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Is World War 3 Soon Coming?

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Poll: Is World War 3 soon coming? (201 member(s) have cast votes)

Is World War 3 soon coming?

  1. Yes (64 votes [32.65%])

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  2. No (132 votes [67.35%])

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#151 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:33 PM




Translated citing:


"In the year of 1480 the mongolo - tatarian rule was definately defeated. This happened after fights of the moscow and the mongolo - tatarian armies at the river of Urga. "


How and why the historical fact of the 200 years mongol rule menas, that Russia did not manage to destroy all the powers, who tried to invade or conquer it, including the mongols?


Shall I understand, that you base your vision for the harmless Russia only by what you see among the russian people and not taking into consideration everything, that you don't see, because, for example is in secret military bases?

I don't say it's harmless. Modern Russia as governed by Putin's mafia has devastating effect on its own people. It's a backwards country in all respects. The only reason it shouldn't be neglected is the posession of nuclear weapons and totalitarian political regimen. I think it's in the interest of humanity that Russia should be divided into many independent states (there are many peoples in Russia who want to be independent, but are opressed by Putin's mafia).

I think the biggest global political problems presently are Russia, islamic world and China. They pose a great danger for the future of humanity.



Politics is too difficult to be represented in such a definitive and narrow-minded way. For exampe, there exist people, who will tell you exactly the opposite, but backed up with arguments.

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#152 xEva

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 09:45 PM

Never mind Maecenas, seivtcho. When he was a kid, he was taught to jump up and down in a group of other kids, reciting a nursery rhyme which calls to hang all the Russians (-!?! - I know). This nursery rhyme is still very popular in his already adult generation and they delight in jumping and reciting it, whenever they get together for their anti-Russian rallies.

This nursery rhyme was the beginning of the re-education of the new, post-USSR generation in Ukraine. Over the years, it was financed out of those $5 billion the US invested in Ukraine, of which Victoria Nuland spoke in the leaked phone call, where she so famously stated what the US are willing to do to EU in order to achieve their goal of having Russia "divided into many independent states" --see? Maecenas was a good student.

Past kindergarten, already in school, he was taught a complete revision of history, where all the great things Russians were known for, were presented as actually Ukrainian -- even though Ukraine did not exist as a state until Bolsheviks, many of whom were from those regions, created a new Soviet republic by merging the outskirts of the former Hungaro-Austrian and Russian empires.

Ukraine means outskirts in Slavic languages. We say in England but on Ukraine, just like in English, it is on the outskirts of a town, not in. I heard on Polish TV, they also say on Ukraine. Is it the same in Bulgarian?

Edited by xEva, 30 July 2014 - 09:46 PM.

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#153 Maecenas

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 07:25 AM

Never mind Maecenas, seivtcho. When he was a kid, he was taught to jump up and down in a group of other kids, reciting a nursery rhyme which calls to hang all the Russians (-!?! - I know). This nursery rhyme is still very popular in his already adult generation and they delight in jumping and reciting it, whenever they get together for their anti-Russian rallies.

This nursery rhyme was the beginning of the re-education of the new, post-USSR generation in Ukraine. Over the years, it was financed out of those $5 billion the US invested in Ukraine, of which Victoria Nuland spoke in the leaked phone call, where she so famously stated what the US are willing to do to EU in order to achieve their goal of having Russia "divided into many independent states" --see? Maecenas was a good student.

Past kindergarten, already in school, he was taught a complete revision of history, where all the great things Russians were known for, were presented as actually Ukrainian -- even though Ukraine did not exist as a state until Bolsheviks, many of whom were from those regions, created a new Soviet republic by merging the outskirts of the former Hungaro-Austrian and Russian empires.

Ukraine means outskirts in Slavic languages. We say in England but on Ukraine, just like in English, it is on the outskirts of a town, not in. I heard on Polish TV, they also say on Ukraine. Is it the same in Bulgarian?



 You spread lies, hatred and racist message by saying this. It's very intolerant and chauvinistic on your side. You say that 45 millions of people with their national identity don't exist, it's no better than propaganda in the times of nazi Germany. 

During the 3 centuries of russian rule in Ukraine there were several genocides against ukrainians - the biggest one- Great Starvation -Golodomor in 1932-33, during which almost 10 millions of ukrainians died. Ukraine is famous for its fertile soils, and we used to have the biggest production of wheat in Europe. But this artificial starvation was made to russify this part of Russian empire, it was no better than Hitler killing Jews during WW2, it has the same goals, and it had even bigger scale. Putin nowadays is a good heir of his predecessor Stalin. But today it's not that easy to kill millions of people in the centreof Europe.

     The revolution in Ukraine in winter was all about fighting rampant corruption and joining civilized world - European Union. Corruption was so strong that even to become a teacher at high school you should pay a 2000$ bribe. It was everywhere - you couldn't have any decent job without the need of paying bribes. Policemen, doctors - all had to pay money regularly to their administration not to be fired. All this money went to the pockets of president Yanukovich and his circle, who has stolen almost 70 billion of us dollars this way in 3 years and the last destination was mr. Putin. The root of this corruption lied in oil and gas mafia, which at present time rules Russia. So you see why such strong russian reaction followed after revolutionary events in Ukraine, because Putin's mafia lost their control over Ukraine and they neded to restore it.  I can say it's the first time in history when Ukraine has become a really independent state, because even during the last 20 years all politicians except Viktor Yuschenko were strongly controlled by Kremlin.

       Ukraine has never had any national or language contradictions or conflicts. But Putin, using his propaganda is trying to convince the world that there are some nationalistic problems. He sent almost 6000 mercenaries to Ukraine in the last 2 months to spread chaos and violence in the eastern part of Ukraine. Peaceful people are dying as a consequence of his greed and amorality.

      The kind of politics which Putin uses nowadays in Russia copies that of Hitler's. He has the almighty propaganda machine which is stronger than that of Gebbels' and it works everywhere in the world. I regularly read different english and german newspaper - all the comments after articles about Russia are dominated by russian bots, who are paid to spread misinformation.

      So you might understand that's what currently happens in world politics is not some ideological confrontation of western and russian ideology, it's a confrontaion of the civilized and democratic world (although not perfect one) with a totally corrupted totalitarian system, which was built in the last decades due to selling natural resources, mostly gas and oil, and making Puting and the circle of oligarchs around him the richest persons in the world.

     The picture of the west as shown in russian media is very gloomy. They state that EU and USA are the centres of moral and economical corruption, that they are in some sense fascist and they spread this fascism to Ukraine. Contrary to that Russia is presented as the world's last stronghold of morals, which is called "Russkiy Mir", and is based on russian orthodox christianity, russian soul, russian language, cyrillic alphabet, and one strong head of state (like tsar).r this is the message you van hear on the daily basis from russian TV channels and newspapers 

Btw, I am not Ukrainian, though I currently live in Ukraine


Edited by Maecenas, 31 July 2014 - 07:43 AM.

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#154 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 11:03 AM

Yes, Ukraine in bulgarian (Украйна) really can be translated "At the end" especially in one of the dialects. U + krai + suffix "na". To be honest, I haven't been thinking over that unril now.


Maecenas really seem to believe in some propaganda. He very confirmative and directly responds by following only one of the possible views about difficult and multi-dimentional subjects. 


It seems like either I have an independent and a completely different point of view, or I have been under the influence of a completely different propaganda :) :) :) :)  


Both are equally possible.


I rememver the time of the 1980's in Bulgaria when I was a schoolboy. There existed the such - called "Bulgarian - Soviet friendship". Bulgaria and the former Soviet Union were very big friends. Why I am saying that? Because some children from the bulgarian schools (mainly girls at different ages) were writting letters with other children from different parts of the Soviet Union including Moscow and Ukraine. These children were saying with an enthusiasm what exactly they have been writting with the soviet (inluding with the ukraine) children. Noone was saying something about "russian rule", "genocides against ukraine" or something simmilar. Instead they were writting about how nice they live with their parients.


I never have been thinking, that slavianian will be agressive against another slavianian especially if they originate from different parts of the ex - Soviet Union.


Many people from Ukraine actually want to be part of Russia. So even today, during the events in Ukraine, we have from one of the side ukrainian people, who want to be a separate country, but we ahve and another very large (maybe even larger) part of ukrainian people, who want to be a part from Russia.

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#155 Maecenas

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 11:57 AM

I thought people on this website were the least nationalistic of all, now I see I was wrong. The whole idea of transhumanism is totally opposite to any form of nationalism. I was telling you about some atrocities in Ukraine caused by russian nationalism, also about economical corruption and unfair social system which made people protest  and you respond to me with the same nationalistic bullshit. There are no slavs who are biologically slavs, as there are no italians who are biologically italians. But there exists some false ideology that being born in some culture makes you privileged. It's the same crap as religion - it's a product of human ignorance.

Edited by Maecenas, 31 July 2014 - 11:58 AM.

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#156 xEva

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 04:11 PM

@Maecenas: so far, on this thread about how to survive WW3, should it happen, you were the one who brought up anti-Russian propaganda. Who is the nationalist here? Presenting your stance as "totally opposite to any form of nationalism", you say:

"I think the biggest global political problems presently are Russia, islamic world and China. They pose a great danger for the future of humanity."

That would be a good reason to bomb them :) eh?

It looks like the long-term US investment in Ukraine is finally paying off. The new Russians-hating generation of Ukrainians is ready for harvest to use as cannon fodder in the US proxy war with Russia. Some of us are very concerned. Not you:

"The [Russian] army is not professional, consists of ill-trained draftees, whose whole training was shooting 3 bullets and peeling potatoes during two years of service. All nuclear weapons are old and can be shot down by american anti-missile systems.
"Nowadays a brain power matters and Russia has none."
"Given all of the above I predict the end of Russia as a country in the next 5 years." 

and finally:

"I think it's in the interest of humanity that Russia should be divided into many independent states"

...headed by the US appointed governments, I would add. Which this impending war just happens to be all about.

You say that you're not Ukrainian, you just happen to live there. The military draft of all adult males up to the age of 60 was announced past week. Did you enlist?


Edited by xEva, 31 July 2014 - 04:13 PM.

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#157 Maecenas

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 04:47 PM

   Aren't you getting paid by Putin?Because it seems you are working hard to defend him.  If not, you should try to contact russian government, they actually pay money for spreading their propaganda. By justifying the actions of russians nowadays you justify the murdering of innocent people here in Ukraine.

     What's so nationalistic about saying that Russia, islamic world and China pose a danger to the world? These countries are mostly authoritarian, freedom of speech and human rights are violated there. I am against the political and religious systems which cause that, not against nationalities. And there can be many solutions to that problem, not only war as you propose.

   I say you once more, I have nothing against russians, but I despise their political system and unwillingness to change. They have 1/10 of the territory of this planet and only 2 percent of its population. This territory has the biggest natural resources in the world. They should have been living like kings there, but instead most of the population is very poor and nobody raises any questions to the government, which steals 90 percent of all money. Russian GDP is almost two times lower than that of Germany, which has a territory 50 times smaller and almost no natural resources.

    As for russian army you may know that it's not professional army, but consists of draftees, as it's based on compulsory 2 years conscription. You can watch numerous videos on youtube about the kind of anarchy which is present in russian army.

    I really think, that given the current state of political development, Russia poses a great threat for the future of humankind. The main reason for this belief is that Russia is governed by people of very low educational level who came to politics during the 90s when there was economical and political chaos in this country, and at that time the way to politics led through murders and criminality.

   The draft last week here was only partial for people who previously were professional military servicemen.

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#158 xEva

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 06:44 PM

Oh please! Ad hominem accusations are not a good sign. Worse yet, you still insist on your anti-Russian rant. The question here is: do you feel safe in the current political situation, especially since you're living in Ukraine?

There is no secret that a civil war is ongoing there and it looks very much like it will soon spill into the war with Russia. You believe there will be "the end of Russia as a country in the next 5 years." At what cost to you personally and Europe at large will this end be achieved?

Edited by xEva, 31 July 2014 - 06:50 PM.

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#159 Maecenas

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 07:17 PM

     There is no civil war in Ukraine. Ukrainian military is fighting against mercenaries who are paid and equipped by Russia to spread as much chaos here as possible. They kill hundreds of peaceful inhabitants under the guise of ukrainian army spreading hatred against people. They recruit local men under a threat of death to them and their families. I have 8 of my friends living in Luhansk and Donetsk region so I have this information first-hand.

      Putin followed similar scenario of war in Georgia in 2008 and earlier it was practised in Chechnya, Abhasia and Pridnestrovie.

     Have you ever wondered why this movement against Ukraine in the east began right after president Yanukovich escaped from Ukraine? Yanukovich and his circle have stolen almost 70 billion us dollars in 3 years of their rule. After they left, everyone in Ukraine had a chance to visit their former residencies. I was their myself and i saw those golden toilets incrastinated with diamonds. Yanukovich's main residence Mezhigorye was estimated to cost 25 million us dollars. And Yanukovich is now under protection of Putin. And those money, stolen from ukrainians are now paid to mercenaries to kill ukrainians, because this mafia wants to return their political power.

      Is European Union with its high standard of living so scary to the inhabitants of the east that they are ready to kill people in order not to join it? There is no logical explanation for what is going on in Ukraine now except that this is the brutal way of morally corrupted people like Putin and Yanukovich to return the source of their income, as they are the part of the biggest corruption mafia in modern history.

Edited by Maecenas, 31 July 2014 - 07:23 PM.

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#160 xEva

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 09:02 PM

I asked you specific, direct questions. Instead of answering them you spread Ukrainian TV propaganda and in doing so continue to justify your position that Russia must be destroyed. Again: at what cost to you personally? At what cost to Europe?

Let me make it easier for you: Suppose you're right and in 5 years Russia is ended as a country. What will become of Europe then and how are you planning to survive those 5 years?
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#161 Maecenas

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 09:10 PM

You are behaving very arrogantly by calling my words propaganda. You don't have any information about me. What if I don't watch Ukrainian TV? You aren't even trying to discuss the problem, you make some arrogant accusations without any arguments at all. 

   As for your second question - I will leave Ukraine at any moment  if there would be any danger to my life or life of my family.

   You'd better see the connection between your words and was is happening in Ukraine. By defending Putin's politics you take part in these russian nazi crimes currently in Ukraine, you become responsible for the death of those people, who just happend to stay on a way of Putin's greed.

Edited by Maecenas, 31 July 2014 - 09:26 PM.

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#162 xEva

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 11:56 PM

Go easy on accusations. Funny that you keep on bringing up Putin, even though I have not mentioned him once. Funnier still, you appear unaware that I am the one here arguing against war, while you keep presenting reasons for it.

Evading the direct question of what will happen to Europe, you are quick to appoint me responsible for "the death of those people" and clearly don't see the connection between you advocating for the destruction of Russia and the lives of millions that will be payed to achieve that goal. And! you forgot to mention who will be doing all that destruction --"in the interest of humanity", no less-- while you and your family will be gone at the first moment of danger to your lives.

And by the way, where will you go?

Edited by xEva, 31 July 2014 - 11:57 PM.

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#163 Maecenas

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:33 AM

   I haven't accused anyone here. I just told you to be more aware about your words, cause it seems you have a lack of information about current situation in Ukraine.

   Show me where I say anything about the war against Russia or destruction of Russia. You don't follow my arguments and accuse me of "anti-russian rant". I am anti-russian in so far as I am against corruption, social injustice, enslavement of people by absurd laws, totalitarian rule of one person for 8 years as prime minister and 14 years as apresisent in a row (and potentially lifelong) and a huge number of other awful antihuman things which happen in the modern russian society.  I haven't said a word about how i propose to overcome these political problems, but you accuse me of calling people to make war. I have no further interest of arguing with you on this topic, cause I don't see the point of arguing about it with someone, who doesn't even try to analyze what I am saying.

   I said that I will leave Ukraine because I have no inclination to take part in the war, as I see any war as the most irrational and shameful way to deal with problems for human beings who have mind to solve any possible problem.



Edited by Maecenas, 01 August 2014 - 10:55 AM.

#164 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:30 PM

Wow people, you started to quarrel quite much. It is nice, that the WW3 does not depend on you:) otherwise, the donkey would fire the nuclear missles and XEva would fire hers in response :) and nuclear armagedon is done. :) :)


By the way Maecenas, since you are not ukrainian, why you are so dedicated to the ukrainian propaganda?

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#165 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:45 PM


   Show me where I say anything about ... destruction of Russia.



"I think the biggest global political problems presently are Russia, islamic world and China. They pose a great danger for the future of humanity."




"I think it's in the interest of humanity that Russia should be divided into many independent states"

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#166 xEva

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:27 PM

Show me where I say anything about ... destruction of Russia.

"I think the biggest global political problems presently are Russia, islamic world and China. They pose a great danger for the future of humanity."
"I think it's in the interest of humanity that Russia should be divided into many independent states"

lol obviously this self-professed transhumanist, peace-lover and, most notably, anti-nationalist, does not believe that Muslims, Chinese and Russians constitute a part of humanity. Though together, at the moment, they account for 3.045 billion or 41% of world population.

approx. numbers:

7.250 billion is current world population
1.6 Muslims
1.331 Chinese (1.354 population - 0.023 Chinese Muslims)
0.114 Russians (0.141 * 81% of ethnic Russians in Russia)

Just like the current Ukranian TV propaganda calls their rebellious countrymen in the East, they must be subhuman :) right Maecenas?

Edited by xEva, 01 August 2014 - 10:44 PM.

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#167 xEva

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 11:00 PM

Hey Maecenas, looks like Russians are the least of your problems!
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#168 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 02 August 2014 - 07:04 AM

Alright, alright. Lets go back to the topic.


"Is World War 3 Soon Coming?"


I noticed, that the majority thnks, that it is not comming. Hope the majority is right.


xEva, I noticed, that you have a groomy expectations for Europe at the year of 2016.

Why do you think so?

#169 xEva

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Posted 02 August 2014 - 05:10 PM

Well, last week, when I saw this thread, the vote was something like 39-99 and now it is 41-100, with new votes adding 2-1.. ..or was it 38-99 -? Too small a change. Still, one could sorta try and make a case that during this past week the opinion shifted from 30-70 that had accumulated since 2007 to current 50-50.

More people should vote, and maybe those who voted back in 2007 changed their mind in the recent weeks -? I know I certainly would. Never thought it would come to this  :sad:

Re my gloomy expectations, don't know about you but to me it's clear that the US is determined to have Russia "divided into many independent states" -- all "in the interest of humanity", of course. The smear campaign against Putin was in full swing during the Olympic Games already. Like before it was Milosevic, Saddam and Gaddafi and now it is Putin's turn. The public opinion has been prepared. It is now cool to hate Putin, though, according to Russians themselves, he and Lavrov are not only rare, true statesmen but also real patriots. Putin has nothing but interests of Russia in mind -- which explains why the US want to take him out.

Rumor has it, the US has reasons to believe that they can win a nuclear war with Russia. Clearly, I can't say 'hope they are right'. They've been wrong before ..and not just once.

But, whoever wins, that's not the question. How much this war will cost, specifically Europe of course, and possibly to the Northern Hemisphere. Russians ain't gonna go without a fight and those who think otherwise are seriously deluded. Besides, most people outside the English-speaking countries and Europe really hate Merica. Their governments may be compelled to help Russia out, however they can, which could get the rest of the world into the fight. Scary proposition, eh?

In tumultuous times it is customary to turn to seers. And here, of course, Baba Vanga comes to mind. Starting to seriously freak out last week, I suddenly remembered the Russian TV series about her where she predicts that in 2016 Europe will be deserted. What if she turns out right? What if indeed, the worst will happen. There are a number of nuclear plants in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine (besides Chernobyl) which could be bombed, even if accidentally. What do Bulgarians say?

Edited by xEva, 02 August 2014 - 05:29 PM.

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#170 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 03 August 2014 - 06:43 AM

Bulgarians, like the people from everywhere have different oppinions, so I can't guarantee, that I can tell the oppinion of the majority of the people in Bulgaria. I and the people arround me think, that WW3 will not come soon.


I think, that in a global war with global weapons there will not be a winner. All the countries, who get involved will be destroyed. The entire population of the planet will be killed as a side effect. Those, who will survive will die out during the years after. The jerks on the National Geographic Channel, who dig trenches and gather food in order to be prepared, will die too. The best way to deal with a third global war is to avoid it. I strongly suggest, that neither USA, nor Russia desire to suicide, and I think, that the people, wrom who depends the global war are very well informed about its consequences for their country, family, those who they love and for themselves. I think, that now and at the near future (the next 10 years) there will be only local conflicts.

#171 xEva

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 03:29 PM

No votes no comments. Obviously, ww3 is a non-issue on this forum. ..but then again it has always been dominated by dreamers.

If people living in Ukraine and Bulgaria are not worried, I guess I should just get a big bag of chips and watch the show. It's vacation time in Europe. War games are scheduled for Sep. Oct should prove interesting.
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#172 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 06 August 2014 - 05:57 AM

What exactly will happen in September / October ?

#173 xEva

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:39 AM

In order to know what will happen, it pays to follow the news. And it looks like it's gonna unfold this month. already! Presumably, the warmongers are pressed for time, cause they don't want to lose the momentum, as the preliminary results of the MH17 investigation are slowly becoming known. Judge for yourself:
- On wed, New Straits Times, the major Malaysian newspaper, published the article where, according to unnamed experts, MH17 was shot by air-to-air missile and then finished off with cannon rounds. The official Malaysian team is expected to publish their preliminary results in the end of next week.
- yesterday (Thu), right after the visit by Rasmussen and 3 weeks after the crash, the Ukrainian Secret Service, instead of finally sharing their radar and air traffic control records, held a press conference, where they presented a very different story from what they had promoted before. Now they claim that Russians planned to shoot their own Aeroflot plane, full of Russian tourists, but shot MH17 instead (-?! I know). They stressed, that this was Russians' casus belli for the invasion planned next day. The funniest part is that no major MSM has touched this story yet.

- today (Fri), on the most watched Ukrainian political TV weekly Shuster live the deputy head of the Presidential Administration ran in, all excited and out of breath, and announced that a major "Russian provocation" had just been averted. Apparently, under the cover of darkness and under the guise of humanitarian aid, Russian troops approached the Ukrainian border, "but the movement of the column was stopped on time". This live performance was staged toward the end of the show, which, incidentally, started with the head of the SBU repeating that bizarre 'Russians wanted to shoot their own plane to start the war with us' story.


There was more to the 3.5 hr show. Very telling was the mood of the audience to fight in the East to the end, no matter what the human cost. No negotiations with terrorists!


Among esteemed guests was the ex-president of Georgia Saakashvili, who not only reminisced about the anniversary of the 2008 South Ossetia war, but also repeatedly urged Ukrainians to be brave facing up to Putin. He stressed that while Putin's regime existed, the prospective of a free and democratic Ukraine was "unrealistic". He said that Putin was weak and desperate and that Ukrainians should "hold on just a little longer", that Europe was looking up to them to "save civilization from this barbaric threat", that only after the Putin regime is gone will the Ukrainians be finally able to live in free and prosperous Europe. His last words were, "Europe will be very grateful for all you do and your blood".


..whoa.. (I know) 


Russians will probably deny that they had attempted to enter Ukraine this past night -- which will not prevent the MSM to insist on the Amer-Ukrainian version of things.



Based on these events, in just the past 3 days, I change my previous estimate. I think the shit will hit the fan already this month. Here is how it will unfold:


On some other, more convenient date in not so distant future, the news will break 'Russians invade Ukraine!' It will sound less shocking then and will be more believable, since 'they've already done it on the 8th'. Surely, the US will compel Europe to help Ukraine to fight off the aggressor.

How quickly it's gonna get really ugly will largely depend on how Europeans will react in the coming few days.



Edited by xEva, 09 August 2014 - 05:01 AM.

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#174 PWAIN

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:10 AM

XEva, this says different...


#175 ihatesnow

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:21 PM

I just hope that Bush leaves the white house as soon as possible so i can have some relief.. as long as he's president god knows what he might do.


what do you think now in 2014

#176 forever freedom

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 04:21 PM

Well the war in Iraq was folly but Obama's economic policy is horrific and most likely doing more damage than Bush's wars.

#177 Maecenas

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Posted 11 August 2014 - 06:50 PM

xEva are you living in the USA and support Russia? You should be very short-sighted person or you are russian, which can explain why you are so brainwashed. By supporting Russia you support crime and chaos, which will potentially destabilize world for the next half century and would not allow life extension science to progress. Moreover it can significantly slow down scientific and economical developement of the world.

Edited by Maecenas, 11 August 2014 - 06:59 PM.

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#178 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 06:26 AM

The same can be said for you, Maecenas. You live in Ukraine and you want to sacrifice it in a kamikadze attack agains Russia, and maybe starting the WW3 as a side effect :)

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#179 Maecenas

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 10:19 AM

The same can be said for you, Maecenas. You live in Ukraine and you want to sacrifice it in a kamikadze attack agains Russia, and maybe starting the WW3 as a side effect :)

     What are you talking about? What kamikadze attack? Where did I talk about that?

     You live on the same planet, where the bloodiest dictators had lived. And the bloodiest ever where from Russia, China, Germany (the difference is chinese and russians mostly murdered there own citizens without the help of external enemies). Now you seem to treat Russia and China which haven't changed their attitude towards human life and freedom  as an equal with western democracies. There exist at least two main reasons for such irrational behaviour in the modern world - religious fanaticism(mostly islam) and all kinds of nationalism, which stem from the same cognitive bias.

    Nowadays another russian maniac Putin has already killed 8000 people in Ukraine. He doesn't care if he'd kill millions, because in the end there is no difference between killing thousands and millions.  If you know the history of USSR, you probably realize that tens of millions people died there just for nothing. Imagine yourself been proclaimed as an enemy of the people tommorow for no reason and being executed without a trial the day after - that's what Russia was 60 years ago. 

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#180 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 10:54 AM

You know what, we went quite long off-topic and before to aware ourselfs, we turned this topic into a political dogfight.


The topic was "Is WW3 soon coming"


Lets go back to it. How do you think? Will it come or not?

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