MEETING weekly
Posted 16 February 2009 - 11:01 PM
Posted 23 February 2009 - 09:13 PM
On the agenda is, collecting volunteers.
Also, we will be discussing a new time for this meeting. Kelsey cant make it mondays so we will probably go to tuesday.
Posted 07 March 2009 - 10:03 PM
An MFURI, Methuselah Foundation Undergraduate Research Initiative, meeting is scheduled for Monday at 4:00 PM CDT at the Ustream Sunday Evening Update Channel.
Everyone is invited.
Initially, it may be only text communication (chat-like). Although if Mind available, he may have some images or may enable his voice capability.
The initial objective of the meeting is to brainstorm and come up with ideas to promote the MFURI effort. Topics may include:- Raise Visibility
Any related topic is game for discussion. We may organize the topics and concentrate on areas-of-interest in later meetings.
- Recruiting
- Securing recruiters for the myspace Imminst sponsored MFURI fund raiser cause box. We need 5 people to commit to get 20 people apeice to donate $10.00 apeice by the end of the year so we can raise $1,000.00
- Securing recruiters for the Amex, American Express Members Project, to increase nominations MFURI to win money from the Project prize. The deadline is coming up on september 1rst so we need around 10 people to sign up right away to commit to trying to recruit around 12 people a day for the next two weeks to help reach this CRUCIAL objective.
- Encourage past TLM folders to help again
- Find synergism with other related efforts, for example: F@H, (start an MFURI team with in TLM to win money for MFURI for example)
- Explain MFURI to the group with question and answer
- Brainstorm for MFURI in general
- Future MFURI improvements and developments
Cody will be there as a leader of the discussion. Kelsey Moody and Mind/Justin will be there to lead discussions when they can.
We will be inviting all of imminst to help with the meeting.
Anyone interested in MFURI, Methuselah Foundation Undergraduate Research Initiative, come by and ask questions or just listen.
For those unfamiliar with Ustream:
Mind has a regular program there called the Sunday Evening Update at 5:00 PM CST. During other times he has a fairly large assortment of video documentaries that continuously play there.
When a scheduled meeting is to occur, a text window appears in the screen, just to the right of the video display. The text window shows the current text conversations. Below the window is a place to enter your comments. Just type in your message and press "send".
You may log in with your ImmInst name. If you do not log in, Ustream provides you a guest # as an ID. This ID# is bold in the text display so you can recognize yourself from other numbers in the display. You may prefer to have a name displayed, to do this, in the upper left is a "Sign Up" button. Just provide the minimal information, and thereafter you can log in with a name than can be recognized by others.
Posted 13 April 2009 - 03:41 PM
Its also an open agenda if anybody wants to add anything.
Posted 13 April 2009 - 05:33 PM
Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:57 PM
Theres more action going on everywhere. This is a one good place to get in on it.
Posted 01 June 2009 - 09:04 PM
Posted 01 June 2009 - 10:04 PM
Till next time, this concludes this weeks SENSFAI-U workshop and meeting sponsored by Imminst. Full schedule here for your convenience: imminst.org/meetings
Posted 15 June 2009 - 08:53 PM
They are working on such a letter.
This meeting/workshop is on hold until then.
Posted 23 July 2009 - 03:52 AM
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