Simply FASCINATING discussion, everyone!
I have many things to address, so I'll do it one at a time...
I've always had much more trouble cutting the generic round patches than the rectangular Nicoderm patches. The Nicoderm patches seem to have a better and more stable gel and their inherent adhesive properties are far superior to the round ones. Much less worry about the nicotine evaporating over time as it's exposed to the air (compared to the cheaper, generic round patches)
After talking at length with my substance abuse counselor at my local hospital (where I get my free round patches these days) he has a partiular method of recommending how to cut them. He claims that as soon as they're exposed to the air, the nicotine begins to evaporate from the membrane. Even when you cut them in half (and leave the unused portion on the silver foil) the nicotine continues to evaporate (seep) from the thin line of exposed membrane.
This is much the same science as when you, for example, would trap a droplet of water between two thin plates of glass. The water on the edge evaporates and it "draws" the water from the middle out to the edge, to eventually be evaporated out as well Over time, ALL of the water would be evaporated, even though only 1% of it is exposed to the air at any one time. There's a particular name for this phenomenon, but I cannot recall it. Something similar of how blood is drawn "magically" up into a thin pipette. But I digress!!!
So he suggested that when you cut your round patch, take tomorrow's remainder and SEAL THE EDGE completely! He recommended taking a strip of scotch tape and sealing it away back into its packaging. I brainstormed a more cost-effective and less wasteful approach, so I've planned on taking a sheet of Glad Press'n'Seal plastic kitchen wrap and folding it perfectly in the middle of that, ensuring it's got a nice seal all the way around each time. That way I don't have to fight with scotch tape every other morning and I can ensure there's a 100% seal around it each time.
The counselor's theory about evaporation through the edge is a compelling one and a theory my body can definitely back up because whenever I'd use the "second" half of a round patch which has had its edge exposed to the air all day, I definitely end up having a day full of heightened anxiety! Now I'm convinced that it's the nicotine that's lost to the air.
Tonight, I read on the internet about a completely opposite perspective. Where you can take an old round patch and re-apply it the next day and you'll find it still kicks out a ton of nicotine!
Here's the link:
http://www.naturalfi...otine_patch.htmI figured that was bogus, so I fished around in my garbage for two old half-patches (each at least 24 hours old and exposed to the air) and stuck them to my skin with scotch tape. In 30 minutes, I had a HUGE boost in energy! Almost to the point where the area under the old patches was tingly and jumpy and after a while I took it off, feeling that the point had been made. No need to supplement my nicotine levels higher than they already were. (I had had my regular half-patch on the whole time)
The whole point in this perspective is that it's the ADHESIVE that wears off, not the nicotine! If you keep vigilant with keeping it on your skin, presumably these crusty old round patches pack quite a whollop for days and days and days! Now the problem is in determining when it's time to put a fresh one on again, and if it's healthy to have your body go through these ups and downs in nicotine levels over the long haul. For me, I just feel the anxiety come and go in my shoulders and I hope to eventually work out a system where my moods are regulated and I can maintain focus all day without getting too manic or sleepy.
I realize that the above two points COMPLETELY contradict each other, but my body behaves how my body behaves. Perhaps it's psychosomatic?
The Nicoderm CQ patches seem to be totally unaffected by the above two points. You can chop them up and lay them on your counter for a week (edges exposed to the air) and they'll be just fine, so long as you keep the plastic backing on each piece. Plus, they have much better adhesion all around.
The round, generic patches have what looks like a "sponge" in the middle containing the nicotine, with adhesion around the edge. This would lead me to believe that the most responsible and reliable way to chop them into pieces would be in a pinwheel fashion, rather than straight across in a 60/40 method or whatever your brain may concoct. Would this "sponge" be more susceptible to edge-evaporation over the Nicoderm CQ patches with their wonderful nicotine-infused gel substance?
A wise, patch-addicted friend of mine claims that nicotine simply makes your brain and body work better. I find it hard to believe that an exogenous chemical would improve the body over the long haul. Aren't our bodies inherently sovereign and don't require any outside chemicals at all to improve them?
Okay, that's about it for me tonight. I apologize for my spastic writing. The energy-boost attained from Point #2 is finally coming back down to normal levels again. Whew!