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Piracetam before sleep?

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#1 bvcw

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 04:06 AM

Have any of you tried taking Piracetam less than an hour before you go to sleep? What does it do to your sleep?

I have only tried it for two nights. On both mornings after I woke up, I was able to recall my dreams. This morning, my alarm clock took 30 seconds to wake me up from this vivid dream. That's unusual since I usually get up at the instant my alarm clock goes off (I have mild insomnia). I usually don't dream much at all at night and feel like I don't get quality sleep, but after taking piracetam, I dream much more and I feel better after sleeping. Is it just a placebo effect or is it random? Should I continue taking Piracetam before sleep?

#2 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 12:12 PM

Have any of you tried taking Piracetam less than an hour before you go to sleep? What does it do to your sleep?

I have only tried it for two nights. On both mornings after I woke up, I was able to recall my dreams. This morning, my alarm clock took 30 seconds to wake me up from this vivid dream. That's unusual since I usually get up at the instant my alarm clock goes off (I have mild insomnia). I usually don't dream much at all at night and feel like I don't get quality sleep, but after taking piracetam, I dream much more and I feel better after sleeping. Is it just a placebo effect or is it random? Should I continue taking Piracetam before sleep?

I have heard that piracetam can cause vivid dreams, though the best supplement to take to improve sleep is melatonin... which also makes dreams more vivid.

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#3 calengineering

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Posted 13 April 2008 - 03:30 AM

I always thought that the nights when I didn't dream I had the most rest and woke up most refreshed. Isn't that logical too? Sleeping without dreams may be a deeper sleep?

#4 Rags847

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Posted 13 April 2008 - 05:48 AM

I have felt Piracetam induce vivid dreams.
I have also had too much Piracetam in me and have woken up from disturbing dreams a little while after faling asleep (not good).
Even a small amount of Melatonin (200mcgs) deepens my sleep and I wake up refreshed and relaxed in the morning. Not sure yet what it does to my dreaming states.

#5 Ghostrider

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Posted 13 April 2008 - 07:12 AM

I have felt Piracetam induce vivid dreams.
I have also had too much Piracetam in me and have woken up from disturbing dreams a little while after faling asleep (not good).
Even a small amount of Melatonin (200mcgs) deepens my sleep and I wake up refreshed and relaxed in the morning. Not sure yet what it does to my dreaming states.

I tried this a while ago and noticed no effect. Dosage was 800 mg about an hour before bed...although I don't notice anything at 800 mg.

Edited by Ghostrider, 13 April 2008 - 07:12 AM.

#6 bvcw

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Posted 13 April 2008 - 04:52 PM

I noticed the vividness of my dreams decreased as I start taking piracetam every night before I sleep. I feel most awake and alert during the day if I dream at night, especially if the dreams are very vivid or lucid. It also enhances creativity.

#7 graatch

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 07:05 AM

I always thought that the nights when I didn't dream I had the most rest and woke up most refreshed. Isn't that logical too? Sleeping without dreams may be a deeper sleep?

In my opinion, this is more likely.

I don't buy REM = memory consolidation.

The REM deprivation experiments in rats are unavoidably flawed -- the rats had to be woken up. Sometimes they were dunked in cold water. This obviously compromises deep sleep as well.

Many antidepressants eliminate REM sleep in humans entirely.

I envision REM sleep as just a halfway point between the full acquisition of deep sleep and higher levels of arousal -- the adaptive benefit of this state being that it's easier to wake up and be alert, fight off enemies or whatever. Waking immediately from deep sleep is much more difficult.

When I go to bed stressed, my dreams are intense.

Anyway, it's all in the realm of theory.
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#8 Moses Gunner

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 09:09 PM

Piracetam is the most amazing thing I have ever taken befor sleep. I have been taking piracetam for almost 3 month strait 2 times a day, when i wake and befor i go to bed. You don't just remember your dreams better, but when your falling alseep you go in to that place betwean sleep and awake much faster and its much more vivid. The only problem is that I wake up much more groggy then I other wise would. I love Piracetam befor bed, and would say that I find it much more effective then taking melitonin.

Edited by Moses Gunner, 14 April 2008 - 09:10 PM.

#9 juanjo_asdf

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 08:35 AM

have you ever thought of the possibility that piracetam is a stimulant and keeps you on the verge of deep sleep. its properties for lucid dreaming might be associated with its stimulant properties and not only on its nootropic nature

#10 hamishm00

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 10:10 AM

Piracetam is the most amazing thing I have ever taken befor sleep. I have been taking piracetam for almost 3 month strait 2 times a day, when i wake and befor i go to bed. You don't just remember your dreams better, but when your falling alseep you go in to that place betwean sleep and awake much faster and its much more vivid. The only problem is that I wake up much more groggy then I other wise would. I love Piracetam befor bed, and would say that I find it much more effective then taking melitonin.

Melatonin has to be a better supplement to take at night. But what if you combine the two?

#11 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 07:24 AM

I take 3 tablespoons per day, and the last one right before bed, sometimes one hour before. It is amazing, the dreams are very vivid and I seem to be 'awake' even while asleep. I talk to people and do amazing things and the colours and memories are very much brighter and sharper.

Even better, the next morning I wake up refreshed and 'up' even before I open my eyes. As reference, I don't take any caffeine or chemical stimulants at all (only had one cup of coffee when I was 16 but never liked it).

Piracetam is highly recommended by me for use right before bed, but it is advisable to remember that it makes the going-to-sleep process longer - while not preventing sleep like a stimulant would.

Edited by Isochroma, 09 January 2009 - 07:25 AM.

#12 yoyo

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 04:53 AM

don't have it onhand but i think there was a study showing it reduced slow wave sleep might want to check that out. i only take in the morning.

#13 dupez

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 02:18 PM

i have been dreaming/recalling dreams every night since i started taking piracetam about a week ago.

#14 Heliotrope

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 02:45 AM

at what temperature should you store pira? I have the large jar from BN, didnt open it but forgot it by window sill, cold dark area, while I went home for college break, I wonder if I should tear the plastic seal off and try the powder or does it ever go bad at some temps? Do they go bad at freezing temp? return? I'd assume most supps go bad at hot temps rather than cold.

I've also got a crappy-tasting energy drink called neurofuel, has pira in it, stored in room temp. the drink has stimulant effects, because they put in 127.5mg of caffiene per can. is pira strong stimulant?

Edited by HYP86, 11 January 2009 - 02:50 AM.

#15 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 19 July 2009 - 10:47 PM

The Wings of Freedom

My dreams continue to be hyperlucid. Every day I take 3g piracetam every 3 hours, and a 3.5g dose right before bed.

Falling asleep takes longer, but I get far more quality per sleep-hour than ever before! It's like some king of miracle that never ends, one that gets better and better every day. Yes, from the very first day on June 10 of last year until today, each day I get better sleep and wake up more refreshed.

What my brain is telling me is that it is gradually becoming remade, polished like some rough intersurface superjunction into a mirror finish. Frictionless. Always rotating, moving forever more without loss or wear. Think about the seaplane, or even the wheeled version on a runway. As it takes off it rolls along the runway or ploughs along the surface of the water. At a certain point it reaches a high enough velocity to pull the wheels or pontoons off the surface. At that point all friction with the supportive surface vanishes instantly and only air resistance holds it back. At that point it can accelerate even faster and fly off into that vast blue ocean we call the sky.

The real magic is when the energy-sucking, wearing force of friction drops away like the totally uneccesary burden that it is, leaving the soul to accelerate to eternity. Piracetam is the crucial element for without it even the most powerful 'pushers' such as LSD and the related elevating-accelerating psychedelics are useless in the long term. Just like an overdriven engine, a brain without neurolube will wear out quickly under the pressure of such agents.

However, eliminate the neuroelectromechanical friction and the true potential of such agents becomes apparent. I have not yet tested the combination but reports at my piracetam potentiation page indicate something revolutionary is hiding around the next corner...

And the hours! I go to bed crazy late at night or early in the morning, yet don't suffer virtually any compromise in performance the next day, and of course ZERO TIREDNESS NO MATTER HOW LATE I GO TO BED, AND NO MATTER HOW FEW HOURS OF SLEEP I'VE HAD.

I know that's a hard to believe statement. I don't take caffeine or alcohol either. Yet it is absolutely TRUE. I feel my mind is becoming a machine that never stops. It spins in some beautiful place of its own. It never cries and always tries. It has become relentless at a level of totality that I could never even imagine before. Since recent years excepting the last I had begun to not have to wait for my computer. Now I have to wait for Windows again - the GUI just can't keep up with my mental processing speed. It is so nice to outpace a 2.25GHz. machine, in fact it is damn euphoric.

During the final days of World War II, Allied pilots flying their propeller-driven aircraft had the opportunity to witness the first (though insufficient in number and too late in timing to effect the war's outcome) deployment of jet aircraft in wartime. One of them described his vision of the revolutionary advanced German craft: "It flew like the angels were pushing". Even today so many years after reading the quote while researching jet propulsion, it brings a smile to my face as I contemplate other kinds of planes the angels might decide to push.

Finally, something almost metaphysical. I have met highly intelligent, fast and tireless people before. When I looked into their eyes they shone - not like a glow so much as an enhanced optical reflectivity. A shiny surface. It seems to be a measure of mental-energetic function level. When people are damaged or ill or tired or just plain stupid, they have dull eyes. When they are dead there is no more shine at all.

And over this past year my eyes have become so much more shiny. I can see it in a mirror and I can also see it from the inside of my vision (how can I explain that?). That shininess is very exciting and corresponds with the intensity of my dreaming. It is how well my awareness can grasp this universe and also how well it can bend and flow.

Lastly, recently I've had this feeling. It's the feeling of everything beginning. I'm 30 years old yet here is this feeling that was missing from so many of my years. It's like an excitement that can be felt in the back. Like the feeling just before good acid or mushrooms start to come on. Like standing on the start line of the most amazing race.

What I love the most is the humanness of this wonder molecule. I feel the soft, true and eternal gentleness of the humane archetype, a core in the midst of clear power that radiates in all natural ways for all true reasons. This is a molecule with heart, and heart is what drives the true path of all humanity. There is no excess or deficiency, no sedation or overdrive, no twisting of the natural shape of the psyche - an undesireable effect of almost every other psychoactive.

Like the shadow of God, it is both invisible and yet inside and outside everything. By its silence the quietest voice is the loudest, and with its inaudible song shakes the Universe into something which is inconceivable. As the molecules and ions dance within the vastness of a biologic system, each one has a spirit. With piracetam all the subtle avenues which lead to total integration show their courses as a new dawn reveals them. With their hearty sub-picosecond electron-shell reconfigurations, vibrational-rotational transitions and numerous other quantum expressions these wonderful friends of mine are playing a tune just for me. Their message is to enjoy the total value of their harmonic collaboration at the largest possible level of scalar physical integration which is my organism.

As with the mighty glacier, the slowest is also the most powerful; my process is still ongoing after a year and a month. Every day is a steady advance to never be left behind but in the colourful space of my memories.

Last week I sent an email full of thanks and my passion for their amazing creation to UCB {contactucb@ucb.com}, host of the Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, inventor of Piracetam way back in 1964 - 45 years ago! I never received a response but assume some secretary or other person got to read it and smiled.

Edited by Isochroma, 19 July 2009 - 11:44 PM.

#16 nito

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Posted 20 July 2009 - 06:27 PM

WOOW Ishochroma u sure have found the holy grail! :-D
They say piracetam might impove verbal abilities and it looks like it might have for you. (not saying u had poor english prior) Your input was very interesting to read and i hope Piracetam will be effective for me too as i am about to try it for the first time.


The Wings of Freedom

My dreams continue to be hyperlucid. Every day I take 3g piracetam every 3 hours, and a 3.5g dose right before bed.

Falling asleep takes longer, but I get far more quality per sleep-hour than ever before! It's like some king of miracle that never ends, one that gets better and better every day. Yes, from the very first day on June 10 of last year until today, each day I get better sleep and wake up more refreshed.

What my brain is telling me is that it is gradually becoming remade, polished like some rough intersurface superjunction into a mirror finish. Frictionless. Always rotating, moving forever more without loss or wear. Think about the seaplane, or even the wheeled version on a runway. As it takes off it rolls along the runway or ploughs along the surface of the water. At a certain point it reaches a high enough velocity to pull the wheels or pontoons off the surface. At that point all friction with the supportive surface vanishes instantly and only air resistance holds it back. At that point it can accelerate even faster and fly off into that vast blue ocean we call the sky.

The real magic is when the energy-sucking, wearing force of friction drops away like the totally uneccesary burden that it is, leaving the soul to accelerate to eternity. Piracetam is the crucial element for without it even the most powerful 'pushers' such as LSD and the related elevating-accelerating psychedelics are useless in the long term. Just like an overdriven engine, a brain without neurolube will wear out quickly under the pressure of such agents.

However, eliminate the neuroelectromechanical friction and the true potential of such agents becomes apparent. I have not yet tested the combination but reports at my piracetam potentiation page indicate something revolutionary is hiding around the next corner...

And the hours! I go to bed crazy late at night or early in the morning, yet don't suffer virtually any compromise in performance the next day, and of course ZERO TIREDNESS NO MATTER HOW LATE I GO TO BED, AND NO MATTER HOW FEW HOURS OF SLEEP I'VE HAD.

I know that's a hard to believe statement. I don't take caffeine or alcohol either. Yet it is absolutely TRUE. I feel my mind is becoming a machine that never stops. It spins in some beautiful place of its own. It never cries and always tries. It has become relentless at a level of totality that I could never even imagine before. Since recent years excepting the last I had begun to not have to wait for my computer. Now I have to wait for Windows again - the GUI just can't keep up with my mental processing speed. It is so nice to outpace a 2.25GHz. machine, in fact it is damn euphoric.

During the final days of World War II, Allied pilots flying their propeller-driven aircraft had the opportunity to witness the first (though insufficient in number and too late in timing to effect the war's outcome) deployment of jet aircraft in wartime. One of them described his vision of the revolutionary advanced German craft: "It flew like the angels were pushing". Even today so many years after reading the quote while researching jet propulsion, it brings a smile to my face as I contemplate other kinds of planes the angels might decide to push.

Finally, something almost metaphysical. I have met highly intelligent, fast and tireless people before. When I looked into their eyes they shone - not like a glow so much as an enhanced optical reflectivity. A shiny surface. It seems to be a measure of mental-energetic function level. When people are damaged or ill or tired or just plain stupid, they have dull eyes. When they are dead there is no more shine at all.

And over this past year my eyes have become so much more shiny. I can see it in a mirror and I can also see it from the inside of my vision (how can I explain that?). That shininess is very exciting and corresponds with the intensity of my dreaming. It is how well my awareness can grasp this universe and also how well it can bend and flow.

Lastly, recently I've had this feeling. It's the feeling of everything beginning. I'm 30 years old yet here is this feeling that was missing from so many of my years. It's like an excitement that can be felt in the back. Like the feeling just before good acid or mushrooms start to come on. Like standing on the start line of the most amazing race.

What I love the most is the humanness of this wonder molecule. I feel the soft, true and eternal gentleness of the humane archetype, a core in the midst of clear power that radiates in all natural ways for all true reasons. This is a molecule with heart, and heart is what drives the true path of all humanity. There is no excess or deficiency, no sedation or overdrive, no twisting of the natural shape of the psyche - an undesireable effect of almost every other psychoactive.

Like the shadow of God, it is both invisible and yet inside and outside everything. By its silence the quietest voice is the loudest, and with its inaudible song shakes the Universe into something which is inconceivable. As the molecules and ions dance within the vastness of a biologic system, each one has a spirit. With piracetam all the subtle avenues which lead to total integration show their courses as a new dawn reveals them. With their hearty sub-picosecond electron-shell reconfigurations, vibrational-rotational transitions and numerous other quantum expressions these wonderful friends of mine are playing a tune just for me. Their message is to enjoy the total value of their harmonic collaboration at the largest possible level of scalar physical integration which is my organism.

As with the mighty glacier, the slowest is also the most powerful; my process is still ongoing after a year and a month. Every day is a steady advance to never be left behind but in the colourful space of my memories.

Last week I sent an email full of thanks and my passion for their amazing creation to UCB {contactucb@ucb.com}, host of the Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, inventor of Piracetam way back in 1964 - 45 years ago! I never received a response but assume some secretary or other person got to read it and smiled.

#17 cougar

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:04 PM

The Wings of Freedom

My dreams continue to be hyperlucid. Every day I take 3g piracetam every 3 hours, and a 3.5g dose right before bed.

Falling asleep takes longer, but I get far more quality per sleep-hour than ever before! It's like some king of miracle that never ends, one that gets better and better every day. Yes, from the very first day on June 10 of last year until today, each day I get better sleep and wake up more refreshed.

What my brain is telling me is that it is gradually becoming remade, polished like some rough intersurface superjunction into a mirror finish. Frictionless. Always rotating, moving forever more without loss or wear. Think about the seaplane, or even the wheeled version on a runway. As it takes off it rolls along the runway or ploughs along the surface of the water. At a certain point it reaches a high enough velocity to pull the wheels or pontoons off the surface. At that point all friction with the supportive surface vanishes instantly and only air resistance holds it back. At that point it can accelerate even faster and fly off into that vast blue ocean we call the sky.

The real magic is when the energy-sucking, wearing force of friction drops away like the totally uneccesary burden that it is, leaving the soul to accelerate to eternity. Piracetam is the crucial element for without it even the most powerful 'pushers' such as LSD and the related elevating-accelerating psychedelics are useless in the long term. Just like an overdriven engine, a brain without neurolube will wear out quickly under the pressure of such agents.

However, eliminate the neuroelectromechanical friction and the true potential of such agents becomes apparent. I have not yet tested the combination but reports at my piracetam potentiation page indicate something revolutionary is hiding around the next corner...

And the hours! I go to bed crazy late at night or early in the morning, yet don't suffer virtually any compromise in performance the next day, and of course ZERO TIREDNESS NO MATTER HOW LATE I GO TO BED, AND NO MATTER HOW FEW HOURS OF SLEEP I'VE HAD.

I know that's a hard to believe statement. I don't take caffeine or alcohol either. Yet it is absolutely TRUE. I feel my mind is becoming a machine that never stops. It spins in some beautiful place of its own. It never cries and always tries. It has become relentless at a level of totality that I could never even imagine before. Since recent years excepting the last I had begun to not have to wait for my computer. Now I have to wait for Windows again - the GUI just can't keep up with my mental processing speed. It is so nice to outpace a 2.25GHz. machine, in fact it is damn euphoric.

During the final days of World War II, Allied pilots flying their propeller-driven aircraft had the opportunity to witness the first (though insufficient in number and too late in timing to effect the war's outcome) deployment of jet aircraft in wartime. One of them described his vision of the revolutionary advanced German craft: "It flew like the angels were pushing". Even today so many years after reading the quote while researching jet propulsion, it brings a smile to my face as I contemplate other kinds of planes the angels might decide to push.

Finally, something almost metaphysical. I have met highly intelligent, fast and tireless people before. When I looked into their eyes they shone - not like a glow so much as an enhanced optical reflectivity. A shiny surface. It seems to be a measure of mental-energetic function level. When people are damaged or ill or tired or just plain stupid, they have dull eyes. When they are dead there is no more shine at all.

And over this past year my eyes have become so much more shiny. I can see it in a mirror and I can also see it from the inside of my vision (how can I explain that?). That shininess is very exciting and corresponds with the intensity of my dreaming. It is how well my awareness can grasp this universe and also how well it can bend and flow.

Lastly, recently I've had this feeling. It's the feeling of everything beginning. I'm 30 years old yet here is this feeling that was missing from so many of my years. It's like an excitement that can be felt in the back. Like the feeling just before good acid or mushrooms start to come on. Like standing on the start line of the most amazing race.

What I love the most is the humanness of this wonder molecule. I feel the soft, true and eternal gentleness of the humane archetype, a core in the midst of clear power that radiates in all natural ways for all true reasons. This is a molecule with heart, and heart is what drives the true path of all humanity. There is no excess or deficiency, no sedation or overdrive, no twisting of the natural shape of the psyche - an undesireable effect of almost every other psychoactive.

Like the shadow of God, it is both invisible and yet inside and outside everything. By its silence the quietest voice is the loudest, and with its inaudible song shakes the Universe into something which is inconceivable. As the molecules and ions dance within the vastness of a biologic system, each one has a spirit. With piracetam all the subtle avenues which lead to total integration show their courses as a new dawn reveals them. With their hearty sub-picosecond electron-shell reconfigurations, vibrational-rotational transitions and numerous other quantum expressions these wonderful friends of mine are playing a tune just for me. Their message is to enjoy the total value of their harmonic collaboration at the largest possible level of scalar physical integration which is my organism.

As with the mighty glacier, the slowest is also the most powerful; my process is still ongoing after a year and a month. Every day is a steady advance to never be left behind but in the colourful space of my memories.

Last week I sent an email full of thanks and my passion for their amazing creation to UCB {contactucb@ucb.com}, host of the Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, inventor of Piracetam way back in 1964 - 45 years ago! I never received a response but assume some secretary or other person got to read it and smiled.

Hi Isochroma,
It's amazing that Piracetam is so effective on your brain. Congratulations! But can I ask you a few questions? You said you are taking 3g of Piracetam every 3 hours, so you take 24g a day right? Why do you take such a huge dose? And since dosage is so big, do you take other supplement like choline with Piracetam as well? Which brand of the Piracetam are you using?
Thank you.

#18 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:43 PM

Through most of the year it's been more like about 15g per day, but sometimes 20g. I don't have a scale, just measure out flat tablespoons.

The stuff is cheap and I prefer to guarantee myself enough. It is better to waste some than to risk tiredness. From the horrors I've been recovering from, a few wasted dollars is nothing, nothing at all.

#19 cougar

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 05:43 AM

Through most of the year it's been more like about 15g per day, but sometimes 20g. I don't have a scale, just measure out flat tablespoons.

The stuff is cheap and I prefer to guarantee myself enough. It is better to waste some than to risk tiredness. From the horrors I've been recovering from, a few wasted dollars is nothing, nothing at all.

Hi Isochroma,
Thanks for your information, yes, I agree with you that a few wasted dollars is nothing, but, where do you buy your powder now? I can't find it at BN anymore.

#20 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:00 AM

I keep a list for my personal use. It includes Piraceam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Pramiracetam, Nefiracetam, and Phenylpiracetam. It's updated regularly too, as it is a mirror of the file on my local drive.

I list up to 4 suppliers per compound, in order of increasing cost per kilogram. If you have any for the racetams with less than four, send me a PM and I will update the list.

Racetam Prices

It should be noted that the list is put up as a community service, and that I do not sell any of these compounds nor receive any compensation from the suppliers listed. It is a result of my work gathering and monitoring the commercial market for my own ordering purposes. My prices page has no advertising or cookies, and derives no revenue of any kind.

Edited by Isochroma, 22 July 2009 - 07:03 AM.

#21 cougar

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 01:04 AM

I keep a list for my personal use. It includes Piraceam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Pramiracetam, Nefiracetam, and Phenylpiracetam. It's updated regularly too, as it is a mirror of the file on my local drive.

I list up to 4 suppliers per compound, in order of increasing cost per kilogram. If you have any for the racetams with less than four, send me a PM and I will update the list.

Racetam Prices

It should be noted that the list is put up as a community service, and that I do not sell any of these compounds nor receive any compensation from the suppliers listed. It is a result of my work gathering and monitoring the commercial market for my own ordering purposes. My prices page has no advertising or cookies, and derives no revenue of any kind.

I did some research on the smart drug market and noticed that the owner of SP is actually the previous owner of BN (and 1Fast400? confused...). Mike seems pretty confident on his position in this industry (which is good), but do you know if he has COA for the Piracetam selling at SP? Since you are taking such a huge dose of Piracetam I believe you must care very much on the quality of your powder, how are you 100% sure the powder you are taking is free from any heavy metal?
I'm still waiting for my Piracetam from Cognitive Nutrition, I didn't have time to do much research on the providers and just rushed to order it from CN, I'm now a little bit regret because I don't think CN has COA on their products and also their price is not much cheaper than RelentlessImprovement. Do you think I should be worrying about CN? Hopefully not.

#22 nito

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 03:39 AM

at what temperature should you store pira? I have the large jar from BN, didnt open it but forgot it by window sill, cold dark area, while I went home for college break, I wonder if I should tear the plastic seal off and try the powder or does it ever go bad at some temps? Do they go bad at freezing temp? return? I'd assume most supps go bad at hot temps rather than cold.

I've also got a crappy-tasting energy drink called neurofuel, has pira in it, stored in room temp. the drink has stimulant effects, because they put in 127.5mg of caffiene per can. is pira strong stimulant?

3 gram every three hours? Damn you must be carrying it with you all the time unless you are at home unemployed. I don't think i'd be able to keep up every three hours.

#23 zomethingtoxic

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 03:05 AM

I have crazy dreams if I take piracetam before sleep. Usually introspective.

#24 cougar

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 02:48 AM

I have crazy dreams if I take piracetam before sleep. Usually introspective.

How many Piracetam do you take before bed?

#25 mdma

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 08:31 PM

I always take 2 X 800 mg Piracetam before bed because i think a lot happens in the brain\conscious level while asleep. It does bring colourfoul dreams and seems to bring back past memories from over 10-15 years ago.

You sleep the third of your life so id rather do it sharp minded and open for whatever your conscious or memory can bring to you in your daily life.

#26 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 08:37 PM

After ordering on the 10th I received the 500g piracetam from Smart Powders on the 27th. Part of that time was the week it took to clear my eCheque (I don't have a credit card). The bill of lading was accompanied by a COA.

As for sleep, piracetam is a key ingredient in my sleep regime, along with good old cannabis and a 30mg microdose of DXM - all shortly before bed.

Using this combination, I have been having hyperreal dreams every night for over a month. It has been nothing short of a revolution.

For example last night I spent days with the Obama family learning all about them and swimming in the ocean when they went to the beach, and also found a secret pond within a forest that was actually a pool with instruction booklet, among many other dreams.

Edited by Isochroma, 30 July 2009 - 08:40 PM.

#27 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 06:25 AM

I'm still on the piracetam 4g every 3 hours all day, and one right before bed :p

It's now been one year and three months since starting, and I can't believe it but improvements are still happening. Each day I'm even more focussed, sharper, etc.

As for the DXM microdose, even with such a tiny amount tolerance ruined the effect so I stopped some months ago. Plus there were very mild side-effect.

What's really interesting is the huge increase in intense dreams in the last two weeks. Not only are the dreams very vivid, but they're new! My old dreams used to repeat on a long, unpredictable cycle. They were all carbon copies of their last appearance. Nothing new.

Now there's tons of new dreams, freshly minted! For example, one of my dreams last night was a conversation with Jim Kunstler. One of his passions is genuine architecture and architecturally wholistic towns. I asked him if the architecture in a particular town was really representative of its own unique self, or just a mix of elements which didn't justify the town's architectural existence. Can't quite remember his answer - one of the frustrating things in my dreams is that people don't usually answer my questions - and I always talk to them telepathically instead of by sound like we do while awake.

These new dreams have an element of verbal, linear and even waking consciousness that I haven't encountered since I was a really young dude. The difference is that while the impossible and strange things persist, my personal volition inside the dream retains a cohesive and rational character with less interruption, thus making possible sophisticated conversations with others or deep understandings. It's like dreaming while awake, and some are actually lucid. Lucidity is a whole range that encompasses a massive territory whose peak some individuals might call fully aware dreaming. But that's just the tip of the glacier, and mine's melting into a river - a liquid flow of moving awareness. Something old and frozen-up is finally thawing. The new dreams are more relevant not just in their content but their persistence into waking hours via better recall.

My goal is a fully simulated dreamworld with a functional Windows box to work on :)

Nothing else's changed in my life, except one thing: I've restarted fish oil supplementation: six grams in the morning and six right before bed. It's MEG-3 brand, but I expect any decent fish oil would have the same effect. The distillation simply removes contaminants like organohalides and heavy metals.

So after two months on the fish oil regime, I've come to the inevitable conclusion that fish oil is the afterburner on the piracetam jet engine :p Really puts it into overdrive and has a slight stimulant action of its own. The biggest difference is even better dreams and deeper sleep at night, but the enhanced clarity during waking hours is also noticeable. It started to show after a week of the new regime, and is still ramping up with the most profound effects after several months.

Some years ago I took 4g per day of fish oil, but it never helped (this was before piracetam). After restarting it only two months ago at the higher dose, the effects began to build up. Fish oil and piracetam have been powerfully synergistic for me, but the amount was crucial.

I eat lots of other fats - like most people. The important thing about fats is their ratio, just as important as the total amount. What's the good of taking only 4g when I would - and still do - eat about 20+ grams of other fats each day? It was a drop in the bucket, and hardly changed anything. For reference the other fats are split about even between olive oil and animal fat (meat fat + dairy fat). No hydrogenated junk though.

So I decided to take a real dose, one that was roughly equal to the other fats in my diet. That's when the brain effects started. And no side-effects so far, other than the usual longer bleeding time after shaving :) Plus fish oil is really affordable and available locally for me, and it also - in combo with 10,000 IU/day Vitamin A from halibut liver oil - totally eliminated dry skin on my hands.

My apology if half the post sounds like a fish oil promo. There's been uncountable posts on the net about how piracetam potentiates drugs, but nobody's mentioned how some supplements can themselves potentiate piracetam, like fish oil does. I'm very careful with money due to limited income, so a supplement has to really work for the dollar or I drop it. Fish oil has been a vital addition and powerful dream synergist with piracetam, so I recommend it for that purpose.

Edited by Isochroma, 21 October 2009 - 06:53 AM.

#28 bevnae

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 02:39 AM


What a fantastically eloquent and descriptive account you have given us. I'm just thinking about start Piracetam. I was wondering Isochroma, do you still use it with the fish oil. Can you confirm that you still use it without any side effects? You said you were only getting better and better - has this stopped at all? Or are you increasingly improving in all areas.
Please get back to mne, I'm genuinely interested!

#29 Geoffrey

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 09:20 PM

It seems Isochroma no longer contributes to this forum. If you do a search for his name you’ll see that the outcome of his megadosing experiment appears to have been problematic to say the least. At best he became highly intolerant towards "mere mortals"; at worst, well, suffice it to say that his name is sometimes cited as a warning! I may be wrong, but this is what I’ve picked up from the forum.
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#30 Sovr'gnChancellor£

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:52 PM

Have any of you tried taking Piracetam less than an hour before you go to sleep? What does it do to your sleep?

I have only tried it for two nights. On both mornings after I woke up, I was able to recall my dreams. This morning, my alarm clock took 30 seconds to wake me up from this vivid dream. That's unusual since I usually get up at the instant my alarm clock goes off (I have mild insomnia). I usually don't dream much at all at night and feel like I don't get quality sleep, but after taking piracetam, I dream much more and I feel better after sleeping. Is it just a placebo effect or is it random? Should I continue taking Piracetam before sleep?

I haven't taken it before sleep, but I've certainly taken it throughout the day and the dream on my second day of taking was incredible:

As follows in my log,

Piracetam is the bomb!

On my second day of taking it (once again, 3 1200mg tablets, even though I always plan to take 4 tablets as an attack dose for a few days), I had one of the most vivid, realistic and interesting dreams which involved a ship (as in a space-ship) crashing down into a city (a futuristic city which was under construction [yes, under construction! That's how vivid and ridiculously life-like it was!]) and me riding on a train through the futuristic city and into another futuristic city (where, incidentally, I saw a huge skyscraper which had the vivid logo "House of Fraser" [haha, a department store!] on the top!).

Also, whilst I was riding on this train, I saw other weird trains which had men on horses pulling the train along! I also vividly saw construction work going on in the city and thought to myself that it was going to look good after it was all finished! I also remember feeling awe and amazement at both cities (almost as if I was some sort of tourist!) I also remembered thinking to myself rationally that horse-drawn trains were weird, especially at the level of technology that I was seeing in the city (but then again, thinking back, they may not have been passenger trains, they could have just been commerce horse-drawn trains on tracks!)

What a wild dream - and I am 95% sure it was all due to Piracetam! Very entertaining and refreshing and I felt better when I woke up as I now not only live in one world, but I can go to many worlds! Life is about to get a whole lot interesting!

Fu*k Oxiracetam and Aniracetam; Piracetam is actually producing results that I can no longer confidently attribute to placebo - I don't even have to think about it working, it just does!

I will endeavour to take 4 tablets today; but I may end up taking 3 again just because of the time in the day etc.

Incidentally, I don't always take it on a full stomach, sometimes I take it on an empty stomach and it still works.

More later. http://www.longecity...281#entry497281

Piracetam is the bomb!

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