you can use prp (vampire lift) to boost collagene . its interesting but expensive. i will do my second seance in may. you can practice dr roller too, its intersting too.
Edited by bis, 30 April 2014 - 07:22 PM.
Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:18 PM
you can use prp (vampire lift) to boost collagene . its interesting but expensive. i will do my second seance in may. you can practice dr roller too, its intersting too.
Edited by bis, 30 April 2014 - 07:22 PM.
Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:31 PM
I'll have a look into it. Thanks, BIs!
Posted 30 April 2014 - 10:39 PM
Looks good Matt. Seems that there is a cliff everyone falls off in their late 30's and im in danger of that haha, I always looked maybe 6-8yrs younger than my age but recently a friend commented that I am just looking a few yrs younger instead of the 6-8yrs.. Its the thining of the face that does it, even a little podgy after a month long thailand holiday of eating im still thin or thinner than I would expect to be in the face.
The late 30s cliff is can be skirted! Perhaps with strategy, and perhaps with a little bit of luck, as I will explain : I think I lucked out because I packed on some middle age spread pounds from 2010-2012 and became a bit of a fat fauck, a bloated embarrassment to catch a glimpse of in the mirror. But, I caught a hold of myself in mid 2012 and turned the corner back to the thin club. I am back now and will not soon return to bloated man. However, there were some benefits to the weight gain, though some may think them risky and questionable - Most of the weight gain was from the healthiest of fat and diet, so it was pounds of hummous and nut butter pudging up my frame. Then, when I started losing the weight I noticed something many notice who gain weight and then lose it notice - my liver was enlarged. I realized it was a fatty liver, got nervous and really started dieting even more. It has since shrunk down though I still notice it against my ribcage sometimes, so it is probably still 2% enlarged or something like that. The good side of that became apparent later: It is as if all the best oils in the world were stored in my liver, cause when I lost weight, I didnt sag anywhere. My face not only maintained but improved...I suspect this was due to the fat supplied by my shrinking liver to my skin and body. As it shrunk down, it metabolized and distributed all this healthy nut butter fat to exactly where it was needed. Like a wound that heals to a better state than the body was when it started. But, this is all unproven speculation. So, I stand at 45 in a very good position, from an antiaging perspective, though I stopped posting about it and blogging about it since 2009. I got hardcore into painting, music and other stuff and de-emphasized antiaging and longevity in my mind and life, though I never abandoned the diet and hardcore sun avoidance. I just sort of do them without thinking about it anymore. It's in the background, but still a huge part of my life. Results: Hardcore proofed for alcohol all the time. Oh yeah! And ID'd, but not as hardcore, for cigs. The looks of shock and disbelief no longer thrill me. They have become a nuisance and an inconvenience. That does not mean I will give up my vegan high fat high health diet anytime soon. Just that I think I lucked out with the weight gain and loss, with my liver becoming a healthy fat distribution system for 2013-2014 as I very slowly and evenly lost weight, and stumbled into a really good place as far as appearance goes for a 45 year old Caucasian male. It can get pretty extreme and crazy. Any time I meet new people, it can be a trip. Wish I was as much into antiaging as I was in 2008-2009 so I could appreciate it more, but I do take note of it. So, I'm not pretending I don't care or do not notice. That would be weak. Recently, I hit the point where it almost seems like I am from another planet to those around 25-35 years of age. I kind of freak them out cause my appearance just doesn't make sense, just doesn't add up. But, although it is no longer fun and self-gratifying, I will still revel in the results of years of diligent healthy veganism.
Well, enough of that. Haven't rambled like that about this stuff in a long time. And THAT was quite a verbose outburst. Anyway, best of luck! Don't give up!
Posted 01 May 2014 - 07:16 PM
^^^ The cigarette smoking will catch up with you.
Posted 06 May 2014 - 04:37 AM
Putin -- born 1952 (61 years), stressful job, and yet..
this is taken on April 29, 2014
Posted 06 May 2014 - 05:50 AM
Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:48 AM
Putin looks like shit.
Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:49 AM
combo prp, AH and botox
Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:52 PM
I'm 43 and am told I look about 10 years younger, I can do much more to improve my appearance by treating my skin better, suing sunscreen more and such.
Posted 09 May 2014 - 02:25 PM
bis this combo prp is a vampire lift? I have read about it and some say it is a waste, was it good? how long did it take to work? there are a few types of it
Posted 09 May 2014 - 02:52 PM
Hello Mtn,
10 years younger, i dont know. For me, 38 years.
The best truth is others. When one, two or three persons said "you are 30-34". it s the truth.
In my case, each year, i ask some unknow people my age. in général its between 30 and 35. i have 42.
yes its the vampire lift. I dont know yet the result, i have my second seance in 13 days. I have already seen impressive before and after on internet.
in my case : combo affirm laser and prp. face&tbm=isch
my technic
Edited by bis, 09 May 2014 - 02:56 PM.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:57 PM
Julie (Catwoman) Newmar is aging gracefully!
Here she is between ages of 75-80.
Posted 13 May 2014 - 05:21 PM
Julie Newmar is perrrrrfect! My first love.
Putin has extremely full under eyes and nasolabia folds for a 61 year old. I am suspecting filler.Other than that he looks late 50s to me. As is, I would say he looks early 50s.
Edited by JohnD60, 13 May 2014 - 05:22 PM.
Posted 15 May 2014 - 07:41 PM
I am pleased to present you a new leader of ageless women. She is 50 and looks 25: http://www.jennifer-...s.php?album=608
Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:53 PM
Check out these pics:
Three things:
i) Can anyone even try to say that this person could have pulled this off if she wasn't on the chubby side?
ii) I bet if someone posted these pics on this thread and asked for people to guess her age, most would say: "Hmmm, you look like you are around 30, but could pass for 25". Ha! Kind of discredits all the negative age guessers on this thread because this 34 year old fooled 100s of high school sophomores and teachers for 7 months. You think your age guessing beats that for accuracy?
iii) As for the 2nd picture, everyone here would say that it is too blurry and that she is hiding her age. Again, you think you can outguess 500 high school students and 25 teachers who went to class with her for 7 months? Perhaps the hubris of some here is big enough to make that claim.
NOTE: She pulled off passing as a 15 year old for 7 months.
Edited by Brafarality, 15 May 2014 - 10:01 PM.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 01:48 AM
^^^ Bish looks creepy in the mugshot.
But then again, who doesn't?
Posted 16 May 2014 - 01:48 AM
^^^ Bish looks creepy in the mugshot.
But then again, who doesn't?
Posted 16 May 2014 - 07:05 AM
She's a hideous obese black women. Who cares for what age she could pass for?
Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:15 PM
She's a hideous obese black women. Who cares for what age she could pass for?
Ha! That made me laugh, though I might leave out the 'black' part if I posted it myself. But, yes, agree for the most part. But, for those obsessed, it's not about attraction or weight, but about how much younger you appear than your chronological age. I agree that other factors matter more, though she is just an interesting example.
^^^ Bish looks creepy in the mugshot.
But then again, who doesn't?
LOL! Yup. Mug shots are not taken by Mario Testino. Perhaps only beaten by drunken distorted party/bar shots for being unflattering.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 05:39 PM
Jennifer Beals looks awesome for 50. But there are other similar Hollywood types. She is further support for my hypothesis that people conflate good looks with youthful appearance.
The black woman/girl does not impress me. As has been said she is obese, it stretches skin and distorts perceived age. And it is noteworthy that she is black, because she was doing this at a very small, largely white, christian school, it is possible she was the only black in the school. A lot of unknowns at this point, I heard a news report there were only 20 students in the entire school, though that seems unlikely to me. Most reports I see are saying she is 31. She is crazy, it might be discovered next week she is only 25, by next week no one will care. Everyone here would say the 2nd picture is too blurry, because it is. Posting blurry fish eye super close up selfies is a common trick employed by obese older women on dating websites.
Edited by JohnD60, 16 May 2014 - 05:40 PM.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 06:14 PM
Jennifer Beals looks awesome for 50. But there are other similar Hollywood types. She is further support for my hypothesis that people conflate good looks with youthful appearance.
The black woman/girl does not impress me. As has been said she is obese, it stretches skin and distorts perceived age. And it is noteworthy that she is black, because she was doing this at a very small, largely white, christian school, it is possible she was the only black in the school. A lot of unknowns at this point, I heard a news report there were only 20 students in the entire school, though that seems unlikely to me. Most reports I see are saying she is 31. She is crazy, it might be discovered next week she is only 25, by next week no one will care. Everyone here would say the 2nd picture is too blurry, because it is. Posting blurry fish eye super close up selfies is a common trick employed by obese older women on dating websites.
I hear ya, but she still fooled a bunch of teens and their teachers. So, she didn't need a blurry close up to do that as it was in person.
But, that is what I meant - People on this thread will say that there is no way she could have passed for 15 but she did for 7 months. It's almost a form of denial, with no disrespect intended, of course.
Edited by Brafarality, 16 May 2014 - 06:15 PM.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:35 PM
Jennifer Beals looks awesome for 50. But there are other similar Hollywood types. She is further support for my hypothesis that people conflate good looks with youthful appearance.
The black woman/girl does not impress me. As has been said she is obese, it stretches skin and distorts perceived age. And it is noteworthy that she is black, because she was doing this at a very small, largely white, christian school, it is possible she was the only black in the school. A lot of unknowns at this point, I heard a news report there were only 20 students in the entire school, though that seems unlikely to me. Most reports I see are saying she is 31. She is crazy, it might be discovered next week she is only 25, by next week no one will care. Everyone here would say the 2nd picture is too blurry, because it is. Posting blurry fish eye super close up selfies is a common trick employed by obese older women on dating websites.
Btw, Jennifer Beals' father was black, so I think it helped her to stay looking younger. And I also agree that attractive people tend to look much younger, because youthfulness and attractiveness are complementary.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 08:44 AM
Tom Cruise is 49 years old in this video.
Posted 31 May 2014 - 05:04 PM
Zhang Tingxuan, 41 year old mother of two, looks like she's in her twenties. She credits her youthful appearance to workout and a high fruit diet.
Came across this on SuperTV. She's now 43. I say she could past for late 20s to mid 30s. She's the one with the workout outfit in the video. Body of a 20 something definitely. She went from 74 kg to 49 kg
Edited by Audioque, 31 May 2014 - 05:50 PM.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 02:28 PM
Here's Masako Mizutani's website:
Here's a recent picture of her at 45 years of age
Edited by Matt, 06 June 2014 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 14 June 2014 - 04:08 AM
Keanu: 1995 Keanu: 2008
Edited by Brainfogged, 14 June 2014 - 04:11 AM.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 05:11 AM
I am pleased to present you a new leader of ageless women. She is 50 and looks 25: http://www.jennifer-...s.php?album=608
Look 40+ to me. It's the sunken eyes and lines.
Edited by Audioque, 25 June 2014 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:02 AM
Me at 45...snapped around a half hour ago:
Was by no means effortless...years of maintaining a diet and regimen. But, the results are that I now cause jaw-dropping reactions when I reveal my age. Like a minor celebrity status at any party or bar. Weird, but I am used to it now.
Edited by Brafarality, 02 July 2014 - 01:04 AM.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 02:29 AM
Very impressive Braf. I'd have guessed 28 from that pic. Contrasting you to a guy that recently worked for me for a week is extraordinary. He was also 45, but he looked 55-60, gray thinning hair, wrinkled skin, at first I thought he was lying to me about his age, but I verified he was 45 via court records (unless he has been lying about his age for years), I suspect he experienced years of alcohol abuse.
Edited by JohnD60, 02 July 2014 - 02:32 AM.
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