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Facebook 'Cause' Promotion

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#1 Aegist

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 01:21 PM

**Second Revision - It operates a little differently to how I thought**

Right now, at Facebook there is a "Causes Giving Challenge" promotion where they are giving away daily prizes to the causes which get the most unique donors, as well as a $50,000 prize to the cause which gets the most donations overall.

See this page: http://apps.facebook...s/giving?h=ngc3

Overall Awards

* $50,000 for the cause with the most unique donors
* $25,000 for the 2nd and 3rd place causes
* $10,000 for the next 10 causes

Daily Award

Fifty (50) $1,000 awards will be given every 24 hours to the cause with the most unique donors.
Today's $1,000 Award: December 15, 2007 12:00PM PST
6 hours remaining
Overall $50,000 Award: February 1, 2008 12:00PM PST
48 days remaining

Along with that incentive to donate, also consider that every SENS donation at the moment is being doubled:

For the past year, every dollar donated to SENS research (whether through the Faceboook SENS Cause:

*Link Removed because new link should be used*

or directly to the Methuselah Foundation) has been matched by 50 cents from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. As from December 5th, Michael Cooper is adding his own challenge pledge of $25,000 on the same terms. The pledges are applied concurrently, so this means that every dollar donated will now attract FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS BEFORE! - not 50 cents, but two dollars, one from Peter and one from Michael. PLEASE DO ALL YOU CAN TO HELP US REALISE THIS GENEROUS COMMITMENT!

All this means that now, RIGHT NOW is the best time EVER to donate to SENS. We need EVERY member of ImmInst (and I think this is worthy of a newsletter or three on this topic alone) to donate right now, via this facebook giving challenge.

In order to donate via this challenge, you must donate $10. $10 is NOT much money, and it is worth donating yourself, then getting your mum to make a facebook account and give her $10 to donate, then doing the same again with your dad, then your sister, brother, your partner, and your best friend(s)... Even if you have to give them each $10 to do it for you, DO IT!

So I urge, in the most urgent way possible, every single member of ImmInst, and all of your friends and family, to donate to SENS right now on facebook. I'll be donating $10 to each, plus getting all of my family to donate $10 each too (even if I have to pay them all the $10 myself)

Not only will this see a huge influx of money for these two great causes because of all of the money being multiplied, and not only will this bring about cash prizes for the huge number of members donating - But winning the $50,000 cash prize will RAISE AWARENESS more than any other activity ever done by ImmInst, SENS or M-Prize.

Join facebook, and donate.

Cause promotion: http://apps.facebook...iew_cause/48109

Edited by Aegist, 15 December 2007 - 02:08 PM.

#2 Aegist

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 01:43 PM

Apparently it isn't simply a matter of joining those existing causes and donating to them. I will edit the links out of the original post to avoid confusion.

Apparently we need to restart the cause in this 'Cause Giving Challenge'. I'm looking into what needs to be done now.

#3 Mind

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 02:05 PM

Well, I donated to SENS anyway. Even if it isn't in the Facebook challenge contest, it will still be matched.

Imminst is also a cause on facebook

#4 Aegist

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 02:10 PM

OK, I started the cause again in the new challenge application. I edited the OP to reflect my new understanding.
http://apps.facebook...iew_cause/48109 <- Join, donate. Can't emphasise the importance of this enough. I'll cry if you don't all do it.

#5 salyavin

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 05:41 PM

Just one note there is a 4.5% fee deducted from donations using the cause application on facebook. How does potential gains look compared to donating directly?

#6 Bruce Klein

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 05:57 PM

salyavin, donations to ImmInst via Facebook causes is about the same as donating via Paypal (fyi, ImmInst's Paypal acct is support@imminst.org), so for smaller donations, it's ok... however, for anything larger than say $500, it'd be better to mail a check.

#7 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:58 AM

This is a very cool concept, apparently you also can only invite 4 others each day to donate to the cause.

#8 Aegist

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 01:02 AM

OK, I am a bit lost about this now. It does still seem cool, but my initial enthusiasm was all because I thought the prize applied to the causes that were already running. I also didn't know about the 4.5% fee they charged.

It is also a little odd just how ignored this idea is - so are we going to try to get one of those cash prizes?

If so, then we should get some agreement, and promote it hard. In a newsletter, in facebook, and in the forums (sticky). If not, then fine let it slide and just carry on like normal with the standard donations.


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