but I've never ever encountered a doctor who would say "okay" to letting me test on that scale. I'm not sure if this is an American phenomenon exclusively, but, when I go to the doctor, and describe symptoms, what happens 999/1000 times is that I'll just be given some pills that treat the symptoms -- no testing. So if I'm lethargic and depressed, it's time for prozac - not time for a Lyme disease, or a thyroid test.

The one time that I did manage to get them to test my hormones, they just told me that it was "all normal." I asked my doctor for the specific numbers and he refused. He said the results were normal and he wasn't going to waste time on that area.

#17 rwac

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 03:15 PM

The one time that I did manage to get them to test my hormones, they just told me that it was "all normal." I asked my doctor for the specific numbers and he refused. He said the results were normal and he wasn't going to waste time on that area.

Call your doctor's office and ask for a copy of your test results. Just tell em you need it for your records.

#18 doctordog

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 02:12 AM

When it comes to chelation with DMSA or ALA PLEASE read into the andrew cutler protocol.

If you are genuinely toxic with heavy metals, and you don't take a chelator at the half life, which keeps the blood level as consistent as possible with the chelator, you will get worse.

I've been down this road with mercury toxicity and just randomly taking things like, NAC, chlorella, Chlorella, and ALA at random times, or once a day, made me seriously worse. Also stick to true chelators with two thiols, like DMSA and ALA.

I take ALA, every 2 hours around the clock(this includes/sleep night) and I'm getting better.

what were the signs that you were getting worse? my depression fluctuates badly so it"s hard to keep track of things. i just added in NAC to try and help with OCD and depression. chlorella and NAC should be okay to use, shouldn"t they? i know ALA can redistribute mercury in other sites around the body, but i think chlorella just removes it from the digestive track, and i could find no studies indicating NAC was harmful

#19 LIB

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 01:28 AM

When it comes to chelation with DMSA or ALA PLEASE read into the andrew cutler protocol.

If you are genuinely toxic with heavy metals, and you don't take a chelator at the half life, which keeps the blood level as consistent as possible with the chelator, you will get worse.

I've been down this road with mercury toxicity and just randomly taking things like, NAC, chlorella, Chlorella, and ALA at random times, or once a day, made me seriously worse. Also stick to true chelators with two thiols, like DMSA and ALA.

I take ALA, every 2 hours around the clock(this includes/sleep night) and I'm getting better.

what were the signs that you were getting worse? my depression fluctuates badly so it"s hard to keep track of things. i just added in NAC to try and help with OCD and depression. chlorella and NAC should be okay to use, shouldn"t they? i know ALA can redistribute mercury in other sites around the body, but i think chlorella just removes it from the digestive track, and i could find no studies indicating NAC was harmful

Signs that I was getting worse were:

Serious irritability
Bad brain fog
bad memory
Serious Fatigue
...basically unfunctional

For SOME people NAC helps. Most, it makes it much worse. NAC would make me much worse. Same with Chlorella. These are NOT true chelators.

Have you tested positive for mercury? I have tested positive for mercury from hairtests.

Please educate yourself from these sites:


If you seriously suspect a mercury problem I'd first stop using NAC and Chlorella, and order a hairtest. There are plenty of resources on the above sites to interpret your hairtest to determine if you're mercury toxic.

If you have any other questions PM me.

#20 doctordog

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 10:33 AM

Signs that I was getting worse were:

Serious irritability
Bad brain fog
bad memory
Serious Fatigue
...basically unfunctional

For SOME people NAC helps. Most, it makes it much worse. NAC would make me much worse. Same with Chlorella. These are NOT true chelators.

Have you tested positive for mercury? I have tested positive for mercury from hairtests.

Please educate yourself from these sites:


If you seriously suspect a mercury problem I'd first stop using NAC and Chlorella, and order a hairtest. There are plenty of resources on the above sites to interpret your hairtest to determine if you're mercury toxic.

If you have any other questions PM me.

thanks. i have all of the above symptoms as a result of depression anyway. i actually got sick shortly after beginning the NAC - may have been a coincidence, but i live in the southern hemisphere and wasn't sick all winter. now on the cusp of spring, i have flu-like symptoms (sore throat, mucus dislodged from sinuses, coughing). i think NAC probably detoxifies a bunch of stuff aside from mercury, so in some sense a worsening at first could be a good sign. i have never had amalgams, so seriously doubt mercury is my problem, as much as i wish it was (no offense to those who are poisoned, but it might beat living with torturous OCD, since at least there's a "cure"). i plan on testing for heavy metals at some point, but will continue with NAC in the meantime and see how i go.

#21 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 06:14 PM

Apparently NAC produces herx-like reactions in people infected with Chlamydia Pneumoniae. Something to do with disrupting "elementary bodies" which if I recall are something like the cyst form of Lyme.


#22 cheesycow5

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:00 PM

This is one of the best posts I've seen on ImmInst, so I just wanted to bump it.

Where's the evidence for the sleep and wake-up times, though?

#23 Pike

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:45 PM

this looks like one very expensive regimen...

#24 cheesycow5

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 04:42 PM

this looks like one very expensive regimen...

You don't have to do everything on the list. I don't even think it's all right. I wish he would have explained why he added all that he added.

But just start doing the cheap, easy things that make sense and move your way up. Simply changing to a healthier diet can make huge changes, albeit the changes may take two or three months to notice. In my opinion, the optimum diet is all meat. Yep, 100% meat. Ask if you want to know why. Once you have gained some health back, thanks to your diet, your sleep schedule will be much smoother, which will consequently help you more. Once your energy levels are high enough, you can begin exercising. It's all an uphill spiral if you stick to it. The longer you wait, the easier it becomes to stay healthy and happy.

#25 wildfun

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 09:20 AM

this looks like one very expensive regimen...

You don't have to do everything on the list. I don't even think it's all right. I wish he would have explained why he added all that he added.

But just start doing the cheap, easy things that make sense and move your way up. Simply changing to a healthier diet can make huge changes, albeit the changes may take two or three months to notice. In my opinion, the optimum diet is all meat. Yep, 100% meat. Ask if you want to know why. Once you have gained some health back, thanks to your diet, your sleep schedule will be much smoother, which will consequently help you more. Once your energy levels are high enough, you can begin exercising. It's all an uphill spiral if you stick to it. The longer you wait, the easier it becomes to stay healthy and happy.

Could you please elaborate on the all meat diet thing? It's an interesting perspective for me since I'm a strict vegetarian. Lately I have been phasing out eggs and dairy because my digestion is still, er, sluggish, which makes me feel like crap all the time. If I don't take magnesium every night I end up at the doctor's office. How can someone only eat meat and have normal (read: regular) digestion?

I agree with some of the things mentioned being helpful, but 6grams of DL-pheynlalanine seems REALLY excessive, no? Sometimes taking 500mg on an empty stomach will make my brain fog way worse. If I take more than that I feel uncomfortably spacey, like I'm physically stuck in a womb. Ha hah, that's a terrible description but it's hard to explain. It makes me feel over-stimulated and like I'm stuck in molasses at the same time. Then again, sometimes it helps me focus. The POINT is: start slow with this stuff.

#26 chrono

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 04:26 PM

I'd love to - but I've never ever encountered a doctor who would say "okay" to letting me test on that scale. I'm not sure if this is an American phenomenon exclusively, but, when I go to the doctor, and describe symptoms, what happens 999/1000 times is that I'll just be given some pills that treat the symptoms -- no testing. So if I'm lethargic and depressed, it's time for prozac - not time for a Lyme disease, or a thyroid test.

The one time that I did manage to get them to test my hormones, they just told me that it was "all normal." I asked my doctor for the specific numbers and he refused. He said the results were normal and he wasn't going to waste time on that area.

Sounds like a lot of practitioners and specialists I've had. I haven't seen any doctors outside of the US, but I assume this is a general symptom of modern Western medicine. The ideology is that they're some kind of hyper-educated parental figure, using their vast store of knowledge to decide what is best for you. And time spent making you understand that is time wasted.

Truly disgusting.

At 27 I've spent more time in hospitals, doctor offices, therapists' and clinics than most people 3 times my age. What I can assure you is this: doctors are unsure or flat-out wrong more than you would be comfortable imagining. They act the part because deep down reassurance is what most people want, and because it's good business. These people profit handsomely for a task you're paying them to do, and no matter how long they went to school, they're on your time. Make them address your concerns, and compel them to explain. Do your own research no matter how sure they think they are. Modern medicine is still playing whack-a-mole with the human body, and a good doctor is one who will admit uncertainty and possibilities.

If you want to get tests done to confirm/deny causes of symptoms, do it. You only get one shot at being healthy right now. Go to another doctor. If it's a harmless procedure, the worst that will happen is you will waste some money. If insurance won't pay for it, that's one thing. We don't have perfect universal health care, and spending thousand(s) on the battery of tests described is impractical for insurers. Be proactive, research extensively, and if you think there's a good enough chance that it could turn something up, shell out for it.

If your doctor flat-out refuses to test you, unless it's because you can't pay or it's dangerous, then you have a bad doctor. Get a better one, one who will allow you participate in the care of your health, and write letters to his office describing his bad care. You are paying him, and there is no POSSIBLE way for you to waste his time. Within reason :~

If your doctor's office refuses to give you copies of your medical records, then you have an illegal doctor. HIPAA regulations allow you to request your own medical records, period. Go to the desk, ask for a HIPAA release for having records sent out. You can request a certain subject ("hormone test results"), but it's quicker to narrow it down by date range. There may be a "reason for request" field, just say something like "verification of tests," or ask the person at the desk. You may have to pay for photocopying. Have them mailed to you, or pick them up when they're ready.

Sorry, don't let this derail the thread, but this kind of thing really gets my proverbial goat and is important for people to understand.

I've just started research in this area, and am hoping to have some of these tests done and start taking supplements for essentially all of the conditions mentioned in the topic. Thanks for the recommendations, this gives me some good pointers for starting my research. Am out of work with no insurance, so I'm going to spend a lot of time researching before I even talk to my doctor, listen to his recommendations, and then decide what do to.

A post in the Piracetam Efficacy thread mentions cortisol levels, partially linked with stress and intake of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, in relation to some of these symptoms as well.
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#27 cheesycow5

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Posted 23 November 2009 - 01:28 AM

this looks like one very expensive regimen...

You don't have to do everything on the list. I don't even think it's all right. I wish he would have explained why he added all that he added.

But just start doing the cheap, easy things that make sense and move your way up. Simply changing to a healthier diet can make huge changes, albeit the changes may take two or three months to notice. In my opinion, the optimum diet is all meat. Yep, 100% meat. Ask if you want to know why. Once you have gained some health back, thanks to your diet, your sleep schedule will be much smoother, which will consequently help you more. Once your energy levels are high enough, you can begin exercising. It's all an uphill spiral if you stick to it. The longer you wait, the easier it becomes to stay healthy and happy.

Could you please elaborate on the all meat diet thing? It's an interesting perspective for me since I'm a strict vegetarian. Lately I have been phasing out eggs and dairy because my digestion is still, er, sluggish, which makes me feel like crap all the time. If I don't take magnesium every night I end up at the doctor's office. How can someone only eat meat and have normal (read: regular) digestion?

I agree with some of the things mentioned being helpful, but 6grams of DL-pheynlalanine seems REALLY excessive, no? Sometimes taking 500mg on an empty stomach will make my brain fog way worse. If I take more than that I feel uncomfortably spacey, like I'm physically stuck in a womb. Ha hah, that's a terrible description but it's hard to explain. It makes me feel over-stimulated and like I'm stuck in molasses at the same time. Then again, sometimes it helps me focus. The POINT is: start slow with this stuff.

The basic premise of all-meat is that we are humans. Humans are a product of evolution. Our diet for the past few million years has been mainly meat. Humans have never seen grains before agriculture began a few thousand years ago. We're built to survive on fat and protein. That's the reason it makes sense. The proof that it's true is plentiful. We've been lied to for many years about what a healthy diet consists of. Here's some links that go into much more detail:

http://paleodiet.com/ - Contains links to hundreds of websites that explain the idea, which they refer to as the paleolithic diet.
http://www.second-op...vegetarian.html - Explains why vegetarianism is wrong. Very important information.

Your meat should be high quality as well. Grass-fed meat is much healthier, since animals are not evolved to eat grains either.

As for DLPA, I'd take whatever works. It's not very dangerous, so it's ok to experiment with dosage, but if that's too high, don't do it. Again, I don't know where he came up with the dosages.

Edited by cheesycow5, 23 November 2009 - 01:29 AM.

#28 wildfun

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Posted 23 November 2009 - 04:41 AM

The basic premise of all-meat is that we are humans. Humans are a product of evolution. Our diet for the past few million years has been mainly meat. Humans have never seen grains before agriculture began a few thousand years ago. We're built to survive on fat and protein. That's the reason it makes sense. The proof that it's true is plentiful. We've been lied to for many years about what a healthy diet consists of. Here's some links that go into much more detail:

http://paleodiet.com/ - Contains links to hundreds of websites that explain the idea, which they refer to as the paleolithic diet.
http://www.second-op...vegetarian.html - Explains why vegetarianism is wrong. Very important information.

Your meat should be high quality as well. Grass-fed meat is much healthier, since animals are not evolved to eat grains either.

As for DLPA, I'd take whatever works. It's not very dangerous, so it's ok to experiment with dosage, but if that's too high, don't do it. Again, I don't know where he came up with the dosages.

I don't feel the need to discuss why I'm vegetarian or not here, but I don't think this man Barry Groves, PHD (Telegraph article) is going to convince me to pick up a steak anytime soon.

Also, DLPA can cause severe complications for those with phenlyketonuria. Not that they should be taking this supplement, but I still wouldn't dismiss it as not very dangerous. The side effects can be pretty disorienting.

#29 cheesycow5

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 07:06 PM

The basic premise of all-meat is that we are humans. Humans are a product of evolution. Our diet for the past few million years has been mainly meat. Humans have never seen grains before agriculture began a few thousand years ago. We're built to survive on fat and protein. That's the reason it makes sense. The proof that it's true is plentiful. We've been lied to for many years about what a healthy diet consists of. Here's some links that go into much more detail:

http://paleodiet.com/ - Contains links to hundreds of websites that explain the idea, which they refer to as the paleolithic diet.
http://www.second-op...vegetarian.html - Explains why vegetarianism is wrong. Very important information.

Your meat should be high quality as well. Grass-fed meat is much healthier, since animals are not evolved to eat grains either.

As for DLPA, I'd take whatever works. It's not very dangerous, so it's ok to experiment with dosage, but if that's too high, don't do it. Again, I don't know where he came up with the dosages.

I don't feel the need to discuss why I'm vegetarian or not here, but I don't think this man Barry Groves, PHD (Telegraph article) is going to convince me to pick up a steak anytime soon.

Also, DLPA can cause severe complications for those with phenlyketonuria. Not that they should be taking this supplement, but I still wouldn't dismiss it as not very dangerous. The side effects can be pretty disorienting.

I don't understand what your post is trying to say. Why won't you follow the advice of Barry Groves, PhD? His ideas seem spot on to me.

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#30 rwac

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 07:22 PM

Could you please elaborate on the all meat diet thing? It's an interesting perspective for me since I'm a strict vegetarian. Lately I have been phasing out eggs and dairy because my digestion is still, er, sluggish, which makes me feel like crap all the time. If I don't take magnesium every night I end up at the doctor's office. How can someone only eat meat and have normal (read: regular) digestion?

Fat works well as a lubricant. It certainly keeps me regular.

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