I don't know of 'the Doctors' you speak of, and don't see such a claim on her website, and I can't locate any such content on youtube. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I am not saying she is a fraud, just that the 'proof' she puts forth is not adequate to satisfy my skepticisim. I don't want to sound paranoid, but there are fradulaent longevity claims from time to time, and children do sometimes assume the identity of parents for the mere purpose of collecting social secuirty benefits. In this case she has the additional motivations of the book she sells and her vegan cause. She has a website to market herself, but she does not provide any photographic records or objective third party accounts to support her claims on her website.She proved her age on the Doctors I believe by showing them her birth certificate or something.

I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...
Posted 04 January 2013 - 05:49 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 09:48 PM
Its her drivers license, I'm not sure how reliable that is. Also she claims that she was confident and enjoyed promoting her stuff on a small scale (for many years) and just recently decided to go out to the public. I recall on an interview that she hoped The Doctors would also debunk her having any plastic surgery but I don't think they checked her for that.
Edited by docTorpedo, 04 January 2013 - 09:52 PM.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:21 PM

Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:49 AM
And it is a FL License. I have two fake FL drivers licenses, one says I am 43 the other 61. $100 each from China, very realistic looking, holograms, scanable magnetic strips. I think it is the most counterfited State license. No one outside of a law enforcement with access to the Florida database could tell it is a fake. But that's not my point. If she just assumed her mother's identiy 20 years ago, she could have a valid FL driver's license with her picture on it. i'd be convinced if I saw some pictures of Annette with her husband in her 20s and 30s and 40s, I should think that is something most people would have.Its her drivers license, I'm not sure how reliable that is.
Edited by JohnD60, 05 January 2013 - 03:50 AM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 06:42 PM
Here is a crazy 63 year old guy, David Wynn Miller, born 1949, in his 2012 seminar on YouTube where he describes how he stopped aging in his twenties (he died during surgery; lost adrenal glands).
Here is an article about him from 2011:
Edited by nightlight, 13 January 2013 - 06:45 PM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 08:45 PM
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:17 PM
I would be suspicious of the age he claims to be
Wikipedia shows his birth year as 1949.
While he is obviously operating on a different plane where few would dare enter, he has tapped onto something, keeping him young physically and mentally (after all he is a 'former tool and dye welder' - can't have unhealthier job than that). Note that he doesn't appear defficient in testosterone or growth hormone or seem to starve himself, as was the case with other youngish looking males shown earlier in the thread. Maybe the naturally high dopamine, as schizophrenics and manics have, can do that (e.g. selegiline has been hailed as youth elixir; or in folklore/religion one would call it 'selling his soul to the devil').
Posted 14 January 2013 - 11:07 AM
From http://owndoc.com/
This man is 70 years old!

Dermaneedling pioneer Dr. Desmond (Des) Fernandes dermarolled his own face more than 50 times. The result: Skin that looks decades younger than his age, in spite of the South African sun. His results prove that dermarolling is both long-term safe and effective. Recent YouTube interview with Dr. Fernandes so you can see that he really looks like that.
Posted 15 January 2013 - 04:17 PM
Re Fernandes: Great hair for a 70 year old. Better than his skin, which he claims to be exceptional because of Vit A, etc... The still photo looks at the least a cherry picked glamor shot, possibly years ago, possibly touched up. In the video he looks 62 to me. His neck really ages him. He appears to have lost a lot of facial bone volume.
Posted 15 January 2013 - 11:35 PM
No need to waste time on this one.
Posted 16 January 2013 - 06:02 PM
Re Fernandes: Great hair for a 70 year old. Better than his skin, which he claims to be exceptional because of Vit A, etc... The still photo looks at the least a cherry picked glamor shot, possibly years ago, possibly touched up. In the video he looks 62 to me. His neck really ages him. He appears to have lost a lot of facial bone volume.
Hard to "paper-over" the effects of gravity and bone loss. That will take real rejuvenation biotechnology.
Posted 16 January 2013 - 06:14 PM
Posted 16 January 2013 - 11:32 PM
Kudos to Cindy Jackson for being honest about wanting to look young and being open about using cosmetic surgery to achieve those ends. Seems like facial aging is getting harder for her to combat, based on her 2012 picture on her blog. Her mouth looks a little odd, or stretched, or something, like Joan Collins.
I would say she still looks much younger, around 30s or so, but it's hard to know how much foundation she is wearing etc, would be interesting to know what supplements she takes.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 04:22 AM
Kudos to Cindy Jackson for being honest about wanting to look young and being open about using cosmetic surgery to achieve those ends. Seems like facial aging is getting harder for her to combat, based on her 2012 picture on her blog. Her mouth looks a little odd, or stretched, or something, like Joan Collins.
I would say she still looks much younger, around 30s or so, but it's hard to know how much foundation she is wearing etc, would be interesting to know what supplements she takes.
I can guarantee that it's not the supplements, if she's even taking any. She's had about 5 facelifts from the time she was 40 I believe. Her transformation is quite impressive, it actually seems like she got younger rather than older. She followed something called the Golden Ratio of beauty, in which she also had her jawline reconstructed.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 04:05 PM
Recent YouTube interview with Dr. Fernandes so you can see that he really looks like that.
You cant trust video, I have used this plugin
It works well, it tries to auto detect the face and only needs a few tweaks when lighting drastically changes
Posted 22 January 2013 - 05:22 AM
Here he is 69 years old, but still. Have you ever seen his current wife, too? Google Dr. Barbara Sturm. She is 36 years old and looks like she could be his grandaughter (mind you, she is a dermatologist).

Could over-protecting our skin, or not getting enough constant sun, do more damage than good?
Posted 22 January 2013 - 12:04 PM
My ex gf was 14 years younger than me and apart from her keeping me off the cigs/alc and making sure that I used a 5-step skincare system morning/night I think it really did make me younger looking being with her.
The girls that I am with are always at least 10yrs younger than me. It may be sick hahahaah but when I am with a woman of similar age to me I can not help but keep looking at their under eyes and crows feet... Men do age well but women don't.
Edited by Adamzski, 22 January 2013 - 12:08 PM.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:15 PM
There is some Chinese saying that, If you sleep in bed with a younger woman every night then you get energy or something... maybe it works for him!
My ex gf was 14 years younger than me and apart from her keeping me off the cigs/alc and making sure that I used a 5-step skincare system morning/night I think it really did make me younger looking being with her.
The girls that I am with are always at least 10yrs younger than me. It may be sick hahahaah but when I am with a woman of similar age to me I can not help but keep looking at their under eyes and crows feet... Men do age well but women don't.
Men think they age well...and studies have shown that if you think you are younger, you'll most likely "stay younger".
My mom recently married someone 25 years younger than her, and he thinks she's amazingly beautiful, which she is. She has aged beautifully. So I don't think we can make sweeping generalizations that men age better than women, or vice versa. It's very circumstantial.
That Chinese saying kinda worries me when I think of the frequency of under-age sex-trafficking (sorry to be political)...
Posted 22 January 2013 - 10:27 PM
Edited by JohnD60, 22 January 2013 - 10:31 PM.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 11:32 PM
Ironic that she is a Dermotologist, kind of like a Pulmonary Doctor marrying a Smoker.
Haha! So true. Love it.
Posted 23 January 2013 - 06:15 AM
75 at the time of the video. She's basically on CRON. She had eyelift only according to her.
Edited by Audioque, 23 January 2013 - 06:17 AM.
Posted 23 January 2013 - 06:35 AM
Posted 24 January 2013 - 03:40 AM
Posted 27 January 2013 - 04:14 PM
heres the very latest video interview with him. He sounds young too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZpwYagnALI
I read somewhere that he had some kind of hormone imbalance which might have something to do with why he looked 15 at 23. But I don't know anything else about it.
Honestly, in my opinion this Ralph macchio guy who keeps popping up here never looked particularly young for his age...he only creates the illusion that he looks younger due to his childlike facial features like the big, round, wide-set eyes. When I look at some pictures of him when he was in his 20s he clearly showed signs of aging.

Here you can see the beginning hollowness under his eyes and that his cheek pads are lower set than typical for a teenager. But most people will only see a boyish face and immediately assume that it must be a teenager. I think this is the secret of many supposedly "young-looking" people, including jared leto and julian casablancas.
Posted 27 January 2013 - 08:17 PM
Posted 28 January 2013 - 04:20 AM
Posted 28 January 2013 - 06:21 AM

Posted 28 January 2013 - 06:59 AM

Posted 28 January 2013 - 10:09 AM
To name another:
Carol Alt at 52 years old:

I think she could pull off being in her mid-30s/early 40s by this pic.
Posted 28 January 2013 - 03:07 PM
I notice that a lot of these people are on a highly plant based and/or raw diet.
Carol Alt looks better than some 36 year old I know.
Edited by Audioque, 28 January 2013 - 03:09 PM.
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