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Obama Vows to Bankrupt Coal Industry

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#1 biknut

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 08:01 PM

The MSM didn't bury this one deep enough. Nobama is having a hard time controlling that pesky Internet. Bye Bye Pennsylvania, and Virginia Nobama.

"So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them."

This YouTube was first posted this morning, and already it's sending shock waves across the country. 45,000 hits so far.

#2 biknut

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 08:47 PM

81,000 hits now, half of them in the last 45 minutes.

#3 Zenob

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 10:29 PM

81,000 hits now, half of them in the last 45 minutes.


They are talking about carbon credits. The whole carbon swapping thing has been basically dead for nearly a year. Not to mention that if you put a scrubber on a coal burning power plant(or if you do coal gassification) then it's an entirely moot point.

The wingnuts are getting desperate.

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#4 Iam Empathy

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 10:38 PM

The wingnuts are getting desperate.

I think that's one thing that we can all agree about.

#5 luv2increase

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 11:43 PM

This is horrible. Talk about the blow this would have on the US economy; it would be disastrous.

#6 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 12:40 AM

Palin Unleashes New Attack Against Obama On Coal

Posted by Scott Conroy

From CBS News' Scott Conroy:

(MARIETTA, OHIO) - Seizing on a newly released audio tape picked up by the Drudge Report, Sarah Palin took the opportunity here in coal country to accuse Barack Obama of “talking about bankrupting the coal industry.”

“He said that, sure, if the industry wants to build coal-fired power plants, then they can go ahead and try, he says, but they can do it only in a way that will bankrupt the coal industry, and he's comfortable letting that happen,” Palin said. “And you got to listen to the tape.”

The audiotape Palin was referring to was recorded by the San Francisco Chronicle in a Jan. 17 interview.

“Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?” Palin asked, leading someone in the crowd to shout, “Liberal media!”

“This interview was given to San Francisco folks many, many months ago,” Palin said. “You should have known about this, so that you would have better decision-making information as you go into the voting booth.”

In the audiotape, Obama reiterated his call for a cap and trade system on carbon and greenhouse gases.

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can,” Obama said. “It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.”

An Obama spokesperson said that Obama’s remarks were taken out of context and pointed out that in another part of the interview, Obama said that the idea of eliminating coal plants was “an illusion.”

“The point Obama is making is that we need to transition from coal burning power plants built with old technology to plants built with advanced technologies--and that is exactly the action that will be incentivized under a cap and trade program,” the spokesperson said. “We know that additional work is necessary to develop and deploy these technologies. That is why Obama has argued for a robust funding program for carbon capture and sequestration. It’s strikingly similar to what McCain has said (in fact McCain goes a step further saying he wants to transition completely away from coal).”


#7 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 01:02 AM

Since this YouTube was first posted this afternoon it's got 156,175 hits.

Don't worry little Obots.

#8 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 02:10 AM

Coal official calls Obama comments 'unbelievable'

11/2/2008 4:37 PM
By Chris Dickerson -Statehouse Bureau

CHARLESTON - At least one state coal industry leader said he was shocked by comments Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made earlier this year concerning his plan to aggressively charge polluters for carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.

"What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there," Obama said in a Jan. 17 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that was made public today first on the Web site newsbusters.org, which calls itself "the leader in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias." The story later was linked on The Drudge Report.

An audio excerpt from the interview can be found at YouTube.

"I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter," Obama continued. "That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."

Calls and e-mails to West Virginia Obama campaign officials seeking comment for this story were not returned as of Sunday evening.

According to the West Virginia Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, the coal industry provides about 40,000 direct jobs in the state, including those for miners, mine contractors, coal preparation plant employees and mine supply company workers.

West Virginia is the second largest coal-producing state in the country behind Wyoming and accounts for about 15 percent of all coal production in the United States. The Mountain State leads the nation in underground coal production and leads the nation in coal exports with over 50 million tons shipped to 23 countries. West Virginia accounts for about half of U.S. coal exports.

In addition, the coal industry pays about $70 million in property taxes in the state annually, and the Coal Severance Tax adds about $214 million into West Virginia's economy. The coal industry payroll in the state is nearly $2 billion per year, and coal is responsible for more than $3.5 billion annually in the gross state product.

"The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster," Obama said in the San Francisco Chronicle interview. "What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it."

The senior vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association called Obama's comments "unbelievable."

"His comments are unfortunate," Chris Hamilton said Sunday, "and really reflect a very uninformed voice and perspective to coal specifically and energy generally."

Hamilton noted other times Obama and vice presidential candidate Joe Biden have made seemingly anti-coal statements.

"In Ohio recently, when Joe Biden said 'not here' about building coal-fired power plants -- this is exactly what will happen," Hamilton said. "Financing won't be directed here. It will all go aboard for plants elsewhere in the world. The United Sates is importing more coal today from Indonesia, South Africa and Colombia than we ever have.

"If we're going to create a situation where coal-fired power plants are at that much of a disadvantage, there will be new ones built. But as Biden said, just not here."

Republican presidential candidate John McCain's state director said Obama's statements are troubling, especially for West Virginians.

"I think this clearly shows the attitude the Obama-Biden ticket has toward coal," Ben Beakes said Sunday. "Rhetoric is cheap, but behind closed doors what they tell their supporters - that's what we have to take as gospel.

"They're definitely not friends of coal."

Beakes noted other examples of Obama and Biden making seemingly anti-coal statements, such as in February when Obama said he'd like to tax "dirty energy" such as coal and natural gas.

"And their cohorts in Congress make similar statements," Beakes said. "(Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said this summer that 'coal makes us sick.'

"This is an attitude and view that, to me, shows their hatred of coal. And therefore, their view would cost West Virginians thousands upon thousands of jobs."

Beakes touted McCain's view toward coal.

"John McCain has embraced coal," Beakes said. "He doesn't agree with everything in the coal industry, but his view of coal is positive. He will make it part of his energy policy. He's met with leaders in the coal industry and let them know that. He's sought advice from coal industry leaders.

"McCain understands that coal supports about 49 percent of our electricity in this country. He'll continue to make coal important. He wants to reduce our foreign dependency on oil."

Hamilton also said the Obama campaign needs to find varied sources for coal and energy advice.

"If they're victorious Tuesday, they'd better go to someone other than Al Gore on energy and environmental matters," he said. "They've tipped the balance way -- unnecessarily so -- toward protecting the environment."


#9 Zenob

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 02:32 AM

Let's see, so far from the wingnuts we've had:

Reverend Wright, Obama is doomed now!
He might be a muslim, Obama is doomed now!
Ayers, Obama is doomed now!
Acorn, Obama is doomed now!
He might not have a valid birth certificate, Obama is doomed now!
Joe the Plumber, Obama is doomed now!
"Spread the wealth", Obama is doomed now!

And now it's "coal fired power plants will go bankrupt", Obama is doomed now!

Anybody sensing a pattern yet?
And just for the record, 80k hits on a video is pretty meaningless. There are pro McCain videos on youtube with over 12 million views and he's still losing horribly.

#10 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 02:37 AM

#11 Iam Empathy

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 04:54 AM

New Palin lie. How can she keep getting away with this stuff? Her claims on Obama's position on coal are shot down and exposed. Another Palin fraud , this time it's coal, lies and audiotape


Coal, Lies and Audiotape
by: Jason Haber Sunday,
November 2nd, 2008

Ok, we know the liberal elite media is against you. But does that give you licence to start quoting fringe radial media outlets as a means to attack your opponent? Apparently it does if your name is Sarah Palin.

At a rally on Sunday in Ohio, Palin took aim at Obama, claiming that he told the San Fransisco Chronicle that he would bankrupt the coal industry as President.

"Barack Obama explained his plan to the San Francisco Chronicle this year," she told a rally in Ohio Sunday. "He said that sure, if the industry wants to build coal-fired power plants, then they can go ahead and try, he says, but they can do it only in a way that will bankrupt the coal industry."

She added, "And you've got to listen to the tape."

"Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?" Palin asked the crowd, according to a report from CBS News. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Liberal media!'

Palin is good at getting crowds angry.
She isn't good at telling them the truth. There is no tape of Obama talking about destroying the coal industry. And its not because the media is covering it up - it's because the statement on bankrupting the coal industry never happen. If you don't believe Blogflict, then listen to the tape, because in its entirely its been made public for several months.

The Chronicle responded to Palin's allegation with a statement on its website: "Let's be very clear: the Chronicle did not, and has never, hidden any interview, audio or video, of Obama from its readers. The truth: the paper's January editorial board session with Obama included comments about coal. The entire interview has been in the public domaine, available on line to the public — and to the McCain campaign — since early January. "How can anyone suggest that we hid an interview that we did, immediately put up on the web — and advertised to our readers," said editorial page editor John Diaz Sunday, regarding his hosting of Obama at the session. 'We promoted it like like hell…and I'm sure the Clinton campaign and the McCain campaign scrubbed it. You can still find the whole 48 minutes and 33 seconds on line.'"

So where did Palin get this kernel of knowledge from about Obama's supposed coal conversation? Ever hear of the website - newsbusters.org? Chances are if you are not a member of the flat-earth caucus, you have never heard of this ridiculous site. Normally we encourage Blogflict users to visit links when we provide them, but in this case we'd rather you didn't get them the web traffic. They don't deserve it.

By Tuesday night, this allegation and others will be on the trash heap of history, where they belong.

Edited by Iam Empathy, 03 November 2008 - 04:57 AM.

#12 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 07:23 AM

New Palin lie. How can she keep getting away with this stuff? Her claims on Obama's position on coal are shot down and exposed. Another Palin fraud , this time it's coal, lies and audiotape


Coal, Lies and Audiotape
by: Jason Haber Sunday,
November 2nd, 2008

Ok, we know the liberal elite media is against you. But does that give you licence to start quoting fringe radial media outlets as a means to attack your opponent? Apparently it does if your name is Sarah Palin.

At a rally on Sunday in Ohio, Palin took aim at Obama, claiming that he told the San Fransisco Chronicle that he would bankrupt the coal industry as President.

"Barack Obama explained his plan to the San Francisco Chronicle this year," she told a rally in Ohio Sunday. "He said that sure, if the industry wants to build coal-fired power plants, then they can go ahead and try, he says, but they can do it only in a way that will bankrupt the coal industry."

She added, "And you've got to listen to the tape."

"Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?" Palin asked the crowd, according to a report from CBS News. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Liberal media!'

Palin is good at getting crowds angry.
She isn't good at telling them the truth. There is no tape of Obama talking about destroying the coal industry. And its not because the media is covering it up - it's because the statement on bankrupting the coal industry never happen. If you don't believe Blogflict, then listen to the tape, because in its entirely its been made public for several months.

The Chronicle responded to Palin's allegation with a statement on its website: "Let's be very clear: the Chronicle did not, and has never, hidden any interview, audio or video, of Obama from its readers. The truth: the paper's January editorial board session with Obama included comments about coal. The entire interview has been in the public domaine, available on line to the public — and to the McCain campaign — since early January. "How can anyone suggest that we hid an interview that we did, immediately put up on the web — and advertised to our readers," said editorial page editor John Diaz Sunday, regarding his hosting of Obama at the session. 'We promoted it like like hell…and I'm sure the Clinton campaign and the McCain campaign scrubbed it. You can still find the whole 48 minutes and 33 seconds on line.'"

So where did Palin get this kernel of knowledge from about Obama's supposed coal conversation? Ever hear of the website - newsbusters.org? Chances are if you are not a member of the flat-earth caucus, you have never heard of this ridiculous site. Normally we encourage Blogflict users to visit links when we provide them, but in this case we'd rather you didn't get them the web traffic. They don't deserve it.

By Tuesday night, this allegation and others will be on the trash heap of history, where they belong.

Nice try little Obot, but no cigar. The Chronicle doesn't deny the tape exists, or that Nobama said what he said. They are only saying that they didn't try to hide it. Palin didn't say they did either. You're right about one thing though, after Tuesday no body will care abiut it, or Nobama.

#13 Zenob

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 03:26 PM

Nice try little Obot, but no cigar. The Chronicle doesn't deny the tape exists, or that Nobama said what he said. They are only saying that they didn't try to hide it. Palin didn't say they did either. You're right about one thing though, after Tuesday no body will care abiut it, or Nobama.

Um, Palin said “Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?”. What else would she mean other then to insinuate that they tried hiding it.

Also your timing is a little off. Nobody cares about it NOW much less Tuesday. lol

Edited by Zenob, 03 November 2008 - 03:41 PM.

#14 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 03:59 PM

Um, Palin said “Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?”. What else would she mean other then to insinuate that they tried hiding it.

Also your timing is a little off. Nobody cares about it NOW much less Tuesday. lol

Keep telling yourself that Obot. I sure thousands of people working in the coal industry could care less that they'll all be out of a job if Nobama wins. BTW speaking of a job, have you got your last pay check yet? You might want to get it today, after tommorrow your boss will be hard to find.

Palin's point is this story was out there for all to see but for some unknown reason no MSM outlet wanted anyone to see it. Do you believe if John McCain said he was going to bankrupt the coal industry it wouldn't have been front page news?

A load of coal is coming for Nobama. Tomorrow will be a McCain landslide.

Edited by biknut, 03 November 2008 - 04:11 PM.

#15 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 04:57 PM

Bye Bye Ohio

Ohio Coal Association Says Obama Remarks Make It Clear: Obama Ticket Not Supportive of Coal

Last update: 10:42 a.m. EST Nov. 3, 2008

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov 03, 2008 /PRNewswire--USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Mike Carey, president of the Ohio Coal Association (OCA), today issued the following statement in response to just-released remarks from Senator Barack Obama about the nation's coal industry.

"Regardless of the timing or method of the release of these remarks, the message from the Democratic candidate for President could not be clearer: the Obama-Biden ticket spells disaster for America's coal industry and the tens of thousands of Americans who work in it.

"These undisputed, audio-taped remarks, which include comments from Senator Obama like 'I haven't been some coal booster' and 'if they want to build [coal plants], they can, but it will bankrupt them' are extraordinarily misguided.
"It's evident that this campaign has been pandering in states like Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and Pennsylvania to attempt to generate votes from coal supporters, while keeping his true agenda hidden from the state's voters.

"Senator Obama has revealed himself to be nothing more than a short- sighted, inexperienced politician willing to say anything to get a vote. But today, the nation's coal industry and those who support it have a better understanding of his true mission, to 'bankrupt' our industry, put tens of thousands out of work and cause unprecedented increases in electricity prices.

"In addition to providing an affordable, reliable source of low-cost electricity, domestic coal holds the key to our nation's long-term energy security - a goal that cannot be overlooked during this time of international instability and economic uncertainty.

"Few policy areas are more important to our economic future than energy issues. As voters head to the polls tomorrow, it is essential they remember that access to reliable, affordable, domestic energy supplies is essential to economic growth and stability."

The Ohio Coal Association (OCA) is a non-profit trade association representing the interests of Ohio's underground and surface coal mining producers. The OCA represents nearly 40 coal producing companies and more than 50 Associate Members, which include suppliers and consultants to the mining industry, coal sales agents and brokers and allied industries. The Ohio Coal Association is committed to advancing the development and utilization of Ohio coal as an abundant, economic and environmentally sound energy source.
SOURCE Ohio Coal Association


#16 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 05:14 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


#17 Zenob

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 05:51 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


#18 luv2increase

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:03 PM


So, you agree that it is a bad thing for Obama to do this? I would hope so because you can't plant a Double Standard.

Also, McCain is for clean coal. That video was edited so badly those facts weren't able to surface. The clean coal will take over the regular coal production and utilization today. Obama and Biden are for neither of those. Let's get the facts straight here. McCain wasn't even aloud to back up his statements in those Senate clips. They were edited out intentionally by the Daily Kos (Pro-Democrat)!

#19 suspire

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:05 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good video. We definitely need to spread this around to combat the right wing disinformation machine.

#20 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:10 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good luck trying to get anyone to believe it. 3000 hits so far. You better call you boss, and tell him to get the Obot troll phones ringing, you don't have much time left. I'm just trying to help you. ;)

#21 suspire

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:42 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good luck trying to get anyone to believe it. 3000 hits so far. You better call you boss, and tell him to get the Obot troll phones ringing, you don't have much time left. I'm just trying to help you. ;)

Hey, I always said you guys were better at spreading lies, disinformation and out and out hate. So you win in that category! :)

#22 Zenob

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 07:13 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good luck trying to get anyone to believe it. 3000 hits so far. You better call you boss, and tell him to get the Obot troll phones ringing, you don't have much time left. I'm just trying to help you. ;)

Hey, I always said you guys were better at spreading lies, disinformation and out and out hate. So you win in that category! :)

Maybe this is why they are losing at the polls. They are all too busy voting on youtube. ;-)

#23 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 10:40 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good video. We definitely need to spread this around to combat the right wing disinformation machine.

Gee, guess what? Today your site got 12,000 hits. Mine got 75,000. The Obots are falling behind.

#24 suspire

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 10:42 PM

In less than 24 hours 324,000 hits now.


Here's McCain basically saying the same thing Obama did.


Good video. We definitely need to spread this around to combat the right wing disinformation machine.

Gee, guess what? Today your site got 12,000 hits. Mine got 75,000. The Obots are falling behind.

I just choked on my glass of water reading this!

Only you would bother to keep track of the number of hits both YouTube videos get in a day.

#25 biknut

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:02 PM

Only you would bother to keep track of the number of hits both YouTube videos get in a day.

I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention to you. They're not, but it's obvious you're paying attention to me.

#26 suspire

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:04 PM

Only you would bother to keep track of the number of hits both YouTube videos get in a day.

I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention to you. They're not, but it's obvious you're paying attention to me.

Well, I am laughing at you, so I guess that counts. ;)

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