In his book dr. de Grey says that it’s impossible to prevent the formation of AGEs by altering your diet. But it’s possible to change to amount of each AGE individually (by altering your diet you will only form other AGEs not less AGEs). But what if you combine alagebriumchloride with a diet that sifts the kind of AGEs to AGEs that are breakable by alagebriumchloride. For example: MOLD is breakable by alagebriumchloride but glucosepane not. If you digest carbohydrates your body produces more glucosepane and if you digest more fats and proteins your body will produce more MOLD. So if you ate a carbohydrate poor and fat and protein rich diet than your body will produce more AGEs that are breakable by alagebriumchloride. So the best way is combining a diet and alagebriumchloride.
The AGEs (glucosepane and MOLD) are random chosen, I have not had the time to look it up.
What do you think about my idea?