Health Check 3 - Tuesday, ten days after ending six months on Cycloastragenol, flow-FISH measurement of Teleomere lengthsI have data from two earlier tests as well. I've presented them earlier in this mail thread. In order to enhance readability I'll include the results again, including parts of my old comments.
BACKGROUNDFile 1: TLM_2009_March_Personal_Info_Removed.jpg
This is as close as I came to a "Baseline test". However, there are a couple of issues to be noted.
1. When the test was taken I'd been working in a very stressful environment for many years. There's a connection between stress and short telomeres in the immune systems. This connection is rather well described in this presentation: by Elisabeth Blackburn, this years winner of the Nobel prize. This might (or might not) be the reason for my short telomeres in NK-cells.
2. Before this Baseline test I took standardised Astragalus Root Extract for more than half a year (0.5% glucosides, 70% polysaccharides) 225 mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250 mg). First once a day, but soon three times a day (morning, lunch, evening). I also took Ginkgo biloba L. 100 mg (24 mg ginkgoflavonidglycosides , 6 mg terpenoids) twice daily.
3. Then, also before the Baseline test, I also had a period of about quarter when I took an ordinary root powder version of Astragalus (470mg, not standardized).
4. In two Cortisol tests I did before before the above mentioned baseline test, I had "really bad" and "very poor" (as in low levels) results respectively. Cortisol is a "stress hormone", and the levels I had in the first test were way to close to the kind you usually associate with people suffering from Addison's Disease:
http://en.wikipedia....son%27s_disease . The other test (after six months on standardized Astragalus extract + Gingko Biloba) was somewhat better but still not good.
The point I want to make is that I did not start out my test period as an ordinary person. All of the items above have probably had one effect or another on my telomere lengths before I took my baseline test.
File 2: TLM_2009_September_Personal_Info_Removed
This is the follow-up test I did about half a year after the first test. The time since the first test was divided into three parts.
Period 1: Three months on Astragaloside IV (3 x 33mg) which was spread out during the day (morning, lunch, evening).
Period 2: Rest period for two weeks. No supplements were taken.
Period 3: Three months on Astragaloside IV 100mg dose with Chitosan (1 x 100mg) taken in the morning.
The latter period also included the use of Orlistat (3x120mg) with each meal and Gingko Biloba (1x100mg) in the evening.
The weekend before the follow-up test I did not take any supplements at all.
File 3: 2010_April_TST_Personal_Info_Removed
This is the follow-up test I did about half a year after the second test. The time since the first test was divided into three parts.
Period 1: 3 months on Cycloastragenol 1x5mg (including Chitosan 1mg), Gingko Biloba 1x100mg, Orlistat 2-3x120mg.
Period 2: Two week rest period
Period 3: 3 months on Cycloastragenol 1x5mg (including Chitosan 1mg), Gingko Biloba 1x100mg, Orlistat 2-3x120mg
Because of the problems with the Icelandic volcano, I had to wait one week and one weekend before doing the flow-FISH test. I did not take any supplements at all during this time.
The amount of stress during all of the above periods have been pretty much constant, working a lot of overtime and not allowing for a real rest period.
ANALYSIS/COMMENTSAstragaloside IV6 months on AIV and Gingko Biloba + 3 last months on Orlistat rendered the following changes from my baseline values:
Lymphocytes: 7.5-7.0 =
reduction of 0.5 kb
Granulocytes: 9.1-7.4 =
reduction of 1.7 kb
Naive T-cells: 8.3-7.9 =
reduction of 0.4 kb
Memory T-cells: 6.3-5.6 =
reduction of 0.7 kb
B cells: 8.2-8.1 =
reduction of 0.1 kb
NK cells: 4.5-4.0 =
reduction of 0.5 kb
For all tests, I had the lab analyze the Standard Deviation. In the first test this was included in the original price. In the second test I got it without extra cost after asking for it. In the third test I had to pay extra for it.
When using Astragaloside IV the Standard Deviations changed from
Lymphocytes: 0.6 to 0
Granulocytes: 1.2 to 0
Naive T-cells: 0.4 to 0
Memory T-cells: 0.7 to 0
B cells: 0.7 to 0
NK cells: 0.7 to 0
Cycloastragenol6 months on Cycloastragenol (including Chitosan) and Gingko Biloba and Orlistat rendered the following changes from the last period.
Lymphocytes: 7.0-7.0 = No change
Granulocytes: 7.4-7.3 =
reduction of 0.1 kb
Naive T-cells: 7.9-7.9 = No change
Memory T-cells: 5.6-5.7 =
Increase of 0.1 kb
B cells: 8.1-8.2 = I
ncrease 0.1 kb
NK cells: 4.0-4.1 =
Increase of 0.1 kb
When using Cycloastragenol the Standard Deviations changed from
Lymphocytes: 0 to 0.2
Granulocytes: Still 0
Naive T-cells: 0 to 0.3
Memory T-cells: 0 to 0.2
B cells: 0 to 0.2
NK cells: 0 to 0.3
ConclusionUsing Astragaloside IV had a quite large negative effect on the telomere lengths. All of the telomeres in the measured cell types decreased in length. Several of the changes was quite large and well outside the possible fault limits of the test. Based on this results and the similar results Anthony had, I would hesitate to recommend anyone from taking Astragaloside IV as a supplement.
Using Cycloastragenol had a more interesting result. The changes was within the fault limits of the test, but at least 75% of the cell types which showed any change at all showed a slight increase in telomere length. It will be very interesting to see the results Anthony got from his test.
I welcome anyone who has a theory on the reason for the changes in standard deviation between the tests to give an explanation.
Future testsI still have 18 months supply left of Cycloastragenol and will most likely use it up in the future. Before I got the results I had however already decided to go back to use the same supplement as I used before I took my baseline test. Therefore I will take spend the next six month period on standardised Astragalus Root Extract (0.5% glucosides, 70% polysaccharides) 225 mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250 mg) and Gingkbo Biloba. I've started to phase out my use of Orlistat.