If you are in your 20's or 30's, and as athleticly active as you are, from what others have said, doing ResveratrolI started taking Resveratrol ~1 week ago. I odered the X500 (99% pure) from Revgenetics and actually recieved it faster than expected.
I am 5'10, ~160lbs. I cycle 100-200 miles a week and work out with weights 6 times a week.
I am taking 1.5 grams every morning. About 2 hours a\fter taking the Resveratrol I eat breakfast.
So far I have noticed no positive effects from taking the supplement - not that I was expecting an instant or night and day difference.
The one side effect I am going to attribute to the Resveratrol is more vivid dreams. Have not seen anyone else report this.
The one other thing I have noticed is that I seem to be recovering from my workouts slower than I used to. But I have recently added a leg work out when hitting the weights so can't say that the increased recovery time is due to the resveratrol.
I am going to continue to take it and am debating moving up to 2 grams daily.
at 1.5 grams might work against you. It appears from reports of others in that age group with intense physical routines that they get joint
pain and achilles tendon issues. Something to do with the anti inflammatory activity of res and the mechanism by which one recovers after
intense exercise. There are others here who can explain why scientifically, but it definitely is a pattern. Why don't you just
stick with 500 mg a day and see how you do on that. I think the older you are when you take Res, the more you notice it. the younger you are, the less you need it and the more issues you have with it. Definitely don't increase your dose. Reduce it. 500 to 1000 mg should be more than
enough. Try reducing it and see if your recovery time improves.
I am in my mid 30's.
Thanks for the suggestion missmini. I will give your suggestion a shot an reduce my dosage and see what happens.
As a side note I am taking no other supplments - except Vitamin C.
Being in fitness and weight training for the last year or so working with professional trainers....you, at the very least, need to be supplementing with fish oil, a good multi vitamin & 100% whey protein. Aim for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.
Any weight trainer/gym rat/athlete/runner you run into, will generally always have a bottle of fish oil attached to their side. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it helps with joint pain and recovery from intense physical activity and training. (among many other benefits of fish oil)
Then a good multi to help replenish what you deplete your body of due to increased the physical activity/training.
And protein...well, I don't think I have to go into why ample protein is important to training of just everyday living.
I have a whole closet full of supplements, stacked top to bottom and fish oil, protein & a good multi is by far the most important to me. You're training intensity and recovery will improve immensely if you at the very least, supplement with the three that I mentioned. You really are doing your body an injustice by not doing so.
I'm 26 years old and when I really started getting into fitness two years ago, I started without any supplements and knowledge of such and I was miserable. As soon as I connected with a trainer friend of mine and started supplementing with some whey Protein, fish oil & a good multi.... my intensity, results, endurance, stamina increased 5 fold..... really a night and day difference for me personally.
If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.

Edited by jCole, 05 August 2008 - 02:28 PM.