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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#781 Skötkonung

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:14 PM

Honestly, Luna, you look in your late teens (16-17) to early 20s. I'm sure if you had make-up on and changed your clothing, you would look in the upper end of that threshold (20-24).

Your cousin looks in her early 30s to late 20s. Probably closer to mid-late 20s (26-29).

You both do look on the younger than your chronological age would suggest, but not miraculously younger. If you would improve your lifestyle and environmental risk factors (UV exposure), you might be able to utilize those characteristics to your advantage!

#782 Luna

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:23 PM

She is from Holland, not Israel. It's usually rainy at her place.
In here it's usually hot with some cold winters but most of the winters are just a bit cold. Are you just trying to find an excuse? Do you think she looks young or not? What environmental factors are on her side that you wanted to bring up earlier? Meat? Carbs? SMOKING? She sun tans a lot too btw. (I completely avoid the sun though)

Well she is only 29 and studies show that older adults (as in, way older than 29) with extra baby fat have less visible lines than those with lower body fat. I am also noticing that you have a more olive toned complexion than she does, meaning you might have more melanin in your skin than her. This provides helio-protection. But then you say you make no special effort to bask in the sunlight. But I wonder what the UV index is in your part of Israel. She does have a kind of reddish complexion, indicating a slight tendency to inflammation. I might give her 20-22 if I did not previously know her age.

I am a room lurker :D I rarely go out at all! lately I even started putting sun screen when I go out ^^ but it's a recent addition. (and I go out maybe once a week.. I even had super vitamin d deficiency- 17!)

Israel is really high on sun. Especially where I am, it's semi-desert. Well no, it is a desert! there is sand everywhere :D

How much would you give me? I have doubts about the 13 O_o although I wouldn't mind it :D

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#783 Luna

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:25 PM

Honestly, Luna, you look in your late teens (16-17) to early 20s. I'm sure if you had make-up on and changed your clothing, you would look in the upper end of that threshold (20-24).

Your cousin looks in her early 30s to late 20s. Probably closer to mid-late 20s (26-29).

You both do look on the younger than your chronological age would suggest, but not miraculously younger. If you would improve your lifestyle and environmental risk factors (UV exposure), you might be able to utilize those characteristics to your advantage!

eek 24! and that's if I actually add make up and cloths? sounds scary!

#784 Skötkonung

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:27 PM

Honestly, Luna, you look in your late teens (16-17) to early 20s. I'm sure if you had make-up on and changed your clothing, you would look in the upper end of that threshold (20-24).

Your cousin looks in her early 30s to late 20s. Probably closer to mid-late 20s (26-29).

You both do look on the younger than your chronological age would suggest, but not miraculously younger. If you would improve your lifestyle and environmental risk factors (UV exposure), you might be able to utilize those characteristics to your advantage!

eek 24! and that's if I actually add make up and cloths? sounds scary!

You should do a before / after. Take a picture without make-up and in casual clothes, then take one in business-casual with make-up. ;)

#785 Luna

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:29 PM

Honestly, Luna, you look in your late teens (16-17) to early 20s. I'm sure if you had make-up on and changed your clothing, you would look in the upper end of that threshold (20-24).

Your cousin looks in her early 30s to late 20s. Probably closer to mid-late 20s (26-29).

You both do look on the younger than your chronological age would suggest, but not miraculously younger. If you would improve your lifestyle and environmental risk factors (UV exposure), you might be able to utilize those characteristics to your advantage!

eek 24! and that's if I actually add make up and cloths? sounds scary!

You should do a before / after. Take a picture without make-up and in casual clothes, then take one in business-casual with make-up. ;)

Why you want to make me look older? :D

#786 TheFountain

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 07:49 PM

She is from Holland, not Israel. It's usually rainy at her place.
In here it's usually hot with some cold winters but most of the winters are just a bit cold. Are you just trying to find an excuse? Do you think she looks young or not? What environmental factors are on her side that you wanted to bring up earlier? Meat? Carbs? SMOKING? She sun tans a lot too btw. (I completely avoid the sun though)

Well she is only 29 and studies show that older adults (as in, way older than 29) with extra baby fat have less visible lines than those with lower body fat. I am also noticing that you have a more olive toned complexion than she does, meaning you might have more melanin in your skin than her. This provides helio-protection. But then you say you make no special effort to bask in the sunlight. But I wonder what the UV index is in your part of Israel. She does have a kind of reddish complexion, indicating a slight tendency to inflammation. I might give her 20-22 if I did not previously know her age.

I am a room lurker :D I rarely go out at all! lately I even started putting sun screen when I go out ^^ but it's a recent addition. (and I go out maybe once a week.. I even had super vitamin d deficiency- 17!)

Israel is really high on sun. Especially where I am, it's semi-desert. Well no, it is a desert! there is sand everywhere :D

How much would you give me? I have doubts about the 13 O_o although I wouldn't mind it :D

You could pass for 17-18 for sure.

#787 Ben

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 07:55 AM

Can't really tell much from the photos due to lighting differences. Why no tretinoin?
You lift 5 days a week? Overtraining IMO
I agree, good luck getting people to post pics of themselves.

Dries my skin out terribly. I tried using it for a couple months and was unhappy with the fine lines and photo-sensitivity it was giving me. I may revisit it in the future, but for right now I am not ready to incorporate it into my skin care regimen.

I don't think 5 days is too much - at least it hasn't been for me, especially in light for the years I have training. You may be lacking a nutritional component, adding to much volume, or insufficient sleep if you are experiencing symptoms of over training.

Just wondering what you're basing this routine on. E.g. What influences you've had etc.

#788 Skötkonung

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 11:43 PM

Just wondering what you're basing this routine on. E.g. What influences you've had etc.

I did competitive bodybuilding for about 4 years and transitioned into cross-fit training during the last 3 years. In that time I've narrowed down a regimen which produces the best results for myself - that happens to be a blend of both traditional bodybuilding and cross-fit. Usually I take that routine as posted and add more lighter volume to cause burnout at the end of each session. It requires about 1.5-2 hrs in the gym each exercise session.

The results I have gotten are primarily an improved strength to weight ratio. Consider I am 6ft, 195lbs, and deadlift over 600lbs for a 3 rep max. When I was bodybuilding, I weighed (and looked) about the same, but couldn't life nearly that much. I should mention that since I began weightlifting, particularly improving my strength, I have gotten shorter. I don't know if that can be associated with age or the heavy weight I am lifting. At age 18 I was about 6'1", and now I am 6". Perhaps moving that extra weigh is compressing my spine? Haven't noticed any pain, though.

#789 TheFountain

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 02:10 PM

Progressive girl 'flo' is 40 years old.


#790 TheFountain

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 02:26 AM

barbara Hershhey age 60

Could pass for 40s
Posted Image

Edited by TheFountain, 04 February 2010 - 02:27 AM.

#791 Forever21

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 08:20 AM

^^ result by diet and lifestyle
a good cosmetic surgeon?

Edited by Forever21, 07 February 2010 - 08:21 AM.

#792 Luna

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 08:28 AM

Do keep in mind that those photos you are posting are usually with make-up and and photoshop.
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#793 VidX

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 08:51 AM

Yeah, it's most probably PS:

Posted Image

But I still find it impressive how more and more theyare able to restore youthful contours AND a great skin tone.

#794 VidX

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:15 PM

Ok, I've got chickenpox and after a week of being quaranttinated in my home I'm going slyghtly insane, so ideas like taking pics in a bathroom with the faces of insanity seems like a good ones at the moment. I've stayed up from yesterday too, so it's not my best look, but what the hell, I'm in the mood to post myself :D

http://img691.images...1/7834/yepm.jpg (click to zoom when open)

(no embedding please, I'll probably remove it when I'm in my sane mind again :D)
age 24 btw

Edited by VidX, 07 February 2010 - 10:16 PM.

#795 goatz

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:28 PM

Ok, I've got chickenpox and after a week of being quaranttinated in my home I'm going slyghtly insane, so ideas like taking pics in a bathroom with the faces of insanity seems like a good ones at the moment. I've stayed up from yesterday too, so it's not my best look, but what the hell, I'm in the mood to post myself :D

http://img691.images...1/7834/yepm.jpg (click to zoom when open)

(no embedding please, I'll probably remove it when I'm in my sane mind again :D)
age 24 btw

I would say you look in your late 30s, possibly early 40s.

#796 VidX

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:33 PM

Ok, I've got chickenpox and after a week of being quaranttinated in my home I'm going slyghtly insane, so ideas like taking pics in a bathroom with the faces of insanity seems like a good ones at the moment. I've stayed up from yesterday too, so it's not my best look, but what the hell, I'm in the mood to post myself :D

http://img691.images...1/7834/yepm.jpg (click to zoom when open)

(no embedding please, I'll probably remove it when I'm in my sane mind again :D)
age 24 btw

I would say you look in your late 30s, possibly early 40s.

Lol. that's a real surprise, as ppl allways think I'm about 20 (that's probably the reason why I just got hit by 16yo on one of my soc. network profiles lol)

p.s. - here's is another one recent: http://img51.imagesh...51/852/meen.jpg

Edited by VidX, 07 February 2010 - 10:39 PM.

#797 Cameron

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:39 PM

I go out with a baseball cap, and rarely. Been avoiding the beach and outdoors since as long as I can remember*(I supplement with vitamin D). As long as the numbers of fine lines and wrinkles remains zero, I'm ok with it.

Edited by Cameron, 07 February 2010 - 10:39 PM.

#798 numbered

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 04:14 AM

Nice Pics VidX! lots of young ppl in here

#799 VidX

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 05:35 AM

Yeah Nikolis, lots of young and I'd like to add - very clever people. I can't express enough what a pleasure for me is to be a member on this board, as I've seen a lot in my internet carrier which started with the internet itself, and this place has a very nice age to IQ ratio.

#800 JLL

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 09:08 AM

I'd say late 20's/early 30's.

#801 VidX

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:54 AM

Lol.. I dn't think so. Neither people that know me...

#802 JLL

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 12:07 PM

How old are you then?

#803 VidX

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 12:13 PM

24, I've wrote already :)

#804 TheFountain

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 12:30 PM

I'd say 22-25. Why do people overshoot so damned much on this forum? Maybe because they are bitter about their own aging appearance? Give it a rest people. Vidx don't take it personally, these are just bitter people who over-estimate intentionally to make other people feel bad. You don't look a day over your actual age.

Edited by TheFountain, 08 February 2010 - 12:31 PM.

#805 JLL

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 12:48 PM

24, I've wrote already :)

OK. I hope you know that I meant no offence by my estimate of your age, that was just my guess (which is the point of this thread).

Vidx don't take it personally, these are just bitter people who over-estimate intentionally to make other people feel bad.

You're the most bitter person on this forum that I know of.

#806 TheFountain

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 01:17 PM

24, I've wrote already :)

OK. I hope you know that I meant no offence by my estimate of your age, that was just my guess (which is the point of this thread).

Vidx don't take it personally, these are just bitter people who over-estimate intentionally to make other people feel bad.

You're the most bitter person on this forum that I know of.

I'm not bitter at all. I am confident with my appearance. But I will not subject it to you overshooters because I already know what that would lead to. If 98% of the people you meet think you are 20-22 or in Vidx's case 22-24 then chances are you are wrong and 98% of people are correct. But then again, all you overshooters do not have the courage to post your own pictures, which leads me to believe you are just bitter about how you are aging. And after all you are the same people who said Jared Leto looks 40 something. lol

Edited by TheFountain, 08 February 2010 - 01:18 PM.

#807 Luna

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 01:49 PM

He is 1687219 years old! *nods* No doubt about that.

#808 VidX

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 05:52 PM

TheFountain>I don't take it really, as I'm honestly happy with how I look at the moment. My skin is completely free of any lines, and it has pretty good texture (when I'm not ill with chickenpox lol). Only thing that may prevent me lookin' "younger" (as I'm young anyway) are my angular features, which I have as long as I remember myself, so it's all good.
And some of them said Matt looks 24 or something, what is a complete nonsense, so I guess aside a few that intentionally says something like that because they are unhappy with themselves, other just doesn't have a good ability to tell someones age. I hadn't that myself some time ago, but now I can evaluate some key things instantly. Like underlying contours, state of the skin and texture. Just by these things you can make a good guess. And if there are nothing bad with any - most probably you'll undershoot like in a J.Leto case. Unless - you are biased or just don't have any idea how to evaluate.

p.s. - I just remembered, a few months ago there was some discussion in my workplace how old is who (and noone really knew my age). Everyone was guessing each others age leaving me kinda aside. I was like "Why don't you guess my age?", someone responded "You are still to young, there's no point". And all of theam are like just 2 to 10 years older then me.

Edited by VidX, 08 February 2010 - 06:41 PM.

#809 Luna

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 07:07 AM

I think you look better than most guys I know that are 24 years old.
But I still think you should stay with 1687219 because then you can claim you are from the future or very fast past :p
The first picture you posted made you look old btw, second was much better. Always post good photos!

Difference between you and Matt is that you look a bit more mature in your photo, Matt looks as if he isn't very built yet and still adolescent. Like the size of the body and features of the head. He looks like a kid while you look like a really young man.

#810 numbered

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:34 AM

this thread and all the pictures and comments will be quite interesting in 8-10 years or so. It will be nice to see how we will change and how our interventions are actually relevant to our outer aging. A few days ago i met 2 guys i was went to school with . One i barely recognized because he had lost most of his hair and has become quite fat.He used to be very lean and had great hair and i remember been 17 and jealous of him getting all the attention! The other had a lot of sundamage on his face. I mean a lot! he doesn't even smoke but man he has gotten some nasty wrinkles. And he is 27! After a couple of hours with them chatting and catching up i came back home. I prepared my veggies and made my salad. I was smiling.

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