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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#1021 hypnotoad

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:09 PM

My beautiful girlfriend at 22 and 7 months (most people think she is 17!).

P.S has anyone else noticed how most immortalist/intellectual females on this forum are Doggish looking? I have not really noticed any attractive women sharing their photos on this thread unfortunately so I thought I would share one of my girlfriend. She is only a part-time immortalist though and not a member of this forum. YET! lol! Here's her modeling pic, and then one of she and I together.

Well, Luna is an attractive one (no whiteknighting :) )

And I like your style. Not that I'd strive for that look as I'm into bodybuilding and stuff, it just would look reallly weird (jacked emo..yeah, right..) but I find cool the main idea/expression of ones personality through it, it's like - you must have some kind of liberating "outlook" to the world to sport something out of ordinary.

I'm with you on this one - Not a fan of the emo look. Looks very feminine, which is not how I think males should look. Or should I say not how I prefer to look. But hey, I'm an old fogey ;)

I was under the impression Fountain was gay because he kept defending metrosexuals and stating that all men had homosexual urges. Seemed like he was trying to justify his own gayness. Surprised to see he has girlfriend.

This shows what a small mind set you have. But as you said, different generations have different tolerance levels.

That's it - you got me. I have a "small mind"

#1022 hypnotoad

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:14 PM

Shaven heads are not my style, I find them cultish and unoriginal.

Yet you think emo Flock of Seagulls hair and checkered bandannas are orginal and not cultish?

Kid, to each his own, but don't for a minute think you are being original and unique by any stretch of the imagination. You look no different than countless teenagers of the 80s the world over. Just because your pants aren't falling off your ass doesn't mean you aren't a fashion victim.

Edited by hypnotoad, 09 April 2010 - 11:17 PM.

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#1023 TheFountain

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:17 PM

Shaven heads are not my style, I find them cultish and unoriginal.

Yet you think emo Flock of Seagulls hair and checkered bandannas are orginal and not cultish?

Kid, to each his own, but don't for a minute think you are being original and unique by any stretch of the imagination. You look no different than countless teenagers of the 80s the world over.

Well I am not arguing that my style is completely original. What I am saying is that it is not as wide spread as the cultish, shaven headed military look. 100% original? Nothing is that.
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#1024 Matt

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:31 PM

hope bruce don't see this...jajaja

Susan is a really attractive lady! Not sure if she still on this forum...

#1025 Matt

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:36 PM

matt looks cute :) and like so movie actor ^^ and don't worry, freckles are cute, nothing to worry about!

haha thanks luna! (k) xD I get that all the time, people say, I look like a movie actor, or a singer, they always try to compare me ;)

#1026 mikeinnaples

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 12:15 AM

Why? My girlfriend is way more attractive than any girl here.

A lot of women post in these forums, so your response is short sighted. Whether or not your girlfriend is attractive or not, that is a matter of opinion ...personally, I think chicks with moon faces are dog ass ugly.

#1027 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 01:22 AM

wow, this thread is getting huge... but it's interesting to know what makes a person look a certain age.

Let's see now how exactly people here can pinpoint my age ;)

#1028 Skötkonung

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 02:40 AM

wow, this thread is getting huge... but it's interesting to know what makes a person look a certain age.

Let's see now how exactly people here can pinpoint my age ;)


#1029 Skötkonung

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 03:16 AM

P.S has anyone else noticed how most immortalist/intellectual females on this forum are Doggish looking? I have not really noticed any attractive women sharing their photos on this thread unfortunately so I thought I would share one of my girlfriend. She is only a part-time immortalist though and not a member of this forum. YET! lol! Here's her modeling pic, and then one of she and I together.

Personally, I wouldn't have posted that picture and in the same breath called females here doggish. But to each thier own I guess.

No kidding. Somehow stones and glass houses come to mind.

Just a little harsh...

Speaking of photos: People need to post clear face pics if they want an honest assessment. All this long swooping hair business makes judging age very difficult ;)

I don't think i'd be able to hide it if I looked that bad for my age. Hair or no hair. Shaven heads are not my style, I find them cultish and unoriginal. And the first pic I posted of myself was a pretty damned clear close up, and a bad one too considering it was uploaded directly from a 2 megapixel first generation Iphone. So if anything I look worse in that picture than I do in real life.

Oh please, the "take a picture from above" method is the quintessential photographgy trick for fat chicks and ugly people on MySpace to obscure their looks. Take one from straight in front of you, nothing obstructing your face. A good example is the photo posted by VictorBjoerk.
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#1030 JLL

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:38 AM

wow, this thread is getting huge... but it's interesting to know what makes a person look a certain age.

Let's see now how exactly people here can pinpoint my age ;)



#1031 Luna

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:43 AM

23-25 I dunno, something with the forehead.. but I used to know your real age, I forgot.. I think it was under 23.

#1032 kirtap

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 12:10 PM

somewhere between 20-23 would be my guess

#1033 TheFountain

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 01:16 PM

I think the concept of guessing someones age should be broken down into its basic components. It is a little more complicated than just guessing linear age really. I have noticed that when a younger person is deemed as looking older they generally are not a pretty sight to begin with. Maybe this phenomenon should be referred to as 'ugly years old'? It seems that we are breaking it down into pretty/not so pretty as opposed to young/old really. Just an observation. I think testosterone overdose makes men ugly. And I think too much/little body fat makes women ugly. Therefor these would be the corresponding details for each gender category of 'ugly years old'. I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not. The good news is that those who are ugly years old can change the appearance of their age by modifying their bodies intake of hormones. For men it seems that just enough (but not too much) of testosterone is the key while for women estrogen regulates how much body fat they have and apparently where it goes. There are ways of dealing with this for both genders. yay! no one has to be ugly years old anymore! Well, almost no one.

Edited by TheFountain, 10 April 2010 - 01:19 PM.

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#1034 TheFountain

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 01:22 PM

P.S has anyone else noticed how most immortalist/intellectual females on this forum are Doggish looking? I have not really noticed any attractive women sharing their photos on this thread unfortunately so I thought I would share one of my girlfriend. She is only a part-time immortalist though and not a member of this forum. YET! lol! Here's her modeling pic, and then one of she and I together.

Personally, I wouldn't have posted that picture and in the same breath called females here doggish. But to each thier own I guess.

No kidding. Somehow stones and glass houses come to mind.

Just a little harsh...

Speaking of photos: People need to post clear face pics if they want an honest assessment. All this long swooping hair business makes judging age very difficult ;)

I don't think i'd be able to hide it if I looked that bad for my age. Hair or no hair. Shaven heads are not my style, I find them cultish and unoriginal. And the first pic I posted of myself was a pretty damned clear close up, and a bad one too considering it was uploaded directly from a 2 megapixel first generation Iphone. So if anything I look worse in that picture than I do in real life.

Oh please, the "take a picture from above" method is the quintessential photographgy trick for fat chicks and ugly people on MySpace to obscure their looks. Take one from straight in front of you, nothing obstructing your face. A good example is the photo posted by VictorBjoerk.

I was actually laying on my stomach on a bed when that photo was taken and the camera eye was about a foot away from my face. Now how many people here provide such close ups besides me and Matt? A little hair is not gonna hide someones real age. That is a ridiculous notion. And even if it HYPOTHETICALLY did maybe we should tell all the females here to shave their heads to show just how old they REALLY look! lol!

Edited by TheFountain, 10 April 2010 - 01:24 PM.

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#1035 kirtap

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:44 PM

I was actually laying on my stomach on a bed when that photo was taken and the camera eye was about a foot away from my face. Now how many people here provide such close ups besides me and Matt? A little hair is not gonna hide someones real age. That is a ridiculous notion. And even if it HYPOTHETICALLY did maybe we should tell all the females here to shave their heads to show just how old they REALLY look! lol!

It might hide things like forehead wrinkles. Anyhow, calling people who have posted earlier unattractive / doggish-looking is just being an ass.
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#1036 niner

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:29 AM

I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not. The good news is that those who are ugly years old can change the appearance of their age by modifying their bodies intake of hormones. For men it seems that just enough (but not too much) of testosterone is the key while for women estrogen regulates how much body fat they have and apparently where it goes. There are ways of dealing with this for both genders. yay! no one has to be ugly years old anymore! Well, almost no one.

If only we could take a drug that would make us not be assholes... (like this observation is news to any of the us ugly people.)

#1037 mikeinnaples

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 05:12 AM

I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not.

I wonder if this is arrogance or insecurity that causes you to speak as such. Initially, i thought you were being arrogant, but after seeing your pic, I quickly realized it was insecurity.

Sad. I hope you get some self esteem and grow up a little
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#1038 s123

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 06:34 AM

No i've never eaten tofu before, and yes I realise that i have a little bit of a feminine appearance, I don't really mind to be honest... my skin 'texture' is definitely different than a lot of guys i know, theirs seem to be more rough.

You should try it, probably the most healthy protein source you can find.

#1039 s123

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 07:09 AM

"Background. It is well documented that serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels as well as growth hormone secretion decline with advancing age. Low levels of IGF-1 are shown to be associated with low activity of growth hormone, low lean mass, and high body fat mass; however, in the elderly, the relationship has not been confirmed."

Conclusions. These data suggest that serum IGF-1 levels in the centenarians appeared to reflect their short-term nutritional status as a rapid turnover protein. It is also suggested that low levels of serum IGF-1 may be involved in the progression of dementia in the oldest old."

Mice without GH receptors (low IGF-1 levels) have more body fat but the fat is subcutaneous and not visceral, so it doesn't contribute to insulin resistance and the resulting conditions such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease,...

Berryman et al. Two-Year Body Composition Analyses of Long-Lived GHR Null Mice. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2010) 65A (1): 31-40.

All evidence point to the fact that low GH and IGF-1 levels are beneficial.

#1040 hypnotoad

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 09:59 AM

"Background. It is well documented that serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels as well as growth hormone secretion decline with advancing age. Low levels of IGF-1 are shown to be associated with low activity of growth hormone, low lean mass, and high body fat mass; however, in the elderly, the relationship has not been confirmed."

Conclusions. These data suggest that serum IGF-1 levels in the centenarians appeared to reflect their short-term nutritional status as a rapid turnover protein. It is also suggested that low levels of serum IGF-1 may be involved in the progression of dementia in the oldest old."

Mice without GH receptors (low IGF-1 levels) have more body fat but the fat is subcutaneous and not visceral, so it doesn't contribute to insulin resistance and the resulting conditions such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease,...

Berryman et al. Two-Year Body Composition Analyses of Long-Lived GHR Null Mice. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2010) 65A (1): 31-40.

All evidence point to the fact that low GH and IGF-1 levels are beneficial.

Wait - first you cite evidence that low-GH diminishes lean mass and promotes higher fat (which is well documented), + is associated with increased dementia. Then you end your post saying that low GH and IGH-1 is beneficial? How so?

Maintaining youthful GH and Testosterone levels does wonders for aging and frail people and I have seen it work first-hand in my family. I have a 75 year old aunt who has been on GH for about 15 years and they act and feel as young as they did at 50. That person was able to survive and recover from a car crash and broken pelvis much quicker than expected. The doctors were amazed at how quickly the injury healed, all things considered. Skin quality and thickness has basically stopped in its tracks as well.

Testosterone, weigh training , GH etc are part of maintaining quality of life as you age. Ever see an elderly, brittle, frail man barely able to walk? That man has low testosterone and GH. I don't want to live to 120 if it means I can't lift a a heavy book without tearing a bicep or I can't get off the floor if I fall down.

Having the metabolism of a tortoise, eating an insulin-spike free calorically restricted diet, and carrying the lean mass of a teenage boy (ie. TheFountain) may be beneficial to absolute maximum lifespan, but I sure as hell don't wanna go through life like that. Quality of life counts more than pure numbers.

Edited by hypnotoad, 11 April 2010 - 10:18 AM.

#1041 TheFountain

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 11:27 AM

I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not.

I wonder if this is arrogance or insecurity that causes you to speak as such. Initially, i thought you were being arrogant, but after seeing your pic, I quickly realized it was insecurity.

Sad. I hope you get some self esteem and grow up a little

Apparently you did not get a good enough look at my girlfriend. She is a model and does not date 'insecure types'. But it's nice to know I am being 'called out' by someone who hasn't posted a picture themselves. And the picture I posted (the first one) seems to get lots of love from all the young girls on myspace.

Edited by TheFountain, 11 April 2010 - 11:36 AM.

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#1042 TheFountain

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 11:35 AM

Having the metabolism of a tortoise, eating an insulin-spike free calorically restricted diet, and carrying the lean mass of a teenage boy (ie. TheFountain) may be beneficial to absolute maximum lifespan, but I sure as hell don't wanna go through life like that. Quality of life counts more than pure numbers.

I have a very low IFG-1 triggering diet (or so I believe) 90% of the time (I cheat when I am traveling, but not to the extreme). I believe Matt does as well. He and I both have a quasi-feminine appearance because the increase in hormone levels on our mostly vegetarian, low growth diets are not conducive to extremely masculine growth patterns. I think the latter really contributes to at least the appearance of aging in the face of men. Environment plays a big role as well. Air quality seems to be very important. This might be why Matt looks a couple of years younger than me even. Having the benefits of both a low-growth diet and optimal environmental conditions. For the record I am not a teenage boy. I'm not sure what you meant by that comment. If you meant to say I have the metabolism of a teenage boy due to dietary and other choices, this might well be the case.

#1043 hypnotoad

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 02:54 PM

For the record I am not a teenage boy. I'm not sure what you meant by that comment. If you meant to say I have the metabolism of a teenage boy due to dietary and other choices, this might well be the case.

I said "lean mass" of a teenage boy. As we have already made clear you and I have vastly different goals and tastes when it comes to appearances. It's not an attack, just a statement of fact. You want a feminine youthful face and I prefer 20 inch arms even if what it takes to have that makes me age faster.

Excess muscle is contrary to maximum lifespan, no doubt about it. Even the diet and training needed to get there is problem since it tends to cause inflammation, increased blood pressure, high insulin levels as well as high cell turnover and heightened metabolic demands and can wear out the joints etc.

As someone interested in both longevity and powerlifting/bodybuilding, it makes for a dilemma as to where to balance the two.

Edited by hypnotoad, 11 April 2010 - 02:57 PM.

#1044 Matt

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 03:12 PM

I don't really want to be 'macho' kind of guy either =/ but having a bit of muscle is good, its just difficult to get the balance between CR and looking alright.

I know I certainly don't have the best skin. I obviously have some kind of hyperpigmentation and freckles from photos i've taken recently. I never noticed the freckles until I started the skinceuticals CE F serum though ! Maybe because it's cleared up the redness of my skin, or made it more clear so I can see them now. People have commented on how much better my skin is lately however. So overall must be positive!

I stilll have a long way to go for perfect skin. I look young yes, but still battling the damage from acne lol

#1045 mikeinnaples

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 03:48 PM

Apparently you did not get a good enough look at my girlfriend. She is a model and does not date 'insecure types'. But it's nice to know I am being 'called out' by someone who hasn't posted a picture themselves. And the picture I posted (the first one) seems to get lots of love from all the young girls on myspace.

I was calling you out for being a douchebag ...and well, you are. Its easy to be a douchebag over the internet, but you won't last too long behaving like that around real people.

#1046 Ron

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:10 PM

I never noticed the freckles until I started the skinceuticals CE F serum though ! Maybe because it's cleared up the redness of my skin, or made it more clear so I can see them now. People have commented on how much better my skin is lately however. So overall must be positive!

I noticed the Skinceuticals can leave an orangish tint which might accentuate any coloration. Maybe that's what you're seeing.

#1047 Ron

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:18 PM

I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not.

I wonder if this is arrogance or insecurity that causes you to speak as such. Initially, i thought you were being arrogant, but after seeing your pic, I quickly realized it was insecurity.

Sad. I hope you get some self esteem and grow up a little

Apparently you did not get a good enough look at my girlfriend. She is a model and does not date 'insecure types'. But it's nice to know I am being 'called out' by someone who hasn't posted a picture themselves. And the picture I posted (the first one) seems to get lots of love from all the young girls on myspace.

My girl says you look like Adam Lambert's uglier brother, just off a shift at Hot Topic. Kudos to your "model" girlfriend (LOL!) for being able to tolerate your stellar personality, though.
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#1048 mustardseed41

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:28 PM

Someone needs to put up a pole for voting on the biggest tool on this site.
The Fountain would surely win.

#1049 Matt

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 09:52 PM

I still don't entirely rely on photos though. I can look in the mirror and think , wow i look good today, take a photo and like , wtf, that looks nothing like me. No, not talking about the 'mirror image' view of myself.. but there are so many factors, one of the big ones is how lighting, flash can alter appearance. Also the angle of the photo and these very high resolution cameras seem to pick out every little detail and non symertical features that you barely notice in real life. Real life > Videos > Pictures for guessing someones age. Imo

#1050 goatz

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:29 AM

Someone needs to put up a pole for voting on the biggest tool on this site.
The Fountain would surely win.


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