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Looking younger than real age

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#121 Forever21

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:00 AM

Stop making your life all about your looks, it's very vain and not attractive in a man!

I find it extremely attractive if Matt actually makes his life all about his looks.
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#122 Matt

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Posted 23 February 2012 - 10:36 PM

:) hehe thank you. :) I used my digital camera here. I always wake up late in the day or night lately. so it's hard to get a decent picture in the daylight lol. I decided not to get my hair cut now anyway, plus the facial hair, I don't like that either. I just had a cold so my eyes are not 100%. I'll post the next one when I'm 30 :p

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Edited by Matt, 23 February 2012 - 11:29 PM.

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#123 mikeinnaples

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 02:57 PM

I would say about 28 in that pic, very similiar to how I looked at that age. You also look better and younger with shorter hair.

#124 ladybuggsy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:28 PM

Yes I know, I do realise it's a bit silly. :) Hmmm so how old are you? lol. But I don't make my life about looks either. That's not a fair, I do some basic maintenance but I'm far from extreme and don't constantly think about this though. My sister is 25 and people think I'm here younger brother. She don't like that either :p I am a little vain though, I admit. Oh well :)

In an earlier post I asked "have you dedicated your life to looking younger and you replied "Yeah I have! Just google; "Matts CR" to see" now you say you don't make your life about it?? lol My brother is 24 a few months ago he was in a bar and tried to chat up a girl, she said sorry but i think your a bit old for me im only 22 he said why how old do you think I am, she said i don't know 30 something...he was devastated, my hubby getting mistaken for my dad is upsetting, getting told you look 25 when your 27 is a good thing it's not upsetting!! That's all I meant i wasn't being horrible.

By the way why is everyone focussing on Matt and nobosy was answering how old they think I look in my pictures...the weight issue thing is still a question.

Edited by ladybuggsy, 24 February 2012 - 06:29 PM.

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#125 Now

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:39 PM

Matt, you're obsession with looking young is fascinating. Based on your photos I would say that you're about 16 years old.
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#126 Matt

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:52 PM

I'd like to see people guess your age cos I think you look really young Ladybuggsy!! :o The forums used to be a lot more alive than they are right now though...

#127 ladybuggsy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:00 PM

Everybody just likes talking about you!! lol. :laugh: Well here is a picture taken last night with my hubby I was drunk, it was my birthday night out..I'm another year older today!! booooo and i'm starting my diet again on Monday!!

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Edited by ladybuggsy, 24 February 2012 - 07:03 PM.

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#128 Matt

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:05 PM

Oh happy birthday!!! and hmm yeah, he looks a lot older than you. I won't say how much :$

#129 ladybuggsy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:09 PM

Thank you. :-D Oh go on how old do you think he looks!! lol I wont tell him.

#130 ladybuggsy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:07 PM

Thank you. :-D Oh go on how old do you think he looks!! lol I wont tell him.

#131 Matt

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:25 PM

o.O well.... people that look like that who live here in Wales. They're normally around 45. (I forgot how old you said he was, or if you did?) He looks like he could be your father Sorry D:
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#132 ladybuggsy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:16 PM

Haha, most people guess he is 45ish, he is only 7 and a half years older than me!! When he was 30 he only looked 21 but then he put a lot of weight on and he also has a lot of grey hair and wont let my dye it!! :sad: What upset him most was people always think he is my dad and last year someone mistook my actual for my brother!!! my dad looks young so i hope i have inherited his young gene!! lol :)

Edited by ladybuggsy, 24 February 2012 - 09:19 PM.

#133 mustardseed41

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:33 PM

I would say about 28 in that pic, very similiar to how I looked at that age. You also look better and younger with shorter hair.

28??? good grief....he looks MUCH younger than that.

#134 Stefanovic

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 11:15 PM

I would say about 28 in that pic, very similiar to how I looked at that age. You also look better and younger with shorter hair.

28??? good grief....he looks MUCH younger than that.

isnt there a way to trade pictures in private. Would like to know people's opinion but wouldnt wanna share all my pics with the world.

#135 Capa

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:01 AM

Everybody just likes talking about you!! lol. :laugh: Well here is a picture taken last night with my hubby I was drunk, it was my birthday night out..I'm another year older today!! booooo and i'm starting my diet again on Monday!!

Not to disparage your husband, but lets hope he realizes how lucky he is. lol.

#136 Forever21

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 09:48 AM

In an earlier post I asked "have you dedicated your life to looking younger and you replied "Yeah I have! Just google; "Matts CR" to see" now you say you don't make your life about it??

Matt definitely dedicated his life to CR, one of many benefits being younger physiology, but he does not make his whole life revolve around that one single benefit. (Although I AM advocating it.)

But enough about Matt. Let's talk about his looks.

#137 mikeinnaples

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:00 PM

I would say about 28 in that pic, very similiar to how I looked at that age. You also look better and younger with shorter hair.

28??? good grief....he looks MUCH younger than that.

Your opinion, not mine. He did ask for them right?

Anyways, shorter hair makes him look quite a bit younger than the long hair picture I used for the basis of my opinion. Looking at some of his other pics, I would say early 20's.

#138 Matt

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:35 PM

My sister gets ID'd all the time when getting served for drinks and she's 25. (you have to be 18 here). And everyone assumes I'm her younger brother. lol.I have so many friends who are 18 - 20 years old. I doubt you could tell any difference, in fact, I am always thought to be younger than them when we are out!

I find it a bit amusing when I do get people here saying late 20's... because if I didn't look much younger than my age, it would be odd for me to be 'singled out' all the time as looking younger than my age, wouldn't it? Clearly I'm not just an average looking 27 year old otherwise I wouldn't get so much attention for it when I meet people. I'm the only one at work for example that gets this from people. And the people I work with are mostly in their 20's, with a few who are around 18-20. Even the those who are in their late teens tell me that they always see me as being their age.

It's not like I can just start posting pictures on here of my friends who are my age and the ones who are 18-20. ;p

Edited by Matt, 27 February 2012 - 04:45 PM.

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#139 mustardseed41

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 11:33 PM

My sister gets ID'd all the time when getting served for drinks and she's 25. (you have to be 18 here). And everyone assumes I'm her younger brother. lol.I have so many friends who are 18 - 20 years old. I doubt you could tell any difference, in fact, I am always thought to be younger than them when we are out!

I find it a bit amusing when I do get people here saying late 20's... because if I didn't look much younger than my age, it would be odd for me to be 'singled out' all the time as looking younger than my age, wouldn't it? Clearly I'm not just an average looking 27 year old otherwise I wouldn't get so much attention for it when I meet people. I'm the only one at work for example that gets this from people. And the people I work with are mostly in their 20's, with a few who are around 18-20. Even the those who are in their late teens tell me that they always see me as being their age.

It's not like I can just start posting pictures on here of my friends who are my age and the ones who are 18-20. ;p

Don't sweat it Matt....people sayin late 20's are just hatin.
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#140 smithx

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 12:59 PM

Bernando Lapollo, 110 years old has great looking skin for his age. His secret is rubbing olive oil into it every day.

Wow, that guy is amazing if he's really that old.

What's the possibility that it's a fraud? I can hardly believe someone that age walks 1 1/2 miles a day.

#141 corb

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 05:47 PM

This is very interesting, they interview people who look younger than their real age.. Just look at the pictures, do you agree that they really look younger?

They look exactly as old as they are. Some of them actually look older than I would expect.

#142 scottknl

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 09:26 PM

Bernando Lapollo, 110 years old has great looking skin for his age. His secret is rubbing olive oil into it every day.

Wow, that guy is amazing if he's really that old.

What's the possibility that it's a fraud? I can hardly believe someone that age walks 1 1/2 miles a day.

I seem to remember that Paul M. from CR Society has talked with him and he's for real. My guess is that he's got some pretty good genes to start with and has been eating a light diet for a long time. I doubt he's ever kept track of his nutrients in cronometer and done serious calorie restriction, but perhaps small sustained calorie deficit without malnutrition is good enough for Bernando. I've started doing the olive oil thing myself in hopes of keeping my own skin good looking for a while.

Edited by scottknl, 05 March 2012 - 09:27 PM.

#143 ancientegyptian

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Posted 22 September 2012 - 11:30 PM

Matt you look your age. The depth of your features, the size of your nose (it's not big, just the right size for someone in their late 20s), the size of your lips, the area above your mouth including developed labial folds, stubble, fully developed jaw, pronounced labiomental crease (see photo of you next to Sherlock Holmes poster) and the slightly darker areas above and underneath your eyes indicate 25-29 to me. There can only be one right answer to you, and that is that you look 16 years old. You want people to judge you but not judge you at the same time. Your story of every single person in real life telling you that you look like a teenager sounds a bit Samantha Brick-like to me. You need to find something more healthy in your life to obsess over. People will tell you that you look young because it is a positive thing to say about someone. If someone said you looked old or ugly that would be darn-right socially unacceptable. Also if you are a very introverted, quiet or short person, that can also create a perception of 'innocence' and being young. You seem like a good guy but this is an obsession that can only lead to you feeling judged or hurt if people don't give you the answer you want to hear.

On a side note, a belief I have is that the darker skinned/darker haired a person, the younger they look. What do other people think of this? I think dark hair 'outlines' the features, making them 'stronger' looking and darker skin seems to just hold up a lot better than really fair skin...hmmmm. I mean Mario Lopez does not look 39, more like 26. Robert Downey Jr, Jennifer Lopez also don't look their ages.
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#144 nowayout

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 02:23 AM

mario lopez looks far younger then his age google him why because since age 17 hes been on deca

How do we know he's been on deca?

#145 Lovetolearn

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Posted 12 October 2012 - 09:40 AM

I clicked on the link from the original post and there are no pictures there!! :sad:

Anyway I find this interesting, to the girl who posted 2 pictures, i see little difference I say you look around 25 in both pictures. To Matt, you also look around 25/26.

Now I am curious so I am going to post 4 pictures of myself, taken at different times and different ages. I would love for you guys to say how old you think I am on each. The reason for this is the "weight" idea. I have been different weights and I have my own oppinion I am 5ft 3 and I will give only weight in the pics and tell you nothing more about myself..plz guess my age so here goes:

Pic 1: 132lb
Pic 2: 154 lb
Pic 3: 126 lb
Pic 4: 130lb

Pic 1: 21
Pic 2: 24ish
Pic 3: early 30s
Pic 4: late 20s 27ish

Just my humble opinion. You are a beautiful woman btw in all of those pictures.

Based on just the pics of Matt in the last couple pages, my guess would be 23-24. Again, just my opinion and perspective of how I ascertain peoples ages. Some may think older, some younger. I would be interested to know, is there a great difference in the ages of people that guess your age? As in, do older people guess you older/younger than younger people? For instance, I am 35 and I think you look eafly-mid 20s. I don't think people change a whole lot until they reach 30 anyways. I used to smoke and I'd get carded up until I was 29. Then 30 hit lol. No more carding.

#146 Lovetolearn

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Posted 12 October 2012 - 10:27 AM

Interestingly enough, I just asked my 53 year old coworker to guess Matt's age and she said 18-20. Perspective is everything

#147 JohnD60

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Posted 12 October 2012 - 04:54 PM

Interestingly enough, I just asked my 53 year old coworker to guess Matt's age and she said 18-20. Perspective is everything

Yes. I being 51 have a hard time estimating the age of most people under 30, like Matt. At a college alumni function earlier this year I was speaking to a couple that were probably 80ish, they thought I was a student. Perspective, lol.

#148 Artificiality

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 07:31 PM

I would say knowing Matt's age beforehand plus being in a position where a claim of looking young has been made, has a big influence on one's judgement. If you had just met him randomly your guess would probably have been very different. Trying to be as unbiased as possible I would guess 23 for Matt, and 21 with short hair.

#149 Matt

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:37 AM

25-29? lol. okay as I said before, I never ask people to guess my age, it just comes up in conversation. About 15 new people started work recently and 4 of them told me they thought I was only 17. One said I "barely looked 17". And these estimates are coming from students. That's not including other people in the weeks before that which people told me they thought I was no older than 20. Why are you comparing me to Samantha? I don't ask for attention about how young I look when I'm out meeting people in real life (not on the internet). It just always happens to be pointed out that I look very young. Anyway here is a photo from around 18 and now at 28. It's kind of silly you put me in the upper 20's because I don't even look in the same generation as 95% + of my friends from high school

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Edited by Matt, 18 October 2012 - 12:41 AM.

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#150 hasen

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Posted 19 October 2012 - 07:34 AM

Matt, its funny, to me you actually look a lot younger in the pic on the right than the one on the left.

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