Excess acetylcholine can cause symptoms of anxiety, agitation and depression in some people, sounds like you are one of those people. Your acetylcholine system probably doesn't need optimizing at this point.
edit: Thus I wouldnt mess with it. Try nootropics/supplements that work on different systems, possibly dopamine would be my guess if you feel you want to enhance your cognitive abilities. Ever tried Deprenyl?
I've been feeling the same way. I've been feeling lethargic lately, and I also feel aggressive and irritable with more than 2-5mg Deprenyl a week. I no longer take Deprenyl. Should I stay away from AcH altogether or could it be the shitty brand I'm using? (NSI)
I've introduced L-Tryptophan in the evenings (500mg) and DLPA in the mornings. Today I feel as if I've "rebounded" from the shittiness of excess ach/dopamine levels.
My current regimen is:
Morning Noot Stack:
1tbsp lecithin
Melatonin (Won't take if I take L-Trypto)
I'm going to be introducing L-Trypto and DLPA this week to see and note any changes.
Has anyone else also experienced this as a result of Deprenyl or ACH overstimulation?
Any recommendations in regards to amino acids I may take to rebalance myself?
I'm reading about Idebenone / L-Tyrosine..