I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...
Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:13 AM

Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:15 AM
You are a very beautiful, attractive, gorgeous man.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:17 AM
Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:22 AM
Edited by Matt, 13 July 2010 - 02:22 AM.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 03:18 AM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Posted 13 July 2010 - 04:01 AM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
In the real world, that's not how it works.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 06:22 AM
thanks! :O yeah i always have looked younger with shorter hair xD
how much protein are you shooting for again?
body weight?
Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:20 PM
Hey, most women have long hair! I am one of them, I am part of the cattle?
No, I simply think I am prettier with long hair. A lot of men feel better about themselves with short hair, unrelated to feminine/masculine.
Stop generalizing people by their hair, you do it way too much.
Women can take more chances than men though, they can wear colorful clothes, make up, etc and not be criticized for it. This is because we still live in a predominately male based society in which, unless you have a vagina, you are not allowed to look pretty, lest you be called a 'fag'. So I think my generalizations are quite fine. And I will keep them till people change.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:23 PM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Todays girls do not think that way. How well a man takes care of his face is important to todays females as well. Not just physical stature. I think you must be from a generation in which females treated any guy under 6 feet tall like an idiot.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:26 PM
Okay I can see that the long hair ages your look. From teens to late 20s even. I notice this too so I recently went back to basic short military cut.
um, no idea where people get this non-sense from. If you look genuinely younger, long hair/short hair will not make much of a difference, as in the case of Jared Leto for example. He looks equally young regardless of hair style. I am talking about hair style as an independent adjunct to individuality. Not as regards to how old or young it makes one look.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 01:56 PM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Todays girls do not think that way. How well a man takes care of his face is important to todays females as well. Not just physical stature. I think you must be from a generation in which females treated any guy under 6 feet tall like an idiot.
This study has a reference to another where the majority of women chose the medium tall men as the most attractive, so oops, looks like they didn't know they should listen to allmighty Mother Nature when choosing a mate. Ghostrider, I think you're making too much of the musings of guys like David Buss and the like, if you have issues concernig your height, I'd say you shouldn't. Perhaps you're tired with hearing stories like "my cousin Ed is only ... feet and ladies dig him like crazy", but still I can tell the opposite version - my friend ( I use metric system so I don't know about feet, but he's two meters - something ) and build really strong, 24 yo - never had sex, not because he's shy, he goes out to women, they just tell him to take a hike, he's not ugly, he's not stupid, he just doesn't have what it takes.
From top of the head, think about something like this - if men, thanks to hardwired genetics, prefered large breasts which I'm sure every evo psychologist will eagerly jump on, then why you will find exactly zero large breasted women in China, Japan and all East Asia, only if they had a job done or are biracial ? Surely, during thousends of years there were occasional large breasted females born here and there - why didn't they become "genetic queens" and passed their boobs to subsequent generations ?
And isn't actually tall height negatively correlated with longevity ? I think some cancers are more often the taller a person, not to mention problems with the bones and circulatory system later in life. I guess that doesn't say much in favor of genetic fitness. I think a lot of those things have more to do with how we perceive status and power, than with actual evolutionary advantages. As for height - I remember reading about an African tribe where out of a few hundred women asked only dozen wanted a tall male ( And no, those weren't the Pigmeys

You mentioned leg lenghtening operations being popular among the Chinese, but I very much doubt it, that they would be doing them if they had never came in contact with Caucasians, on average taller than them, it's more like a prestiguous thing, probably they care because they know we care. Now among East Asians and Hindus you have this skin whitening craze, even to the point where poor people are willing to rub just about everything in their faces that someone tells them that will work, as it is almost hundred percent equalized that "beauty = fair skin" as whoever was the colonizer there, he alwas happened to be whiter than the indigenous and it's perfectly normal in those areas to be denied a job if you look too dark. In the West it's a totaly other way around - people are ready to knowingly rase their chances of getting skin cancer and actually make themselves look less atrractive in the long run thanks to speeding up the aging process, in order to look darker than they naturally are, because in our parts of the world in the beggining of XX century a fad caught up, that it's not attractive to be pale ( altough actually it was the opposite for most of the past ). And what evolution has to do with both of this ? it looks like awfully a lot of what we perceive as attractive is in fact cultural. On this island with your twin brother, I guess the girl wouldn't care about height, because she wouldn't have any girl friends to show off her boyfriend to.
And I don't know if that helps much, but think of it this way - even if some guys are "gettin' it" a lot right now, then it doesn't change the fact that all of them are equally on their way to not getting any ( at least not with the women they would want ) unless they manage to buy them some "love" when they're old, like Hugh Hefner.
Edited by chris w, 13 July 2010 - 02:21 PM.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:02 PM
Women can take more chances than men though, they can wear colorful clothes, make up, etc and not be criticized for it. This is because we still live in a predominately male based society in which, unless you have a vagina, you are not allowed to look pretty, lest you be called a 'fag'. So I think my generalizations are quite fine. And I will keep them till people change.
Has this happened to you personally? I know my son has gotten flak in highschool for his appearance (similiar to yours). I think its ok for him to express himself however he wishes in regards to appearance and support him in it. I do find it ironic though that his reasoning behind it is to be 'different' and 'unique' .....and then I see him hanging out with a dozen kids with hair and clothes just like him. The is nothing particularly different or unique about it as they are all pretty much clones of one another. When I was in highschool (not as long ago as you might think), that particular style would as best be a very very tiny percentage of the population... now it seems like 50% of the kids in his school adhere to that style. It isn't really unique or different anymore ...and like clean cut, short haired kids, it is just another norm kids are conforming too. Making generalizations about people with short hair being MMA watching, knuckle dragging sheeple is no different than making generalizations about long haired, black eye liner wearing guys being 'fags' or 'homos'. In short, it is all very clique-y and is very much a 'high school' mentality and an immature one at that. I would hope as an adult, people would be able to ascend above such base behavior, but true to form and by example (you vs. Luna) it appears as though women still are maturing mentally faster than boys.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 07:07 PM
Believe it or not there is too tall! I wouldn't mind a guy at around 170cm that's 5'7 I think. Wouldn't mind a bit taller or a bit shorter from that, but I think around that height, although I wouldn't mind a guy around my height either (5'4 or 5'5? I am about 164cm). My boyfriend is a bit taller I think.
Oh and that guy I told you about, he really does have a lot of legs and joints problems, he says it's because he just "grew too fast suddenly" that his legs are having problems and pains at times.
So yep, don't worry about your height. Besides, short women need to have a date! And a lot of women enjoy a partner at their height and you're not that short.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 07:48 PM
I have a .. friend who is about 2 meters tall, maybe a tiny bit less? maybe a bit more, forgot. He wanted to date.. he is an ok guy.. sort of.. but big and weird and hairy and... no ty.
Believe it or not there is too tall! I wouldn't mind a guy at around 170cm that's 5'7 I think. Wouldn't mind a bit taller or a bit shorter from that, but I think around that height, although I wouldn't mind a guy around my height either (5'4 or 5'5? I am about 164cm). My boyfriend is a bit taller I think.
Oh and that guy I told you about, he really does have a lot of legs and joints problems, he says it's because he just "grew too fast suddenly" that his legs are having problems and pains at times.
So yep, don't worry about your height. Besides, short women need to have a date! And a lot of women enjoy a partner at their height and you're not that short.
Average Younger Male in the Netherlands: 1.843m (6ft 1/2")
Average Older Indonesian Male: 1.580m (5ft 2")
Tall is a matter of perspective ......

Posted 14 July 2010 - 06:49 AM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Todays girls do not think that way. How well a man takes care of his face is important to todays females as well. Not just physical stature. I think you must be from a generation in which females treated any guy under 6 feet tall like an idiot.
This study has a reference to another where the majority of women chose the medium tall men as the most attractive, so oops, looks like they didn't know they should listen to allmighty Mother Nature when choosing a mate. Ghostrider, I think you're making too much of the musings of guys like David Buss and the like, if you have issues concernig your height, I'd say you shouldn't. Perhaps you're tired with hearing stories like "my cousin Ed is only ... feet and ladies dig him like crazy", but still I can tell the opposite version - my friend ( I use metric system so I don't know about feet, but he's two meters - something ) and build really strong, 24 yo - never had sex, not because he's shy, he goes out to women, they just tell him to take a hike, he's not ugly, he's not stupid, he just doesn't have what it takes.
From top of the head, think about something like this - if men, thanks to hardwired genetics, prefered large breasts which I'm sure every evo psychologist will eagerly jump on, then why you will find exactly zero large breasted women in China, Japan and all East Asia, only if they had a job done or are biracial ? Surely, during thousends of years there were occasional large breasted females born here and there - why didn't they become "genetic queens" and passed their boobs to subsequent generations ?
And isn't actually tall height negatively correlated with longevity ? I think some cancers are more often the taller a person, not to mention problems with the bones and circulatory system later in life. I guess that doesn't say much in favor of genetic fitness. I think a lot of those things have more to do with how we perceive status and power, than with actual evolutionary advantages. As for height - I remember reading about an African tribe where out of a few hundred women asked only dozen wanted a tall male ( And no, those weren't the Pigmeys). There was also a study done recently on UK women that showed they are loosing their aprreciation for muscled macho dudes. My rule of thumb is that the more egalitarian and abundant a scoiety, the less those ape indicators are important, it's much less deep in the brain, than we would think.
You mentioned leg lenghtening operations being popular among the Chinese, but I very much doubt it, that they would be doing them if they had never came in contact with Caucasians, on average taller than them, it's more like a prestiguous thing, probably they care because they know we care. Now among East Asians and Hindus you have this skin whitening craze, even to the point where poor people are willing to rub just about everything in their faces that someone tells them that will work, as it is almost hundred percent equalized that "beauty = fair skin" as whoever was the colonizer there, he alwas happened to be whiter than the indigenous and it's perfectly normal in those areas to be denied a job if you look too dark. In the West it's a totaly other way around - people are ready to knowingly rase their chances of getting skin cancer and actually make themselves look less atrractive in the long run thanks to speeding up the aging process, in order to look darker than they naturally are, because in our parts of the world in the beggining of XX century a fad caught up, that it's not attractive to be pale ( altough actually it was the opposite for most of the past ). And what evolution has to do with both of this ? it looks like awfully a lot of what we perceive as attractive is in fact cultural. On this island with your twin brother, I guess the girl wouldn't care about height, because she wouldn't have any girl friends to show off her boyfriend to.
And I don't know if that helps much, but think of it this way - even if some guys are "gettin' it" a lot right now, then it doesn't change the fact that all of them are equally on their way to not getting any ( at least not with the women they would want ) unless they manage to buy them some "love" when they're old, like Hugh Hefner.
You have some good points. I agree with all of it actually. I am not sure why height is admired so much in western culture, but it probably has to do with fitness / athletics, development, and preference. Women (not all, don't mean to generalize here) ... talking about culture, seem to prefer men who can make them feel protected and I speculate slightly dominant (again, not all women).
It's also very easy to generalize about one's perceived flaws since I can only observe life though myself. I can't see what opportunities other guys have or how women react around them. I speculate that it's not just height. It's probably also personality as well as looking young and thin.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 06:50 AM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Todays girls do not think that way. How well a man takes care of his face is important to todays females as well. Not just physical stature. I think you must be from a generation in which females treated any guy under 6 feet tall like an idiot.
What generation are you in? I'm 27
Posted 14 July 2010 - 06:56 AM
I have a .. friend who is about 2 meters tall, maybe a tiny bit less? maybe a bit more, forgot. He wanted to date.. he is an ok guy.. sort of.. but big and weird and hairy and... no ty.
Believe it or not there is too tall! I wouldn't mind a guy at around 170cm that's 5'7 I think. Wouldn't mind a bit taller or a bit shorter from that, but I think around that height, although I wouldn't mind a guy around my height either (5'4 or 5'5? I am about 164cm). My boyfriend is a bit taller I think.
Oh and that guy I told you about, he really does have a lot of legs and joints problems, he says it's because he just "grew too fast suddenly" that his legs are having problems and pains at times.
So yep, don't worry about your height. Besides, short women need to have a date! And a lot of women enjoy a partner at their height and you're not that short.
I have a .. friend who is about 2 meters tall, maybe a tiny bit less? maybe a bit more, forgot. He wanted to date.. he is an ok guy.. sort of.. but big and weird and hairy and... no ty.
Believe it or not there is too tall! I wouldn't mind a guy at around 170cm that's 5'7 I think. Wouldn't mind a bit taller or a bit shorter from that, but I think around that height, although I wouldn't mind a guy around my height either (5'4 or 5'5? I am about 164cm). My boyfriend is a bit taller I think.
Oh and that guy I told you about, he really does have a lot of legs and joints problems, he says it's because he just "grew too fast suddenly" that his legs are having problems and pains at times.
So yep, don't worry about your height. Besides, short women need to have a date! And a lot of women enjoy a partner at their height and you're not that short.
Thanks Luna, appreciate the kind words. I've kinda come to terms with it. It does not bug me that anymore, at least not compared to how I felt about it last year...of course if I could change things, I'd probably be 4" taller.
Average Younger Male in the Netherlands: 1.843m (6ft 1/2")
Average Older Indonesian Male: 1.580m (5ft 2")
Tall is a matter of perspective ......
Ohh, just discovered multi-quote, nice. 6ft 1/2", holy cow.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation. By the way, how come this "Who's the youngest one of all for their age competition" is based on appearance rather than athletic ability. I was out biking today and got passed by a couple bikers who were probably in their 40s (I don't bike very often). But I thought, given my age vs. theirs, that's a bit pathetic. How come athletic ability is not considered a better qualifier for youth here than appearance?
Edited by Ghostrider, 14 July 2010 - 06:56 AM.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 11:50 AM
How come athletic ability is not considered a better qualifier for youth here than appearance?
Well according to the topic, it is about looks

Posted 14 July 2010 - 12:12 PM
Posted 14 July 2010 - 02:40 PM
This sentence could have been saved by simply saying 'some women prefer'. And believe me it is not the majority of women who feel this way as the media tries to make us believe. The majority of women I meet prefer sensitive males to overbearing, overprotective, obsolete monkey types.Women (not all, don't mean to generalize here) ... talking about culture, seem to prefer men who can make them feel protected and I speculate slightly dominant (again, not all women).
Posted 14 July 2010 - 02:42 PM
I wish what you're saying about women not attracted to short tiny men is true. It would help stop the population problem in India and China.
If only would those women say "Umm, no Thanks Vincent Wang, I'll wait for my mailorder husband from Amerika to buy me. He's got a huge body and large penis."
There's more instances of leg lengthening in China than anywhere else in the world. It's also perfectly legal to write employment ads requiring people to be at least a certain height. It's a relative thing. 3000 years ago, I'd be Goliath. Ultimately, when it comes to physical attraction, and the subject of this thread, it's all about genetics. People are simply attracted to good genetics. Height, weight, bone structure, skin clarity, muscle mass, hair, etc. are all measures of fitness / genetics.
Height increase has nothing to do with it because even without it, the Philippines is not suddenly going to win the population problem. People don't stop fucking just coz they can't afford height increase operation.
No, it's about options. Height is a relative thing. If I was stranded on a desert island with my slightly taller twin brother (I don't have a twin brother) and there was only one female...all other things being equal and without risking generalization, if she was like MOST women, she'd prefer my taller twin brother.
Sorry to sidetrack the conversation from male beauty contest. :-)
Todays girls do not think that way. How well a man takes care of his face is important to todays females as well. Not just physical stature. I think you must be from a generation in which females treated any guy under 6 feet tall like an idiot.
What generation are you in? I'm 27
Generation Y.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 03:31 PM
This thread is a bit pointless...
I did read through parts of it though...and to add to my previous comments, I will say from personal experience that most women (~99.8%) are not attracted to boyish looking men in their 20s. It may have benefits for longevity (although that's still unproven), but women find it a real turn-off (probably because it makes them feel heavier by comparison, less safe, etc.). If I was given the option to be 6'1" and 160 lbs...well, I'd probably be doing something better with my time right now. ;-)
What women? What 99.8% Women in their 90s? 50s? 30s?
Does an 18 year old woman really find it safer to be with a 35 year old looking man or a 22 year old man?
By "boyish looking" I literally meant boyish-looking, like 5'7" and 120 lbs, young, but also small. It's hard to find women who are actually attracted to short + lightweight guys. Sure, there's women attracted to tall and lightweight and fewer attracted to short + heavier, but very, very few attracted to short + lightweight. Guess that doesn't have anything to do with age appearance, but rather body-type. It was a comment on those pursuing calorie restriction, there are drawbacks, especially if you're not tall.
Really? Then tell me why so many god damned females think this 'guy' is 'hot'? I swear I have heard 20 year old females say it! Interestingly most girls between the ages of 16-19 find him prepubescent looking (which he actually is) and not very attractive. But 20 year old women saying he is hot? I do not get it. He is 16 and looks 11!
I don't think many of those women would be attracted to the "Bieber" look in the long run. Eventually, many women want to be with a man that looks like a ma
Edited by morganator, 14 July 2010 - 03:32 PM.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 03:57 PM
This thread is a bit pointless...
I did read through parts of it though...and to add to my previous comments, I will say from personal experience that most women (~99.8%) are not attracted to boyish looking men in their 20s. It may have benefits for longevity (although that's still unproven), but women find it a real turn-off (probably because it makes them feel heavier by comparison, less safe, etc.). If I was given the option to be 6'1" and 160 lbs...well, I'd probably be doing something better with my time right now. ;-)
What women? What 99.8% Women in their 90s? 50s? 30s?
Does an 18 year old woman really find it safer to be with a 35 year old looking man or a 22 year old man?
By "boyish looking" I literally meant boyish-looking, like 5'7" and 120 lbs, young, but also small. It's hard to find women who are actually attracted to short + lightweight guys. Sure, there's women attracted to tall and lightweight and fewer attracted to short + heavier, but very, very few attracted to short + lightweight. Guess that doesn't have anything to do with age appearance, but rather body-type. It was a comment on those pursuing calorie restriction, there are drawbacks, especially if you're not tall.
Really? Then tell me why so many god damned females think this 'guy' is 'hot'? I swear I have heard 20 year old females say it! Interestingly most girls between the ages of 16-19 find him prepubescent looking (which he actually is) and not very attractive. But 20 year old women saying he is hot? I do not get it. He is 16 and looks 11!
I don't think many of those women would be attracted to the "Bieber" look in the long run. Eventually, many women want to be with a man that looks like a ma
So what makes them attracted to it in the short run even ? Is it somehow "fake" attractment but with time the "natural" one has to kick in at some point ? Perhaps with enough time given, this Bieber boy's look might become the "officially approved" look of a male. Not that I necessarily long for it.
Edited by chris w, 14 July 2010 - 03:59 PM.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 05:46 PM
Ghostrider, how tall did you say you are again? was it 5'7?
Yup, 5'7"...until there's a medically-safe and painless way to start growing again.<br><br>But back to my question, why are we judging youth based on looks rather than athletic ability? It seems that physical fitness (being able to run far in a short amount of time for example) would be a better indicator of health and youth than appearance.<br>
Edited by Ghostrider, 14 July 2010 - 05:48 PM.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:10 PM
But seriously though, I am 100% hetero and I say this in a complete non-sexual way...
You are a very beautiful, attractive, gorgeous man.
And I say this as a completely heterosexual man as well...
I would love to stroke your lovely blond hair and smell you quite a bit.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:19 PM
My experience with UK people is that most of them are kinda fat'ish and unhealthy compared to many people I know here in Israel...
BUT! when going out in the city in Israel or just going in the mall you can see SO MANY FAT PEOPLE it's terrible. People are hurting their health more and more around the globe.
Sooo many fatties :(
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:43 PM
Ghostrider, you live in PORTLAND, OR.. possibly one of the more liberal and accepting metropolitans in the United States. You should not be worried about being 5' 7". Portland celebrates individuality... what's the saying.. "Keep Portland Weird!" Not that there is anything weird with being 5' 7", but I don't think you will be judged for it in your current living environment. Note, I am also studying in Portland (have been for awhile) and I love it here. When my degree is finished this year, I hope to stay here.Ghostrider, how tall did you say you are again? was it 5'7?
Yup, 5'7"...until there's a medically-safe and painless way to start growing again.<br><br>But back to my question, why are we judging youth based on looks rather than athletic ability? It seems that physical fitness (being able to run far in a short amount of time for example) would be a better indicator of health and youth than appearance.<br>

On topic, I don't think phsyical fitness should be excluded from a total "youth" assessment. However, the topic is "i have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...," which implies that we are only examining people cosmetically.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:44 PM
This thread is a bit pointless...
I did read through parts of it though...and to add to my previous comments, I will say from personal experience that most women (~99.8%) are not attracted to boyish looking men in their 20s. It may have benefits for longevity (although that's still unproven), but women find it a real turn-off (probably because it makes them feel heavier by comparison, less safe, etc.). If I was given the option to be 6'1" and 160 lbs...well, I'd probably be doing something better with my time right now. ;-)
What women? What 99.8% Women in their 90s? 50s? 30s?
Does an 18 year old woman really find it safer to be with a 35 year old looking man or a 22 year old man?
By "boyish looking" I literally meant boyish-looking, like 5'7" and 120 lbs, young, but also small. It's hard to find women who are actually attracted to short + lightweight guys. Sure, there's women attracted to tall and lightweight and fewer attracted to short + heavier, but very, very few attracted to short + lightweight. Guess that doesn't have anything to do with age appearance, but rather body-type. It was a comment on those pursuing calorie restriction, there are drawbacks, especially if you're not tall.
Really? Then tell me why so many god damned females think this 'guy' is 'hot'? I swear I have heard 20 year old females say it! Interestingly most girls between the ages of 16-19 find him prepubescent looking (which he actually is) and not very attractive. But 20 year old women saying he is hot? I do not get it. He is 16 and looks 11!
I don't think many of those women would be attracted to the "Bieber" look in the long run. Eventually, many women want to be with a man that looks like a ma
So what makes them attracted to it in the short run even ? Is it somehow "fake" attractment but with time the "natural" one has to kick in at some point ? Perhaps with enough time given, this Bieber boy's look might become the "officially approved" look of a male. Not that I necessarily long for it.
I and other guys I know often say, "Damn that 16 year old girl is hot", but I usually follow it with, "Imagine how hot she is going to be in 4 or 5 years. I think this is the perspective of women as well.
Looking both young, developed, and mature is ideal in most people's minds, JMHO.
Edited by morganator, 14 July 2010 - 07:46 PM.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:59 PM

(someone had to say this, don't hate)
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