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#61 sthira

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 01:39 AM

Through sheer coincidence, I'm eating some as I type. (Tastes like vanilla cake crumbs.) This experiment is perfect for a placebo response, because knowing that I'm taking something that should give me an edge, I'm probably working harder. That said, I feel stronger and am lifting more weight. It hasn't been long enough for anything really conclusive, though. I'm taking ten grams a day, so what I have should last a couple months. If I can get back to where I was before a couple injuries kept me out of the gym for the better part of a year, then I'll be very happy.

Thanks for the report. So, two questions. If MYO-X leads to increased muscles, then would it also increase the size of the heart? That wouldn't be good. And second, have you noticed if your cholesterol levels have increased by taking MYO-X at ten-grams per day?

Edited by sthira, 25 October 2015 - 01:48 AM.

#62 niner

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 04:25 AM

 Thanks for the report. So, two questions. If MYO-X leads to increased muscles, then would it also increase the size of the heart? That wouldn't be good. And second, have you noticed if your cholesterol levels have increased by taking MYO-X at ten-grams per day?


That's a good question.  I don't think MYO-X will do anything to skeletal muscle if you don't work out.  Since I'm not particularly changing the amount of work my heart does, it shouldn't be trying to grow, so a lower level of myostatin probably isn't going to make a difference there.   I haven't had any blood work since using it, but it only has 125 mg of cholesterol in ten grams.  That's 37% of the DV.  There's 3g fat, 1.5 of which is SAFA.  I'm more worried about the 4g sugar.

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#63 sthira

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 02:36 AM

Thanks for the report. So, two questions. If MYO-X leads to increased muscles, then would it also increase the size of the heart? That wouldn't be good. And second, have you noticed if your cholesterol levels have increased by taking MYO-X at ten-grams per day?

That's a good question. I don't think MYO-X will do anything to skeletal muscle if you don't work out. Since I'm not particularly changing the amount of work my heart does, it shouldn't be trying to grow, so a lower level of myostatin probably isn't going to make a difference there. I haven't had any blood work since using it, but it only has 125 mg of cholesterol in ten grams. That's 37% of the DV. There's 3g fat, 1.5 of which is SAFA. I'm more worried about the 4g sugar.

Well, noticed anything? I agree with you that reviews seem all over the place, but mostly positive for muscle growth. Are you seeing any indication in your own body? It seems quite variable among people whether they get benefits or not. I ordered some, too, just to see what it might do.

#64 motorcitykid

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Posted 15 November 2015 - 01:08 AM

I've been using MHP's Myo-X for a short time(a week). No noticeable changes to musculature or energy output during my workouts.

Edited by motorcitykid, 15 November 2015 - 01:09 AM.

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#65 niner

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Posted 15 November 2015 - 01:40 AM

I've been using 10g daily for the better part of a month now, and I'm happy with the results.  I've increased weight, reps, or both on almost all exercises.  The problem is that I can't rule out a placebo effect here, because I'm sure that I've been working harder since I got the "secret weapon".  I've noticed something else; I'd been having a lot of tendon issues, and in the past month these really seem to have improved.  I don't know if that's the Myo-X or just the fact that I've worked harder-- strengthening the musculature around tendon attachments does something that makes them hurt less.  I wish I could say "wow, there's no way this could have been placebo", but I can't.  All I can say is that I like the way I'm feeling.  I'm about to start on my second jar of Myo-X, so I'll try to report again in a month.

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#66 Rocket

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Posted 15 November 2015 - 02:55 AM

If the goal is muscle growth enhancement but want to stay legal then try ostarine or some of the hgh peptides. Don't forget to eat! And eat again!

#67 motorcitykid

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 06:46 AM

If the goal is muscle growth enhancement but want to stay legal then try ostarine or some of the hgh peptides. Don't forget to eat! And eat again!


I'm more concerned about staying healthy than staying legal ;-) From what I"ve read, Osterine does build muscle but it raises liver enzymes, lowers HDL's and long term effects are anybody's guess.  Have you tried this? 

Edited by motorcitykid, 18 November 2015 - 06:49 AM.

#68 Rocket

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 02:38 PM


If the goal is muscle growth enhancement but want to stay legal then try ostarine or some of the hgh peptides. Don't forget to eat! And eat again!


I'm more concerned about staying healthy than staying legal ;-) From what I"ve read, Osterine does build muscle but it raises liver enzymes, lowers HDL's and long term effects are anybody's guess.  Have you tried this? 



I ran Ostarine and there was ZERO impact on LDL/HDL or liver enzymes.  And yes, I had blood tests ran.  I ran it for over 2 months, maybe 3.


If you're worried about liver enzymes, use milk thistle or UDCO acid.  If you're worried about HDL/LDL get blood tests pre and during and monitor.  Literally, Ostarine did nothing to my cholesterol or liver enzymes. 


Of if you want to go with peptides, then CJC1295 + DAC @ 4mg/wk with a DHEA supplement because HGH blocks insulin function.


The follistatin peptides on the market seem to be crap because it's supposed to be delivered via viral vector, which the peptides do not.

#69 aconita

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 03:18 AM

From what I read in bb forums ostarine seems to shut down as steroids do but with far less anabolic results, basically it seems not a good choice (apart from the legal point of view) since it causes all or most of the side effects of steroids but not the same benefits by far.

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#70 motorcitykid

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:35 AM



If the goal is muscle growth enhancement but want to stay legal then try ostarine or some of the hgh peptides. Don't forget to eat! And eat again!


I'm more concerned about staying healthy than staying legal ;-) From what I"ve read, Osterine does build muscle but it raises liver enzymes, lowers HDL's and long term effects are anybody's guess.  Have you tried this? 



I ran Ostarine and there was ZERO impact on LDL/HDL or liver enzymes.  And yes, I had blood tests ran.  I ran it for over 2 months, maybe 3.


If you're worried about liver enzymes, use milk thistle or UDCO acid.  If you're worried about HDL/LDL get blood tests pre and during and monitor.  Literally, Ostarine did nothing to my cholesterol or liver enzymes. 


Of if you want to go with peptides, then CJC1295 + DAC @ 4mg/wk with a DHEA supplement because HGH blocks insulin function.


The follistatin peptides on the market seem to be crap because it's supposed to be delivered via viral vector, which the peptides do not.




From what I read in bb forums ostarine seems to shut down as steroids do but with far less anabolic results, basically it seems not a good choice (apart from the legal point of view) since it causes all or most of the side effects of steroids but not the same benefits by far.

I read through some of the bb forum posts on osterine. Many of these bodybuilders already have a kaleidescope of major big boy anabolic constituents running through their veins- not sure if they're good candidates for a SARM. I mean seriously, if you already look like the poster boy for a breakthrough follistan inhibitor, what's a SARM gonna do for ya?


Some of these bodybuilders report major side effects from osterine but I don't know whether some of their reported side effects are actually caused by osterine or caused by years of stacking hardcore androgens. I'm not saying that it couldn't be caused by osterine it's just hard to tell.


At face value, osterine's reported side effects seem to vary from person to person on a scale from zero side effects, to minimal, to high(messing w/ libido, HPTA axis, raising liver enzymes and lowering HDL).


Rocket said that he used osterine for 2 or 3 months and did not experience any of the negative sides associated with traditional anabolic steroids.


Rocket, could you elaborate on what your gains were in terms of weight, strength and muscle mass?


Maybe we should start another thread.

Edited by motorcitykid, 19 November 2015 - 04:35 AM.

#71 mmats

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 06:03 PM

I've been using 10g daily for the better part of a month now, and I'm happy with the results.  I've increased weight, reps, or both on almost all exercises.  The problem is that I can't rule out a placebo effect here, because I'm sure that I've been working harder since I got the "secret weapon".  I've noticed something else; I'd been having a lot of tendon issues, and in the past month these really seem to have improved.  I don't know if that's the Myo-X or just the fact that I've worked harder-- strengthening the musculature around tendon attachments does something that makes them hurt less.  I wish I could say "wow, there's no way this could have been placebo", but I can't.  All I can say is that I like the way I'm feeling.  I'm about to start on my second jar of Myo-X, so I'll try to report again in a month.


Still getting good results? Any changes in body weight or composition?

#72 Logic

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 06:30 PM

Effects of (-)-epicatechin [from dark chokolate] on molecular modulators of skeletal muscle growth and differentiation.
In humans, myostatin and β-galactosidase increase with aging while follistatin, MyoD and myogenin decrease. Treatment for 7 days with (-)-epicatechin increases hand grip strength and the ratio of plasma follistatin/myostatin. In conclusion, aging has deleterious effects on modulators of muscle growth/differentiation, and the consumption of modest amounts of the flavanol (-)-epicatechin can partially reverse these changes. This flavanol warrants its comprehensive evaluation for the treatment of sarcopenia.






Its also an AGE blocker/breaker, an AMPK activator and extended life expectancy in mice!

Epicatechin breaks preformed glycated serum albumin and reverses the retinal accumulation of advanced glycation end products.






An AGE blocker = less TNF- Alpha = less NF-kB = More telomerase = Epigenetic changes to younger phenotype.  + Myostatin blocker and Follistatin increaser!!

No wonder Jeanne Calment with her dark chocolate consumption lived so long!

This stuff is definitely on my list! 

Edited by Logic, 07 January 2016 - 06:35 PM.

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#73 motorcitykid

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 07:09 PM

When I set out on the Myo-X journey a little over a month ago, I was already training 4/5 days per week. Motivation kicked in as soon as I opened the Myo-X container(it was like opening up a container of motivation) and I decided to commit to an exercise program of a mandatory 5 days a week (non negotiable).

On the second day of Myo-X, motivation kicked in further and I decided that I was going to optimize (my already optimal) work out strategy. I included some mindful strategies in my workout based on a research study: taking 3 seconds time mid rep before extension phase to the top of next rep increases HGH production. I've always had good form when working w/ weights. For me, having good form increases the enhanced sense of well being I get from a weight training session. Performing slow, strict repetitions has always been a must but now that I had set out on the Myo-X journey I became even more of a stickler with my repetitions- 3 seconds time mid rep with every rep throughout my entire weight training session. 


But that wasn't enough. After two weeks I got antsy and wanted to do even more to improve my workout.What the hell happened to just taking Myo-X and working out normally? That idea went out the window.  I decided that I was going to up the anti even more and throw BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) into the mix. I haven't taken these in a long time and I'm happy that I re-introduced them back into the program. I could feel the fatigue fighting effects of BCAA's immediately- during and after my workout session.


So in effect, my Myo-X journey has turned into an "optimize my workout" journey and at this point I can't say that there are any noticeable improvements in strength or muscle growth. I do have more "on" days where I"m performing at my best athletic capacity but I attribute that to my combined effort-the motivation to be the best I can be, mandatory 5 day training, invigorated intensity during weight training/cardio sessions and BCAA's. I can say with a good amount of certainty that for me the BCAA's reduce fatigue-during and post workout. When I don't take the BCAA's there is a noticeble increase in fatigue during and post workout.


I'm going to continue taking Myo-X for another few months and if I don't see any noticeable increases in body mass/strength or aerobic capacity I'll scrap Myo-X from the regimen.


Edited by motorcitykid, 07 January 2016 - 07:19 PM.

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#74 Rocket

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:01 AM

99% of the workout sups work! But they work via placebo only. Unless its backed up by blood work or by added mass gains above what you got without it, then it didn't happen. :) I'm ordering blood labs done on my cjc1295 with dac done soon. I'll post in the appropriate section. But that myot12....... My god save 50 dollars and buy a dozen eggs and eat them raw. Same thing! Downside is no fancy packaging with electric lettering and words like Turbocharge Your Workouts! Buy yourself a good sarm and you will be better for it.

Edited by Rocket, 11 January 2016 - 03:02 AM.

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#75 SearchHorizon

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 01:15 AM

Presence of follistatin in plasma will not lead to hypertrophy UNLESS one of the following condition is present: (1) high level of insulin in plasma; or (2) high IGF-1 in plasma; or both insulin and IGF-1. I am too lazy to post a link to the study that supports this - but you can google for follistatin, insulin, and IGF-1 to locate the paper.


What this means is that when you take follistatin supps/peptides, you most likely won't become more muscular if you are in caloric deficit.


One strategy to overcome this limitation may be to be on intermittent fasting. Perhaps, a high level of insulin/IGF-1 during feeding period will lead to overcompensation in muscle growth (over breakdown).




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