I'm a more scientific person and like evidence-based medicine. Sure, you can say Carnosine + Pfaffia + Goji Berries will lower blood pressure as effective as Betablockers, ACE-inhibitors, Diuretics... - and that without side effects. Problem is, you can't prove it. Another guy could say "Take Resveratrol + Lipoic Acid + Silymarin", this will cure your liver cancer. Problem is, he can't prove it and he is most probably wrong.
I am a scientific evidenced based person too, but stop and think about what that really means. You want some proof of numbers or some type
of verifiable evidence, right ? Well since we are talking about blood pressure, you can test that yourself to see what is working or isnt. Sometimes
for some things large double placebo studies arent necessary in some types of situations. On the other hand they are, if you are going to try to
sell me on some type of supplement or drug that will prevent my from getting cancer in 40 years down the road, I am going to need some convincing evidence before I commit time and money before I take it faithfully for 40 years not really knowing if it will have any effect, definitely. Also, I agree with the cancer issue, not because you say if he cant prove it he is wrong, but because time is of the essence and to put faith in something that hopefully it will work is gambling especially if you are not integrating it with conventional.
But things that are less critical and things that are self evident and short term verifiable are a different story. Blood pressure is different than cancer, there are second chances with the things you try to control blood pressure. If you take something and you check your blood pressure and it doesnt work you can try something else but if it goes down then you have your science and proof. There arent too many things like this that you can have the tools to measure the numbers and the science but this is one of them. Blood sugar would be another. So things that would effect these things you would know whether something you are trying works or not. Heck it woudnt even matter if it was placebo or not, if your blood pressure is down, it is down, period.
So my point is that science evidence based approach is fine, you may just want to expand your approach and definition of your data points used
as your evidence to ascertain efficacy.
Edited by ortcloud, 13 January 2008 - 11:05 PM.