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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#2131 Matt

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 01:09 PM


She's 29, and really does look like a teenager. The problem with many raw foodists is they get way too much sun damage. Her skin looks pretty good. :) Too bad she has a boyfriend. LoL

#2132 Raptor87

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 03:45 PM


She's 29, and really does look like a teenager. The problem with many raw foodists is they get way too much sun damage. Her skin looks pretty good. :) Too bad she has a boyfriend. LoL

Her hair is thinning and losing it's color. Something that I have noticed among a lot of vegans. Personally I think she looks like an old woman.
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#2133 Matt

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:17 PM

""Existing on a spartan diet of nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables might not sound particularly appetising, but Susan Reynolds, 29, says it keeps her looking so young, she is regularly mistaken for a 16-year-old"

Are you serious? How do you know her hair is thinning and losing its colour? I'm turning 29 next week and get mistaken for being a teenager very often as well. I'm also a vegan, and definitely not thinning or losing my hair colour.

She certainly doesn't look like an old woman. *sigh*
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#2134 1kgcoffee

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 09:11 PM

She looks slim and healthy. Maybe a teenager by British standards. I've noticed a lot of Brits age terribly.

#2135 JohnD60

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:01 PM

she probably looks younger without that ridiculous forced smile the camera person asked her to pose with.

Too bad she has a boyfriend. LoL

His name is "Louie"and he is 22, surely she can't serious about him. I think you need to pursue this Matt!
Based upon the comments in the article, it evidently is not that uncommon for a 20 something woman to be mistaken for a teenager
ps: I love reading the comments on these mail online stories, the commenters don't hold back, and some of them have good insights

Edited by JohnD60, 14 October 2013 - 10:30 PM.

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#2136 Matt

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:32 PM

Looking very young for your age is not really that common. I've only met 2 people that I was genuinely surprised about when I found out their age. One girl recently was 36 years old but I had assumed she was in college. She was quite short and very slim also.

People are generally far too harsh when it comes to judging people based off digital photographs. They often make many people look older and bring out flaws that we don't see irl. Early 20's people still look fairly good. By 25, quite a few are going downhill. I remember when I was 23 years old I would be able to get on the bus every day and pay child ticket price (15 or younger). During that time, I had some people on the internet saying I looked in my 20's from photos of me that I had posted. weird..

#2137 Adamzski

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 09:29 AM

I thought her hair made her look younger kind of unkept and girlish but yeah looking at it again her hair looks straggly, she has a bunch of wrinkles and yellow teeth lol but she does have a cute teenagerish look, I would like to see a pic of her without the white balance pumped, Girls here in Korea live on diets of Soju, Beer and fried chicken hehe and all look so young, I think my standards of what looks young are shot to pieces by being here for a year, damn everyone has nuclear white teeth and if they ever did have any wrinkles then they are long gone botoxed filled or cut out

#2138 nupi

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 12:21 PM

She looks 25ish to me - decent for a 29 year old but nothing outstanding (first pic being definitely the most flattering one).

Edited by nupi, 15 October 2013 - 12:25 PM.

#2139 Raptor87

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 01:50 PM

""Existing on a spartan diet of nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables might not sound particularly appetising, but Susan Reynolds, 29, says it keeps her looking so young, she is regularly mistaken for a 16-year-old"

Are you serious? How do you know her hair is thinning and losing its colour? I'm turning 29 next week and get mistaken for being a teenager very often as well. I'm also a vegan, and definitely not thinning or losing my hair colour.

She certainly doesn't look like an old woman. *sigh*

Loot at her hair, especially around her forehead. It really looks like she needs to start eating some more protein. If you look at her overall hair, it looks like her hair close to her face is thinner than the rest of it.

I agree on the digital thingy though. High def really brings out the flaws. .

#2140 xEva

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 07:23 PM

Many people look very young BEFORE they turn 40+. Show me someone in mid 40s who looks like a teen and I will be impressed. And I have never seen someone look like a teen in their 50s. Youngish yes, teen no. So all those 20s and 30s somethings "looking like teenagers" don't impress me.
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#2141 marcobjj

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 08:37 PM

apperantly there are in fact anti aging properties to snake venom (and bee venom) and face creams containing synthetic venom are comercially available. Steve Ludwin telomere test returned 28 years old (he's 46).

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#2142 harris13.3

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 09:19 PM

Many people look very young BEFORE they turn 40+. Show me someone in mid 40s who looks like a teen and I will be impressed. And I have never seen someone look like a teen in their 50s. Youngish yes, teen no. So all those 20s and 30s somethings "looking like teenagers" don't impress me.

I know he's been mentioned on this thread before, but Jared Leto is probably the closest to what you're looking for. He's turning 42 in December but looks about 27. He hasn't changed much since the early 90's except his face looks a bit slimmer, his lips are a bit thinner, he has a couple gray hairs on his beard (these seem to come and go), and his nose looks a bit different. His skin still looks pretty good. No wrinkles yet. Here's an untouched close-up picture of him taken sometime this year.

Posted Image

With careful use of clothes (ie. younger fashions), plus a shave/neat trim around the beard and some hair dye, a more youthful hairstyle and clever lighting/camera angles, you could probably bump that down to 23. Maybe even younger if you added makeup and photoshop to the list - though that would be cheating.

Edited by Condraz23, 15 October 2013 - 09:26 PM.

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#2143 harris13.3

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 09:38 PM

Here's another picture of him. Looks about 25 here. Better camera angle/lighting and the beard is trimmed:

Posted Image

Edited by Condraz23, 15 October 2013 - 09:57 PM.

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#2144 xEva

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 10:45 PM

Condraz23, yes Leto looks good. His skin is very impressive. Still, I say let's wait a few years. From what I've seen, no matter how good or bad a person looked, everybody takes a sudden dip once they hit 40+. Maybe we start running out of telomeres then -?

marcobjj , re "Steve Ludwin telomere test returned 28 years old (he's 46)." -- but he looks late 30s (at best). Maybe he eats too much -? mice? His skin is better than most at his age though. There must be something to those telomeres after all, uh?

#2145 marcobjj

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 11:03 PM

Steve Ludwin looks early 30s to me, he has few thin lines under his eyes and forehead which most white men have in their ealy 30s.

#2146 harris13.3

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 11:16 PM

Steve Ludwin looks early 30s to me, he has few thin lines under his eyes and forehead which most white men have in their ealy 30s.

Same here. I would have guessed early to mid 30's. Not to shabby for 46. I know a couple of professors and lecturers who finished their doctorates in the 2000's who don't look too different from him age-wise. They would be in their 30's now.

Edited by Condraz23, 15 October 2013 - 11:17 PM.

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#2147 Adamzski

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 04:37 AM

Many people look very young BEFORE they turn 40+. Show me someone in mid 40s who looks like a teen and I will be impressed. And I have never seen someone look like a teen in their 50s. Youngish yes, teen no. So all those 20s and 30s somethings "looking like teenagers" don't impress me.

I dont think it is possible, even with surgery. Plenty of people that look 10yrs younger and a few that could be mistaken for 15yrs younger but 40 year olds looking 20 i have not seen one yet. People are doing well if they can look close to 10yrs younger.

#2148 JohnD60

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 05:38 AM

With careful use of clothes (ie. younger fashions), plus a shave/neat trim around the beard and some hair dye, a more youthful hairstyle and clever lighting/camera angles, you could probably bump that down to 23. Maybe even younger if you added makeup and photoshop to the list - though that would be cheating.

There is no disputing that JL looks very good for his age, but I don't understand your points here. He wears youthful clothes, he does have a youthful hair style, that is a posed glamor shot, the guy does not leave the house without makeup, and I bet he is dying his hair.
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#2149 harris13.3

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 07:30 AM

There is no disputing that JL looks very good for his age, but I don't understand your points here.

Basically xEVA wanted someone who was in their mid 40's but still looked like a teen. With the possible exception of Andy Milonakis (who last time I checked was in his 30's but looked 15), Jared Leto was the closest example I could think of. He is 42 but looks 27 in his natural state and with some effort, I think he could look even younger.

He wears youthful clothes,

He does wear youthful clothes for a 42 year old, but if you want to look like a teen or slightly older, then it helps to wear clothes that high school/college-aged kids would wear. Most people in their late teens/early 20's don't have a lot of money so that's also something to consider. It's not really ageing-related, but it helps to give the impression.

he does have a youthful hair style,

It's more timeless than youthful but I agree. The media has called it post-grunge and hippy. A more trendier hairstyle here wouldn't hurt though. Take a look at some of the trends of the 2000's and 2010's... emo/scene/hipster, etc. Teens will latch onto them but those who are older than 25 will usually tend ignore them.

that is a posed glamor shot,

Not really. He was attending a party/event to launch some new product with a bunch of other people and the picture was taken by some press photographer. So its much closer to reality than what you'd see on magazine covers. He still looks pretty good in those shots though. If you had a photographer who knew how to manipulate lighting/camera angles and a professional studio setting, then the results would be even better. And all of this would be possible without using any photoshop or digital manipulation.

the guy does not leave the house without makeup,

I don't think he's wearing makeup in the first picture. You can see some slight imperfections (though probably not age-related) in his skin especially under his eyes and around the cheeks. The second picture, maybe. His skin does look very flawless there, and thus he looks younger.

and I bet he is dying his hair

Probably, but he leaves his beard undyed sometimes. You can't really see it clearly except in some of the bigger photos - and even then its only a couple of photos that have it. If he wants to look closer to a teen then he'll need to change that.

Also, I was mainly talking about still photos and movie roles. He is an actor after all. If he did all of these things and got someone who knew how to point a camera correctly, then I believe he could pass off as someone who is even younger than 27 and definitely much younger than 42 - which is his real age. Maybe not the teen that xEVA wanted but early 20's isn't that far from teenagehood. He could play a post-grad student or something (though I doubt he'd be interested).

Edited by Condraz23, 16 October 2013 - 07:54 AM.

#2150 marcobjj

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 07:53 AM

I wonder if Leto underwent the knife. His skin looks almost impossibly young for a 42 year old.

#2151 Adamzski

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 05:01 AM

I can see photoshop, plenty of it in both those pics, lassoo around the eyes and face line, sharpen and saturation eyes, blur skin pump mid tones, levels warm image. it takes 20 seconds or less. But you can not really make a person look much younger with photoshop and the magazines point is just to make him look a little more attractive. he is doing well
I posted this in another thread here

I can see photoshop, plenty of it in both those pics, lassoo around the eyes and face line, sharpen and saturation eyes, blur skin pump mid tones, levels warm image. it takes 20 seconds or less. But you can not really make a person look much younger with photoshop and the magazines point is just to make him look a little more attractive. he is doing well
I posted this in another thread here

#2152 JohnD60

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 05:38 AM

...and I bet he is dying his hair.

JL was on Conan tonight promoting his new movie. He had blonde highlights (I thought that might have just been lighting in the seconed picture), bet won, dye job confirmed

Edited by JohnD60, 18 October 2013 - 05:40 AM.

#2153 harris13.3

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 01:47 PM

Here's a recent article that asks older people what they fear most about growing old. Some of them look a bit older than their age. A few look younger. The 63 year old woman from Singapore and the 74 year old man from Senegal have quite good skin for their age.


I wonder if Leto underwent the knife. His skin looks almost impossibly young for a 42 year old.

Botox is a possibility but I don't think he has done anything significant. Other than when he gained or lost weight for movie roles, his appearance has changed little over the years. Usually when a celebrity opts for plastic surgery, it becomes quite noticeable.

I can see photoshop, plenty of it in both those pics, lassoo around the eyes and face line, sharpen and saturation eyes, blur skin pump mid tones, levels warm image. it takes 20 seconds or less. But you can not really make a person look much younger with photoshop and the magazines point is just to make him look a little more attractive. he is doing well
I posted this in another thread here

I can see photoshop, plenty of it in both those pics, lassoo around the eyes and face line, sharpen and saturation eyes, blur skin pump mid tones, levels warm image. it takes 20 seconds or less. But you can not really make a person look much younger with photoshop and the magazines point is just to make him look a little more attractive. he is doing well
I posted this in another thread here

That looks interesting. Top one I'd say late 20's to about 30. Bottom one looks mid-late 30's.

...and I bet he is dying his hair.

JL was on Conan tonight promoting his new movie. He had blonde highlights (I thought that might have just been lighting in the seconed picture), bet won, dye job confirmed

Yeah, he has music videos where his hair is dyed. I've seen black, blond, red.

Edited by Condraz23, 18 October 2013 - 02:15 PM.

#2154 Adamzski

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 10:35 PM

Madonna looks attractive, could verge into overdone soon.. not implanting her nasal folds and leaving a few lines under her eyes makes her look like a classy 40 something year old. Shite i'm 4 years off 40 hehe..
In the bottom pic :) she has a really squeezable rear end

I think she has a good balance between looking some younger and looking like a freak.

#2155 marcobjj

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 11:34 PM

Madonna looks freakish, I think it's time for her to let go.
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#2156 TheFountain

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 01:34 AM

This has become the "who can we cut down today" thread.

#2157 Adamzski

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 03:00 AM

Madonna looks freakish, I think it's time for her to let go.

LOL yes soon it is time for her to let go hehe, she still has a few ounces of sexyness left to me thou

#2158 Adamzski

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Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:31 AM

This guy here couldnt be happy with what he has done to himself.. http://www.dailymail...-like-idol.html
But then again he has done $100,000 of surgery to look like bieber so maybe he is crazy enough.

LOL 58 comments of abuse already, the poms really rip into anything

Edited by Adamzski, 20 October 2013 - 04:01 AM.

#2159 Maecenas

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Posted 20 October 2013 - 08:25 AM

This guy here couldnt be happy with what he has done to himself.. http://www.dailymail...-like-idol.html
But then again he has done $100,000 of surgery to look like bieber so maybe he is crazy enough.

LOL 58 comments of abuse already, the poms really rip into anything

This guy should be nominated for an award for the most stupid thing ever done and the most absurd way money was ever shifted. Interesting that he has a fobia of aging but he isn't afraid to look like a retard. He looks more like a beaver than Bieber.

Edited by Maecenas, 20 October 2013 - 08:59 AM.

#2160 marcobjj

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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:20 AM

"33-year-old Bieber fanatic"

well that is pretty much all you need to know about him, lol

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: skin, hollywood

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