Hello everyone.
I am new to this forum and probably far behind all of you in my reading and knowledge of Transhumanist issues.
I grew up with Mike West, although I'm younger than he is, and I have been bitten by the same bug that infected his curiosity with
the desire to conquer aging and eventually death.
I see two key issues rising above the multitude of things to think about with regards to advancing humanity.
1) Peak Oil and fossil fuel depletion. Our entire world population and all of our technology is built upon this weak foundation.
The major problem isn't fuel for heating and vehicles, or even energy production (electricity). The problem is that ALL of our
Agriculture is based on fossil fuels used for FERTILIZER. Allow me to briefly explain.
Normally most soil that is usable for growing the world's food supply produces around 16 bushels of grain per acre.
Use of artificial fertilizers has raised this to 130 bushels of grain per acre.
The growth in food production has caused a corresponding growth in human population. (6 Billion)
These FERTILIZERS are mainly Ammonia based (like Ammonia Nitrates). This is made directly from NATURAL GAS.
Natural gas travels adequately through pipelines, but must be liquifide and compressed for storage in tanks for transoceanic shipping.
This has an inordinate COST......***** key point here********.....this INORDINATE COST is not in money, But in ENERGY EXPENDED.
In other words you reach "diminishing returns". You use 2 barrels of oil in energy expenditure to produce and ship 1 barrel in usable product.
Quite soon Oil and Natural Gas will reach the peak event and then steadily decline forever. No new oil field discoveries can or will change this.
No new extraction techniques will alleviate or ameliorate this problem.
Also we cannot simply CONSERVE our way out of this problem. The mathematical projections and human dynamics are such that this will
become a major problem as soon as 2012. (Possibly sooner)
The projected human population for the year 2012 is 7 Billion people. By 2020 there will be 8 Billion people.
When fossil fuel production peaks , but human population continues to rapidly grow, the amount of consumed resources will rise higher than the rate of any alternative fuels or technology's capability of offsetting.
You can't fertilize a crop with solar energy. As land made farmable by fossil fuels and irrigation returns to it's formerly nonproductive state
food production will drop. And as we run out of Natural Gas to derive fertilizers from the remaining farmable land will see Bushel/acre yields
drop back from 130 Bushels per acre to 12-16 Bushels per acre.
So in 17 years time human population will grow by 33% to 8 Billion, while food production will DROP by approximately 88%.
To my knowledge there is nothing that will prevent this scenario from happening, we are ALREADY past the "tipping point".
The earth seems to be able to "sustainably" support approximately 2 Billion humans. The clock is ticking what are the solutions ?
Will these solutions be AVAILABLE soon enough to avert this ? Currently Hydrogen Fuels that have been proposed are actually made
FROM fossil fuels and are a NET ENERGY SINK. Meaning you use More energy by employing them than they produce.
Diminishing returns again. And currently producing Hydrogen from water USES more energy than it Produces.
This could end up sidetracking or even stopping in it's tracks much of our current science and technologies.
Problem #2...(.remember there were two problems that I am working on)...#2 is the apparent inability of the MAJORITY of the human
population to "Think LATERALLY"........... I currently see the ability in approximately 7% of the population.
Everyone else is parasitic on this 7 percent's ability. Everyone else is merely derivative and in a low grade way at that.
THIS is where I see Natural selection and evolution in practice. Those who CAN'T think Laterally seem as different as the Chimps.
Problem #2 impacts on problem #1 , in that there are not enough suitably gifted and productive creative thinkers to properly address
these problems within the given time frame and produce an acceptable outcome. Plus not many are working to solve any of this.
Depopulation......to the 2 Billion level by 2020 is a "workable"(?), albeit genocidal solution. It is not clear if this is even logistically
feasible........setting aside it's sheer horror.
Genetically engineering crops does NOT solve the problem, Alternative Energy does NOT solve the problem,
radical conservation does NOT solve the problem. COMBINING all three of these simoultaneously does NOT solve the problem.
For the data necessary to crunch the numbers on this go to :
http://www.dieoff.orgIt's a huge database, relatively accurate EVENTHOUGH it is somewhat dated (old data).
Tell me what you think, and see if you can see any solutions that will work within the given timeframe.
Thanks for your help .
Edited by etc966, 28 December 2003 - 01:23 AM.