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Bacopa monnieri: Anyone else using this?

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#121 stablemind

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 01:05 AM

Has anyone found a way to avoid the bowl irritation and explosive shits caused by bacopa?
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#122 Mr. Pink

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 07:27 AM

Has anyone found a way to avoid the bowl irritation and explosive shits caused by bacopa?

i have IBS and a 40% exctract of bacopa doesn't cause me ANY problems. are you talking about bacopa or extract of bacopa?
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#123 machete234

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 08:50 AM

Ill just say shit etc because I dont want to make up eupemisms, bacopa gives me shits that smell like bacopa (bad, aquarium like) and which can be explosive but not so much that I think theres something wrong.
Soft shits, not diarrieah and the volume of shit is rather high

It doesnt make me really sick or nauseas so with my stomach everything is ok, just the output changes :laugh:
I had a similar effekt with spirulina tablets that I take
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#124 xeon

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 08:56 AM

Ill just say shit etc because I dont want to make up eupemisms, bacopa gives me shits that smell like bacopa (bad, aquarium like) and which can be explosive but not so much that I think theres something wrong.
Soft shits, not diarrieah and the volume of shit is rather high

It doesnt make me really sick or nauseas so with my stomach everything is ok, just the output changes :laugh:
I had a similar effekt with spirulina tablets that I take

Lol, sorry, but this made me laugh histerically

#125 machete234

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:18 PM

What an amazing shit post I made! :laugh:

Anyways I resumed taking himalaya brahmi again for about 3 weeks and because people said it makes them fatigued etc I also started taking it in the evening as well.
Which worked sort of and I could sleep fairly easily when tired and in the morning Id be a little fatigued but it became ok after actually getting up and walking around.

After these 3 weeks of taking it like this I cannot say at all that it makes me tired aymore but maybe even a bit more lucid and slightly more awake.
My suspicion is now that it could moderately make your sleep a bit less refreshing by increasin lucidity and if there were sedating aspects of the drug then they dissappeared over time.

I might start taking one in the morning and see how that goes

#126 xeon

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Posted 18 September 2013 - 04:57 AM

My suspicion is now that it could moderately make your sleep a bit less refreshing by increasin lucidity and if there were sedating aspects of the drug then they dissappeared over time.


#127 dannyo

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:08 PM

Sorry to revive this thread, but I wonder if anyone has tried Mentat by Himalaya, which has Bacopa as the first ingredient. It is the only form I can get here in Costa Rica and I would like to know about dosing it properly for effect.

there's a medicine called Mentat?!

that's awesome!

why is that awesome?

Ill just say shit etc because I dont want to make up eupemisms, bacopa gives me shits that smell like bacopa (bad, aquarium like) and which can be explosive but not so much that I think theres something wrong.
Soft shits, not diarrieah and the volume of shit is rather high

It doesnt make me really sick or nauseas so with my stomach everything is ok, just the output changes :laugh:
I had a similar effekt with spirulina tablets that I take

thats hilarious

#128 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 12:37 PM

Mentats :D


Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 08 April 2014 - 12:39 PM.

#129 Gondar

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 10:22 PM

What is best brand to buy?? is vitacost brand good?

#130 medicineman

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 11:52 PM

Ayursante has a good stock of various ayurveda supplements. I use their curcumin, ashwaghanda, and bacopa. They have coa's, are friendly, and helpful.

#131 blueenigma

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 09:24 PM



The positive effects of bacopa become evident after about 12 weeks or so. Four weeks wouldn't tell you anything about how effective it is. Furthermore, your dose measured by the amount of bacosides was lower than those used in the studies.

Most of the benefits seen here in this thread seem to have come either within a few days or a couple weeks. I'm pretty skeptical about 3 months being the charm...


If you trust a few anecdotal accounts over peer reviewed scientific studies perhaps a homeopathy forum would suit you better.


@aLurker: Peer review is not inherently reliable, as your response erroneously implies, and tells us nothing more than that a group of similarly-trained individuals reviewed and critiqued a study of a peer. In theory, peer review is a good thing; in reality it is far from that. Contrary to popular misconception, scientific discovery goes through many, many stages of discovery and uncertainty. That is, a peer reviewed study considered sound today can be uncovered as completely misguided weeks/months/years down the road. The peer reviewers are basing their assessments on what is know at that time. Because this is often a moving target, it is naive to think that peer review is some litmus of certainty. Anecdotal evidence is ultimately the bedrock of all scientific discovery. It is from the very essence of anecdotes that any study, findings, or scientific results derive. In fact, scientific discovery is essentially a conglomerate of anecdotes. To scoff at anecdotal evidence in favor of science is to have a dearth of understanding of the very underpinnings of the latter. It is of no consequence if a group of a researchers' peers have validated a piece of research if they are all ignorant of a phenomenon yet to be discovered. Have more faith and common sense about what you know to be true with your own eyes, ears, heart and soul, and stop being a sheep led by distant findings that have no real-life bearing on your own personal experience. It's quite analogous to people who positively INSIST that chocolate does not trigger acne because some study claims it does not despite their own unequivocal living-and-breathing experience to the contrary! Infinitely absurd. 

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#132 Maxpower

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 10:58 AM

After dabbling with the more powerful and fashionable noots lately (Semax, Oxi, Huperzine, Sulbutiamine) I have been looking into a more long term supplement for mental maintenance and was hoping Bacopa might be the one for me. The reports of tiredness and increased sleep requirements in some however are playing on my mind as I usually prefer something to be SLIGHTLY stimulating if anything. I usually like a few red wines before bed after a hard days work. Are there any indications that taking Bacopa before bed after a moderate amount of alcohol could cause any complications or side effects?

#133 neuralis

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:41 AM

Bacopa is not much of a nootropic for me.

But it has saved me couple of times from acute benzo withdrawal. You need to take it min. 2 weeks before starting any taper.

#134 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 14 February 2015 - 06:38 AM

Just for the record, it turns out that the aerial parts of the bacopa plant (being a marsh plant, it also has a submerged part) contain wogonin:




but wogonin, which is supposedly found in Chinese skull cap, has been tentatively identified as an antialzheimer's compound (warning:PubMed  preprint material):




Maybe it's just a coincidence but I thought it should be noted here.

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#135 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 14 May 2015 - 02:47 AM




The positive effects of bacopa become evident after about 12 weeks or so. Four weeks wouldn't tell you anything about how effective it is. Furthermore, your dose measured by the amount of bacosides was lower than those used in the studies.

Most of the benefits seen here in this thread seem to have come either within a few days or a couple weeks. I'm pretty skeptical about 3 months being the charm...


If you trust a few anecdotal accounts over peer reviewed scientific studies perhaps a homeopathy forum would suit you better.


@aLurker: Peer review is not inherently reliable, as your response erroneously implies, and tells us nothing more than that a group of similarly-trained individuals reviewed and critiqued a study of a peer. In theory, peer review is a good thing; in reality it is far from that. Contrary to popular misconception, scientific discovery goes through many, many stages of discovery and uncertainty. That is, a peer reviewed study considered sound today can be uncovered as completely misguided weeks/months/years down the road. The peer reviewers are basing their assessments on what is know at that time. Because this is often a moving target, it is naive to think that peer review is some litmus of certainty. Anecdotal evidence is ultimately the bedrock of all scientific discovery. It is from the very essence of anecdotes that any study, findings, or scientific results derive. In fact, scientific discovery is essentially a conglomerate of anecdotes. To scoff at anecdotal evidence in favor of science is to have a dearth of understanding of the very underpinnings of the latter. It is of no consequence if a group of a researchers' peers have validated a piece of research if they are all ignorant of a phenomenon yet to be discovered. Have more faith and common sense about what you know to be true with your own eyes, ears, heart and soul, and stop being a sheep led by distant findings that have no real-life bearing on your own personal experience. It's quite analogous to people who positively INSIST that chocolate does not trigger acne because some study claims it does not despite their own unequivocal living-and-breathing experience to the contrary! Infinitely absurd. 



I normally don't resurrect dead threads, but this might be the worst post on Longecity/ImmInst to date, and I've been here for quite a long time. Jesus fucking Christ.

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#136 gamesguru

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Posted 14 May 2015 - 12:22 PM

yeah take that sophistry to the grasscity

some medicines take time to work: weeks or months

The chronic effects of an extract of Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) on cognitive function in healthy human subjects.

#137 jroseland

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Posted 13 February 2017 - 11:41 AM

I like to take it as tea, check out my video review of Bacopa

#138 Nate-2004

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Posted 09 May 2017 - 04:43 AM

So I was listening to the latest Rhonda Patrick Q & A on Tim Ferris' podcast and while she didn't mention Bacopa when discussing nootropics, she did mention that she avoids any that inhibit certain enzymes. I got curious, because I take a bacopa formulation regularly (tyrosine, ginko and bacopa), twice a day. I've found that it greatly enhances my memory recall.


However it says that bacopa inhibits the P450 liver enzyme which can affect the processing of specific drugs and herbs. Does anybody know which ones and in what way?

#139 sentics

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Posted 09 May 2017 - 11:24 AM

you can try and enter all the drugs/substances you are interested in in this p450 checker 



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#140 StarMitten20818

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 10:47 AM

so upon an independent study with free rangeish mice done by I, ashwaghanda would work better for cancer.

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