Bumping this old thread up.
I seem to find that 5htp really helps my mood when I am down in the slumps.
So interested in long term use, I did some searching and reached the following conclusion: (Please correct me If I am wrong)
5Htp can be taken daily if you also supplement with
L-tyrosine/NALT (but DLPA is better);
N-Acetyl Cysteine (for the glutathione depleted by sulfur depletion from tyrosine supplementation);
Administration of 5-HTP alone is contraindicated for
depression and any process involving a catecholaminecomponent due to its ability to facilitate depletion of theseneurotransmitters. 5-HTP should be administered carefully inpatients because depletion of dopamine and norepinephrinemay exacerbate existing disease processes or precipitateonset of catecholamine-related problems.Administering serotonin or dopamine amino acidprecursors should never involve administration of only oneamino acid. Improperly balanced amino acid precursors areassociated with decreased efficacy, increased side effects,and depletion of the nondominant system.
Source: http://neurosupport....indications.pdf
Source: post by Biofreak in longecity
Does this mean that if I'm dosing L-tyrosine/NALT on its own, I need to supplement seratonin precursors like 5htp too?