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#1 staz

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Posted 29 October 2003 - 04:13 AM

I just read this

and I wonder what your thoughts are on the issue..
I take fluor tabs on recommendation by my dentist to battle cavity development.. perhaps I should quit it?

#2 chubtoad

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Posted 29 October 2003 - 05:10 AM

Wierd, I use floride extensively. I see my dentist on saterday ill show him the article and ask him what he thinks.

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#3 Mind

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Posted 29 October 2003 - 08:33 PM

Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Astatine(rare) - The halogen group of elements. They are all highly reactive with organic and inorganic material. They could all be classified as poisons (in large enough quantities, even Iodine). Of these, Flourine is the most electronegative and reactive of all. In fact it is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements.

Chlorine is used in public drinking water to kill living organisms. The benefits of this use generally outweigh the negatives.

I am not sure what Fluorine compounds are used in drinking water or in the tabs. I am not sure how Fluoride strengthens teeth. I have never seen a good explanation. Personally I try to minimize my exposure.

Is it as bad as the Green Peace paper indicates? Probably not. Many people have been using fluoridated toothpaste for decades. I suspect there may be long term effects, but these must not be earth-shattering otherwise we would've heard about it a long time ago.

#4 Lazarus Long

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Posted 29 October 2003 - 08:56 PM

Iodine BTW, is a damned if you do, damned if you don't element. It is absolutely essential to good health in trace amounts though poisonous as you suggest Mind in overdose.

The reason common table salt is iodized is that one of the very first success stories of public medical programs was the prevention of thyroid disease by putting trace amounts of iodine in what we eat.

I suggest that this is more evidence that we were a "coastal ape" and that our food supply and adaptive genetics is related to the ocean. We didn't experience severe goiter and iodine deficiency until we began developing habitat further and further from the ocean.

Our relationship to red meat and dairy is also far more recent than the consumption of fish and poultry and that is another reason that we seem to require trace amounts of substances like fish oils to prevent many disorders from arterial sclerosis to cancer.

Could all of this group have some form of this same idea of being valuable or beneficial in specific form and limited dosage while being toxic in another, or in conditions of "overdosage?"
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#5 staz

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Posted 30 October 2003 - 12:08 AM

interesting speculations Lazarus.

I guess I'll quit taking fluoride tabs after I finished this jar then.. rather a higher risk of cavities than a higher risk of cancer.

#6 Lazarus Long

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Posted 30 October 2003 - 12:25 AM

I guess I'll quit taking fluoride tabs after I finished this jar then.. rather a higher risk of cavities than a higher risk of cancer.

It is not too good an idea to second guess your dentist. So you might consult with him/her and think about splitting your tabs (halving the dose) or taking the pills every other day before you quit the prescribed treatment entirely.

You also need to weigh benefits and risks carefully and ask yourself if the prescribed treatment is working and if the treatment has a given time limit or if you are expected to continue taking the pills for life?

You also might ask if there are other means of achieving the same result?

Before you do anything however you should look up the medication from online sources like a PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and look up the contraindications and side effects.

A long time ago I suffered from an oral infection and was prescribed a treatment that was a mouth wash of high fluorine content. I was supposed to use it in far higher doses than I found necessary to be effective and I augmented the procedure by intermittently substituting a hydrogen peroxide rinse. The infection went away fast and I was able to extend the utility of the mouth wash by a factor of almost ten.

Fluorine is very important as it prevents the bacteria responsible for forming cavities from doing their dirty work but good dental hygiene and and good fluoride toothpaste can provide most of what you need usually even in areas that do not fluoridate the water supply.

I do not think the fluorine helps any other part of the body than the teeth so if you can use the lozenge and spit out the wash when done this might also alleviate some of your concern at ingesting the fluorine.

I am not a doctor or a dentist and I do not want you to make up your mind one way or another based on what I have said; what I prefer is that you seek to inform yourself more and make a responsible decision taking all factors into consideration

#7 staz

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Posted 30 October 2003 - 02:09 AM

It is not too good an idea to second guess your dentist. So you might consult with him/her and think about splitting your tabs (halving the dose) or taking the pills every other day before you quit the prescribed treatment entirely. 

You also need to weigh benefits and risks carefully and ask yourself if the prescribed treatment is working and if the treatment has a given time limit or if you are expected to continue taking the pills for life?

You also might ask if there are other means of achieving the same result?

Before you do anything however you should look up the medication from online sources like a PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and look up the contraindications and side effects.

A long time ago I suffered from an oral infection and was prescribed a treatment that was a mouth wash of high fluorine content.  I was supposed to use it in far higher doses than I found necessary to be effective and I augmented the procedure by intermittently substituting a hydrogen peroxide rinse.  The infection went away fast and I was able to extend the utility of the mouth wash by a factor of almost ten.

Fluorine is very important as it prevents the bacteria responsible for forming cavities from doing their dirty work but good dental hygiene and and good fluoride toothpaste can provide most of what you need usually even in areas that do not fluoridate the water supply. 

I do not think the fluorine helps any other part of the body than the teeth so if you can use the lozenge and spit out the wash when done this might also alleviate some of your concern at ingesting the fluorine.

I am not a doctor or a dentist and I do not want you to make up your mind one way or another based on what I have said; what I prefer is that you seek to inform yourself more and make a responsible decision taking all factors into consideration

It's not prescribed, its OTC. My dentist just recommended me to take them about a year ago, slightly less, because she said I had a few places in my teeth where there was a big risk of developing cavities (showed on xrays).. Then a while ago I've been installed with the privilege which is also known as braces, and while having them it's harder to reach every area on the teeth with a toothbrush, and since I had read that fluoride supplements were recommended for people with braces I've continued taking them. However, as you say, brushing teeth twice a day properly should do the trick, besides, I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly, the tap water here is Flourised/flourated or whatever the word is.. And I drink alot of tap water too..
But I might show that article to my dentists and ask them what they think.. I used to take 0.50mg pills though, now I take 0.25 mg ones. I don't take as many as the manufacturers suggest either, not with these 0.25mg atleast, as they are recommended 4-6.. I usually take 2-4 per day.

#8 dannov

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 04:52 PM

It is not too good an idea to second guess your dentist. So you might consult with him/her and think about splitting your tabs (halving the dose) or taking the pills every other day before you quit the prescribed treatment entirely. 

You also need to weigh benefits and risks carefully and ask yourself if the prescribed treatment is working and if the treatment has a given time limit or if you are expected to continue taking the pills for life?

You also might ask if there are other means of achieving the same result?

Before you do anything however you should look up the medication from online sources like a PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and look up the contraindications and side effects.

A long time ago I suffered from an oral infection and was prescribed a treatment that was a mouth wash of high fluorine content.  I was supposed to use it in far higher doses than I found necessary to be effective and I augmented the procedure by intermittently substituting a hydrogen peroxide rinse.  The infection went away fast and I was able to extend the utility of the mouth wash by a factor of almost ten.

Fluorine is very important as it prevents the bacteria responsible for forming cavities from doing their dirty work but good dental hygiene and and good fluoride toothpaste can provide most of what you need usually even in areas that do not fluoridate the water supply. 

I do not think the fluorine helps any other part of the body than the teeth so if you can use the lozenge and spit out the wash when done this might also alleviate some of your concern at ingesting the fluorine.

I am not a doctor or a dentist and I do not want you to make up your mind one way or another based on what I have said; what I prefer is that you seek to inform yourself more and make a responsible decision taking all factors into consideration

It's not prescribed, its OTC. My dentist just recommended me to take them about a year ago, slightly less, because she said I had a few places in my teeth where there was a big risk of developing cavities (showed on xrays).. Then a while ago I've been installed with the privilege which is also known as braces, and while having them it's harder to reach every area on the teeth with a toothbrush, and since I had read that fluoride supplements were recommended for people with braces I've continued taking them. However, as you say, brushing teeth twice a day properly should do the trick, besides, I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly, the tap water here is Flourised/flourated or whatever the word is.. And I drink alot of tap water too..
But I might show that article to my dentists and ask them what they think.. I used to take 0.50mg pills though, now I take 0.25 mg ones. I don't take as many as the manufacturers suggest either, not with these 0.25mg atleast, as they are recommended 4-6.. I usually take 2-4 per day.

Felt the need to bump this post as it's a pretty important topic.

- Fluoride was originally used as a rat poison

- The administration of Fluoride in our water supply requires pourers to wear yellow safety suits as contact with the chemical is deadly

- It is illegal to dump fluoride in the ocean, yet perfectly safe to put in our water supply

- Hitler used fluoride in the water supplies of Jews in concentration camps because it has an effect on the part of the brain (a permanent one) that encourages resistance and free will

- Fluoride is a byproduct of Aluminum. The studies that demonstrated Fluoride as being healthy for teeth were all sponsored by the Aluminum industry. This allowed the Aluminum industry to not only save themselves the expense of properly disposing of the fluoride, but to turn a profit by selling their junk.

Always question your dentist or doctor. They are not all-knowing. They only know what they have been told in college, and generally lack knowledge in the realm of health and nutrition as we speak about it. They often don't have the time due to their schedules to research herbal alternatives and even then it's risky for them to recommend anything due to the FDA and other Big Pharma-manipulated organizations. Think for yourself. The facts that I have put in here are just accumulated knowledge from various research articles and what-not over the years so I can't just give you the source off the top of my head, but you guys are smart...do your own research to validate it. :~

#9 DukeNukem

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 05:13 PM

Here's the thing: Fluoride is topical, not systemic. It should therefore not be used in our drinking water. No one should take fluoride supplements! Yet, drinking water can be categorized as a fluoride supplement.

I do not drink city water whenever I can avoid it. And, I do not use fluoride toothpaste. (I use LEF's toothpaste, with pomegranate.)

There's no evidence that populations with fluoride in their water have healthier teeth than populations without. Most of Europe, for example, does not use fluoride in their water.

Fluoridation is a profit center for several corporations, and is as bogus as vaccinations for kids.
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#10 senseix

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 09:38 PM

Here's the thing: Fluoride is topical, not systemic. It should therefore not be used in our drinking water. No one should take fluoride supplements! Yet, drinking water can be categorized as a fluoride supplement.

I do not drink city water whenever I can avoid it. And, I do not use fluoride toothpaste. (I use LEF's toothpaste, with pomegranate.)

There's no evidence that populations with fluoride in their water have healthier teeth than populations without. Most of Europe, for example, does not use fluoride in their water.

Fluoridation is a profit center for several corporations, and is as bogus as vaccinations for kids.

I agree with that statement, i put in a water filtration system that removes most of the flouride from the tap water.

#11 resveratrol

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 10:25 PM

There was a great article in a recent issue of Scientific American:


To sum it up, there's an increasing amount of evidence that fluoride cannot be considered entirely safe, and our current levels of intake are much higher than what's likely to be the ideal.

#12 chrisp2

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 02:07 AM

Here's the thing: Fluoride is topical, not systemic. It should therefore not be used in our drinking water. No one should take fluoride supplements! Yet, drinking water can be categorized as a fluoride supplement.

I do not drink city water whenever I can avoid it. And, I do not use fluoride toothpaste. (I use LEF's toothpaste, with pomegranate.)

There's no evidence that populations with fluoride in their water have healthier teeth than populations without. Most of Europe, for example, does not use fluoride in their water.

Fluoridation is a profit center for several corporations, and is as bogus as vaccinations for kids.

I agree with that statement, i put in a water filtration system that removes most of the flouride from the tap water.

A Reverse Osmosis system?

#13 ortcloud

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 02:51 AM

I would definitely avoid fluoride.

since it isnt sugar that directly rots the teeth, but the acid that the bacteria excrete after eating sugar, you shoul disrupt as many stages as possible.

use xylitol to prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth and colonizing. like rinsing with it after you brush your teeth at night, chew gum with it.

Maybe some higher ph mouth rinses to neutralize any acids from bacteria.

or just get some bacteria that dont excrete acid at all.


#14 niner

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 04:17 AM

Those of you who don't want to consume fluoride better avoid tea then, because it has typically ~1 mg/cup.

For what it's worth, there is a world of difference between fluorine and fluoride, chlorine and chloride, etc. Fluorine, chlorine, etc are highly reactive gasses. They are reactive because they crave an electron. Once they get the electron they crave and thus obtain a stable full outer shell electron configuration, they are no longer reactive, they have a negative charge, and their name ends in "ide". Fluorine and fluoride are night and day.

Sodium fluoride is toxic in LARGE QUANTITIES. So are vitamins. BFD.

Vaccinations are bad for kids? Honestly Duke, I'm surprised you've traveled that far down the anti-science road.

#15 resveratrol

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:23 AM

Those of you who don't want to consume fluoride better avoid tea then, because it has typically ~1 mg/cup.

This generalization is so broad as to be entirely invalid. The fluoride content varies quite a bit depending on the type of tea.

Sodium fluoride is toxic in LARGE QUANTITIES. So are vitamins. BFD.



And stop using ALL CAPS to emphasize your points, because it's really ANNOYING.

Edited by resveratrol, 14 February 2008 - 05:25 AM.

#16 niner

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:03 AM

Those of you who don't want to consume fluoride better avoid tea then, because it has typically ~1 mg/cup.

This generalization is so broad as to be entirely invalid. The fluoride content varies quite a bit depending on the type of tea.

Entirely? Note the word "typically".

Sodium fluoride is toxic in LARGE QUANTITIES. So are vitamins. BFD.



And stop using ALL CAPS to emphasize your points, because it's really ANNOYING.

Umm, check. I mean CHECK. Forgive me, I have sinned. The point about large quantities was a reference to an upthread fallacy; Just because something is harmful in large quantities does not mean it is harmful in small quantities.

#17 senseix

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:54 AM

Here's the thing: Fluoride is topical, not systemic. It should therefore not be used in our drinking water. No one should take fluoride supplements! Yet, drinking water can be categorized as a fluoride supplement.

I do not drink city water whenever I can avoid it. And, I do not use fluoride toothpaste. (I use LEF's toothpaste, with pomegranate.)

There's no evidence that populations with fluoride in their water have healthier teeth than populations without. Most of Europe, for example, does not use fluoride in their water.

Fluoridation is a profit center for several corporations, and is as bogus as vaccinations for kids.

I agree with that statement, i put in a water filtration system that removes most of the flouride from the tap water.

A Reverse Osmosis system?

No, its a Crystal Quest, 8 stage filter system, which includes a Flouride removal filter. I would myself not use a Reverse Osmosis, i can't recall off hand what i read about it that turned me off, but if i was to try and recall it was the fact that it changed the water, made it more acidy and also it removed every mineral, some of the minerals are beneficial in water so keeping them in is actually a smart move, in my opinion.

#18 krillin

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:20 PM


Can't. It's behind a pay wall.

#19 Mixter

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 11:13 PM

Yes, fluoride is a very reactive element and neurotoxic in _large_ doses,
So yes, you should definitely avoid ingesting or swallowing fluoride in
larger doses than you absorb while using toothpaste.

Some dentists recommend using fluoride gel over night without rinsing.
and I would really not do that, LD50 of fluoride is as low as 60mg/kg,
hence LD50(F) = 4-6 grams for most adults. PMID: 2331314

But regarding absorbing fluoride in the < 50mg range, I don't think
it is evil. Especially for people who take vitamins and a lot of other
neuroprotective agents, neurological effects of fluoride are negligible.

In any case, anyone who seen Dr.Strangelove knows that the only
real solution against the fluoride conspiracy is global thermonuclear war,
which, unfortunately, comes with its own particular side effects. :~

#20 caston

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Posted 15 February 2008 - 01:41 AM

- It is illegal to dump fluoride in the ocean, yet perfectly safe to put in our water supply

- Hitler used fluoride in the water supplies of Jews in concentration camps because it has an effect on the part of the brain (a permanent one) that encourages resistance and free will

I would like to see some credible references about the hitler/jews/floride thing. Propoents for flouridation could easily invoke Godwins law there :~

The flurodation act in Australia set the level at 1mg per litre. Yes, it is good to have floride free water but only if that $1000 is really burning a whole in your pocket and you needed a new water filter anyway so might as well grab one that does reverse osmosis.

#21 dannov

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 05:15 PM

Vaccinations are bad for kids? Honestly Duke, I'm surprised you've traveled that far down the anti-science road.

Do you know how many studies have related increases in autism and all sorts of diseases to vaccinations? This is pretty massive. It's not mainstream media covered. Parents are pissed, and the research is out there if you'd just go and read it. People that speak out against child vaccination (I'm against all forms of it, I don't get sick because I eat right, supplement right, and exercise) are well-informed, and not just conspiracy theorists.

I would like to see some credible references about the hitler/jews/floride thing. Propoents for flouridation could easily invoke Godwins law there

Just from a quick Google search:





Fluoride being healthy for you is just another example of "Tell a lie loud enough, and everybody will believe it."

As for small amounts of Fluoride being fine for you--it accumulates in your body from what I understand.

Ugh, I think I just reported my own post to a mod...lol.

Edited by dannov, 22 February 2008 - 05:21 PM.

#22 krillin

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 09:21 PM

Do you know how many studies have related increases in autism and all sorts of diseases to vaccinations?

Prove it. Here's a recent review that concludes otherwise.

Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Dec;82(6):756-9.
Vaccines and autism: evidence does not support a causal association.
DeStefano F.
Statistics and Epidemiology Unit, RTI International, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. fdestefano@rti.org

A suggested association between certain childhood vaccines and autism has been one of the most contentious vaccine safety controversies in recent years. Despite compelling scientific evidence against a causal association, many parents and parent advocacy groups continue to suspect that vaccines, particularly measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs), can cause autism.

PMID: 17928818

Just from a quick Google search:





These are all kook sites. If you want to be taken seriously here you're going to need to think scientifically. Look at this stupid argument from your last link.

Fluorine, the gangster of the chemical underworld, made the atomic bomb possible. The only scientific way to free the necessary quantities of fissionable Uranium 235, buried in the inert mass of its parent U-238, is to force uranium hexafluoride gas through many acres of porous barriers. The next part of the process gradually concentrates the elements, creating a deadly hazard from radiation. "Hex" is what they named this vicious stuff.

#23 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 04:05 AM

As a dental student I could conceivably see municipal water systems ceasing fluoridation within the next 20-40 years. Fluoride has its most beneficial effects when applied directly to the teeth, that is topically, not when diluted throughout the body or systemically. In the past most of the population of the United States was not exposed to fluoride. After dental fluorosis was observed in Colorado in conjunction with greatly reduced caries (cavity) incidence in the local population, studies were done to see if a more moderate level of fluoridation of water could prevent the decay without causing the staining. There are other places that also naturally have fluoride in the water including Texas.

Long story short, it was found that about 1 ppm of fluoride cut caries incidence by something like 40% in the communities where it was tried without causing fluorosis. However almost all modern toothpastes include fluoride and it is estimated that about 96% of Americans get topical fluoride exposure from this source daily. This makes the argument for water supply fluoridation much harder since the systemic application has less benefits to the dentition and has been conjectured to have possible harmful effects.

I really don't recommend that anyone take fluoride tablets. If you aren't a young child it's probably not that dangerous but there are certainly better ways to protect your teeth. This article is a bit old but on page three it shows how a caries risk assessment is calculated. If your CRA shows you are at moderate or high risk you can talk to your dentist about prescribing you a high-fluoride toothpaste or one of the new remineralizing solutions like MI Paste. But yeah, unless you are living on a dollar a day or less, I wouldn't recommend using fluoride tablets.

#24 krillin

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 04:16 AM

If your CRA shows you are at moderate or high risk you can talk to your dentist about prescribing you a high-fluoride toothpaste or one of the new remineralizing solutions like MI Paste.

As you told us back in August, Trident White contains a smaller amount of the MI paste's active ingredient.

#25 dannov

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 10:48 PM


I told you that I just did a quick Google search. There have been quite a few studies since the 80s on the dangers of Fluoride that have been largely ignored. One of the links that I provided you with is consumerhealth's site, and I wouldn't consider that a "kook" site. Btw, what problem do you have with the paragraph that you cited? Do you have evidence to state that it isn't true?

If you want to search for abstracts and actual research articles to learn more about it, go ahead. I've done my research on this crap a while ago--I don't need any more convincing.

#26 krillin

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 06:14 AM


I told you that I just did a quick Google search. There have been quite a few studies since the 80s on the dangers of Fluoride that have been largely ignored. One of the links that I provided you with is consumerhealth's site, and I wouldn't consider that a "kook" site. Btw, what problem do you have with the paragraph that you cited? Do you have evidence to state that it isn't true?

If you want to search for abstracts and actual research articles to learn more about it, go ahead. I've done my research on this crap a while ago--I don't need any more convincing.

Consumer Health is a bunch of kooks. They believe in homeopathy. Case closed.


Our aim is to encourage the prevention of disease through knowledge, and to help the public make informed decisions about their health-care through exposure to a variety of alternatives. Natural alternatives based on a "holistic" or "natural" approach strengthen the whole body. They include naturopathy, homeopathy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, ayurveda, nutrition, magnetic therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, oxygen therapy, chelation therapy, meditation and visualization and many many more.

Their page that you linked to claimed that Dean Burke had found that fluoridation causes cancer. They don't provide a reference and I couldn't find anything on PubMed matching that description. How do you know these kooks aren't just doing creative writing? I did find a credible source that contradicts their dubious claim.

Cancer Causes Control. 1997 May;8(3):292-308.
Drinking water and cancer.
Cantor KP.
Occupational Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.

Epidemiologic evidence on the relation between contaminants in drinking water and cancer is reviewed. The reviewed studies cover exposure to: disinfection byproducts; nitrate; arsenic and other metals; volatiles and contaminants from hazardous waste sites; asbestiform fibers; radionuclides; and fluoride. Most investigations are ecologic, with some confirmation of elevated risk from individual-based studies. In the case of waterborne arsenic, and possibly chlorination byproducts, there is a consistent but small body of epidemiologic evidence of an association with one or more types of cancer. Nitrate in groundwater has increased greatly over the years, and the demonstration of endogenous nitrosation among highly exposed subjects raises concern of elevated cancer risk. However, the epidemiologic data are not yet sufficient to draw a conclusion. There is a diversity of studies among populations exposed to water contaminated with pesticides, volatile organics, or mixtures from hazardous waste sites. Studies of asbestiform fibers and radionuclides in water are not conclusive, but there are suggested elevations of several cancer sites in highly exposed populations. There is no suggestion that fluoride in drinking water is linked with elevated risk of cancer. As topics for epidemiologic evaluation, drinking water contaminants pose methodologic problems common to studies designed to detect relatively small elevations in risk, with the added challenge of assessing exposures for many years in the past. Nevertheless, epidemiologic assessment is valuable and clearly warranted, given the potential public health impact of small risk elevations among very large exposed populations, and the limitations of toxicologic experiments in assessing carcinogenic risk of complex mixtures or of compounds for which appropriate animal models are not available.

PMID: 9498894

The uranium enrichment paragraph I quoted was not germane to the topic of water fluoridation. It's an example of the unscientific scare tactics that kooks use, and would have instantly set off the BS detector of an educated mind.

If you have nothing to share other than unsupported paranoid opinions, then please go away and stop wasting our bandwidth.

#27 balance

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 12:48 PM

Hey guys,

Can anybody tell me what you think of this video?


I just saw this via a dutch website. Not sure yet what to think of it.

#28 dannov

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 04:54 AM

Ooo, looks like I struck a chord with you, eh Krillin?

Here's Dean's wiki-page:


A friend of Dean Burk has written that Dean Burk was responsible for convincing the government of the Netherlands to cease adding fluoride to its drinking water.

Source: Ralph Moss: In Memory of Dean Burk. [1] website, accessed 24 January, 2007. http://www.cancerdec...31404_page.html

Your knocking of homeopathy doesn't do anything but show me that you don't like the idea that consumerhealth keeps an open mind about alternative treatments. Whether it's farcical or not is irrelevant, as the drug corporations in this country lobby the crap out of the FDA (which also is paid off by these companies) to fight against alternative treatments other than what they prescribe (lining their pockets). Even if something works, if it would take a dent out of pharma profits, then it won't get endorsed by the FDA. Ever hear of Rife light/sound wave treatment? No? I have a friend whose brother was told his Leukemia was incurable, yet they cured it quickly enough with virtually no sides using this treatment. How about Graviola, the herb that cuts off the majority of ATP production to cells? ATP is needed for cancer cells to multiply, and a typical cell requires far less ATP than a cancer cell to survive. Graviola treatments selectively target the cancer cells by drastically reducing bodily ATP production, and is virtually a safe cure for most forms of cancer. Why didn't you hear about it? Because the pharmas tried for 7 years to unsuccessfully make a synthetic out of it to make it patentable, wasted millions of dollars, and failed. Therefore, it was shelved.

But, back to fluoridation, since you want some more accurate well-put together articles, here you go:




And a nice, incredibly true quote from the above article:

Fluoridation of water owes its continued existence more to politics than to science. If safety and effectiveness are truly considered, fluoride would be questionable even as a prescription drug. But to freely add it to public water supplies, often without any public vote whatsoever, is far beyond questionable. Mr. Meiers' discussion of the dangers of fluoride is important reading.

Take what the "U.S. Public Health Service" has to say with a grain of salt. If you think that agencies such as this aren't bought out by special interests, then I've got a piece of swamp land in Florida to sell you. Studies in favor of Fluoride--look who sponsored them. Generally, the aluminum industry. Follow the paper trail.

Consider that most countries have removed Fluoride from their water supplies in Europe and, I believe, Canada as well.

#29 Agarikon

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 05:41 AM

Quote Dannov: Fluoridation of water owes its continued existence more to politics than to science. If safety and effectiveness are truly considered, fluoride would be questionable even as a prescription drug. But to freely add it to public water supplies, often without any public vote whatsoever, is far beyond questionable. Mr. Meiers' discussion of the dangers of fluoride is important reading.

How does this quote have any substance at all? They're only statements. See for yourself:

Eating bananas owes its continued existence more to politics than to science. If safety and effectiveness are truly considered, eating bananas would be questionable even as a prescription drug. But to freely add it to private super market inventory, often without any public vote whatsoever, is far beyond questionable. Mr. Joe's discussion of the dangers of Bananas is important reading.

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#30 niner

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 05:42 AM

Honestly, dannov, you really do sound kind of paranoid. Like there's a big conspiracy between pharmas and all government agencies. There is simply no way in hell, no freaking way, that a safe and effective "cancer cure" could be suppressed. I'd say "trust me", but, y'know, I'm part of the conspiracy... It is possible to buy just about anything in the "supplement" genre, and the government/big pharma conspiracy hasn't managed to stop that yet. Yes, it is difficult to get a useless medical device on the market. That's the whole point.

For what it's worth, since toothpastes are almost all fluoridated now, it would be pretty easy to stop fluoridating the water supply, except for the problem of tooth development in children too young to use adult toothpaste. I don't think you can put enough fluoride to be useful in little kids toothpaste because they swallow it. You can give them fluoride supplements in which the dose is controlled, which is what my quite competent pediatrician recommends, and I have done with my two kids, who are not yet ridden with cancer. I live in an area that never got fluoridated water.

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