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Resveratrol Side Effects, good and bad

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#91 missminni

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 03:36 PM

I'm post menopausal and also not taking HRT. I'm waiting on results for hormone levels before starting RevGenetics Resveratrol 500mg x 1 daily. With a baseline in place, I'll have something to work with.

Please keep us posted, although I don't think 500 mg will make that much of an impact on your hormones.
I was taking over 3g a day and so were the two other ladies I mentioned.

#92 sUper GeNius

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 09:06 PM

For the last 3 months I have noticed some strangeness in my knee. I take about 1g daily. It's almost like an ache, but not quite pain. Hard to explain. It feels like the knee and muscles around it are pumped full of energy and begging to be exercised vigorously. It's somewhat irritating, and I find myself doing kneebends, knee extensions to tire the area, and kneeling and sitting back on my legs to stretch the area.

Edited by FuLL meMbeR, 18 July 2008 - 09:07 PM.

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#93 drtom

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 02:43 PM

Greetings all,

I have posted this in another section entitled "Results" but thought I might repeat it here.
I am a 51 y-o white male. 178cm and about 74 kg.
I have been taking 500mg of resveratrol (about 50% purity I think) daily in the morning with coffee.
I take a beta-blocker as well but no other supplements.
I haven't noticed any negative side-effects.

Subjective observation: Some of my whiskers which were white or brown have turned black. I actually found one "in the act". (Top 5mm of whisker was pure white, middle 2mm was brown, rest of whisker to follicle, about 5mm, was jet black.) One person whom I see only about once each year accused me of coloring my hair (dark) but I don't see any such effect.

Clinical Observation: My fasting blood glucose was measured on March 7th, 2007. Result was 4.9mM. Normal range is 3.7-5.5mM.
On March 8th, 2008 I had my blood glucose checked again. Same doctor, same lab. Result was 3.6mM. (This earned an asterisk on the results as it was slightly sub-normal.)
I had them repeat the test about 3 weeks later and it was 3.5mM.
It appears Resveratrol has lowered my fasting blood glucose (by what mechanism I don't know.)

I don't feel any different compared to pre-resveratrol. I work out in a gym 3 times per week and never feel faint or short of energy. I eat fairly sparingly.


#94 garthclarkdr

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 09:34 PM

garthclarkdr,3.0 grams, 50% purity or 1.5 net grams resveratrol, + increased energy,improved mood, - agression, laxative effect

#95 sUper GeNius

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 10:35 PM

Greetings all,

I have posted this in another section entitled "Results" but thought I might repeat it here.
I am a 51 y-o white male. 178cm and about 74 kg.
I have been taking 500mg of resveratrol (about 50% purity I think) daily in the morning with coffee.
I take a beta-blocker as well but no other supplements.
I haven't noticed any negative side-effects.

Subjective observation: Some of my whiskers which were white or brown have turned black. I actually found one "in the act". (Top 5mm of whisker was pure white, middle 2mm was brown, rest of whisker to follicle, about 5mm, was jet black.) One person whom I see only about once each year accused me of coloring my hair (dark) but I don't see any such effect.

Clinical Observation: My fasting blood glucose was measured on March 7th, 2007. Result was 4.9mM. Normal range is 3.7-5.5mM.
On March 8th, 2008 I had my blood glucose checked again. Same doctor, same lab. Result was 3.6mM. (This earned an asterisk on the results as it was slightly sub-normal.)
I had them repeat the test about 3 weeks later and it was 3.5mM.
It appears Resveratrol has lowered my fasting blood glucose (by what mechanism I don't know.)

I don't feel any different compared to pre-resveratrol. I work out in a gym 3 times per week and never feel faint or short of energy. I eat fairly sparingly.


The same thing happened with my facial hair too. I don't think has affected the hair on the top of my head though.

#96 scorpe

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 09:11 AM

Same thing here in moustache and eyebrowse black hairs while my whole life I was blond. My hair on my head starting more and more grey now and no black hairs. I am a 61 y. man.

#97 maxwatt

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 12:57 PM

When I was young, I had red hairs interspersed with the black. About 10 years ago, the red disappeared as I began to gray. In the past year taking resveratrol, the red highlights have come back. Unfortunately the gray hairs are still there in quantity, and the gray patches in my eyebrows are unaffected.

One note on hair growth: A hair does not turn gray, nor does the product of a follicle suddenly go from black to gray. A follicle eventually discards a mature hair, and starts another. During the black to gray transition, the tip of a hair will be gray, then the pigment switches on, and the rest of the hair is black. As the process continues, the pigment switches on later and later, eventually the follicle produces only gray. Fewer gray roots would be an indication of efficacy, but a gray hair with black roots is quite normal for middle age, and no indication of impending black hair. (Alas.)

Interesting that an herb related to Knotweed, the source of resveratrol, is know in Chinese as "He shou wu", or "Mr. He's Black Hair" and was prescribed as a remedy for graying hair. The plant is also called "FoTi", and contains resveratrol analogues. It is only available as a 12:1 extract, and would be quite expensive in what I think would be an effective dose. Before we were able to get quality resveratrol easily, I took it for a few weeks. My hair did not turn black, but it had a similar effect to resveratrol in reducing cold sensitivity, and reduced arthritic pains.

You can buy one ounce (30 ml) bottles of the extract at most supplement stores (e.g., Vitamin Shoppe).

#98 inawe

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 04:23 PM

When you see yourself in the mirror every day you don't notice changes that happen slowly.
When I read that at least 3 people were reporting darker hair I thought to myself why it didn't happen to me. Then I looked more carefully at the mirror and noticed a bunch of much darker hair. Not just the roots but the whole hairs. This is just anecdotal but now it's several fold.
I have been taking RSV for over a year at 1.5-2 mg/day. Looks like RSV can have an effect on follicles letting pigment to get into developing hair. I would like to know what's the pathway leading to this.
Now, RSV acts on several (many?) pathways. Could it be that at higher doses it could activate a pathway leading to hair grow? Would it require local topical application?

#99 sUper GeNius

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 04:07 AM

Hair growth, black hair, cancer cure, etc. All we need now is "Johnson enlarger" or "Keeps the Evinrude cranking all night" and we'll all be in like Flynn! And that's from a guy with a alias of "Full Member."


#100 SirtuinInvestor

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 03:32 AM

When I was young, I had red hairs interspersed with the black. About 10 years ago, the red disappeared as I began to gray. In the past year taking resveratrol, the red highlights have come back. Unfortunately the gray hairs are still there in quantity, and the gray patches in my eyebrows are unaffected.

One note on hair growth: A hair does not turn gray, nor does the product of a follicle suddenly go from black to gray. A follicle eventually discards a mature hair, and starts another. During the black to gray transition, the tip of a hair will be gray, then the pigment switches on, and the rest of the hair is black. As the process continues, the pigment switches on later and later, eventually the follicle produces only gray. Fewer gray roots would be an indication of efficacy, but a gray hair with black roots is quite normal for middle age, and no indication of impending black hair. (Alas.)

Interesting that an herb related to Knotweed, the source of resveratrol, is know in Chinese as "He shou wu", or "Mr. He's Black Hair" and was prescribed as a remedy for graying hair. The plant is also called "FoTi", and contains resveratrol analogues. It is only available as a 12:1 extract, and would be quite expensive in what I think would be an effective dose. Before we were able to get quality resveratrol easily, I took it for a few weeks. My hair did not turn black, but it had a similar effect to resveratrol in reducing cold sensitivity, and reduced arthritic pains.

You can buy one ounce (30 ml) bottles of the extract at most supplement stores (e.g., Vitamin Shoppe).

I love it. Gray hair turning white? Hair reGROWING??? I've been taking resveratrol for a year and a half. On this board I feel inadequate as I only increased my dosage to 250mg a month or so ago. I lost my hair a long time ago...but now as I touch the top of my palate I swear I feel growth? My imagination? Maybe. However, I can say that my basketball game has improve greatly over the last few years. I'm 49 and I've been playing since I was a kid. I play twice a week with others from ages 20 to 60. Over the last couple of years my outside shot has improved greatly, my coordination also has improved and my defensive game and coordination also much better. A friend I've played with for 15 years said "I never imagined you'd get this good".

I don't know if its the resveratrol but I'm not stopping. By the way, The Barbara Walters resveratrol special segment in "Living to 150" is posted on my blog. Great way to introduce newbies who ask "reverawhat?" when you mention it to them: http://sirtuininvest...rs-sirtris.html.

Sirtuin Investor

Edited by SirtuinInvestor, 25 July 2008 - 03:33 AM.

#101 maxwatt

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 10:26 AM

Hair growth, black hair, cancer cure, etc. All we need now is "Johnson enlarger" or "Keeps the Evinrude cranking all night" and we'll all be in like Flynn! And that's from a guy with a alias of "Full Member."


Actually, it has been shown to increase testosterone levels in rats.

#102 Meenute

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 11:04 PM

I am a 39 year old female. Very athletic. Starting taking Resveratrol from Longevinex. One pill daily. The following were my results.

1. Awoke every night at 2am. Wide awake. Became kind of spacey.
2. Tendonitis. Somewhat severe. My everyday runs were difficult.
3. Skipped 2 periods. Not happy about this at ALL!

1. Lost some weight
2. Fibroid shrunk considerably
I stopped taking it for 2 weeks now. My tendonitis is still severe and my calf hurts. I read that this could be the chelation of copper. This scares me because this would suggest that I am short of it elsewhere....like the ticker. Any ideas from anyone? Please!!!

#103 DaffyDuck

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 11:23 PM

Any ideas from anyone? Please!!!

If you can afford to do so, I would try a different brand. Most people here will agree that 97% - 99% powder resveratrol is one of the most affordable ways to go. Since the capsules you are taking contain ingredients other than resveratrol it is going to be difficult to narrow down the problem. If you try pure resveratrol and still experience problems, the cause will be more evident.

Edited by DaffyDuck, 28 July 2008 - 11:26 PM.

#104 Meenute

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 09:26 AM


I can afford to do it, but....the truth be known.....

I just want to feel normal again. I was in excellent condition before this and my feet most definately did not hurt. Also, when taking this I was also waking up at 2 am every morning. Now I can sleep again. This is important because that is how we all work out our daily issues. I don't care if this stuff makes you live longer....what good is it if you can not reason properly because you are only mulling over your day for 4 hours a night. I would be fearful of taking any other resveratrol again if it does not come in a glass of wine. I started taking Magnesium and E as Bill Sardi suggests on his website. I hope this helps. If anyone else has any ideas...please let me know.

#105 missminni

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 11:51 AM


I can afford to do it, but....the truth be known.....

I just want to feel normal again. I was in excellent condition before this and my feet most definately did not hurt. Also, when taking this I was also waking up at 2 am every morning. Now I can sleep again. This is important because that is how we all work out our daily issues. I don't care if this stuff makes you live longer....what good is it if you can not reason properly because you are only mulling over your day for 4 hours a night. I would be fearful of taking any other resveratrol again if it does not come in a glass of wine. I started taking Magnesium and E as Bill Sardi suggests on his website. I hope this helps. If anyone else has any ideas...please let me know.

The price is very reasonable now. Check revgenetics 99% powder...$65 (aprox) for 100 g. Waking in the middle of the night was never a side effect I had or heard of. And for me, it cured the worst Morton neuroms I had in both feet within a week of taking it.
But I took 98% pure RES. Maybe something else that was mixed in the capsule you were taking caused the issues you're having. What else was in there?

#106 drtom

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 01:07 PM

I am a 39 year old female. Very athletic. Starting taking Resveratrol from Longevinex. One pill daily. The following were my results.

1. Awoke every night at 2am. Wide awake. Became kind of spacey.
2. Tendonitis. Somewhat severe. My everyday runs were difficult.
3. Skipped 2 periods. Not happy about this at ALL!

1. Lost some weight
2. Fibroid shrunk considerably
I stopped taking it for 2 weeks now. My tendonitis is still severe and my calf hurts. I read that this could be the chelation of copper. This scares me because this would suggest that I am short of it elsewhere....like the ticker. Any ideas from anyone? Please!!!

Very difficult to say from such scant clues but weight loss and waking in the early hours of the morning (wide awake!) are 2 of the classic signs of depression. If running is causing pain I advise you to cut back/stop. Pain is a signal and it's there for a reason; something is wrong. Give your body time to repair.
FWIW, drtom

#107 Meenute

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 02:24 PM

Thanks for your inpu been drtom....but, I am quite athletic, and am usually not depressed at all. Once I stopped taking the Resveratrol, I stated to sleep better and now sleep the full 8 hours. My mood in good again, and I have using the stationary bike for excercise because I would be "depresssed" if I could not work out for sure! I am going to give my body time to repair, but I am still a little scared because if this is happening to my ankles...what else may be going on inside. I must say, that I do agree that premenopausal women should not take it. I wish they would have mentioned that prior to June 2008, I would not have taken it. I took it from mid may until the 1st of July.

Give your body time to repair.
FWIW, drtom

#108 krillin

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 10:14 PM

If you look through the 500 club thread, people were getting high off of 50% resveratrol extracts. Emodin is one of the nastier contaminants, causing diarrhea, MAO inhibition, and liver and kidney toxicity. People tend not to get high off of 98+% extracts, so it was probably the MAOI effect. Resveratrol is also an MAOI, but not at the concentrations we can achieve.

#109 tintinet

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 01:26 AM

If you look through the 500 club thread, people were getting high off of 50% resveratrol extracts. Emodin is one of the nastier contaminants, causing diarrhea, MAO inhibition, and liver and kidney toxicity. People tend not to get high off of 98+% extracts, so it was probably the MAOI effect. Resveratrol is also an MAOI, but not at the concentrations we can achieve.

Ya. The high was fun; the diarrhea a bit less so.

#110 Meenute

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 02:45 AM

Interestingly enough the Res made me more zombie like than happy. I am better off without. I will stick with my running (when feet heal) and get my endorphins for kicks.

Resveratrol is also an MAOI, but not at the concentrations we can achieve.

#111 niner

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 02:54 AM

Thanks for your inpu been drtom....but, I am quite athletic, and am usually not depressed at all. Once I stopped taking the Resveratrol, I stated to sleep better and now sleep the full 8 hours. My mood in good again, and I have using the stationary bike for excercise because I would be "depresssed" if I could not work out for sure! I am going to give my body time to repair, but I am still a little scared because if this is happening to my ankles...what else may be going on inside. I must say, that I do agree that premenopausal women should not take it. I wish they would have mentioned that prior to June 2008, I would not have taken it. I took it from mid may until the 1st of July.

Meenute, as krillin suggested, this sounds very much like a 50% resveratrol problem. The "other 50%" is almost surely what was keeping you awake. I don't think you are depressed. The tendinitis, on the other hand, might have been induced by the resveratrol. There are a lot of anecdotal reports of that, although most people who take resveratrol don't see this effect. On the positive side, while the tendinitis will take longer to go away than the sleep disruptions, it will very likely resolve completely. You probably don't have any other problems that you need to worry about from resveratrol. Just take care of yourself and give your ankles some rest. Good luck with it.

#112 maxwatt

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 11:35 AM

Thanks for your inpu been drtom....but, I am quite athletic, and am usually not depressed at all. Once I stopped taking the Resveratrol, I stated to sleep better and now sleep the full 8 hours. My mood in good again, and I have using the stationary bike for excercise because I would be "depresssed" if I could not work out for sure! I am going to give my body time to repair, but I am still a little scared because if this is happening to my ankles...what else may be going on inside. I must say, that I do agree that premenopausal women should not take it. I wish they would have mentioned that prior to June 2008, I would not have taken it. I took it from mid may until the 1st of July.

Meenute, as krillin suggested, this sounds very much like a 50% resveratrol problem. The "other 50%" is almost surely what was keeping you awake. I don't think you are depressed. The tendinitis, on the other hand, might have been induced by the resveratrol. There are a lot of anecdotal reports of that, although most people who take resveratrol don't see this effect. On the positive side, while the tendinitis will take longer to go away than the sleep disruptions, it will very likely resolve completely. You probably don't have any other problems that you need to worry about from resveratrol. Just take care of yourself and give your ankles some rest. Good luck with it.

Ibuprofen does a good job fixing tendinitis problems whilst taking resveratrol, in my experience. Two tablets.

I stopped ibuprofen which I've been taking for years for arthritis and back pain for some blood tests (continuing taking res.) Developed persistent tendinitis in right arm after doing some yard work. After two weeks of pain, started taking 2 tabs ibuprofen 2 tabs twice daily. Cleared right up.

#113 krillin

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 10:37 PM

I am a 39 year old female. Very athletic. Starting taking Resveratrol from Longevinex. One pill daily. The following were my results.

1. Awoke every night at 2am. Wide awake. Became kind of spacey.
2. Tendonitis. Somewhat severe. My everyday runs were difficult.
3. Skipped 2 periods. Not happy about this at ALL!

1. Lost some weight
2. Fibroid shrunk considerably
I stopped taking it for 2 weeks now. My tendonitis is still severe and my calf hurts. I read that this could be the chelation of copper. This scares me because this would suggest that I am short of it elsewhere....like the ticker. Any ideas from anyone? Please!!!

Other ideas: MSM (oral and topical) for the tendinitis and diindolylmethane (DIM) for the fibroid.

#114 JayMass

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:11 PM

I started taking Resveratrol ~1 week ago. I odered the X500 (99% pure) from Revgenetics and actually recieved it faster than expected.

I am 5'10, ~160lbs. I cycle 100-200 miles a week and work out with weights 6 times a week.

I am taking 1.5 grams every morning. About 2 hours a\fter taking the Resveratrol I eat breakfast.

So far I have noticed no positive effects from taking the supplement - not that I was expecting an instant or night and day difference.

The one side effect I am going to attribute to the Resveratrol is more vivid dreams. Have not seen anyone else report this.

The one other thing I have noticed is that I seem to be recovering from my workouts slower than I used to. But I have recently added a leg work out when hitting the weights so can't say that the increased recovery time is due to the resveratrol.

I am going to continue to take it and am debating moving up to 2 grams daily.

#115 missminni

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:33 PM

I started taking Resveratrol ~1 week ago. I odered the X500 (99% pure) from Revgenetics and actually recieved it faster than expected.

I am 5'10, ~160lbs. I cycle 100-200 miles a week and work out with weights 6 times a week.

I am taking 1.5 grams every morning. About 2 hours a\fter taking the Resveratrol I eat breakfast.

So far I have noticed no positive effects from taking the supplement - not that I was expecting an instant or night and day difference.

The one side effect I am going to attribute to the Resveratrol is more vivid dreams. Have not seen anyone else report this.

The one other thing I have noticed is that I seem to be recovering from my workouts slower than I used to. But I have recently added a leg work out when hitting the weights so can't say that the increased recovery time is due to the resveratrol.

I am going to continue to take it and am debating moving up to 2 grams daily.

If you are in your 20's or 30's, and as athleticly active as you are, from what others have said, doing Resveratrol
at 1.5 grams might work against you. It appears from reports of others in that age group with intense physical routines that they get joint
pain and achilles tendon issues. Something to do with the anti inflammatory activity of res and the mechanism by which one recovers after
intense exercise. There are others here who can explain why scientifically, but it definitely is a pattern. Why don't you just
stick with 500 mg a day and see how you do on that. I think the older you are when you take Res, the more you notice it. the younger you are, the less you need it and the more issues you have with it. Definitely don't increase your dose. Reduce it. 500 to 1000 mg should be more than
enough. Try reducing it and see if your recovery time improves.

Edited by missminni, 05 August 2008 - 01:36 PM.

#116 JayMass

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:46 PM

I started taking Resveratrol ~1 week ago. I odered the X500 (99% pure) from Revgenetics and actually recieved it faster than expected.

I am 5'10, ~160lbs. I cycle 100-200 miles a week and work out with weights 6 times a week.

I am taking 1.5 grams every morning. About 2 hours a\fter taking the Resveratrol I eat breakfast.

So far I have noticed no positive effects from taking the supplement - not that I was expecting an instant or night and day difference.

The one side effect I am going to attribute to the Resveratrol is more vivid dreams. Have not seen anyone else report this.

The one other thing I have noticed is that I seem to be recovering from my workouts slower than I used to. But I have recently added a leg work out when hitting the weights so can't say that the increased recovery time is due to the resveratrol.

I am going to continue to take it and am debating moving up to 2 grams daily.

If you are in your 20's or 30's, and as athleticly active as you are, from what others have said, doing Resveratrol
at 1.5 grams might work against you. It appears from reports of others in that age group with intense physical routines that they get joint
pain and achilles tendon issues. Something to do with the anti inflammatory activity of res and the mechanism by which one recovers after
intense exercise. There are others here who can explain why scientifically, but it definitely is a pattern. Why don't you just
stick with 500 mg a day and see how you do on that. I think the older you are when you take Res, the more you notice it. the younger you are, the less you need it and the more issues you have with it. Definitely don't increase your dose. Reduce it. 500 to 1000 mg should be more than
enough. Try reducing it and see if your recovery time improves.

I am in my mid 30's.

Thanks for the suggestion missmini. I will give your suggestion a shot an reduce my dosage and see what happens.

As a side note I am taking no other supplments - except Vitamin C.

#117 kenj

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:50 PM

I've had my fair share of misery with resveratrol. Immune suppression/modulation, tendonitis, super slow recovery from falling off my bike, fatigue (low blood sugar), slowing the weightloss (?) from mild CR, - so I have paused intake several times. However, some ~1.5 year later after increasing my dose, - can't remember OTOH, - resveratrol is treating me nicely.
So; (1) I'm getting old ;-), or (2) my body has adapted to the resv. dose (~1-1.5 gram) finally.

I started taking Resveratrol ~1 week ago. I odered the X500 (99% pure) from Revgenetics and actually recieved it faster than expected.

I am 5'10, ~160lbs. I cycle 100-200 miles a week and work out with weights 6 times a week.

I am taking 1.5 grams every morning. About 2 hours a\fter taking the Resveratrol I eat breakfast.

So far I have noticed no positive effects from taking the supplement - not that I was expecting an instant or night and day difference.

The one side effect I am going to attribute to the Resveratrol is more vivid dreams. Have not seen anyone else report this.

The one other thing I have noticed is that I seem to be recovering from my workouts slower than I used to. But I have recently added a leg work out when hitting the weights so can't say that the increased recovery time is due to the resveratrol.

I am going to continue to take it and am debating moving up to 2 grams daily.

If you are in your 20's or 30's, and as athleticly active as you are, from what others have said, doing Resveratrol
at 1.5 grams might work against you. It appears from reports of others in that age group with intense physical routines that they get joint
pain and achilles tendon issues. Something to do with the anti inflammatory activity of res and the mechanism by which one recovers after
intense exercise. There are others here who can explain why scientifically, but it definitely is a pattern. Why don't you just
stick with 500 mg a day and see how you do on that. I think the older you are when you take Res, the more you notice it. the younger you are, the less you need it and the more issues you have with it. Definitely don't increase your dose. Reduce it. 500 to 1000 mg should be more than
enough. Try reducing it and see if your recovery time improves.

Edited by kenj, 05 August 2008 - 01:55 PM.

#118 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:58 PM

I believe the issue with Arthritis and Achilles issues is unfounded.

See thread below and read through it:

We also have at least 2 people on the board who work out (one is a weight lifter) that believes they have seen positive increases with res. The suggestion is to start at 500mg, and increase it weekly. Remember about platelet aggregation, so if you do get hurt, your recovery time will likely be longer. But Arthritis and Achilles... sorry, those are not likely.


#119 JayMass

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 02:02 PM

I believe the issue with Arthritis and Achilles issues is unfounded.

See thread below and read through it:

We also have at least 2 people on the board who work out (one is a weight lifter) that believes they have seen positive increases with res. The suggestion is to start at 500mg, and increase it weekly. Remember about platelet aggregation, so if you do get hurt, your recovery time will likely be longer. But Arthritis and Achilles... sorry, those are not likely.



I jumped up to 1.5 grams the second day. Are you suggesting I stick with my current does or that I drop down and work my way back up, or...?

A bit off topic but why do only recommend 1 500mg does per 50lbs of body weight on your website on bottle?


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#120 kenj

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 02:07 PM

>>> I believe the issue with Arthritis and Achilles issues is unfounded.

Well, something unfounded yet does not mean it can't happen, yet.

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