I've posted about my nine year old American Bulldog Minni's success fighting cancer with Resveratrol in a few different threads on Imminst. I also posted about the success my friend had with Resveratrol shrinking a malignant tumor on her 11 year old Golden Retriever.
I wanted to start a thread about it so as not to be off topic on other threads and to let everyone know about our success story.
Minni's biopsy report and progress to date are posted on Resveratrol for Dogs and the pinned forum Resveratrol Flunks Vs. Real-World Cancer.
Her biopsy was taken on Jan 8th 2008. She was given 6 months at the most to live.
We are 5 months into it and she is showing no signs of cancer and is healthier than ever as I have happily reported on the other threads.
I also wanted to point out that her surgical scar, which was over 8" long and very ugly, keloid-like and bulging at the time of her surgery,
which was on Jan 8th, can hardly be found. The vet at Bobst was truly amazed at how incredibly well she healed.
That examination was on May 1. At that time, the vet also said that if the cancer was advancing, we would see some signs of
deterioration. There were none. In fact, on the contrary she looked better than ever.
I just took a look at the scar and I honestly couldn't find it. I had to really look close to see a slight hair of a line where the incision was
and if I didn't know there once was an incision there, I would never have found it. I can hardly believe it. Her scar was so gross and bulging, even the vet who performed the surgery apologized saying he had to remove so much more than he planned that he couldn't help the horrible scar. Her 4th and 5th mammary glands and adjacent lymph gland were removed.
Might the Resveratrol be responsible for this amazing healing or do dogs just heal like that?
I wish I'd taken before pictures. It's quite amazing.