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Methylene Blue Research

methylene blue

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#361 hotbit

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Posted 14 October 2016 - 10:32 PM

I have tried around 1 to 3 mg (total dose) for 3 or 4 times. I am quite 'placebo resistant' and I was surprised to feel difference. I was more alert, feeling a bit strange. Last time I tried just before going to bed - well, could not fall asleep for 2 hours or so. I have King British MB from the pet shop, so, as I have tried much less than in the study I linked above, I wonder whether:
- there is something else in the bottle?

- or does 100x higher amount have no extra impact on mental state / mood? (i.e. there is a kind of cut-off dose limit?)

It is quite late, so I will try again if I will have any problems with sleeping today (usually I'm asleep within 5 -10 min).

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#362 Conzed92

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Posted 15 October 2016 - 11:22 AM

I have tried around 1 to 3 mg (total dose) for 3 or 4 times. I am quite 'placebo resistant' and I was surprised to feel difference. I was more alert, feeling a bit strange. Last time I tried just before going to bed - well, could not fall asleep for 2 hours or so. I have King British MB from the pet shop, so, as I have tried much less than in the study I linked above, I wonder whether:
- there is something else in the bottle?

- or does 100x higher amount have no extra impact on mental state / mood? (i.e. there is a kind of cut-off dose limit?)

It is quite late, so I will try again if I will have any problems with sleeping today (usually I'm asleep within 5 -10 min).


According to 23AndMe, I have a polymorphism in the MAOA gene (GG) that is highly correlated with resistance to placebo-effect. It reinforces the positive impression I have of MB. I experience the increased alertness as well as a slight increased level in cognition. 

I too experience a strange sensation after dosing MB; I get this strange sensation around my scalp, or as some would perhaps describe it "at the top of my brain" (I know this is not the most anatomically correct description, but it gives a good impression of the sensation). 

I am currently dosing 2 mg a day, as I dose 500 mcg x 4 a day. 

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#363 hotbit

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Posted 15 October 2016 - 11:15 PM

This is an interesting information about placebo and genes, I had to google it ;)


I took close to 1mg before sleep yesterday. No much problems with sleep, I might have been slightly roused, slightly felt heartbeat, but that's all. Fell asleep in around 15 minutes. I will try to take MB regularly for a few days.

#364 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 14 March 2020 - 04:43 AM

There doesn't seem to have been much activity on the topic of Methylene Blue in a long time, but I'm hoping there are still people who are interested in it.


So I have recently begun supplementing Methylene Blue. I started with 12 mg daily, but then upped it to 25 mg. I've been taking it for about seven days now, total (5 days this week and 2 days last week).


Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. There were a number of effects which I hoped I would experienced, based upon the various posts in the forums and the research.


I did not expect the three things which have happened since taking MB:


(1) I have asthma and other breathing problems. I realized a couple days ago that I have been breathing much easier since taking MB. I was not taking it for that purpose and wasn't looking for such an outcome.


(2) I also have severe sleep apnea which tends to cause headaches if I don't use my CPAP equipment. Sometimes I can't use the CPAP, like when I have a cold or cough, and sometimes I just forget. Despite not using it, I've been headache free for several days--until this morning, though it was a fairly mild headache today. However, the next thing might explain that in some way...


(3) The first five days or so that I have been taking MB, my urine has been greenish to bluish, and has remained that way until the next dose. The last two days, I have noticed that my urine has been clearing to a normal color, and it has happened earlier in the evening each of the two times. I would have expected that my body would have stored some of the MB and as long as I was taking it, my urine would be blue-green. The only thing which might have changed or interfered is that I combined DMSO with a skin cream (well...lotion...long story in another topic), and while I didn't use it two days ago, some of the DMSO did get on my skin then, and I've used the DMSO-containing skin cream yesterday.


Has anyone else used Methylene Blue with DMSO? If so, have you noticed MB being retained or excreted in the urine at a faster rate?


Could it simply be that something has changed in my body, to cause the MB to be cleared out of my system faster than originally?


I'm not concerned at this point. I feel great. I think, though I'm not certain, that I'm feeling a bit more energetic than I have been previously. In fact, I feel better than I have in quite some time, which is saying something because I've been going through a lot of health issues, due to an accident and some subsequent problems, not to mention normal aging.


I'm not ready to credit the changes to Methylene Blue, but there's not really anything else which I have changed in my daily routine. And my daily routine is about as routine as you can get. I'm a stay-at-home dad and college student (online right now, until next term when my wife gets to stay at home). I eat basically the same few foods throughout the week. I really haven't changed anything in my daily pattern, other than the Methylene Blue and the Methylene Blue skin cream/lotion I concocted with DMSO.


I'd love to hear any thoughts about what might be happening, or about any experiences anyone else has had.


This thread has really dried up. Is Methylene Blue out-of-date at this point? Am I experimenting with old research which is no longer valid or useful? Or maybe everyone has learned all they want and have just let this thread lapse...

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#365 Onur

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 10:20 AM

I want to make methylene blue cream at home. Has anyone tried it before?

#366 Yuri.

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Posted 17 July 2020 - 08:01 PM

I've been taking 15mg 1x/daily for a little over 2 years, quite honestly other than some significant anti-depressant effects (it's a MAOI), I don't feel that much difference on cognitive performance, even on the very rare days I don't take it.

Still, I believe the effects on anti-aging to be relevant based on research, but it's a very different thing to think you'll notice enhacement, I think it helps slowing down decline, not to revert any damage done (after all, it already failed a Phase III trial for early alzheimer pacients, it's too late at that point).

And sorry for being lazy and not providing sources, but all studies I've seen showing any improvements on biomarkers/performance/effects are for doses of at least 15mg (most are way above that), a lot of people are playing with placebo doses regarding methylene blue.

Edited by Yuri., 17 July 2020 - 08:11 PM.

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#367 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 08 January 2021 - 05:14 AM

I want to make methylene blue cream at home. Has anyone tried it before?


Yes, I tried it. I made my own "cold cream" and mixed in Methylene Blue, but...well, I didn't use it very long. The cream I made didn't work right...it sort of glommed into a disgusting mess. I could whip it into a nice lotion-like cream, but then if I blended it too long it would become a thick liquid. If I let it set and blended it later, it would whip back up. I don't know where I went wrong, but I gave it up and just haven't created a lotion or cream again.


Part of the reason I made my own was that I didn't want to get anything into my skin that belongs only on the outside. The problem is that I mixed in DMSO to help the Methylene Blue absorb better. In any case, I gave up temporarily, but I plan on trying again one of these days.


In the meantime, I take Methylene Blue internally, and it's been freaking amazing!

#368 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 08 January 2021 - 05:26 AM

I've been taking 15mg 1x/daily for a little over 2 years, quite honestly other than some significant anti-depressant effects (it's a MAOI), I don't feel that much difference on cognitive performance, even on the very rare days I don't take it.

Still, I believe the effects on anti-aging to be relevant based on research, but it's a very different thing to think you'll notice enhacement, I think it helps slowing down decline, not to revert any damage done (after all, it already failed a Phase III trial for early alzheimer pacients, it's too late at that point).

And sorry for being lazy and not providing sources, but all studies I've seen showing any improvements on biomarkers/performance/effects are for doses of at least 15mg (most are way above that), a lot of people are playing with placebo doses regarding methylene blue.


Unlike you, I've had both positive cognitive effects and significant wakefulness from Methylene Blue.


I suspect the difference may have to do with age and health. I have no idea what your age is, but several people I know who have had the opportunity to try it have found that it helps them think and makes them feel much better. It's provided significant cognitive benefits to a friend who has reduced circulation on one side of his brain, as well as for my wife and I.


As for wakefulness, I am prescribed Nuvigil because I have severe sleep apnea. Nuvigil is fantastic; it helps me to stay awake (though nothing like an upper) and it dramatically helps my thinking processes.


But here's the thing... Methylene Blue seems to be almost as effective for me! Because it's so effective, I sometimes don't bother with the Nuvigil, because it feels as if it has almost the same effect for wakefulness and cognition. (Nuvigil may have a bit of an edge for cognition. It's hard to tell.)


In fact, I have a difficult time slowing down on Methylene Blue. It's given me a ton of energy I haven't had before. I've been taking it about...well, whatever it was I mentioned earlier in this thread...maybe 9 months or so, on and off...and I feel great. The only side effects are a bit of insomnia if I take it too close to bedtime.


What I have noticed is that younger people don't seem to get as much of a benefit. My 22 year old son has taken it for breathing problems. For him it didn't do much for breathing or for anything else. At best he felt a slight difference.


So, in summary, the benefits for me--a 52-year-old man--have been improved cognition, wakefulness, and a lot more energy!


My dose used to be about 12 mg, one time daily, usually skipping two consecutive days each week. I have since increased to at least 25 mg daily, and often as much as 50-100 mg if I feel the need--still without any negative side effects that are obvious.

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#369 QuestforLife

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Posted 14 January 2021 - 10:37 AM


So, in summary, the benefits for me--a 52-year-old man--have been improved cognition, wakefulness, and a lot more energy!


My dose used to be about 12 mg, one time daily, usually skipping two consecutive days each week. I have since increased to at least 25 mg daily, and often as much as 50-100 mg if I feel the need--still without any negative side effects that are obvious.


I've read all the literature on MB and it clearly 'should' have beneficial effects on cellular energetics. But for me taking it just results in an enforced afternoon nap! It also sometimes gives me a headache. I used a high quality lab source. 


I tried it multiple times, always with the same results. Dose was in the range of a few mg. I tried both single doses per day or multiple.  I'm 42. 


In the end I came to the conclusion that the 'adaptive phase' where MB steals electrons from the ETC was too steep for me to be worth waiting out until my mitochondria adapted (I did 'wait' for weeks).  I have young kids, and anything that reduces my energy is an immediate no-go. 

Edited by QuestforLife, 14 January 2021 - 10:39 AM.

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#370 Yuri.

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 05:15 PM

Unlike you, I've had both positive cognitive effects and significant wakefulness from Methylene Blue.


I suspect the difference may have to do with age and health. I have no idea what your age is, but several people I know who have had the opportunity to try it have found that it helps them think and makes them feel much better. It's provided significant cognitive benefits to a friend who has reduced circulation on one side of his brain, as well as for my wife and I.


As for wakefulness, I am prescribed Nuvigil because I have severe sleep apnea. Nuvigil is fantastic; it helps me to stay awake (though nothing like an upper) and it dramatically helps my thinking processes.


But here's the thing... Methylene Blue seems to be almost as effective for me! Because it's so effective, I sometimes don't bother with the Nuvigil, because it feels as if it has almost the same effect for wakefulness and cognition. (Nuvigil may have a bit of an edge for cognition. It's hard to tell.)


In fact, I have a difficult time slowing down on Methylene Blue. It's given me a ton of energy I haven't had before. I've been taking it about...well, whatever it was I mentioned earlier in this thread...maybe 9 months or so, on and off...and I feel great. The only side effects are a bit of insomnia if I take it too close to bedtime.


What I have noticed is that younger people don't seem to get as much of a benefit. My 22 year old son has taken it for breathing problems. For him it didn't do much for breathing or for anything else. At best he felt a slight difference.


So, in summary, the benefits for me--a 52-year-old man--have been improved cognition, wakefulness, and a lot more energy!


My dose used to be about 12 mg, one time daily, usually skipping two consecutive days each week. I have since increased to at least 25 mg daily, and often as much as 50-100 mg if I feel the need--still without any negative side effects that are obvious.


That's quite possible, I'm only 32. Thanks for the input, perhaps it can show more potential for improvements with people as they get older. Not in extreme cases though.

I'm now upped my dose to 30mg/daily for almost a year, I think it's a proper conservative long term dose. But not from the start.

Edited by Yuri., 17 June 2021 - 05:17 PM.

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#371 QuestforLife

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 08:49 AM

That's quite possible, I'm only 32. Thanks for the input, perhaps it can show more potential for improvements with people as they get older. Not in extreme cases though.

I'm now upped my dose to 30mg/daily for almost a year, I think it's a proper conservative long term dose. But not from the start.


What dose did you start with, and did you experience fatigue?

#372 Yuri.

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 07:01 PM

What dose did you start with, and did you experience fatigue?


No fatigue ever. I'd recommend starting with 0.5mg and increasing 0.5mg every other day until you reach 15mg.

Then upping it after a couple of months. I waited  a lot longer but just because I bought a big supply of ready doses and that's what I had.

I think up to 50mg for lifelong use is a safe dose, I wouldn't go above it but I'm sticking with 30mg for now.

I only did this to avoid stomach and intestinal discomfort which is the only common side effect I ever heard of, and I never take it on an empty stomach.

Edited by Yuri., 30 June 2021 - 07:03 PM.

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#373 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 30 July 2021 - 11:11 PM

What dose did you start with, and did you experience fatigue?


I started out with about 12mg/day and never experienced fatigue, even when using as much as 100mg/day.

#374 QuestforLife

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Posted 01 August 2021 - 09:15 AM

I started out with about 12mg/day and never experienced fatigue, even when using as much as 100mg/day.

I am amazed by the various reports of people taking what I consider high dose MB and experiencing no fatigue. Without fail MB makes me take an afternoon nap even at only 1mg/day.
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#375 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 15 May 2023 - 10:08 PM

I am amazed by the various reports of people taking what I consider high dose MB and experiencing no fatigue. Without fail MB makes me take an afternoon nap even at only 1mg/day.


I'm a couple years late to this, but...


I'm sorry to hear that. Without any intention to offend, it sounds like there may be something wrong with you, biologically.


My own dose is about 150mg a day. I've taken that for long periods of time without experiencing any negative side effects (except staining of the toilet bowl). I'm considering more than doubling that dose.


The dose which I need is going to be larger than a dose most people would take, because I am a large man, approaching 400 lbs. (I'd like to say all muscle, but that wouldn't be true. Still, I'm much stronger than average and carry my weight pretty darned well...) However, even taking that into account, I use a fairly large dose of MB without any side effects.


My aim was 2mg/kg of bodyweight. To do that, I'd have to consume about 336mg per day...and I haven't found I need it, because the positive effects of 150mg are amazing.


MB has helped my breathing (I have severe asthma), protected me from COVID (long story, but I didn't have COVID when everyone around me did...then I got it when I stopped taking MB for several days), improves memory, improves energy, improves thinking...

For the few pennies a day it costs me, I consider it a freaking miracle drug!


The only other drug or supplement which has had such an effect on energy and thinking for me is Nuvigil (modafinil)...and MB has roughly the same effect for a tiny fraction of the cost. Plus, MB may help extend healthspan and lifespan, so it's a win-win for me.

#376 QuestforLife

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Posted 16 May 2023 - 09:31 AM

I'm a couple years late to this, but...


I'm sorry to hear that. Without any intention to offend, it sounds like there may be something wrong with you, biologically.


My own dose is about 150mg a day. I've taken that for long periods of time without experiencing any negative side effects (except staining of the toilet bowl). I'm considering more than doubling that dose.


The dose which I need is going to be larger than a dose most people would take, because I am a large man, approaching 400 lbs. (I'd like to say all muscle, but that wouldn't be true. Still, I'm much stronger than average and carry my weight pretty darned well...) However, even taking that into account, I use a fairly large dose of MB without any side effects.



It sounds more likely that high dose MB is beneficial to those who are unhealthy. 


Do we have similar positive reports from those who are at a healthy weight?


The sleepiness from MB is consistent with its proposed mechanism of action, which is acting as a competitor for electrons entering the ETC. And has also been reported by others.


We pro-pose that the cellular senescence delay caused by MB is due to cycling between MB and MBH2 in mitochondria, which may partly explain the increase in specific mitochondrial activities. Cycling of MB between oxidized and reduced forms may block oxidant production by mitochondria. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative
stress are thought to be key aberrations that lead to cellular senescence and aging. MB may be useful to delay mitochondrial dysfunction with aging and the decrease in complex IV in Alzheimer disease. source: https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.07-9610com

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#377 Rocket

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Posted 18 May 2023 - 12:43 AM

I am amazed by the various reports of people taking what I consider high dose MB and experiencing no fatigue. Without fail MB makes me take an afternoon nap even at only 1mg/day.

I take probably 12x that but I suffer from insomnia. Since MB I haven't had a cold or flu. Good stuff.

I am amazed by the various reports of people taking what I consider high dose MB and experiencing no fatigue. Without fail MB makes me take an afternoon nap even at only 1mg/day.

I take probably 20x that but I suffer from insomnia. Since MB I haven't had a cold or flu. Good stuff.

Edited by Rocket, 18 May 2023 - 12:44 AM.

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#378 mbdrinker

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Posted 29 May 2023 - 12:06 AM

This crap will turn you into impotent. Good againt parodontoses and inflamation though. But nicotinic acid is better against it and with no adverse effect. For rare recreational use as psychodelic drug it can be ok. Ghb and lyrica would be the right choice for sound sleep and preserving sex function. 

#379 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 24 September 2023 - 08:51 AM

It sounds more likely that high dose MB is beneficial to those who are unhealthy. 


Do we have similar positive reports from those who are at a healthy weight?


The sleepiness from MB is consistent with its proposed mechanism of action, which is acting as a competitor for electrons entering the ETC. And has also been reported by others.


I said I was a large man. I did not say I was unhealthy.


My son is in peak physical health and uses MB frequently. He is a physical trainer, a college athlete (track & field), and a bodybuilder. He weighs about 185 lbs. (or pretty close to that) and is about 5'9" tall and has very little body fat.


MB boosts his workout energy. It boosts his mental processing/memory. It reduces stress and helps him sleep better, and it helps with wakefulness.


Sleepiness from MB is unusual; your experience is definitely not normal. Incidence of side effects from MB such as sleepiness, tiredness, or fatigue are unknown--less than 1% and not reported in any of the clinical studies for branded MB (or in any other study I've found).


Of course, sleepiness could possibly occur due to a drug interaction, since MB interacts with 193 different drugs, and that could be a side effect. Have you checked the medications and supplements you take against the drug interactions? Or you could be allergic/hypersensitive, have a G6PD deficiency, or may even have unintentionally overdosed on MB.


Your sleepiness from MB is not a normal or common side effect, which is why I suggested there might be something "wrong" (by that I mean different, unusual, or even perhaps just plain bad for you) with your biological system. I've yet to meet any healthy or unhealthy person who has experienced sleepiness when taking MB. In fact, I've encountered few people who have had a negative experience with it at all, and usually then only because they haven't taken enough or they've taken too much.


MB does not act as a competitor for electrons in the ETC. Quite the contrary--it improves electron transport by rerouting electrons transferring them to Complex I/III:






This ability to reroute electrons to improve electron transport is proposed to be its mechanism of action for promoting mitochondrial activity. MB doesn't interfere in the ETC...it just provides an alternative way for electrons to flow where they need to go.


The study you referenced did not suggest that MB was a competitor for electrons, but a potentiator--it improves the existing electron transport mechanism and interferes with the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS, or "oxidants" in the study).

Edited by JohnBoyTheGreat, 24 September 2023 - 09:33 AM.

#380 JohnBoyTheGreat

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Posted 24 September 2023 - 09:17 AM

This crap will turn you into impotent. Good againt parodontoses and inflamation though. But nicotinic acid is better against it and with no adverse effect. For rare recreational use as psychodelic drug it can be ok. Ghb and lyrica would be the right choice for sound sleep and preserving sex function. 

Are you sure you are responding to the correct thread???


Methylene Blue does not turn you impotent. According to the few studies I've found, it only has positive effects on sexual function.






I've never heard of Methylene Blue acting as a psychedelic drug.

#381 mbdrinker

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Posted 27 September 2023 - 02:48 PM

Good news at last. Penis restored to normal after several months of abstinence from mb. So far so good. But don't have desire to experiment again. Will have to stick to alcohol and smoking to be on the safe side

#382 mbdrinker

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Posted 27 September 2023 - 02:53 PM

Not mb itself but serotonergic affect. Any drug like that may do the same, for example amitriptiline. Orgasm should release serotonine not external substances. So, better take some afrodisiacs and have more orgasms to let body function normally.

#383 mbdrinker

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Posted 27 September 2023 - 03:09 PM

The psychoeffect is in sense of well-being and calmness with desire to communicate with others. But it's self-deceipt as others still don't care for you... the inhabitants of matrix live as per the laws of that matrix

#384 QuestforLife

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Posted 02 October 2023 - 11:19 AM


MB does not act as a competitor for electrons in the ETC. Quite the contrary--it improves electron transport by rerouting electrons transferring them to Complex I/III:






This ability to reroute electrons to improve electron transport is proposed to be its mechanism of action for promoting mitochondrial activity. MB doesn't interfere in the ETC...it just provides an alternative way for electrons to flow where they need to go.


The study you referenced did not suggest that MB was a competitor for electrons, but a potentiator--it improves the existing electron transport mechanism and interferes with the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS, or "oxidants" in the study).


Well the paper I posted shows MB taking electrons from complex I, so I call that a competitor. 


This paper has more details: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4588422/


They hypothesize - as with all these papers we are talking about molecular effects, so we can't necessarily assume how these effects will manifest at the level of the body - that MB transiently activates AMPK via increase in NAD+/NADH ratio (lack of energy), leading to greater biogenesis of complex IV. I took this to mean that a lack of energy causes the ETC to increase throughput of electrons in a compensatory manner. This doesn't seem to be an outrageous hypothesis. But it is possible that MB making you take a nap (as happened with me, and another self experimenter I know), could be caused by some other effect, for example an increase in serotonin, as MBdrinker suggests. 

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#385 Rocket

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Posted 11 October 2023 - 12:12 AM

On MB I literally didn't get a cold last year. Nothing. Maybe got the sniffles but that's it.

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