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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#1051 Ben

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:54 AM

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haha she teased my hair for fun here!

Posted Image

Which labels has she paraded for? The girls I see while out on catwalks or at castings look... *achem* slightly different. Maybe that's just because they're in person. Who knows? ;)

You really seriously need to tone down your arrogance, self assurance and self esteem my dear.

Edited by Ben - Aus, 12 April 2010 - 01:56 AM.

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#1052 sentrysnipe

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 03:02 AM

This is the most popular thread on Imminst.

I'm kind of expecting a little more from the members, like, totally, you know?

Post #1052. So rad.

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#1053 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 06:56 AM

Which labels has she paraded for? The girls I see while out on catwalks or at castings look... *achem* slightly different.

I agree, they look slightly more milenky and unnatural. She was offered a gig at hollister but turned it down due to continuing her education. She did a few local ads and some swimsuit things but she doesn't want to be viewed as a product so she might pursue acting instead. Stage acting specifically.

P.S I don't recall you posting any full sized close ups of yourself.

Edited by TheFountain, 12 April 2010 - 07:06 AM.

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#1054 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 07:03 AM

I am sorry to say that many people both here and elsewhere qualify for the ugly years old category. I am glad that, according to young females, I do not.

I wonder if this is arrogance or insecurity that causes you to speak as such. Initially, i thought you were being arrogant, but after seeing your pic, I quickly realized it was insecurity.

Sad. I hope you get some self esteem and grow up a little

Apparently you did not get a good enough look at my girlfriend. She is a model and does not date 'insecure types'. But it's nice to know I am being 'called out' by someone who hasn't posted a picture themselves. And the picture I posted (the first one) seems to get lots of love from all the young girls on myspace.

My girl says you look like Adam Lambert's uglier brother, just off a shift at Hot Topic. Kudos to your "model" girlfriend (LOL!) for being able to tolerate your stellar personality, though.

i'm sorry, did you or 'your girl' post photos of your selves on this thread yet? I don't recall seeing any. Least I get lots of female attention where I am. hehe
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#1055 Luna

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 08:41 AM

female attention? wow someone really needs to deal with your ego (and delusions O_o).. like that's anything new O_o

#1056 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 10:23 AM

For the record I am not a teenage boy. I'm not sure what you meant by that comment. If you meant to say I have the metabolism of a teenage boy due to dietary and other choices, this might well be the case.

I said "lean mass" of a teenage boy. As we have already made clear you and I have vastly different goals and tastes when it comes to appearances. It's not an attack, just a statement of fact. You want a feminine youthful face and I prefer 20 inch arms even if what it takes to have that makes me age faster.

Excess muscle is contrary to maximum lifespan, no doubt about it. Even the diet and training needed to get there is problem since it tends to cause inflammation, increased blood pressure, high insulin levels as well as high cell turnover and heightened metabolic demands and can wear out the joints etc.

As someone interested in both longevity and powerlifting/bodybuilding, it makes for a dilemma as to where to balance the two.

This is why I settle on a semi-muscular physique. I don't mind having a slightly feminine appearance as I find it more aesthetic than an overly masculine one. Luckily this generation of females tend to agree with the latter sentiment. Most are tired of and threatened by over-masculinity. Maybe this is the instincts of the human race telling us that super masculine characteristics are no longer necessary and that they were an evolutionary cul de sac whose time has passed. Maybe we as a species are entering a more calm, nurturing phase now.

Regarding why a surplus of testosterone might make a guy look older at a younger age. I think it is association. A long-term testosterone surplus tends to make the face look squarish and squarish looking faces tend to be associated with elderly people (or so they say). I don't think this is a black and white thing because I have seen plenty of square faced people who do not look old, but if a guy already has a squarish face, accelerating the squaring of their face might not be the best thing in terms of maintaining youthful appearance. And this is just the beginning. Testosterone surplus also tends to dry out the skin and this dryness leads to lines and wrinkles at a younger age. Then you have to consider DHT and its effect on growth patterns in the face. DHT inhibitors (such as soy isoflavoones) definitely should help here.

Edited by TheFountain, 12 April 2010 - 10:24 AM.

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#1057 hypnotoad

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:22 AM

This is why I settle on a semi-muscular physique. I don't mind having a slightly feminine appearance as I find it more aesthetic than an overly masculine one. Luckily this generation of females tend to agree with the latter sentiment. Most are tired of and threatened by over-masculinity. Maybe this is the instincts of the human race telling us that super masculine characteristics are no longer necessary and that they were an evolutionary cul de sac whose time has passed. Maybe we as a species are entering a more calm, nurturing phase now.

No.. human evolution has not changed in the past 50 years. You are young, and femine looking boys are fashionable with young girls who are , as you said, intimidated by alpha males. You are looking at the subject through the eyes of a young person. Look at all the teen heartthrobs and boy bands geared for 13 year old girls - they are very non threatening. Adult womens' tastes often change. That's why a guy like Daniel Craig plays James Bond not a kid like Justin Beiber. That's why guys like Russel Crowe or Christian Bale are popular with many adult women. Those men are in no way confused with being emo/feminine.

My wife is 33 and I can tell you that she is repulsed by emo guys, yet when she was a teenager she was in love with all the boy bands so I'm not sure what you mean by "this generation" Granted her tastes don't speak for all women, but her experience is quite common and it happened to her friends as well.

The types of movie heroes and role models for men changes back and forth over decades. In the 60's, rough and tough guys like Steve McQueen were popular. In the 70's you had the Alan Alda "sensitive men" fad. Then in the 80's it was Schwarzenegger and Stallone. Now we are back to a less overtly physical trend. These things have nothing to do with humanity entering a "calm, nurturing phase" but are strictly social fads/trends.

Not sure where you get the idea that testosterone drys the skins and enhances wrinkles. It makes skin oily and increases acne, so I'd love to see a source that cites testosterone as causing wrinkles to any noticeable degree. If anything, I'd imagine that lack of testosterone would lead to brittle and thin skin. If have a source for that, I'd like to take a look.

This subject is off-topic from skin & hair, but the topic of youth and attractiveness etc is tangentially related I suppose.

EDIT: Here is a snippet of an article on the topic - taken from some cosmetics article: http://www.cosmetics...ts-testosterone


Rase recently announced that he is to leave the position he has held for 15 years as president of CS Dermatologie in an effort to concentrate his energy on the new product line that bears his name.

Laboratoires Didier Rase was established in May 2007, with the launch of the first product at the end of last month marketed solely on-line, and initially targeting the Spanish and French markets.

The new product line has been inspired by research carried out by Rase into the skin ageing process of the male skin, which began in 2006.

Male skin is different to female skin as it comprises thicker layers of skin, giving it a different physical make up that requires quite a different approach when it comes to anti-ageing treatments.

In response to this a number of male dedicated skin care lines have started to hit the market in recent years, including mainstream, high-profile offerings that have included the L'Oreal Expert range and the Nivea For Men range.

However, Rase claims the big innovation for his new skin care line is the ingredient Phyto-androzyme, which is the result of the research programme he funded last year.

Rase says that public enemy number one in the male skin ageing process, is a gradual loss of testosterone, which usually begins to have a noticeable effect on the skin in the early 30s.

What happens to the skin is that it relaxes, becomes more sensitive to external forces, takes on a grayish tinge and eventually starts to wrinkle.

Edited by hypnotoad, 12 April 2010 - 11:53 AM.

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#1058 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:41 AM

Oh be real. Everyone wants attention. Though some of us have a less genuine way of attaining it than other's. Tis human nature to seek attention.

Any attention is good right? Even if it is negative. I must admit, you have done a good job gaining the attention you desperately need... but then again, it doesn't take much skill being a douch bag.

#1059 Luna

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:57 AM

He isn't even looking feminine O_o (at least, I can't see his face through the hair so I can't tell) just like some super extrovert emo or something, of course it'll get attention.

I don't get this, all those posts full of ego and then coming as if to show off "you and your girl didn't post photo" "you didn't see this" "you're trying to prove something on a web forum" what? O_o it's like you're talking to yourself but labeling other people.

No, I have nothing to prove or even worry about from what you said personally about me and/or other girls in this forum, you're just weird. (And yeah I know you'll say I am conditioned to be against you because you are unusual blabla bla I don't care shut up)

The thing is, you're ruining this thread, you're attacking everyone, go away.

#1060 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:06 PM

I think you are looking at the female mind through a very fuzzy lens which most men tend to do. Female attractions are not as linear as people make them out to be. Being attracted to more aesthetically pleasing men is not a 'phase' that females go through. It is a fact that tends to remain with them till they no longer feel the pull of biology. Perhaps older females are not feeling the biological pull as much, thus are not as overtly attracted to more aesthetically pleasing males.

Now with regard to young girls being attracted to teen idols because they find them less threatening, you have to remember that even in the female adolescent mind there are levels of attraction. 12 year old girls might find the Jonas brothers attractive but most 15-17 year old females I know have no interest in them. Another thing is that alot of these girls listen to lil jon, 50 cent, eminem and a host of other 'gangsta' style rappers who could be perceived as much more threatening than the average television actor.

You obviously do not comprehend the complex mind-set of teenage girls in 2010. They are definitely nowhere near as simple and prone to media catering as you think they are. Maybe the ones between 11-13 but this generation of girls is alot more feisty and informed than previous ones. It is their well informed natures that goes hand in hand with their lack of attraction for overly masculine types. And none of the actors you pointed too are overly masculine. At least not in terms of their personalities. I think this misconception you have is related to the fact that you presume all generations to be going through the same set of phases. As I said earlier this is not linear, but dynamic in nature.

What damages the skin where testosterone is concerned is DHT and this is the result of too mcuh testosterone. DHT is likely responsible for bone growth also. And we know its effect on hairloss. I never said lack of testosterone was good for men, but too much testosterone is what causes body builders to often look older facially than other men their ages, in my opinion and based on what I know. Hormonal balance is key.

(edited by Matthias: long quote removed)

Edited by Matthias, 13 April 2010 - 12:49 PM.

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#1061 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:23 PM

He isn't even looking feminine O_o (at least, I can't see his face through the hair so I can't tell) just like some super extrovert emo or something, of course it'll get attention.

I don't get this, all those posts full of ego and then coming as if to show off "you and your girl didn't post photo" "you didn't see this" "you're trying to prove something on a web forum" what? O_o it's like you're talking to yourself but labeling other people.

No, I have nothing to prove or even worry about from what you said personally about me and/or other girls in this forum, you're just weird. (And yeah I know you'll say I am conditioned to be against you because you are unusual blabla bla I don't care shut up)

The thing is, you're ruining this thread, you're attacking everyone, go away.

As I pointed out in my previous post (which was deleted for some reason) you seem to want me to care what you think and the fact that I don't seems to disturb you. Ask yourself why and deal with this dilemma. Because it is certainly not my own. I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides. Another Dilemma you suffer from is your inability to deal with differing opinions on Aesthetics. As I said, I find you average in both appearance and mind set. That is MY aesthetic opinion. And it relates directly to why I do not care what you think of me. I only care what hot women with above-average mind sets think. See, the theme here is that the women I am attracted to and who are attracted to me have both sides of the equation filled. Not one in compromise of the other. That is the way I like things, complete and evolved. Or at least on their way to evolving.

Oh and whichever director or moderator deleted my last post please explain why. If it is because I addressed an opinion of someones appearance and personality, maybe I can yank up dozens of posts by many members (including miss innocent Luna) in which they did the very same thing to other users. Then I would kindly request an explanation of why their posts weren't deleted. Sound fair?
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#1062 hypnotoad

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:24 PM

You obviously do not comprehend the complex mind-set of teenage girls in 2010. / It is their well informed natures that goes hand in hand with their lack of attraction for overly masculine types / And none of the actors you pointed too are overly masculine

LMFAO.. oh brother. You fucking crack me up. Do you remotely believe this crap as you are writing it or are just trying to argue for argument' sake?

#1063 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:29 PM

If anyone wants to ask where the childishness began address the impetus behind this thread, not me or my past few posts. It is an inherently childish thread and that's fine, I actually like this thread and it's childishness, but to say I have exceeded the limits of the thread by being childish is an oxymoron to say the least as this thread BEGAN with a certain degree of childishness. Again, I like this thread but I am certainly not the first to be forthright or insensitive during the course of it.

Edited by TheFountain, 12 April 2010 - 12:31 PM.

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#1064 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:30 PM

You obviously do not comprehend the complex mind-set of teenage girls in 2010. / It is their well informed natures that goes hand in hand with their lack of attraction for overly masculine types / And none of the actors you pointed too are overly masculine

LMFAO.. oh brother. You fucking crack me up. Do you remotely believe this crap as you are writing it or are just trying to argue for argument' sake?

This is not a well formulated refutation of my statements.
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#1065 hypnotoad

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:43 PM

I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides.

What you are not consciously addressing is that you are defending your personal style choices by dismissing and attacking other people's opinions who disagree with you. You are no more evolved , enlightened or "above it all" than anyone else on this board.

You lashed out when someone criticized you and you disguised it with a bunch of psycho-babble about how all guys have homosexual urges or whatever and how your girlfriend is hot. You are overcompensating yet you don't even realize it. It is YOU who are overly pre-occupied with your metro-sexuality and urges because you so vigorously insist everyone else as thinking/feeling the same way but are afraid to admit it. People on here don't care if you are metro-sexual or gay or straight or however you want to identify it. But YOU clearly care and are willing to hurt other people's feelings to cover it up ("Longevity women are doggish"). Just don't go through life projecting your own insecurities about it onto other people's motives.

Everyone has feelings and insecurities. Just admit to the fact that way back in the thread your feelings were hurt when people commented on your picture and style choices.

Edited by hypnotoad, 12 April 2010 - 12:55 PM.

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#1066 Ben

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:43 PM

Which labels has she paraded for? The girls I see while out on catwalks or at castings look... *achem* slightly different.

P.S I don't recall you posting any full sized close ups of yourself.

Posting pictures of myself would break a few rules:

1. Be humble
2. Maintain a certain level of anonymity on the internet

#1067 hypnotoad

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:44 PM

You obviously do not comprehend the complex mind-set of teenage girls in 2010. / It is their well informed natures that goes hand in hand with their lack of attraction for overly masculine types / And none of the actors you pointed too are overly masculine

LMFAO.. oh brother. You fucking crack me up. Do you remotely believe this crap as you are writing it or are just trying to argue for argument' sake?

This is not a well formulated refutation of my statements.

Because it is so silly I'm not going to bother. Sorry if you think that's a cop out, but this debate is going nowhere.

Edited by hypnotoad, 12 April 2010 - 12:46 PM.

#1068 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:15 PM

Which labels has she paraded for? The girls I see while out on catwalks or at castings look... *achem* slightly different.

P.S I don't recall you posting any full sized close ups of yourself.

Posting pictures of myself would break a few rules:

1. Be humble
2. Maintain a certain level of anonymity on the internet

Assuming people are going to be stalking you if you show a few pictures of yourself is not the height of humility.
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#1069 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:19 PM

I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides.

What you are not consciously addressing is that you are defending your personal style choices by dismissing and attacking other people's opinions who disagree with you. You are no more evolved , enlightened or "above it all" than anyone else on this board.

You lashed out when someone criticized you and you disguised it with a bunch of psycho-babble about how all guys have homosexual urges or whatever and how your girlfriend is hot. You are overcompensating yet you don't even realize it. It is YOU who are overly pre-occupied with your metro-sexuality and urges because you so vigorously insist everyone else as thinking/feeling the same way but are afraid to admit it. People on here don't care if you are metro-sexual or gay or straight or however you want to identify it. But YOU clearly care and are willing to hurt other people's feelings to cover it up ("Longevity women are doggish"). Just don't go through life projecting your own insecurities about it onto other people's motives.

Everyone has feelings and insecurities. Just admit to the fact that way back in the thread your feelings were hurt when people commented on your picture and style choices.

You've misunderstood. I simply think you lack comprehension of the fact that you do not have your finger on the pulse of female thinking. Now I am not implying that I do, but I guarantee you I speak to a few more of todays teenagers than you do and thus have more direct experience with them than you do from a human perspective (you could very well be a teacher at a highschool, but this does not suggest you have greater experience with teenagers and the thinking processes that accompany todays teenage mind set).
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#1070 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:31 PM

I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides. Another Dilemma you suffer from is your inability to deal with differing opinions on Aesthetics. As I said, I find you average in both appearance and mind set. That is MY aesthetic opinion. And it relates directly to why I do not care what you think of me. I only care what hot women with above-average mind sets think. See, the theme here is that the women I am attracted to and who are attracted to me have both sides of the equation filled. Not one in compromise of the other. That is the way I like things, complete and evolved. Or at least on their way to evolving.

Personally, I could care less how you dress or style yourself, to each thier own. I have to ask though, have you even remotely considered the possibility that the vast majority of the negative responses you are getting are not because everyone else has issues, but perhaps because you are coming across as an attention whoring, egotistical douchebag? Really, if you wouldn't have made attacks on the appearance of others, you wouldn't be getting all this negative attention. I think the real issue is that you are pretty insecure with both your looks and sexuality. Your behavior of knocking others down to lift yourself by stepping on thier backs can't really be explained otherwise. Even if you were the hottest dude on the planet and women swarmed to you like they do to the dudes in those retarded AXE commercials, your behavior would still not be justified. Personally, I didn't have a single problem with anything you had to say, nor how you look as my 16 year old son styles himself the same way, until you started attacking the appearance of others ...then had the gall to post a pic of yourself with your hair covering your face, showing a cleft chin, with a 5 out of 10 chica at best, while still continue to talk trash to people and put them down. I think I can speak for a fair number of people when I call you an arrogant and delusional jerk.
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#1071 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:33 PM

Which labels has she paraded for? The girls I see while out on catwalks or at castings look... *achem* slightly different.

P.S I don't recall you posting any full sized close ups of yourself.

Posting pictures of myself would break a few rules:

1. Be humble
2. Maintain a certain level of anonymity on the internet

Assuming people are going to be stalking you if you show a few pictures of yourself is not the height of humility.

Read into his statement much? He didn't make the assumption that people would be stalking him, he is basically saying that he doesn't need to post his picture on the internet to feel validated by the opinions of others. This is both displaying confidence in yourself while being humble at the same time. Something you could probably learn from.
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#1072 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:37 PM

I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides.

What you are not consciously addressing is that you are defending your personal style choices by dismissing and attacking other people's opinions who disagree with you. You are no more evolved , enlightened or "above it all" than anyone else on this board.

You lashed out when someone criticized you and you disguised it with a bunch of psycho-babble about how all guys have homosexual urges or whatever and how your girlfriend is hot. You are overcompensating yet you don't even realize it. It is YOU who are overly pre-occupied with your metro-sexuality and urges because you so vigorously insist everyone else as thinking/feeling the same way but are afraid to admit it. People on here don't care if you are metro-sexual or gay or straight or however you want to identify it. But YOU clearly care and are willing to hurt other people's feelings to cover it up ("Longevity women are doggish"). Just don't go through life projecting your own insecurities about it onto other people's motives.

Everyone has feelings and insecurities. Just admit to the fact that way back in the thread your feelings were hurt when people commented on your picture and style choices.

This was very well said. Much better than I said it and more clear and to the point. Kudos to you.

#1073 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:40 PM

I am simply trying to bring out a certain psychopathology that is prevalent through-out this thread but which people are not consciously addressing. That is, the psychopathology of people feeling threatened by guys who are fashionable and/or who embrace their feminine sides. Another Dilemma you suffer from is your inability to deal with differing opinions on Aesthetics. As I said, I find you average in both appearance and mind set. That is MY aesthetic opinion. And it relates directly to why I do not care what you think of me. I only care what hot women with above-average mind sets think. See, the theme here is that the women I am attracted to and who are attracted to me have both sides of the equation filled. Not one in compromise of the other. That is the way I like things, complete and evolved. Or at least on their way to evolving.

Personally, I could care less how you dress or style yourself, to each thier own. I have to ask though, have you even remotely considered the possibility that the vast majority of the negative responses you are getting are not because everyone else has issues, but perhaps because you are coming across as an attention whoring, egotistical douchebag? Really, if you wouldn't have made attacks on the appearance of others, you wouldn't be getting all this negative attention. I think the real issue is that you are pretty insecure with both your looks and sexuality. Your behavior of knocking others down to lift yourself by stepping on thier backs can't really be explained otherwise. Even if you were the hottest dude on the planet and women swarmed to you like they do to the dudes in those retarded AXE commercials, your behavior would still not be justified. Personally, I didn't have a single problem with anything you had to say, nor how you look as my 16 year old son styles himself the same way, until you started attacking the appearance of others ...then had the gall to post a pic of yourself with your hair covering your face, showing a cleft chin, with a 5 out of 10 chica at best, while still continue to talk trash to people and put them down. I think I can speak for a fair number of people when I call you an arrogant and delusional jerk.

I do not recall you posting a picture of yourself or your wife. Did I miss something? I think I understand the thinking processes of teenage females, with regard to their attractions, alot more than guys like you do, as I tend to attract alot of them, sometimes even to my girlfriends chagrin. In the first photo I posted, My face is not covered, I simply had semi-long bangs which did not, by any means, cover even 10% of my face. The second photo was one of my girlfriend and I having a good time. And if my girlfriend is a mere 5 I must submit that most of the females who have posted their photos here are a -1

Edited by TheFountain, 12 April 2010 - 01:45 PM.

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#1074 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 02:18 PM

I do not recall you posting a picture of yourself or your wife. Did I miss something? I think I understand the thinking processes of teenage females, with regard to their attractions, alot more than guys like you do, as I tend to attract alot of them, sometimes even to my girlfriends chagrin. In the first photo I posted, My face is not covered, I simply had semi-long bangs which did not, by any means, cover even 10% of my face. The second photo was one of my girlfriend and I having a good time. And if my girlfriend is a mere 5 I must submit that most of the females who have posted their photos here are a -1

Your argument is that I have to post a picture of myself. Whether or not I posted a picture doesn't invalidate that you are a douchbag.

You are stating that I don't understand teenage girls when I am not even commenting on that, nor would I care to understand teenage girls... I am not a pedophile.

Your girlfriend is a 5, at best. Sorry, just not into chick with moon faces, you really can't change my opinion on that. Much like you have the right to be a complete douchebag if you so choose, I have the right to an opinion.

Not only that, you manage to insult all the female posters again, validating my point that you are in fact a douchbag. Your response is pretty much fail.

Edited by mikeinnaples, 12 April 2010 - 02:21 PM.

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#1075 TheFountain

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 02:32 PM

I do not recall you posting a picture of yourself or your wife. Did I miss something? I think I understand the thinking processes of teenage females, with regard to their attractions, alot more than guys like you do, as I tend to attract alot of them, sometimes even to my girlfriends chagrin. In the first photo I posted, My face is not covered, I simply had semi-long bangs which did not, by any means, cover even 10% of my face. The second photo was one of my girlfriend and I having a good time. And if my girlfriend is a mere 5 I must submit that most of the females who have posted their photos here are a -1

Your argument is that I have to post a picture of myself. Whether or not I posted a picture doesn't invalidate that you are a douchbag.

You are stating that I don't understand teenage girls when I am not even commenting on that, nor would I care to understand teenage girls... I am not a pedophile.

Your girlfriend is a 5, at best. Sorry, just not into chick with moon faces, you really can't change my opinion on that. Much like you have the right to be a complete douchebag if you so choose, I have the right to an opinion.

Not only that, you manage to insult all the female posters again, validating my point that you are in fact a douchbag. Your response is pretty much fail.

My comment on teenage girls and what they find attractive is a point made in defense of people who believe they know how females think. They don't. And you are misusing the term pedophile. A pedophile is an adult who molests a little kid. Teenage girls are not little kids. A word for someone who is attracted to teenage females is a phebephile. And, like it or not, every man alive over 18 is one. Whether one admits it or not.
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#1076 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 03:22 PM

Tsk tsk, stay on topic and stop trying to deflect the conversation with inane nonsense. I said pedophile, and I meant it as such, in context, if I were to take such an interest in tean age girls and how they think and what they find attractive. Your defination therefor doesnt apply to my statement nor the way I meant it.

Anyways, it is pretty evident that you would rather continue the nonsense instead of discussing your behavior and why you feel the need to portray yourself at the expense of others, yet get inflamed when someone says the same towards you. I understand that you pretend to not really care about what others think about you, and if that is in fact the case, it would be the only thing respectable about you. However, it is apparent to me that this isn't really the case. You need attention, be it positive or negative and go out of your way to get it.

Good luck kid, I hope your attitude changes and you grow a bit before someone changes the attitude for you. Seeing how I am fresh out of attention for you, I must bid you and your nonsense adeiu.

#1077 sentrysnipe

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 09:16 PM

Stop fanning the flames. Jesus

#1078 Skötkonung

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 09:59 PM

I was actually laying on my stomach on a bed when that photo was taken and the camera eye was about a foot away from my face. Now how many people here provide such close ups besides me and Matt? A little hair is not gonna hide someones real age. That is a ridiculous notion. And even if it HYPOTHETICALLY did maybe we should tell all the females here to shave their heads to show just how old they REALLY look! lol!

It might hide things like forehead wrinkles.

Well it is obscuring the eyes and forehead, the two areas where aging is most prominent in under 30 adults. Pull the hair back!

#1079 Kisya

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:08 PM

Hey! I am a *very* pretty girlsie! ^-^

I am a ∞, so theresies! ^-^

♥ Annousenka ♥

Edited by PetiteCerise, 12 April 2010 - 11:14 PM.

#1080 SloMoSandy

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Posted 13 April 2010 - 12:20 AM

Lol... I'm not gonna read that sh*t, but I'm sure you guys had a productive discussion.

Ok, talkin' about hormones and appearance, I guess it depends.

K.Levrone, one of the best all time bodybuilders, dude hasn't aged a bit in the last 20 years. Be it good skin, facial structure or something, but hormones hasn't left a mark on his appearance:

~ 20 years ago:


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: skin, hollywood

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