Hi there, I like to ask a short question. Is it possible to assorb astragalus powder via snorting? what effect will it have?
Thank you.
Not a good idea - cocaine is preferable.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 02:58 AM
Hi there, I like to ask a short question. Is it possible to assorb astragalus powder via snorting? what effect will it have?
Thank you.
Not a good idea - cocaine is preferable.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:44 PM
hahaha no I was more thinking about rejuvenating/improving the brain. Skipping all that digestion procedure. Simply transporting the Astragalus where its needed
Posted 07 April 2015 - 11:30 AM
Do you boil the whole root or root powder? And do you ingest the actual root afterwards?
I have to correct my answer.
Recently I discovered that Astragalus contains a big amount of selenium, which is dangrous to your body, especially the lung, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time. Be careful.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:52 PM
Recently I discovered that Astragalus contains a big amount of selenium, which is dangrous to your body, especially the lung, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time. Be careful.
My understanding is that the Astragalus species used in herbal supplements is Astragalus membranaceus so it should not be an issue if this Wikipedia reference is correct:
Posted 08 April 2015 - 03:43 AM
Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:48 AM
Hi MarkMSB
I am guessing I have been taking 33mg or 2 heaped tablespoons of astragalus powder for close to 2 years now (usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off). I read and had partly followed Jim Greenes protocol although I could never consume the amount of crap he does.
In any case the results appear to be terrific I often get told I look 15 years or so younger then I am and recently got confused with being my sons brother or mate. When I am at the airport they always look twice at my passport photo and ask what I have I done I look much younger or have I lost weight (which I have also done)
I have also been 99% vegan for the past 2 years so that may have had an effect too. When taking astragulus on time I will often add a different telomerase inducer such as ashwagandah or ginko etc
Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:06 PM
Over time it made me feel a bit funny, slightly sick, like when I take an iron vitamin. Hard to describe, but I would say that my body was telling me that it was saited. Enough already.
Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:29 PM
Hi MarkMSB
I am guessing I have been taking 33mg or 2 heaped tablespoons of astragalus powder for close to 2 years now (usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off). I read and had partly followed Jim Greenes protocol although I could never consume the amount of crap he does.
In any case the results appear to be terrific I often get told I look 15 years or so younger then I am and recently got confused with being my sons brother or mate. When I am at the airport they always look twice at my passport photo and ask what I have I done I look much younger or have I lost weight (which I have also done)
I have also been 99% vegan for the past 2 years so that may have had an effect too. When taking astragulus on time I will often add a different telomerase inducer such as ashwagandah or ginko etc
Posted 01 August 2015 - 07:04 AM
Yes I buy it online $24 /kg or $35/kg for the organic which I get occasionally. I don’t do anything for the prep except mix it in a large glass of water with whatever other bulk powder herbs I have ordered at the time and gulp it down quickly then wash the residue down with water as it still tastes gross after all this time. I have heard that it would be better left in hot water and left overnight to get more out of it but I have never done it in hot water.
Do you think hot water would be a better option?
and are you still taking a 75gm dose?
Astragalus has done everything I ever expected and more the only thing that is a bit on the slow side is I have a case of mild MPB. It has improved only marginally and I don’t know if it will ever cause all my hair to grow back. However as it took approximately 25 years to get to where it is I can assume it may take a while to improve completely if at all.
Posted 01 August 2015 - 04:27 PM
Posted 06 August 2015 - 06:18 AM
Does anyone have an idea how an amount of root powder correlates with astragalus extract which is standardized to 0.5% hydroxy-3-methoxy-isoflavone-7 ?
Posted 06 August 2015 - 02:00 PM
Does anyone have an idea how an amount of root powder correlates with astragalus extract which is standardized to 0.5% hydroxy-3-methoxy-isoflavone-7 ?
Somewhere in this guys archives it is there. Good luck
Posted 06 August 2015 - 07:41 PM
Posted 07 August 2015 - 04:43 AM
hahaha no I was more thinking about rejuvenating/improving the brain. Skipping all that digestion procedure. Simply transporting the Astragalus where its needed
Posted 07 August 2015 - 04:51 AM
I have to correct my answer.Do you boil the whole root or root powder? And do you ingest the actual root afterwards?
Recently I discovered that Astragalus contains a big amount of selenium, which is dangrous to your body, especially the lung, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time. Be careful.
Posted 17 October 2015 - 01:48 PM
Chinese use Astragalus since very long time, probably much more than 1000 years, more likely several thousands.
It will be a smart idea to keep in consideration such an extensive knowledge about how to use the plant.
In TCM Astragalus is taken in combination with Angelicae Sinensis (5:1 ratio), usually root pieces but from powder it will be even easier to extract all the bioactives (as for all herbs), the traditional TCM way to prepare herbs is to boil in bain-marie for 40 minutes, than filter and drink, next day add half the water, boil again for 40 minutes and drink.
In the specific case of Astragalus mix 30 gr Astragalus root pieces or powder and 6 gr Angelicae Sinensis, place in 500ml of water, add some alcohol (in China rice wine is traditionally used, we can use wine, vodka or ethanol), half a glass will do (less if vodka or pure ethanol is used).
Place the container in a bigger pot with water in it and cover with a lid, boil for 40 minutes, filter, drink and keep the leftovers, if root pieces are used filtering may be done with a sieve, if powder is used a finer filter will be needed, like a paper coffee filter for example.
Next day add 250ml of water to the leftovers and some more wine (or whatever you are using) and repeat the 40 minutes boiling, filter, drink and trow away the leftovers.
The alcohol will help in the extraction process (hydro-alcoholic extraction) and both the alcohol and the Angelicae Sinensis will make the bio-actives much more available, the bain-marie method will ensure temperature will not be so high to eventually damage the bio-actives..
China is a big country and it is possible that some TCM doctor or traditional use will slightly differ from the above description but as a rule of thumb that is the way to go.
Ignoring the very vast experience Chinese have in dealing with Astragalus will be quite dumb in my view.
Modern research confirms (as usual) TCM got it right:
http://examine.com/s...s membranaceus/
Posted 18 October 2015 - 12:20 PM
Posted 18 October 2015 - 01:02 PM
Good point but phytoestrogens seems to increase estrogens only when there is a lack of them while they do occupy the estrogens receptors if too high, therefore there should be not a real concern regarding too many estrogens from angelica, actually maybe just the opposite (limiting an excess of estrogens), in other words it may act more like an estrogen regulator.
Probably if phytoestrogens from angelica/astragalus where a problem after a few thousands years of use it would have already been sorted out, maybe not very scientific but pragmatical for sure.:D
Posted 18 October 2015 - 01:38 PM
hahaha no I was more thinking about rejuvenating/improving the brain. Skipping all that digestion procedure. Simply transporting the Astragalus where its needed
Extremely unlikely even sub lingual doses of anything require a very small particle to be absorbed to bypass the stomach and G?I track
I wonder about this?
IIRC the telomerase activators in astragalus; Cyclo and ast4 etc, are the small molecules?
Perhaps intranasal and/or sublingual is a good way of 'separating the wheat from the chaff'??
Posted 25 October 2015 - 06:31 PM
I am also wondering if taking basic 10:1 astragalus extract powder combined with the regular root power would get you more of the beneficial effects including telomere lengthening effects of astragalus. There are some sources of astragalus 10 to 1 root powder I have found that are pretty affordable.
Posted 17 May 2016 - 04:40 AM
After going over my Promethease report, I recently decided to add astragalus back into my regimen along w/ panax ginseng three times a week(due to some less than par kidney SNP's).I looked at it as an insurance policy for my kidneys. A few added benefits I did not expect:
I experience a significant increase in energy 6-8 hours after ingestion. When I take panax by itself, I get a slight energy boost that's gone in about an hour. Also I fair much better cognitively when working on a project, this I didn't expect. My mental energy has a noticiable "forward march" quality, and doesn't get bogged down or distracted by obstacles along the way. This got me to thinking, could this have something to do with klotho? I had a hunch about Klotho because of my Promethease report showing some less then par Klotho SNP's.
Well, I found a paper on astragalus -Protective Effects of Astragalus on Bones of Vitamin D Deficiency Rats:
Turns out an increase in klotho was demonstrated in the astragalus treated mice.
Edited by motorcitykid, 17 May 2016 - 04:41 AM.
Posted 19 May 2016 - 01:00 PM
hahaha no I was more thinking about rejuvenating/improving the brain. Skipping all that digestion procedure. Simply transporting the Astragalus where its needed
Extremely unlikely even sub lingual doses of anything require a very small particle to be absorbed to bypass the stomach and G?I track
I wonder about this?
IIRC the telomerase activators in astragalus; Cyclo and ast4 etc, are the small molecules?
Perhaps intranasal and/or sublingual is a good way of 'separating the wheat from the chaff'??
There is some very important and interesting info IMHO on Astragalus absorption etc linked.
It seems that very little, if any of, the telomerase activators in Astragalus make it into circulation, yet it works..!
My hypothesis is that it affects the gut itself very positively, especially the telomere length of gut stem/progenitor cells, which leads to decreased inflammation/NF-kB etc and that this decrease is what actually leads to more telomerase elsewhere IMHO.
Also; stem/progenitor cells elsewhere do express telomerase naturally.
Now, IMHO, expressing telomerase in the cells that replace us is what we actually want, making the 'Those cells don't express any telomerase so activators wont help them' moot?
Edited by Logic, 19 May 2016 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 19 November 2019 - 07:36 PM
I think the psychological effects of Astragalus are highly interesting. It clearly reduces inflammation, brain-fog and fatigue and creates a natural clarity. However there are differences between direct onset effects and after-effects or longterm effects. Most benefits are felt directly. However, it seems to decrease sexual experience directly but perhaps improve it as an after-effect (possible 5-HT1a postsynaptic receptor agonism with downregulation?). And longterm it seems to actual cause some sort of fatigue in a way (the same cause?). Although reducing inflammation and brain-fog still works longterm.
Edited by DaveX, 19 November 2019 - 07:38 PM.
Posted 28 November 2019 - 03:19 PM
Edited by DaveX, 28 November 2019 - 03:20 PM.
Posted 29 November 2019 - 03:40 PM
Edited by DaveX, 29 November 2019 - 03:41 PM.
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