First, how old are you, liplex? Really, just out of sheer curiosity. I'm trying to see if there's any link between age and the belief that we won't ever going to achieve extreme LE in our lifetimes (and this doesn't only include yours, but also you think that no one else will). I did this question with others who had the same opinion you do, so it's really nothing personal.
I guess that most people don't like to "just roll" with whatever comes. We prefer to try to control our destiny than to just accepts whatever comes. But i understand you, maybe your way is one of the best ways to happiness, since whatever comes, is fine with you, isn't it?
(You were doing fine until you loaded the rest of that phrase with a smug condescension by uttering "isn't it?" at a meter flush with this recognition. IF I AM TOTALLY WRONG, THEN IGNORE THE REST OF THIS POST!!!
Had to vent. Warm palm extended...I'm waffling, but your vagueness of conviction with ghostly barbs of implication could be called waffling, too.
I only wrote the "isn't it" because i could be totally wrong. Rather than being condescending in any way, i was being humble enough to admit that my view of your post could be totally mistaken. And stop throwing complicated words to your post, english is not my native language so gimme a break
There is definition between "just rolling with it" and "rolling with what is available outside of magazine-grade sci-fi porn with decades long arrival projections". I don't see how "controlling my destiny" has anything to do with this topic as I do as much as anyone else does to make something of their life.
Not "just rolling with it" means that we can do something about the issue. We can help funding researches, or we can be scientists/researchers ourselves. I make the first choice; while my whole life won't gravitate around transhumanism, it is a part of my life goal to help LE researches and anything related to AI. I will first help myself by trying and getting rich (which i would do anyways, even if i were a deathist like you). Then i will help funding researches. Hopefully, i will be rich enough to be able to give major funds to these researches.
I "understand you" too. A religious fantasy of hope colors the empty spots in life pretty well. Go 'head and dream.
This is no "religious fantasy". The difference between us and religious people is that they have no doubt that their god is the only true one and that only they are right and others are wrong.
Now i do not have nearly any certainty that i will get to see extreme LE in my lifetime, but i think that
my odds are good.
YOU are the one closer to the religious fundamentalists than us, because you, even not knowing the future is "absolutely sure" we won't get to extreme LE. How the hell do you know that? Do you have some kind of crystal orb?
What I don't understand is how a number of intelligent people need to couch their sentiments in this "Transhumanism" belief system; "we believe science...some day...will be able to make us live forever...I hate the idea that I may have to die...I am hopeful not for the future but for the elimination of my fear of dying". It's not much more productively involving than any religion. So "rolling with it" as I see it is more about creating value by developing tangible certainties which are actually available from a position of being incapable of offering science a helping hand.
Who said that you are not capable of giving science a "helping hand". You can fund researches. You can become a researcher yourself. If the world had only people like you, we would be still in the stone ages.
"Will I make it?".... Oh, will I? Will I, will I, will I? Will I meet grandma in Heaven? Will I get those virgins in Paradise? Will I get reincarnated as that fluffy puppy or that bottom-feeding crab? Will I really get in on an early waves of LE treatments priced for sub-millionaires out of the goodness of their hearts? Utter garbage. Even if you did live long enough to see it happen politicians would make certain to never allow an unwashed majority partake. Captains of multinational industry would live long enough to gather flawless nuanced data on the spending practices of a multitude of regular-length life arcs, "LE" down the ranks from the top only those "gifted enough", and at the end of it all realize that life with death is much more profitable or negligibly different and also that people aren't any better for a lack of biological time boundaries. Rolling with it, indeed. "Isn't it" speak as if you had the golden ticket already. Smug. And I was ready to let that image I painted linger on....
"at the end of it all realize that life with death is much more profitable or negligibly different and also that people aren't any better for a lack of biological time boundaries." You see, you think that death is good. There's no point in arguing further with you about the possible onset or not of extreme LE treatments, because you will either cast it as something impossible of happening in our lifetimes or as something that's going to be bad for humanity. When you belief death is good, you will rationalize every kind of argument against extreme LE, because you don't want it to happen. We should be arguing why you think death is a good thing, so we can go on to the next issues, like the ones we discussed about in these posts.