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Why Do We Age?

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#1 Aegist

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Posted 01 October 2003 - 07:15 AM

Why do we age?
by Shane Greenup
University of New South Wales, Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences Department, Sydney, Australia

The Evolutionary Context of Senescence
People have rationalised aging and the inevitability of death throughout the past as ‘only natural’, ‘For the good of the species’ or as ‘Making way for the next generation’. Taking a closer look at the evidence though quickly makes it plainly clear that these explanations are simply wrong. In a typical natural environment organisms die through predation, accident, starvation, infection and other such events long before aging becomes a factor [20]. Aging, as a general rule, has virtually no influence in the natural world, and it this fact precisely that explains how it is that aging arose in the first place.

In 1957 Williams wrote a paper called “Pleiotropy, Natural Selection, and the Evolution of Senescence” which built on the idea introduced in 1952 by Medawar [14] that evolution would not be able to exert any real selective pressure on genes which act after the reproductive age. Williams proposed a more practical idea, that genes which produce an advantage early in life but have a later acting negative effect would still be selected regardless of the later effect. He claimed that “natural selection may be said to be biased in favour of youth over old age whenever a conflict of interest arises [20].” This theory, known as ‘Antagonistic Pleiotropy’ has since been expanded once more by Kirkwood in 1977 with the addition of the ‘Disposable Soma Theory’ [10]. This latest addition picks up on the bias natural selection has for youth and suggests that organisms evolve in a way which puts as many resources into ensuring youthful vigour and reproductive success as is required, and only after these two facets are assured do any resources get distributed into maintaining the somatic cells. In other words, evolution cannot select long living individuals if they are going to die before reproduction anyway. Evolution recognises that the body is disposable and so allocates resources appropriately.

These theories are important because they form a basis from which investigations into the mechanisms of aging can be approached from. These theories imply that it is unlikely for there to be any genes ‘for’ aging as such, but instead there will actually be genes ‘against’ aging. They imply that the causes of aging will actually be side effects of otherwise beneficial genes. They also imply that the genes associated with longevity will actually be genes which affect the durability and maintenance of the somatic cells [11].

The Free Radical Theory of Aging
The Free Radical Theory of aging has become one of the main focuses of aging research today. The theory proposes that reactive oxygen species (ROS – The ‘Free Radicals’), largely produced as a side effect of normal mitochondrial metabolism, cause progressive damage resulting in the functional decline that defines aging [4]. A lot of evidence for the theory is apparent in the fact that most lab organisms which have had an increased life span, have also been shown to have an increased oxidative stress response [2][13][19].

The overwhelming correlation between increased stress response and increased lifespan has an incredibly strong implication that ROS may cause some aspect of aging. The stress response which combats the ROS, extending lifespan, happens to be a perfect example of the expected type of relationship to form under the Antagonistic Pleiotropy theory. Aerobic metabolism undoubtedly evolved shortly after the mass extinction of most obligate anaerobes was caused by the flooding of Earth in O2 from Cyanobacteria photosynthesis. The surviving bacteria must have had some sort of oxidation resistance already, but those which utilised their existing photosynthetic electron transport chains to extract energy from the newly abundant energy source of O2 would have had a much larger advantage over its anaerobic competitors [3].

The evolution of aerobic respiration was undoubtedly beneficial in its context and the basic control of oxidative damage was already set up, while the accumulation of damage from the occasional escaped superoxide particle was unlikely to have any noticeable deleterious effect on the quickly replicating bacteria. It isn’t until evolutionary history proceeds, conditions change, life expectancies change as complexity increases, and the small amounts of damage become increasingly important. The evolution of increasingly efficient antioxidants is the only method available to counteract this side effect of an otherwise incredibly beneficial gene.

This hypothetical story may not be completely accurate, but the evidence does support something at least similar. Overexpression of the genes for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase in Drosophila, the two primary ROS scavenging enzymes, increases lifespan by around 34% [9], demonstrating both the effect ROS may have on lifespan, as well as the importance of controlling the ROS. More interestingly, overexpression of just the human SOD1 gene increased its lifespan by 40% [9], implying the more effective scavenging ability of the human SOD enzyme which would be expected in a longer living organism. age-1 mutants in C. elegans live twice as long as the controls and were found to also increase SOD and catalse activity [9], while the Methuselah mutant Drosophila also demonstrated increased resistance to oxidative stress, high temperature and starvation, and lived 35% longer than their parent strain [13]. Both of these examples also show how counteracting the ROS may be incredibly influential in longevity.

Having said that, an important criticism raised recently by Spencer et al [19] about the quality of specimens used for longevity comparisons may just undermine exactly how meaningful an ‘extension’ of 30-50% in lifespan may be. The breeding techniques employed in labs to maintain their stocks of Drosophila, results in a selection pressure for rapid reproduction and large litters [15]. The Disposable Soma Theory states that this would create an evolutionary pressure to direct resources to those areas at the expense of soma durability and maintenance. Spencer et al demonstrated that the extension in life from overexpression of SOD was in fact dependent on the genetic background the specimen was taken from, showing some results which had a noticeable increase in longevity, and occasional results which actually decreased longevity. Perhaps naturally living Drosophila naturally ‘overexpress’ SOD and catalase already?

Whatever the case may be, it seems reasonable enough to accept that ROS plays a key role in aging, and Antioxidant enzymes like SOD play a key role in controlling ROS. Whether this information can be used to actually extend lifespan or improve the average quality of life in older age is far from certain, but at least we have something to work with.

Other Theories on Aging
Far from being the only theory on aging though, the Free Radical Theory is only one of many theories. There is the alternative version of the Free Radical Theory, the Mitochondrial Theory of aging, which uses the ROS idea in a vicious circle where damage to the Mitochondrion causes more ROS to be created, resulting in an exponential increase in oxidative damage [7]. This theory has lost favour in more recent times, though still attracts interest [7][16][8]. Genome Instability, the accumulation of mutations, rearrangements and changes in chromosome number have been proposed as another cause of aging [9], while an offshoot of this theory is based on the accumulation of ribosomal DNA loops which bud out of the genome then proceed to replicate themselves, growing in number and eventually causing fragmentation of the nucleolus [18]. This has only been observed in S. Cerevisiae though so has little following as a general theory of aging. Research into the WRN gene, the gene responsible for the human progeria disease Werner Syndrome, has implicated the function of DNA Helicases and their actions in suppressing DNA recombination in aging [9]. Genetic programs for aging based on genes found in C. elegans [9], accumulation of potentially harmful abnormal proteins [12], and the cell death theory which claims that gradual loss of cells in postmitotic organs eventually leads to degeneration, are all offered as aging theories. A theory of Systemic Control of aging in the body by something such as the endocrine system has been suggested with evidence from C. elegans. Apfeld and Kenyon (1998) demonstrated that a small number of mutant cells could confer increased lifespan to the entire animal [9], believing that this meant that the gene in question produced a secreted factor which dictated the pace of aging.

An important implication from all these theories and all of the research done on these theories over the years is becoming more and more clear: It is unlikely that we are going to find ‘The’ cause of aging. Even if a systemic control factor of aging is discovered, it is unlikely to provide a simple way out of aging. Assuming we could just trick the body into behaving like it was 18 years old, we would still have to deal with the accumulation of oxidative damage, the loss of postmitotic cells, the risks of cancer, heart disease and other diseases of accumulation/degeneration.

Now implicit in the cell death theory of aging, Telomeres have gained particular notoriety as the biological clock of aging. In 1961 Hayflick and Moorhead reported the limited number of replication events human fibroblasts could go through before entering a quiescent, viable state, unable to enter further rounds of replication [6]. This number of replications was called the ‘Hayflick Limit’ and was explained in 1990 when Harley claimed that Telomeres act as the counting mechanism which limit the replication of the fibroblasts [5].

Telomeres serve several functions in the genome, some of which include solving the “end-replication problem” [1], preventing end-to-end fusions of chromosomes, and preventing exonucleolytic degradation. Telomerase is an enzyme produced by cells which lengthens telomeres, counteracting the shortening of the end-replication problem, but it is not active in somatic cells in humans. Why not? It is most likely not active because it gives too much freedom for rogue cells to turn cancerous and threaten the entire body. The control over every individual cell by the body is incredibly important, and if a cell breaks free of that control, then the inevitable death of that cell is important.

These functions of telomeres are all now unavoidable. As long as we have linear DNA, replicate our DNA through DNA polymerase and exist as a multicellular organism, we need telomeres. The apparent link to aging is unfortunate and stands once again as an example of Antagonistic Pleiotropy.

Interestingly, evidence has shown oxidative damage itself may directly cause telomere shortening [17]. This fact reiterates the confusing intermingling of aging mechanisms faced by researchers, further highlighting the unlikelihood of ever finding a single ‘cause of aging’.

Understanding aging will be a matter of understanding Cell Biology as a whole. The evidence so far seems to be loud and clear that there is no such thing as a single cause of aging let a lone a single solution to it. Instead the evidence implies that aging is just an accumulation of complex side effects piled on top of each other in a somewhat random uncontrolled way, resulting in all sorts of nasty phenotypes that most just wish to avoid. Perhaps when our understanding of Cell Biology reaches a high enough level we will be able to design novel solutions for the issues which cause aging, but until that time all you can do is restrict your calorie intake and avoid standing in the middle of major roads in peak hour.

1. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. 2002. Molecular Biology of the Cell - 4th ed. Garland Science, New York, Ch. 5, Pp. 263
2. Cabo R, Furer-Galban S, Anson RM, Gilman C, Gorospe M, Lane MA. 2003. An in Vitro Model of Caloric Restriction. Experimental Gerontology 38:631-639
3. Campbell N, Reece J, Mitchell L. 1999. Biology (Fifth Edition) Benjamin Cummings, California. Chapter 27:511-512
4. Golden TR, Hinerfeld DA, Melov S. 2002. Oxidative Stress and Aging: Beyond Correlation. Aging Cell 1:117-123
5. Harley CB, Futcher AB, Greider CW. 1990. Telomeres Shorten During Ageing of Human Fibroblasts. Nature 345:458-60
6. Hayflick L, Moorhead P. 1961. The Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains. Experimental Cell Research 25:585-621
7. Jacobs HT. 2003. The Mitochondrial Theory of Aging: Dead or Alive? Aging Cell 2:11-17
8. Jacobs HT. 2003. Rebuttal to Pak et al.: New Data, Old Chestnuts. Aging Cell 2:19-20
9. Johnson FB, Sinclair DA, Guarente L. 1999. Molecular Biology of Aging. CELL 96 (2): 291-302
10. Kirkwood TBL. 1977. Evolution of Aging. Nature 270:301-304
11. Kirkwood TBL. 2002. Evolution of Ageing. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 123:737-745
12. Koubova J, Guarente L. 2003. How does calorie restriction work? Genes and Development 17(2):313-321
13. Lin YJ, Seroude L, Benzer S. 1998. Extended Life-Span and Stress Resistance in the Drosophila Mutant Methuselah. Science 282:943-946
14. Medawar PB. 1952. An Unsolved Problem of Biology. Lewis, London
15. Miller RA, Austad S, Burke D, Chrisp C, Dysko R, Galecki A, Jackson A, Monnier V. 1999. Exotic Mice as Models for Ageing Research:Polemic and Prospectus. Neurobiol. Aging 20:217-231
16. Pak JW, Herbst A, Bua E, Gokey N, McKenzie D, Aiken JM. 2003. Rebuttal to Jacobs: The Mitochondrial Theory of Aging: Alive and Well. Aging Cell 2:9-10
17. Ren JG, Xia HL, Just T, Dai YR. 2001. Hydroxyl Radical-Induced Apoptosis in Human Tumor Cells is Associated With Telomere Shortening But Not Telomerase Inhibition And Caspase Activation. FEBS Letters 488:123-132
18. Sinclair D, Mills K, Guarente L. 1998. Aging in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Annual Review of Microbiology 52:533-560
19. Spencer CC, Howell CE, Wright AR, Promislow DEL. 2003. Testing an ‘aging gene’ in long-lived Drosophila strains: increased longevity depends on sex and genetic background. Aging Cell 2: 123-130
20. Williams GC. 1957. Pleiotropy, Natural Selection, and the Evolution of Senescence. Evolution 11:398-411


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About Shane Greenup

I'm nearing the end of my doubel degree in Science and Arts (Molecular Biology, Philosophy, and History and Philosophy of Science are my majors) and I plan to eventually go on and do PHD and get into some serious research with basically anything to do with biological aging. I'm still unsure exactly what I am going to focus on, but I have plenty of time before I make my mind up.

Other than that, I have a wide variety of interets, such as Rock Climbing, White water kayaking, Gymnastics, Canyoning, Sky diving etc, and I plan on getting into some hang gliding and base jumping some time in the future.

Edited by Aegist, 23 February 2007 - 08:11 AM.

#2 bacopa

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Posted 02 October 2003 - 06:08 AM

Very interesting...I have a rather unscientific question. Do you think that we would be much further ahead with finding a cure for ageing if scientists started working on this problem years ago? Or do you think we're right where we should be. I'm doing an interview with Bruce and I'm trying to get differnet perspectives. thank dfowler

#3 reason

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Posted 02 October 2003 - 06:16 AM

That's a hard question to answer; any single narrow facet of scientific endeavor is very rarely isolated from the general face of advancement. Without the tools, you can't make the breakthroughs. Without previous solid advancement in a variety of fields, you can't make the tools. Rather than look at earlier or later, better to look at how much funding/how many resources are put into it from the moment it becomes useful to do so...

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#4 zraven

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Posted 02 October 2003 - 08:22 PM

Nice article, though I don't like the introduction. I don't have access to the Williams article, so I don't know if his ideas have been taken out of context. Regardless, as stated it seems to have flaws, which I'll expand on below.

1. "In a typical natural environment organisms die through predation, accident, starvation, infection and other such events long before aging becomes a factor"

How can aging possibly be irrelevant? I'm obviously not referring to death by old age, but rather with the detrimental effect of age on fitness in general.

2. "Aging, as a general rule, has virtually no influence in the natural world, and it this fact precisely that explains how it is that aging arose in the first place."

This is totally circular.

3. "evolution would not be able to exert any real selective pressure on genes which act after the reproductive age."

This seems rather clear in itself, but it does not lend to the context of explaining aging, instead accounting only for old-age diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Especially if you consider that infertility is one of the effects of aging, resulting in another circular argument.

4. To conclude, it seems to me that William's theory is actually more confined than this article presents them to be, to the extent that the theory of aging being integral to evolution would not conflict with his ideas.

#5 Aegist

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Posted 22 October 2003 - 07:58 AM

Thanks alot for the feedback zraven, I have been waiting for someone to give me some feedback!

1. The comment wasn't meant to be taken to say that aging is irrelevent, but more accurately, that most organisms die long before aging can become relevent. When u consider the struggles most organisms go through to find food, water, mates and territory etc, there life is so fraught with danger that most simply don't make it. When a spider hatches a million baby spiders, I can pretty well guarantee you that all of those spiders don't make it through to a point where 'old age' is a problem for them. Remember "The detrimental effect of age on fitness" doesn't actually happen until some point after sexual maturity. I am 22 now, and I am the fitest I have been ever: But I am already heading towards the downslope. The detrimental effects of Aging actually hasn't had any relevence to my fitness yet, and if I was a wild animal, I would probably be prone to death very shortly from any of the reasons mentioned in the quote.

2. Yes....good point, this comment is circular....but there is stilla point to be taken from it. I'm sorry that in an attempt to express complex ideas breifly, I will tend to say things which aren't exactly accurate. The point of this circular statement is actually to express the fact that aging did not evolve through a selected process, but instead arose through a lack of selection. So because any negative effect which may accompany a late stage of life is typically not expressed (because organisms tend to die before that late stage of life), there is no pressure to stop it arising. Aging arose, because aging doesn't play a role in the natural world.

3. But this is precisely part of the Antagonistic Pleiotropy theory: It does explain more than just age related diseases, because some genes may play crucial roles throughout life, but as they play these crucial roles they, to make an analogy, drop toxic waste by the side of the metabolic highways. A little bit isn;t a problem, but as the years pass, this waste builds up, and eventually it starts mattering. Evolution wouldn't stop this from happening initially because the crucial role played by the gene was so important that it was selected for, and the little bit of waste was inconsequential. Its not until later in life that the waste reaches a critical point ant 'age' sets in....

Genes are much more complicated than just 'Turn gene A on, get phenotype A' They weave an incredibly intricate patchwork of consequences.

And as for infertility; this is no different to everything else that happens as a side effect of aging: Once an organism has reached sexual maturity, if it mates and passes on its offspring before some genetic negative thing kicks in (such as infertility) then that organism is still succesful. Of course though, organisms which can continue having offspring are more succesful, but this is all traded off with a whole range of factors, which if you want, i can think about a bit more and figure out what they all are again and post them for you (this is what the paper by Kirkwood is on: Disposable Soma Theory).

4. I am not sure I understand what you mean with this conclusion: The point of Williams paper was to describe how it may be that the phenotypic effect which we call aging could ahve possibly evolved. Since Evolution will never select for feature which are disadvantagous to the organism, aging seemed a contradiction of points at the time, and it was the work done by Medawar and Williams that opened up this explanation for how aging could come about through evolution.

#6 Aegist

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Posted 22 October 2003 - 08:02 AM

Very interesting...I have a rather unscientific question.  Do you think that we would be much further ahead with finding a cure for ageing if scientists started working on this problem years ago?  Or do you think we're right where we should be.  I'm doing an interview with Bruce and I'm trying to get differnet perspectives. thank dfowler

I agree with what reason said basically. People have been working on this topic for many years, its just that what they could do was very limited, its only recently that we 1. Knew what the genetic material even was, 2. could manipulate DNA easily, 3. could genetically alter organism, 4. could take gene arrays and protein chips of organisms and look at the processes going on inside them at any given time or any given condition ETC.

As I concluded in my article, it seems like research into aging will never be as simple as "lets go find the cause of aging", but will instead, unfortunately, be a case of "Lets figure out how Biology works" which is exactly what we have been doing for the last 2500 years.

I'm just lucky to be alive now that it has all hit an almost astronomical speed of advancement.

#7 adering

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Posted 26 October 2003 - 04:44 PM

Perhaps this was covered and I missed it:

If "Aging, as a general rule, has virtually no influence in the natural world, and it this fact precisely that explains how it is that aging arose in the first place." then why can't I apply the same rule "it has virtually no influence" for arguing that aging doesn't exist?

Evolutionarily speaking, wouldn't the most successful organism be the one that not only was able to pass on the capacity to live a long time but also live a long time itself?

#8 kevin

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Posted 26 October 2003 - 05:15 PM

I used to think along the same lines as you adering... and I think that what we are seeing NOW in our evolution is perhaps the process you are referring to where the most successful organisms are able to perpetuate their patterns through other means besides reproduction.

However, throughout our history, the main goal of our DNA was to get replicated in the most efficient way possible allowed by the particular environmental niche that it occupied. The 'race' with time before external forces killed the parents as wel as competition for available resources had the largest effect on shaping our genes. In fact, there are proposed genes which promote growth to puberty which may be detrimental to the survival of the adult organism after the reproductive years are past (antagonistic pleiotropy). The optimum length of our lifespan has been dicated by largely these two factors and only now do we see other forces, namely manipulation of our environment and our own biology, that might take over where these forces leave off in promoting survival beyond reproductively important phases of our lives.

Check out the thread Aging Theories for some additional material that I'm sure will explain this better than me.. ;)

#9 adering

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Posted 26 October 2003 - 07:28 PM


That was a very good explanation. (Although I stumbled a bit at 'antagonistic pleiotropy' -- all those big words ;0) One thing I've not seen addressed -- once again, possibly showing off my ignorance -- is the notion that quite possibly immortality already exists in a small percentage of humans.

Any good estimates on the percentage of people who died from disease, war, famine, Godzilla, tornadoes, etc.? Living into extreme old age has, for most of human history, simply not been an option.

And I'll check that suggested thread. Thanks!

#10 kevin

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Posted 26 October 2003 - 10:35 PM

I also haven't seen the possibility of a small number of immortals to already be in existence discussed although I have read a lot of folklore, usually vampire oriented, that they might. I frankly don't think they exist as there are just too many ways that our bodies can breakdown. Ageing is a multifactorial process that would require interventions at multiple points that nature just didn't care about enough to provide for. The chances of there being 'true' biological immortals in the human species is extremely remote at best. I think we will have to look to technology to bring about 'indefinite' lifespans...

...unless you can provide information to the contrary? ;)

#11 adering

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Posted 27 October 2003 - 05:11 PM

Well, if I did, I'd have to live out the remainder of forever on holy ground; I'm terrible with a sword.

A good point though about breakdown complexity. I'll revamp (ba dum ba) my take on biological immortals. Still, I see no reason that biologically the maximum lifespan can't be significantly greater (say 130 years) in a small group (which I'd love to discover I'm part of) of persons.

P'rhaps I'll get out the graph paper and start figuring the distribution curve for ages at death of people who simply "wore out" as opposed to being shot, hit by a bus, etc.

#12 kevin

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Posted 27 October 2003 - 05:53 PM

An interesing presentation on Supercentenarians..


and some short statistics and facts on ageing.


#13 David

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Posted 30 October 2003 - 06:17 AM

I did a bit of research on that question for you there adering, it seems that here in Australia around 7% of people die from "external causes". You can check it all out here:

Lots of suicide and car accidents unfortunately. Suicide is avoidable, and a large portion of car accidents is too. Just take it easy guys (AND GALS!).

Reminds me of a story my grandfather once told me. There were these two rams sitting on the top of the hill, an old one and a young one. The young one turns to the old one and says, "Let's tear down the hill and mate with a couple of the ewes! (Female sheep) The old ram turns to the young ram and says, "Na mate, lets walk down there and mate with ALL OF THEM!"

take it easy.....

Edited by Mind, 31 October 2003 - 03:41 PM.

#14 JonesGuy

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Posted 30 October 2003 - 07:44 AM

Waitasec here ... I don't see anything about mitochondria.

Basically, everything with a mitochondria ages. Starting at yeast. I suscribe to the theory of ROS, and that the genes for ROS are shut down as a creature ages (chicken and egg on that one).

Here's an interesting tidbit. If you boost (some of) the genes that protect against cancer, the mouse ages faster. If you boost (some of) the genes that slow aging, cancer rates increase. One theory is that aging is our way of protecting against cancer!

#15 David

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Posted 31 October 2003 - 10:31 AM

Or that cancer is our bodies way of (attempting) protection against aging? Didn't I read somewhere that cancer cells removed from the host can be kept alive indefinitely?

#16 David

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Posted 02 November 2003 - 07:10 AM

Alright, I went looking and couldn't find it, so could someone please tell me why it is that cancer actually kills us?

Sure we know it does, but we also know that cars kill us too, but we have narrowed that down a little by saying that cars kill us by squashing us or smashing our essential organs up against things.

I need a little detail here....

#17 kevin

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Posted 02 November 2003 - 05:59 PM


Cancer occurs when cells lose their normal function and acquire the ability to divide indefinitely. Normally cells can only undergo 40-50 cell divisions (Hayflick liimit) at which point the shortening of the ends of the chromosomes, called telomeres, tells the cell to enter 'senescence' and stop dividing. Malfunctioning cells also undergo a process of self-destruction called 'apoptosis'. If both senesecence and apoptosis mechanisms are circumvented, the aging cell has teh ability to become 'immortal', usually by turning on the 'telomerase' enzyme which lengthens the telomeres again. At this point the multiplying cells can take the form of solid tumours (ie. lung, live, brain.. ) originating from body tissues or they can be from our fluid systems, ie leukemia.

Cancers usually develop the ability to 'metastasize', or migrate and take up residence in other parts of the body forming satellite tumours. The accumulation of tumours eventually causes the malfunctioning of organs and physical systems until the body can no longer operate. For instance lung tumours can interfere with proper oxygen uptake and eventually the body suffocates.

Aging/senescence has been seen as a method for the body to prevent cancers but apoptosis and regeneration would have been a better overall strategy. IMO

#18 JonesGuy

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Posted 02 November 2003 - 09:58 PM

Some information on 'cancer stem cells' - which is something I hadn't really thought of before.

Scientists have long suspected that not all cancer cells are created equal. There are many different kinds of cells in a tumour and it hasn't been well understood whether some are more dangerous than others. According to work done by Dr. Sean Morrison and his colleagues at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, only a small minority of cells are dangerous.

MP3 link

from this site


PS: finding stem cells among differentiated cells is tough work. Tougher than most people realise.

#19 Aegist

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 03:55 PM

Waitasec here ... I don't see anything about mitochondria.

Yeah, you got me... I did have a mitochondria section in the plans, but this article was actually supposed to be a 1000 word article....I wrote almost 2000 words and still had to cut out two planned sections. In theory I could now add in the rest of the sections, and I might. But I have 2 more exams to go, and then I am free.

One theory is that aging is our way of protecting against cancer

Once again showing the multifactorial nature of Aging. I wouldn't say that 'Aging is our way of protecting against cancer', but I would say that "As our body tries to protect itself against cancer, some aspects of aging unfortunately arises."
Just as "As our bodies respire, some aspects of aging unfortunately arise"
and "As our cells irreversibly differentiate, some aspects of aging unfortunately arise"
and so on.

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