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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#571 zoolander

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 09:05 PM

I've said this before. I guess I say it every 10, 000 views in this thread.

This thread demonstrates that for a lot of people anti-aging/immortality is ego-based and all about looking good and even though some people will claim that they on CR diets for anti-aging reasons I will beg to differ. It appears to be all about looking young and looking younger than the next person so that when you turn 50 years of age you can run around bragging that you only look 30. Well done! You are putting you health at risk though in my opinion if it's all about your ego because your ego doesn't give a shit about your health it only cares about being accepted.

Anyhow.....that's my 2 cents worth.

#572 SloMoSandy

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 10:32 PM

Well. a goal to live "forever" is a pure EGO, a goal to be healthy for unlimited time span is EGO based, it's all EGO man, and no need to feel bad about this as we ARE EGO, and ego "acts" on us to make us ACT. I doubt anyone, ego or "non ego" influenced here wants to look tired old and sick.. If you are young on a cellular level - you usualy look young too, pretty simple as that. And let's not forget that we ARE animals and we are mating oriented all the time, and healthy image in nature is a great advantage at that context (just to remind that "primal urges" are the driving force behing ANY action a human takes, no matter how he rationalises it).
Trying to make a goal to "look young" - a negative thing is a worthless contribution to "the cause", just let anyone strive for this with a PERSONAL motivations and keep your judgements for yourself, as we all want the same thing here, one goal, one reason, and who the hell cares what is the motivation as the motivation is important by itself.

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#573 Matt

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 10:50 PM

calm down Zoolander, you might cause me a wrinkle or two ! xD or yourself O.O I think that its just normal to want to look good, theres nothing bad about it in my opinion. I have been going to the gym and gained 13 lbs of muscle recently... because i want to look a little better for someone, but you know.... this is normal. It's normal to want clear skin, to look attractive and not to be wrinkly.

Maybe some people here are just trying to look young, but I haven't spent 7 years eating a low calorie diet just for this. I'm scared of dying xD Always have been since I was 9. It was never about looking young then. This is a bit of fun, thats all! Relax, breathe! :-)

Edited by Matt, 07 December 2009 - 10:52 PM.

#574 SloMoSandy

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:23 AM

This - just Relax. Thread is fun, full of impressive pics, that kinda breaks the stereotypes of how a person "should" look at a certain age, let's just enjoy and keep ir going.

#575 Forever21

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:03 AM

I think the name of the game is staying young / anti aging. Not being "healthy".

#576 sentrysnipe

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:37 AM

Calm down, ladies. Too much estrogen in this thread wow. Anyway, most people think I'm 18 (when shaved).

On that note, Mr. Kurzweil is looking haggard.

#577 JLL

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 08:53 AM

I've said this before. I guess I say it every 10, 000 views in this thread.

This thread demonstrates that for a lot of people anti-aging/immortality is ego-based and all about looking good and even though some people will claim that they on CR diets for anti-aging reasons I will beg to differ. It appears to be all about looking young and looking younger than the next person so that when you turn 50 years of age you can run around bragging that you only look 30. Well done! You are putting you health at risk though in my opinion if it's all about your ego because your ego doesn't give a shit about your health it only cares about being accepted.

Anyhow.....that's my 2 cents worth.

When you're 50 it's good to look 30; when you're 25, it's not so good to look 16. Unless you're a woman or want to date 16-year-olds.
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#578 Matt

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:48 PM

from an anti aging perspective IT IS good. Because the majority of people do NOT have this so do not have a good starting point. Look at this guy when he was 25 years old, he looked ver young Close ups after the dancing part. hes now almost 50 and looks great.

So now I have a girl xD and... as I've said before though, the majority of girls that are interested in me tend to be around 15-17 years old. I don't see why looking very young when i'm older is going to be an issue. WHat you want me to do, age my skin? ;)

Edited by Matt, 08 December 2009 - 07:57 PM.

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#579 JLL

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:58 PM

Like I said, unless you want to date 16-year-olds.

And I don't want you to do anything, it's your choice.

#580 TheFountain

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 08:29 PM

I've said this before. I guess I say it every 10, 000 views in this thread.

This thread demonstrates that for a lot of people anti-aging/immortality is ego-based and all about looking good and even though some people will claim that they on CR diets for anti-aging reasons I will beg to differ. It appears to be all about looking young and looking younger than the next person so that when you turn 50 years of age you can run around bragging that you only look 30. Well done! You are putting you health at risk though in my opinion if it's all about your ego because your ego doesn't give a shit about your health it only cares about being accepted.

Anyhow.....that's my 2 cents worth.

When you're 50 it's good to look 30; when you're 25, it's not so good to look 16. Unless you're a woman or want to date 16-year-olds.

Why is it okay for a 25 year old woman to look 16 but not a 25 year old man? Sexist much?

#581 TheFountain

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 08:31 PM

Calm down, ladies. Too much estrogen in this thread wow. Anyway, most people think I'm 18 (when shaved).

On that note, Mr. Kurzweil is looking haggard.

Kurzweil was also middle aged already when he started.

#582 DrEvil

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Posted 11 December 2009 - 08:36 PM

I've said this before. I guess I say it every 10, 000 views in this thread.

This thread demonstrates that for a lot of people anti-aging/immortality is ego-based and all about looking good and even though some people will claim that they on CR diets for anti-aging reasons I will beg to differ. It appears to be all about looking young and looking younger than the next person so that when you turn 50 years of age you can run around bragging that you only look 30. Well done! You are putting you health at risk though in my opinion if it's all about your ego because your ego doesn't give a shit about your health it only cares about being accepted.

Anyhow.....that's my 2 cents worth.

When you're 50 it's good to look 30; when you're 25, it's not so good to look 16. Unless you're a woman or want to date 16-year-olds.

Why is it okay for a 25 year old woman to look 16 but not a 25 year old man? Sexist much?

I am with Matt on this one... provided he looks like 25 and feels like 25-30 when he is 40 he can date the 25 year old women then and focus on the 16-17 year old girls now.. The girls I sleep with are about 10 years younger than me also. (brag, brag) ..so nothing wrong with looking young. Just don;t forget to enjoy life...not laughing for fear of wrinkles is stupid.

For woman, well unless u look under 20, guys will hardly ever look too young...and even if u look like 16 when u are 25.. am sure u will find some guy who will pity on u.

An yes this topic is all about looking young... even the supertopic skin & hair is mostly about vanity.

#583 Matt

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 07:26 AM

This guy looks good also. Hes around 70 now I think. Eats raw vegan diet.

Edited by Matt, 19 December 2009 - 07:31 AM.

#584 SloMoSandy

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 03:38 PM

This guy looks good also. Hes around 70 now I think. Eats raw vegan diet.

I can't help but admire the overall "aura" of a young person in that guy and others his age that manage to pull it off so well (for a reason of course, as you couldn't "fake" that you are young if youd struggle to remember of what you just wanted to say every time..).. Looks great, definitely.
Looks and health aside I'm affraid of loosing THAT feeling of a young mind, I can't tell what's that exactly (ability to see surrounding enviroment in "HD", when the color are bright and vivid, but not because of a good sight, when the simple fact of sun rising gives you that "A new day, a new ways, a new experiences.." state of mind..) but these who "feel old" say that they doesn't have "it" anymore. It scares me, honestly, actually a lot more then death. The state when you are half dead, half alive, starting to break down and really feel it, it's so f**kin unfair!

Edited by VidX, 19 December 2009 - 03:43 PM.

#585 Forever21

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 02:30 AM

^^ which is why I never hang out with anyone over age 24.

Edited by Forever21, 20 December 2009 - 02:30 AM.

#586 Skötkonung

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:39 AM

I would like to see more pictures of members here. They should describe their age, type of diet (and how long), supplements (and how long), type of exercise (and how long), and skin care regimen (and how long). It would be interesting to see if the long time supplement users or stringent CR followers besides Matt (sorry Matt, you're a good looking guy, but you can't speak for the ENTIRE CR group) are demonstrating youthful looks.

I'll start with myself, even though I don't think I look particularly good or bad for my age. For about 2 years I was really into sun tanning. I still regret that :(

Attached File  me_resized.jpg   78.66KB   149 downloads Attached File  me_old.jpg   84.91KB   121 downloads

The first photo was taken today, the second was taken last summer when I was 26.

Age: 27

Diet: Very high protein (mostly from whey and beef) for the last seven years. Low in grains since about age 18 and recently, low in dairy. Always been very high in vegetables / fruits.

Exercise: Bodybuilding (5 days weekly), 9 years.

Skin care: Burt's Bees body soap for face / body. L'Oreal Skin Genesis on face twice daily. L'Oreal Eye Defense twice daily. Basic unscented moisturizer, twice daily. Nutrogena Ultrasheer Sunblock 72spf. Been on this regimen for about two years. Before that, just moisturizerm, basic soap, and sun protection in the summer.

Supplements: L-caronsine, multivitamin, glucosamine w/ MSM 1000 / 500, ALCAR / ALA 1500 / 500, vitamin D3 5000mg. All daily, for about 3 years. Before that, I was taking just a multi and glucosamine.

#587 Matt

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 10:53 AM

Yeah that would be interesting! but i'd be surprised if people did this =/

By the way, you look younger now I think, than you did in earlier photo!

#588 JLL

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 11:52 AM

You definitely don't look older than your age, despite your very high protein intake.

#589 JLL

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 11:54 AM

Why is it okay for a 25 year old woman to look 16 but not a 25 year old man? Sexist much?

Now where did I say what is 'okay' and what is not? I don't care how old or young other people look. I pointed out the fact that if you look 16 when you're 25, the majority of girls your own age will look elsewhere. That is the way the world is. Nothing to do with me being sexist or not.
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#590 immortali457

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 12:44 PM

I would like to see more pictures of members here. They should describe their age, type of diet (and how long), supplements (and how long), type of exercise (and how long), and skin care regimen (and how long). It would be interesting to see if the long time supplement users or stringent CR followers besides Matt (sorry Matt, you're a good looking guy, but you can't speak for the ENTIRE CR group) are demonstrating youthful looks.

I'll start with myself, even though I don't think I look particularly good or bad for my age. For about 2 years I was really into sun tanning. I still regret that :(

Attached File  me_resized.jpg   78.66KB   149 downloads Attached File  me_old.jpg   84.91KB   121 downloads

The first photo was taken today, the second was taken last summer when I was 26.

Age: 27

Diet: Very high protein (mostly from whey and beef) for the last seven years. Low in grains since about age 18 and recently, low in dairy. Always been very high in vegetables / fruits.

Exercise: Bodybuilding (5 days weekly), 9 years.

Skin care: Burt's Bees body soap for face / body. L'Oreal Skin Genesis on face twice daily. L'Oreal Eye Defense twice daily. Basic unscented moisturizer, twice daily. Nutrogena Ultrasheer Sunblock 72spf. Been on this regimen for about two years. Before that, just moisturizerm, basic soap, and sun protection in the summer.

Supplements: L-caronsine, multivitamin, glucosamine w/ MSM 1000 / 500, ALCAR / ALA 1500 / 500, vitamin D3 5000mg. All daily, for about 3 years. Before that, I was taking just a multi and glucosamine.

Can't really tell much from the photos due to lighting differences. Why no tretinoin?
You lift 5 days a week? Overtraining IMO
I agree, good luck getting people to post pics of themselves.

#591 Matt

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 01:07 PM

Why is it okay for a 25 year old woman to look 16 but not a 25 year old man? Sexist much?

Now where did I say what is 'okay' and what is not? I don't care how old or young other people look. I pointed out the fact that if you look 16 when you're 25, the majority of girls your own age will look elsewhere. That is the way the world is. Nothing to do with me being sexist or not.

Yup this is quite true, but i'm patient...

#592 SloMoSandy

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 05:02 PM

^^ which is why I never hang out with anyone over age 24.

Lol.. I'm 24, but I have friends who are 40+ (friends I party with) and it's interesting, as they are the EXCEPTIONS, people with a super high projection of that "youthful" traits. That's probably why they like to spend time with me (as most of their friends are "old" in the head already).. So it's kinda a win-win - I can speak with someone who's way more clever then most ppl of my age I meet, and I have a plenty of young friends too (and that's cool for a reason I described above).
As I think now - I guess many members of this forum will be one of these examples we show in this thread, in the future.

#593 SloMoSandy

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 05:07 PM

Looking young skotkonung (young in a way I wouldn't consider you approaching 30 by no means..compared with the statistic 27yo). congrats. :) What's your height, btw? Good job on bb'ing.

immortali>If you do a split, for every body part each day, it's not that much. I train like that for almost 10 years too, and if I get a good rest (and usualy I get) it's all well.

#594 immortali457

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 05:37 PM

Looking young skotkonung (young in a way I wouldn't consider you approaching 30 by no means..compared with the statistic 27yo). congrats. :) What's your height, btw? Good job on bb'ing.

immortali>If you do a split, for every body part each day, it's not that much. I train like that for almost 10 years too, and if I get a good rest (and usualy I get) it's all well.

Yes I know all about split routines. Your still working muscles you think are getting rest. Best to work the body as a whole.

#595 SloMoSandy

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 05:38 PM

Looking young skotkonung (young in a way I wouldn't consider you approaching 30 by no means..compared with the statistic 27yo). congrats. :) What's your height, btw? Good job on bb'ing.

immortali>If you do a split, for every body part each day, it's not that much. I train like that for almost 10 years too, and if I get a good rest (and usualy I get) it's all well.

Yes I know all about split routines. Your still working muscles you think are getting rest. Best to work the body as a whole.

Yeah.. but once you get serious about it - it's just impossible to get a good workout if you do more then two body parts a session.

#596 TheFountain

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:01 PM

Why is it okay for a 25 year old woman to look 16 but not a 25 year old man? Sexist much?

Now where did I say what is 'okay' and what is not? I don't care how old or young other people look. I pointed out the fact that if you look 16 when you're 25, the majority of girls your own age will look elsewhere. That is the way the world is. Nothing to do with me being sexist or not.

No it isn't. You think you have your finger on the pulse of the way females think but you don't.

#597 TheFountain

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:21 PM

This guy looks good also. Hes around 70 now I think. Eats raw vegan diet.

If he is 70 in that video I agree he looks okay but not good. I agree with many of your assessments but he just looks like an emaciated old man to me in all honesty. His neck looks like it is about to run away from him. But he still looks better than most 70 year olds. But that is not good enough. IMHO people need to look great to prove a diet works. That woman you posted a couple weeks ago is greater evidence and I get the feeling this guy started out late.

Edited by TheFountain, 20 December 2009 - 08:23 PM.

#598 TheFountain

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:25 PM

You definitely don't look older than your age, despite your very high protein intake.

I don't think the age-related effects of high protein consumption hit you till you're in your 30s or so.

#599 DukeNukem

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 09:19 PM

This guy looks good also. Hes around 70 now I think. Eats raw vegan diet.

This guy knows just enough to spin a good story. But wow, does he say some non-nonsensical things, like: meat protein is second hand protein because our body must break it down into amino acids, and then rebuild proteins.

Then he tries to convince us that because cows/steer eat plants and build muscle, we should do the same thing. To the uneducated, these types of statements can come off as making sense.

And to his relief, perhaps, most Americans are way under-educated in the areas of diet and nutrition.

#600 SloMoSandy

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 10:08 PM

You definitely don't look older than your age, despite your very high protein intake.

I don't think the age-related effects of high protein consumption hit you till you're in your 30s or so.

Well I personally know a few bodybuilders, who are on high protein diet for over 20 years.. Both of them looks way younger then real age. Mostly - just sun damage caused wrinkles. But hormone use can be related to that result too..

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