Never mind Maecenas, seivtcho. When he was a kid, he was taught to jump up and down in a group of other kids, reciting a nursery rhyme which calls to hang all the Russians (-!?! - I know). This nursery rhyme is still very popular in his already adult generation and they delight in jumping and reciting it, whenever they get together for their anti-Russian rallies.
This nursery rhyme was the beginning of the re-education of the new, post-USSR generation in Ukraine. Over the years, it was financed out of those $5 billion the US invested in Ukraine, of which Victoria Nuland spoke in the leaked phone call, where she so famously stated what the US are willing to do to EU in order to achieve their goal of having Russia "divided into many independent states" --see? Maecenas was a good student.
Past kindergarten, already in school, he was taught a complete revision of history, where all the great things Russians were known for, were presented as actually Ukrainian -- even though Ukraine did not exist as a state until Bolsheviks, many of whom were from those regions, created a new Soviet republic by merging the outskirts of the former Hungaro-Austrian and Russian empires.
Ukraine means outskirts in Slavic languages. We say in England but on Ukraine, just like in English, it is on the outskirts of a town, not in. I heard on Polish TV, they also say on Ukraine. Is it the same in Bulgarian?
You spread lies, hatred and racist message by saying this. It's very intolerant and chauvinistic on your side. You say that 45 millions of people with their national identity don't exist, it's no better than propaganda in the times of nazi Germany.
During the 3 centuries of russian rule in Ukraine there were several genocides against ukrainians - the biggest one- Great Starvation -Golodomor in 1932-33, during which almost 10 millions of ukrainians died. Ukraine is famous for its fertile soils, and we used to have the biggest production of wheat in Europe. But this artificial starvation was made to russify this part of Russian empire, it was no better than Hitler killing Jews during WW2, it has the same goals, and it had even bigger scale. Putin nowadays is a good heir of his predecessor Stalin. But today it's not that easy to kill millions of people in the centreof Europe.
The revolution in Ukraine in winter was all about fighting rampant corruption and joining civilized world - European Union. Corruption was so strong that even to become a teacher at high school you should pay a 2000$ bribe. It was everywhere - you couldn't have any decent job without the need of paying bribes. Policemen, doctors - all had to pay money regularly to their administration not to be fired. All this money went to the pockets of president Yanukovich and his circle, who has stolen almost 70 billion of us dollars this way in 3 years and the last destination was mr. Putin. The root of this corruption lied in oil and gas mafia, which at present time rules Russia. So you see why such strong russian reaction followed after revolutionary events in Ukraine, because Putin's mafia lost their control over Ukraine and they neded to restore it. I can say it's the first time in history when Ukraine has become a really independent state, because even during the last 20 years all politicians except Viktor Yuschenko were strongly controlled by Kremlin.
Ukraine has never had any national or language contradictions or conflicts. But Putin, using his propaganda is trying to convince the world that there are some nationalistic problems. He sent almost 6000 mercenaries to Ukraine in the last 2 months to spread chaos and violence in the eastern part of Ukraine. Peaceful people are dying as a consequence of his greed and amorality.
The kind of politics which Putin uses nowadays in Russia copies that of Hitler's. He has the almighty propaganda machine which is stronger than that of Gebbels' and it works everywhere in the world. I regularly read different english and german newspaper - all the comments after articles about Russia are dominated by russian bots, who are paid to spread misinformation.
So you might understand that's what currently happens in world politics is not some ideological confrontation of western and russian ideology, it's a confrontaion of the civilized and democratic world (although not perfect one) with a totally corrupted totalitarian system, which was built in the last decades due to selling natural resources, mostly gas and oil, and making Puting and the circle of oligarchs around him the richest persons in the world.
The picture of the west as shown in russian media is very gloomy. They state that EU and USA are the centres of moral and economical corruption, that they are in some sense fascist and they spread this fascism to Ukraine. Contrary to that Russia is presented as the world's last stronghold of morals, which is called "Russkiy Mir", and is based on russian orthodox christianity, russian soul, russian language, cyrillic alphabet, and one strong head of state (like tsar).r this is the message you van hear on the daily basis from russian TV channels and newspapers
Btw, I am not Ukrainian, though I currently live in Ukraine
Edited by Maecenas, 31 July 2014 - 07:43 AM.