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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#1951 SloMoSandy

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 11:00 AM

Damn, some more good examples. That 71yo fella is on a level of his own if that's how he really looks irl. A.Kwok, wouldn't think he's over 30 if I wouldn't know better.

#1952 Brafarality

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 06:22 PM

Another vegan looking good at 71:

Someone filmed it with is probably a cellphone camera or something, so the quality isnt great, but hee-hopefully acceptable enough.
Aside: Fox News and Veganism! Unexpected (Though it may be a local Fox news station. Bottom part is cut off so I can't tell, but it says 'Fox 5' and not Fox News in background, which suggests Fox local news)

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#1953 Mind

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 06:36 PM

Here is a better video containing pictures (in the beginning) where I would have guessed she was in her 60's. Still, she is very good looking for her age. Kudos to her. If she got plastic surgery she could probably look younger than Cindy Jackson - which would be an amazing feat.

Edited by Mind, 20 March 2013 - 06:11 PM.

#1954 trickymicky

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 11:30 AM

My wife is 63 (almost 64) and looks great, only my own opinion of course.

#1955 zorba990

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:27 AM

Lexa Doig

Looking good for 40....

#1956 DR01D

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 02:56 PM

The other day Howard Stern mentioned that he ran into Susanna Hoffs and that she looked amazing. She is 54 years old so I decided to google her to see if he was correct. He was.

Here is a video of Susanna walking around what looks like downtown Los Angeles.
YouTube: Susanna Hoffs & Her Husband

In this video she credits her youthful appearance to attitude, naturally oily skin and a lifetime of steady exercise. She walks every day. At around the 4 minute mark she stands up and performs and you can see what kind of shape she is in.
YouTube: Interview with Susanna Hoffs of The Bangles

One thing she didn't mention was diet but anybody that thin at her age eats a very, low calorie diet. Susanna has worked in the entertainment industry for decades and she probably doesn't realize that this compelled her to practice a form of calorie restriction that's not so different from what many of us are doing. This makes me wonder how many other people in Hollywood might inadvertently practice longterm CR and not even know it.

I can think of two other factors that might play a part in her youthful appearance.

A) She's only 5'2" tall which suggests her body might produce low levels of IGF-1. Low IGF-1 is linked to health and longevity.
B) Unlike most of Hollywood she's been married only once. If she's happily married low stress is a bonus.

Edited by DR01D, 21 March 2013 - 03:47 PM.

#1957 Mind

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 04:58 PM

Many Hollywood actresses are probably accidentally CR. They also have access to quality food and top notch beauty products. Life is less stressful when you don't have to worry about money/work long hours.

Edited by Mind, 21 March 2013 - 05:48 PM.

#1958 JohnD60

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 07:41 PM

Hoffs does look very good for 53 in that youtube (I'd say 40). But she looks so different that I would not have of been able to identify her without the introduction. I can't help think it is a bit of an optical illusion. She has always been be extremely attractive, I think that we involutarily perceive attractive people in the 40+ age range as younger than they really appear. I can't think of many people posted in this thread who were not unusually attractive in their youth. I want to see someone 50+ that is not atractive, was never attractive, but looks young for their age.
OT: The Bangles have long interested me. They had fame at an early age, but didn't realize how much luck played in that success. They broke up thinking they could each obtain as much success on their own, but they all failed to earn a fraction of what they made as a group. By the time they got back together the magic was gone. They can't be making much now touring. It must be sad knowing you peaked at 22, and failed to capitalize on it.
eta: and I think it is a good point about actresses being inadvertant practicers of CR

Edited by JohnD60, 21 March 2013 - 07:42 PM.

#1959 DR01D

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 10:42 PM

It must be sad knowing you peaked at 22, and failed to capitalize on it.

Susanna Hoffs has been married to Jay Roach for almost 20 years. It's safe to say that money isn't one of her top concerns. :-D

#1960 marcobjj

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 11:15 PM

I think that we involutarily perceive attractive people in the 40+ age range as younger than they really appear.

I think that only true for women, because it's nearly impossible for a woman to have aged wrinkled skin and still be attractive, only man can pull it off. below an example of guys looking every bit their age and still looking good:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by marcobjj, 21 March 2013 - 11:18 PM.

#1961 JohnD60

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 12:27 AM

I think that we involutarily perceive attractive people in the 40+ age range as younger than they really appear.

I think that only true for women, because it's nearly impossible for a woman to have aged wrinkled skin and still be attractive, only man can pull it off. below an example of guys looking every bit their age and still looking good:

there is some truth in that for sure.. Eastwood (and Daniel Craig) both looked old for their age when they were in their 30s, but are considered attractive..
Alternativelly, I think some men can be percieved as attractive and charasmatic just because of their voice, I think Eastwood fits into that group. Maybe Criag fits into that group also, I really don't understand his appeal.
Older Paul Newman looked young for his age to me (he died at age 83), so I am not sure how he supports your thesis.

#1962 marcobjj

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 01:21 AM

agree, although I think Newman always looked his age.

Attractiveness could also be evolutionary, when females get to the age where they have deep wrinkles their usually post menopausal, guys remain fertile for much longer.

Daniel Craig is a badass Bond but I don't think he's very good looking.

Edited by marcobjj, 22 March 2013 - 01:25 AM.

#1963 JBForrester

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 01:48 AM

agree, although I think Newman always looked his age.

Attractiveness could also be evolutionary, when females get to the age where they have deep wrinkles their usually post menopausal, guys remain fertile for much longer.

Daniel Craig is a badass Bond but I don't think he's very good looking.

I'd contest that. My mom is 64 and way past menopause and guys still check her out. She's married to a man 25 years younger. There are plenty women who look very attractive well past menopause. It's not as black and white as many seem to wish.
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#1964 marcobjj

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 02:52 AM

I don't think it's black and white, but it's generally how it works. Actractiveness is a way of measuring overall health and fertility.

#1965 DR01D

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:57 AM

Attractive = Visual or other cues that indicate someone can successfully birth, raise or otherwise support children.

It isn't any more complicated than that.

#1966 JohnD60

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 07:15 AM

It must be sad knowing you peaked at 22, and failed to capitalize on it.

Susanna Hoffs has been married to Jay Roach for almost 20 years. It's safe to say that money isn't one of her top concerns. :-D

true. I was trying to use money as metric for music business success, I probably could have done a better job of that.

#1967 JBForrester

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 08:26 AM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

#1968 JBForrester

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 10:49 AM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

@marcobjj & @DR01D

#1969 DR01D

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 01:29 PM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

@marcobjj & @DR01D

You might enjoy this article.
Fertility Affects Women's Attractiveness, Study Finds

Beyond that there are countless reams of scientific research that elucidate how fertility drives attraction and mate preference but I'm not going to do a bibliography on it. If you would like to see the data first hand I encourage you to use google and look it up.
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#1970 JohnD60

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 11:37 PM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

It is a widely accepted view point. Is it a proven fact? I don't know, it may be, it may not be, I don't have the depth to answer that question. But it (that people and other animals seek out mates based upon the perception of fertility and gene quality) is the basis for much of the field of evolutionary biology. IMO, it is so widely accepted that the burden of proof is on someone that claims otherwise.
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#1971 marcobjj

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:04 AM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

It is a widely accepted view point. Is it a proven fact? I don't know, it may be, it may not be, I don't have the depth to answer that question. But it (that people and other animals seek out mates based upon the perception of fertility and gene quality) is the basis for much of the field of evolutionary biology. IMO, it is so widely accepted that the burden of proof is on someone that claims otherwise.



Edited by marcobjj, 23 March 2013 - 04:05 AM.

#1972 JBForrester

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 07:46 AM

I'd love to see some scientific data if you want to support such claims.

It is a widely accepted view point. Is it a proven fact? I don't know, it may be, it may not be, I don't have the depth to answer that question. But it (that people and other animals seek out mates based upon the perception of fertility and gene quality) is the basis for much of the field of evolutionary biology. IMO, it is so widely accepted that the burden of proof is on someone that claims otherwise.



Thank you for the data marcobjj and DR01D.

I don't know why I even get dates then, because the only things I have that are feminine is a small jaw, boobs, and high cheekbones. Other than that, I have pretty small lips, medium-sized eyes, and a slightly large nose. The current guy I'm dating is quite testosterone-built though he does have slightly bigger lips than me. Which is funny because I've realized that most of the guys who are attracted to me have big(ger) lips. Any theories on that one? ;-)

Edited by JBForrester, 23 March 2013 - 07:54 AM.

#1973 niner

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 01:47 PM

I don't know why I even get dates then, because the only things I have that are feminine is a small jaw, boobs, and high cheekbones. Other than that, I have pretty small lips, medium-sized eyes, and a slightly large nose. The current guy I'm dating is quite testosterone-built though he does have slightly bigger lips than me.

You don't need to be a movie star to get dates. A girl who's just ok looking but is a lot of fun isn't going to have a problem. Frankly, guys aren't that picky. When all else is equal, both men and women will generally prefer a better looking partner to a worse looking one, but all else is rarely if ever equal.
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#1974 JohnD60

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:39 PM

I don't know why I even get dates then, because the only things I have that are feminine is a small jaw, boobs, and high cheekbones. Other than that, I have pretty small lips, medium-sized eyes, and a slightly large nose. The current guy I'm dating is quite testosterone-built though he does have slightly bigger lips than me. Which is funny because I've realized that most of the guys who are attracted to me have big(ger) lips. Any theories on that one? ;-)

I think you may be placing too much weight on the bio makers mentioned in the youtube, there are many others.
If that is you in your avatar, then the answer is self evident.
If that is not you, I think one can make some reasonable assumptions about you from your participation on this board, 1. you well above average in intelligence, 2. you are not overweight, 3. you do not smoke. So even if you do not have all of the mentioned bio markers, those three things alone would put you in top 40% or so of potential reproductive mates.

#1975 marcobjj

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 11:12 PM

JB, I didn't realize you were a girl. Please don't take this "science of attraction" thing overboard, there's a lot more to it than what's mentioned in that 2min vid, also post menopausal women can remain attractive by staying fit/taking care of themselves. There's a couple of 46 year olds at my gym that I'd take over most younger girls, nothing beats a combination of good looks + maturity.

#1976 DR01D

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 11:24 PM

I don't know why I even get dates then, because the only things I have that are feminine is a small jaw, boobs, and high cheekbones. Other than that, I have pretty small lips, medium-sized eyes, and a slightly large nose.

I'm sure you're pretty enough and beauty is relative. Compared to movie stars none of us are very attractive, hehe.

Plus brains and personality are attractive as well because they indicate you'll be a good mother.

But it's all part of natural selection. None of it is an accident.

#1977 marcobjj

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 11:28 PM

I've realized that most of the guys who are attracted to me have big(ger) lips. Any theories on that one? ;-)

maybe it's you who's attracted to them first, so you send them the right signals and they come onto you :)

#1978 Adamzski

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:07 AM

These two way signals excite both people, It is like looking at a guy and knowing you can beat them up, I think we in an instant decide oh this girl is hot I can get her I can do crazy things to her! or we decide to be intimidated by the girl knowing that she is unobtainable or beyond our abilities to make happy or satisfy. The signals going both ways confirm or enforce all this.

When I first got to Seoul, I was taking the antidepressant Wellbutrin, it made me confident horny and wide eyed, I think I looked much worse than now but I could hardly get on a bus or train without getting some girls number, I was living in a middle class college area and that helped but really it was mainly my almost manic state that made me more attractive. Now that I live in pretty much rodeo drive here, my confidence has taken a hit haha and everything is not new any more plus the main thing no more wide eyed AD enhanced personality, so it has been a fair while since I had some girl initiate contact.

The woman on that page half way down Anna Friel looks terrible for 36... Maybe English people do age faster? it is the second time I have seen pics from that website claiming people look young when they do not.

Edited by Adamzski, 25 March 2013 - 05:16 AM.

#1979 Adamzski

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 07:51 AM

And the author of that page Amanda Platell, It did surprise me that she was born in 1957.. She dose not look incredibly young but she does have a youthful way about her, Im sure there are many 40 year olds that look older than her. She looks 45 to late 40's to me.

#1980 JohnD60

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:02 PM

And the author of that page Amanda Platell, It did surprise me that she was born in 1957.. She dose not look incredibly young but she does have a youthful way about her, Im sure there are many 40 year olds that look older than her. She looks 45 to late 40's to me.

I assume the woman in the chair is the author. Funny, to me the author does look close to her age (I can see her age in her neck lines), but 36 year old anna looks young to me (I would have guessed 32, well she is only 36, she doesn't look that young).

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