I contacted James Scaffidi, CEO of ZyCal Bioceuticals, the makers (or at least the sellers) of Ostinol. He has not yet sent me any link to any paper in any journal that supports the oral absorption of BMPs and subsequent improvement in any measure of bone mineral density by serum markers, DXA scan, or any other means.
By contrast, here are 2 papers showing studies done in humans with oral dosing of ch-OSA as sold in Biosil by Jarrow or now in RegeneMax by Xymogen:
From 2008, showing improvement in BMD:
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/18547426 From 2005, showing improvement in skin/hair/nails and good safety profile:
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/16205932That's all we are asking of ZyCal: show some proof. There is a full-page advertisement in a supplement magazine that I am looking at now from Ostinol stating that Pro-Stiminol "is 3 times more effective than Calcium/Vitamin D" in increasing bone density by DXA scan-- with no link to any paper, just the statement.
It does not inspire confidence.
Josh Trutt, MD
Thanks for the reply, however after reviewing the medical literature more closely collagen hydroylsates do not provide osteoinductive capabilities to mesenchymal stem cells. There is a considerable amount of studies on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins over the last four decades with new reserach revealing their fundamental need in both bone and joint formation and homeostasis - review J. of Arthri Res and Ther. 2006 and Oct 2008 for BMPs use in cartilage and J Am Clin Nutr 2006 for BMP 2 as osteoporosis. Reserach now indicates that these key proteins can help protect bone and cartilage even without a DXA or in the absence of disease, something calcium based products have not demonstrated (NEJM - 2006), even with vitamin D-3.
The substances I'm talking about aren't collagen hydrolysates. In fact, they aren't hydrolysates at all; I misspoke above. They are lyophilized bone extracts. From the AOR site, they are described as "ossein microcrystalline hydroxyapatite complex (MCHC), a lyophilized extract of bovine bone, which retains the intact microcrystalline structure of whole bone." Ossein apparently does contain BMPs, according to , although whether it is present in MCHC is a question. I'm still dubious about Ostinol; it's just entirely unclear how much if any BMP is present there, and from where it's derived. If Ostinol is just a more expensive version of Jarrow Bone Up with lower quality ingredients, then it's not a very good deal. If it's something better, then what's the evidence of that?