For the record, the yes-no distribution in the poll now is 31% yes to 69% no.
I have just changed my vote to yes again. Please tell me I'm being paranoid. But here is my reasoning:
1. russophobia has been going on for years (though I personally became aware of it only in 2014, during the olympic games in Sochi -- before that I was not paying attention to politics at all). It's a given now that Russians are to blame for all wrongs that befall the US or EU.
2. recently it has reached unprecedented heights and is manifested in blatant anti-russian propaganda in all MSM. The latest example is NBC Putin interview, on which the MSM reported by completely twisting his words. Also if you compare the full unedited version (or full transcript) with the masterfully edited version that was shown, -- it's like he said something entirely different -- while WaPo simply lied about what he said (which is clear to any Russian speaker who heard the original). And these are supposedly "respectable" publications -- unbelievable!
3. it has always been the case that before a war is started the "enemy" is thoroughly vilified -- which was recently the case with Hussein and Gaddafi, and now Putin. Most people in the west, who otherwise are not that interested in the subject and rely on MSM for their opinion, are now completely and thoroughly brainwashed when it comes to Russia in general and Putin in particular. In other words, they are ready to support the aggression, which, they are told, will free Russia of the "Putin regime"-- and it does not matter to them that most Russians support Putin. They actually believe that Russians, who've been living under Putin for 18 years now, don't know about Russia or Putin as much as they know from MSM (this part in particular never ceased to amaze me).
4. Recently, during the state of the union address (?!), Puin showed hastily made animations of the latest rockets, which, I thought, were meant to cool off the heads of neo-cons baying for a war against Russia
5. the neo-cons' reply was, no way, the Russians are bluffing
6. today, on the state TV, in the news, the Russians showed the test of one of those rockets, live -- as if saying, it ain't no bluff!
7. in the meantime, the UK declared Russia guilty of Skripal poisoning and gave it an ultimatum, accusing it of aggression against the UK
8. In the news, Russians are also saying that today-tomorrow the Americans will bomb Damascus, under the pretense of revenge for the anticipated gas attack, which has not happened yet but was announced (in advance!) last week. Russian forces (or just advisors-?) in Syria are expected to be part of the target
What's going on?! To me the latest developments appear to imply that Russians have known of the impending attack and attempted to avoid it by showing their latest rockets, while the neo-cons are in a hurry to start the war before those rockets, whose readiness they doubt, become the reality.
What, any day now? even before the Russian elections (this Sun march 18)? Please tell me it ain't so 
Edited by xEva, 13 March 2018 - 09:05 PM.