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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#2101 Maecenas

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 10:43 AM

I would say on this photo she looks even younger than 40...

#2102 nupi

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Posted 15 September 2013 - 01:16 PM

Some well known people from the news recently who look very good for their respective ages.

Flight attendant from Asiana 214 is 40 years old but looks 27:

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Looks at least 35 to me. With decent make up, most Urban Asians around 40 would look similar. If I have to estimate Asian ages, I generally add about 7 years to my initial estimate as that has by experience be about my bias....

Conversely, that 22 year old could easily be 35...

Edited by nupi, 15 September 2013 - 01:19 PM.

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#2103 Audioque

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Posted 15 September 2013 - 02:12 PM

Thanks JLL, but my under eyes are a real problem these days. I went for the folds first as I think its all I need at the moment besides my eyes. I have heard that if you put filler under your eyes that it is not effective for large bags and can make it harder for a surgeon to work around it if you end up going that route.
Hehe Im not ashamed to have a younger gf but I am looking older these days. A few years ago I had a similar age gap gf and everyone would say we looked a similar age. This girl I am with now is 22 but she looks much younger in real life most people would expect her to be at school still. I dont really care that much about other people but it could affect us. I want to look 26-28 max.

Here is a friend of mine, 22yo with her Grandmother! 63yo.. it is an instagram type filtered photo but in real life she looks about 40 something

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the Asiana flight attendant that Condraz23 posted above is a very normal 40yo in Seoul, I would guess her age at 40 for sure.

The curly hair woman to the right is the grandmother isn't it? She looks like her sister and a 30 something.

#2104 Adamzski

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 05:37 AM

Thanks JLL, but my under eyes are a real problem these days. I went for the folds first as I think its all I need at the moment besides my eyes. I have heard that if you put filler under your eyes that it is not effective for large bags and can make it harder for a surgeon to work around it if you end up going that route.
Hehe Im not ashamed to have a younger gf but I am looking older these days. A few years ago I had a similar age gap gf and everyone would say we looked a similar age. This girl I am with now is 22 but she looks much younger in real life most people would expect her to be at school still. I dont really care that much about other people but it could affect us. I want to look 26-28 max.

Here is a friend of mine, 22yo with her Grandmother! 63yo.. it is an instagram type filtered photo but in real life she looks about 40 something

Posted Image

the Asiana flight attendant that Condraz23 posted above is a very normal 40yo in Seoul, I would guess her age at 40 for sure.

The curly hair woman to the right is the grandmother isn't it? She looks like her sister and a 30 something.

hehe no you have it the wrong way around, the curly haired girl is the 22yo.. I may make the same mistake if I was not used to the way Korean people look. The older woman would not have had surgery as if she did there would be double eyelids for sure. She would have had the standard fillers and botoxes that most people have here, I think she just has a natural round faced cute look and she has a very bubbly child like personality, that would help a lot. Give her 12 months of stress and bitterness plus not much sleep and 10yrs would pile on instantly

#2105 JLL

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:33 AM

63 years... damn!

#2106 Adamzski

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:48 AM

Girls and Guys wear BB cream in Korea almost all teens and tweens everywhere here. And in Gangnam there would not be a single couple under 45yrs old that does not put makeup on together in the morning haha.

I got some of this today, its a CC cream, it real macho makeup pretty much Posted Image
LOL I will just wear it for photos or when out with my little gf, I had some a while ago and it was a little too dramatic I had to mix it with moisturiser and even then it was a bit too strong, was a guys brand too. This one is for the more macho man apparently so its much more subtle.
I spose its like the effect a decent lasering would have on me, just takes 3 or 4 years off me straight away, maybe more, it takes away the slight unevenness, and gives back the under 25yo glow.
Here is a good example of the subtle effects, Posted Image

I think many people could look much younger if they just zapped a few tiny marks off their face

Gates and Jobs at 52yo, Jobs had such a better skin tone than Gates and the falling chin of the much more skinny Gates really ages him, he looks every bit his 52yrs. With hair Jobs could pass for 45 but is aged here probably sick, in his 1992 videos at 37yo he looks like a kid compared to his workers.

#2107 JohnD60

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 04:03 PM

Girls and Guys wear BB cream in Korea almost all teens and tweens everywhere here. And in Gangnam there would not be a single couple under 45yrs old that does not put makeup on together in the morning haha.

Gates and Jobs at 52yo, Jobs had such a better skin tone than Gates and the falling chin of the much more skinny Gates really ages him, he looks every bit his 52yrs. With hair Jobs could pass for 45 but is aged here probably sick, in his 1992 videos at 37yo he looks like a kid compared to his workers.

What does BB and CC mean?

Not sure which 1992 videos you are talking about. The first few minutes dating game parody is from 1984, he is prob. 29 in that video. In the 1992 picture that follows the video he looks his age to me. I assume the series is in chronological order. Gates does look old for his age, I suspect if you are that rich, famous, powerful and smart, there is not much reason to worry about your apperance. People don't judge him by his apperance because they already know his story.

Edited by JohnD60, 27 September 2013 - 04:05 PM.

#2108 Adamzski

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:47 PM

BB cream was originally a product that some laser clinic made up to sooth and regenerate the skin plus provide some coverage of the redness etc after after getting laser or similar stuff done to skin. People kept using it so they made it into a product.

#2109 Adamzski

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:52 PM

and I seen that as well in that video the 1984 one he looked older than the 1992 ones, maybe working extra crazy for a few years at that time. The 1992 videos maybe look better from the low res VHS they are on. Gates looked like a kid in that dating game bit. 3 years later in 2010 Jobs looks shocking, he is lucky to have lasted another year from the looks of this

#2110 harris13.3

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Posted 28 September 2013 - 10:31 AM

Gates and Jobs at 52yo, Jobs had such a better skin tone than Gates and the falling chin of the much more skinny Gates really ages him, he looks every bit his 52yrs. With hair Jobs could pass for 45 but is aged here probably sick, in his 1992 videos at 37yo he looks like a kid compared to his workers.

What I find more interesting is Bill Gates in the 1983 video. He is supposed to be 27/28 but he still has that young boyish look and voice. He almost looks like a precocious 17 year old.

Edit: I found this picture from 1981 with Bill Gates and his childhood friend Paul Allen. They are both roughly the same age. Paul looks like he could be Bill's father... and Bill looks 15:

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This is the worst recent picture I could find. He's aged quite a lot. You'd think that after becoming the richest man in the world, you'd look better but nope:

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Edited by Condraz23, 28 September 2013 - 11:13 AM.

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#2111 Jembe

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 06:46 AM

I'd like to see his T and E2 levels. I bet they could use a seesaw shift.

#2112 Adamzski

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 06:34 PM

He is the ubergeek, Calorie restriction may make you look younger but never doing any exercise at all could not be healthy long term.
I gotta get back into exercise.. and start living on stuff other than McDonalds/Pizza/cigarettes. I'm at the age where I can spiral into looking 10yrs older than my age fast.

#2113 Raptor87

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 07:15 PM

Girls and Guys wear BB cream in Korea almost all teens and tweens everywhere here. And in Gangnam there would not be a single couple under 45yrs old that does not put makeup on together in the morning haha.

Gates and Jobs at 52yo, Jobs had such a better skin tone than Gates and the falling chin of the much more skinny Gates really ages him, he looks every bit his 52yrs. With hair Jobs could pass for 45 but is aged here probably sick, in his 1992 videos at 37yo he looks like a kid compared to his workers.

What does BB and CC mean?


They are often used as a "quick fix" - - all in one makeup stick including UV protection. Also they are very popular among men because one stick that applies easily and fast takes the stigma of putting makeup on. I have thought of buying some for when I haven't had any sleep but am not sure yet.

Here is a product review!


#2114 Adamzski

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 05:25 PM

wow comparing Gates to Shatner, I just read Shatner is 82, plenty of makeup and post production on this video but I never really made the connection between him being a black and white 30yo star to his age, I was thinking he was 60 or something.

#2115 Raptor87

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 07:52 PM

We are talking mostly about faces, but what about bodies? Iggy had a great body well in to his 50´s!

The question is what ever happened after 2003!

I mean, is it just aging or did he become lazy? I think that he cleaned up his act after 77 or something so he must have been exercising or something. Could he bring back his body and skin to his former look that he had 2009 with natural means?

#2116 Adamzski

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 08:52 PM

yeah its a dramatic change almost instantly, just his pecs deflating and the stomach muscles disappearing all leaving loose skin, he could get it back but maybe his joints and energy level would not allow him to, seems to have a lot of energy on stage thou! A course of low dose roids, HGH, peptides and food would get it back. I have been with a girl that lost 25kg of weight, her skin was like a half full bean bag, but she was young it seemed to tighten up over a year.

#2117 JBForrester

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 09:07 PM

Wow, Iggy's face starting 1978... Goodness...

What do you guys think of Morgan Fairchild? I don't know if she's been mentioned on here yet but take a look:

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I think she looks pretty amazing for 63... Probably had more than a little nip and tuck though. I'd say maybe 50 in the lower pic.

#2118 marcobjj

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 11:17 PM

Shatner is a phenom, 82 and he moves/acts/talks like someone half his age, literally. He is sharp and witty as hell, runs circles around everyone else mentally.

Edited by marcobjj, 01 October 2013 - 11:18 PM.

#2119 marcobjj

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 11:21 PM

would nom Morgan Fairchild, although she does look very plastic.

#2120 marcobjj

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 11:26 PM

Sean Connery is the same age as Shatner and very old by comparison

#2121 Adamzski

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:06 PM

Fairchild I would nom her plasticness as well :)

Shatner is amazing, he must have done a deal with the devil or something. There are some pics of him where he does look a little worse for wear but there are no pics at all that I have seen where he looks anything like even a typical 70yo, there is not in general an old man look about him, his weight probably helps there as well. Maybe your average guy that carries a bit of weight usually gets struck out by heart disease etc before they reach the 80's.
Connery seems sharp and does look aged but he still looks really healthy and good.
​Its strange that men don't get the plastic look as they age and get there eyes done etc, for sure shatner has probably done every single procedure available but to a mild degree. Maybe it is just that women like Fairchild try to get some 20yr younger look with their surgery so it gets more and more plastic.

#2122 marcobjj

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 11:40 PM

I think Shatner found a right balance between dieting and exercise. Obsessive dieting and low caloric intake can make a person miserable. He carries a bit of extra weight, nothing very bad for his age and he always seems happy and vibrant. Obsessive exercising may also wear out the body in the long term. Jack Nicholson is another guy who is in good form for nearly 80 while still carrying extra weight.

Edited by marcobjj, 02 October 2013 - 11:42 PM.

#2123 Matt

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 10:53 PM

Isn't Shatner a transhumanist or share similar views? He does look fantastic for his age! I'm impressed by how young he seems mentally as well. :)

#2124 marcobjj

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Posted 07 October 2013 - 12:43 AM

so, continuing our IT Company CEO study. Looks like Larry Ellison had some work done? He's in excellent shape for 69 years old regardless.

#2125 Adamzski

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Posted 09 October 2013 - 07:00 PM

Looks like Larry went a little too far, his upper bleth is too overdone but yeah he looks good. I want to do under my eyes but it does not look very natural to have zero hooding of the upper eyelids, I dont think I will touch there

#2126 Adamzski

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Posted 09 October 2013 - 07:12 PM

John Mcafee would have to be his opposite.. he is a cool guy thou :)

I started my working life as a full time 17yo network engineer/virus something at the company in Australia that was basically Mcafee's AU branch, the managing director was an alco and we all did bucket bongs after work, never knew it all come from the top until I read about John last year.
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#2127 marcobjj

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 03:44 AM

lol, I didn't know McAfee was a real life person until I saw this video. I did know Norton because his face was in the old Norton Utilities box.

Mcafee is going for the rugged, Most Interesting Man in the World vibe.

#2128 Raptor87

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Posted 11 October 2013 - 10:09 AM

Gwen Stefani 43-44 is still looking great.

#2129 harris13.3

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Posted 12 October 2013 - 07:37 PM

Posted Image

Uncle Bill Tapia in 2007. He is a musician. 99 in this picture. Apparently he was still healthy and able to drive at 100.

Died just shy of his 104th birthday.

He was probably genetically blessed or something. A shame his genetic code wasn't sequenced. It could have provided some interesting insights.
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#2130 JBForrester

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Posted 12 October 2013 - 10:22 PM

Posted Image

Uncle Bill Tapia in 2007. He is a musician. 99 in this picture. Apparently he was still healthy and able to drive at 100.

Died just shy of his 104th birthday.

He was probably genetically blessed or something. A shame his genetic code wasn't sequenced. It could have provided some interesting insights.

Wow, good find Condraz... Genetically blessed, or he grew up and lived in a sunny tropical place, did what he loved, had an ample social life and support network, wife and daughter as well. Sounds like a pretty nice life to me.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: skin, hollywood

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