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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#2311 Boopy!

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 07:55 AM

I still love Green Day although not their typically popular songs.   That's weird that Billie Joe was named however,  and I will actually go look at that and here is why --  at his most recent appearance at some big festival/concert,  cannot remember which one at the moment,  but one where he sported a big grey beard,  people were commenting all over the place about how old and unrecognizable he looked.   Not meanly by all people,  some just felt sad because they remembered him looking so much younger.   So now I definitely wanna go see that one in particular.  I am embarrassed to say that I don't know the first one,  Jared Leto looked pretty old (but still WAY hot)  on the cover of Mr. Nobody on netflix -- he will always be hot as long as he doesn't get fat --  and Paul does indeed look his age for sure!   He looks womanly the way some old men start to (or old women start to look mannish,  same idea.)

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#2312 Boopy!

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 08:08 AM

just looked it up --  well I DON"T care if he does look older (it was in Rolling Stone at the Coachella festival and he was filling in for one of the Replacements) he still looked hot to me!   Yes he did have a bushy beard,  I think they were saying he's sober and that's all that matters,  lots of rude comments about how unkempt etc he looked,  but like I said,  I love him and he can do no wrong!  I love the guy's talent,  lyrics,  how he always spoke his mind,  intelligently at that,  and he will always look good to me.   But then,  I live in a rural area and it's weird how one's tastes change.  When I lived in the city I was into a more professional,  dressed up look.  Now I go for guys with beards and facial hair,  something I could NEVER have imagined!   The scruffier the better --  someone who can get dirty and go camping and not be a little bitch about getting some dirt on his jeans when my dog jumps on him.

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#2313 Raptor87

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 02:30 PM

I still love Green Day although not their typically popular songs.   That's weird that Billie Joe was named however,  and I will actually go look at that and here is why --  at his most recent appearance at some big festival/concert,  cannot remember which one at the moment,  but one where he sported a big grey beard,  people were commenting all over the place about how old and unrecognizable he looked.   Not meanly by all people,  some just felt sad because they remembered him looking so much younger.   So now I definitely wanna go see that one in particular.  I am embarrassed to say that I don't know the first one,  Jared Leto looked pretty old (but still WAY hot)  on the cover of Mr. Nobody on netflix -- he will always be hot as long as he doesn't get fat --  and Paul does indeed look his age for sure!   He looks womanly the way some old men start to (or old women start to look mannish,  same idea.)



just looked it up --  well I DON"T care if he does look older (it was in Rolling Stone at the Coachella festival and he was filling in for one of the Replacements) he still looked hot to me!   Yes he did have a bushy beard,  I think they were saying he's sober and that's all that matters,  lots of rude comments about how unkempt etc he looked,  but like I said,  I love him and he can do no wrong!  I love the guy's talent,  lyrics,  how he always spoke his mind,  intelligently at that,  and he will always look good to me.   But then,  I live in a rural area and it's weird how one's tastes change.  When I lived in the city I was into a more professional,  dressed up look.  Now I go for guys with beards and facial hair,  something I could NEVER have imagined!   The scruffier the better --  someone who can get dirty and go camping and not be a little bitch about getting some dirt on his jeans when my dog jumps on him.



You think he looks old?


He is 42 at the current moment.



#2314 Mind

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 02:45 PM

He looks old-er, but not "bad" for his age. Seems to be aging pretty well.

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#2315 Boopy!

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 03:44 PM

yeah that's not at all the pics I was talking about!   I think it's amazing to see the tiny change in those years -- I hardly see anything aging except the entire appearance of the skin color and blemishing.  But the ones I meant where people were all commenting about his old look are different --   I am talking about a few live,  untouched or untouched appearing photos I saw on the Coachella pages from when he filled in for the Replacements.  I had wanted to go to that festival but couldn't and then to top it all off Billie Joe showed up for the Replacements  -- I was so sad I missed that.  People were all shocked about the grey in his beard and his appearance,  but honestly,  he looked good to me.  What are those from?  He looks good for his age in those,  but I think a man that great looking will always look better than the average guy.  I see 40 year olds around here that look about his age in the 2014 pic,  and then some who look way older,  and I always assume those people are outside without sunscreen PLUS smoking and drinking the way a lot of people in this rural area do.   The men especially -- they have this idea that real men don't wear sunscreen.   I can tell those types a mile away   (smoking/drinking/no sunscreen types.)   I yell at my ex bf all the time about that because it really will hit you eventually.  For Christmas I told him the only present I want is for him to finally use the sunscreen and other stuff I keep giving him.  

So,  I guess the one thing is past sun damage, which 40 year olds didn't hear enough in their teens,  and perhaps the main other one?  Even five pounds of weight gain -- when I think of two friends in particular,  who have this unlined,  perfect skin,  and are older,  they never ever go outside....and they put on weight,   so they DO look older than their age.   They used to be skinny and pale,  now they are fat and pale,  and it cancels out all the good skin effect.  So stay fit but do it in a way that you don't screw your skin up.  They should do a study of all the outdoorsy guys around here that have great bodies but smoke and are outside all day long for work vs the computer guys who are inside all day but sedentary.

#2316 Boopy!

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Posted 17 October 2014 - 04:46 PM

no I said other people were going on and on about how old he looked,  they really were to the point that I recalled that,  but I wasn't saying it myself.  I don't  know that i am that great at judging age.   I think he looked basically his age in the Coachella pics.  So I went and  rechecked them out,  sure a bit bloated,  a bit grey,  still just as adorable as ever --  I love how happy he looked too,  since that's what music can do for you --   why should he have to get all pretty and dye his hair,  etc.,  like the rest of the stupid fake bs people in the industry?  So sick of that crap,  metrosexual and all that.  Trust me smart people see right through the fakes.  The Replacements would have laughed him offstage anyway if he showed up like that,  because they are awesome without botox/dye/whatever.  Sorry I speed read and speed type so probably people don't wanna read all the stuff I write,  so maybe they didn't read that far down but....I talk as I think.  


Why DO people come out of rehab looking worse for wear sometimes?  Like Lindsay Lohan or Courtney Love (they looked fat and awful,  rather than healthier.)   Or are they lying about being sober perhaps?   Do drugs take time before the bad effects kick in,  like when you stress out for an exam and then AFTER you finish it all you get the bad headache and tiredness?  So maybe if you keep doing the drugs or putting extreme stress on yourself you will look great until you die young but beautiful a la Marilyn Monroe?

#2317 Audioque

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Posted 18 October 2014 - 08:27 PM





Masako Mizutani - apparently she is 43 years old... She uses sunscreen every day, but no matter what her routine or genetics are like, she looks quite good for 43. Might easily pass as 20 years younger.


I think besides being really meticulous about her skin care, she's also doing something close to CR by default.


This is basically what she does:


1. Facial skin scraping

2. Sun protection everyday.

3. Weight herself every morning and if she is 1kg over, then she'll reduce her calories intake for the day.

4. Drink 1 glass of red grapefruit juice for breakfast everyday.

5. Generally stress free lifestyle.

6. Healthy eating.

7. Exercise in forms of household chores and walking the dog.


She describes her typical day here for you Mandarin and/or Japanese speaking crowd.


Edited by Audioque, 18 October 2014 - 08:34 PM.

#2318 marcobjj

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Posted 20 October 2014 - 07:28 PM

Leonardo still looking pretty young at 45. It seems like staying very fit and maintaining abundant healthy hair will do the trick for most guys.


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#2319 marcobjj

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Posted 29 November 2014 - 03:34 AM

long live Paul



#2320 Mind

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 07:37 PM

Long live Paul. However, that picture is not a true depiction of his current age. Here is a more realistic picture for 2014.

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#2321 forever freedom

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 08:07 PM

Woa, if this Masako Mizutani is for real, it is pretty amazing. Easily the most impressive example of "don't look her/his age" for me.

#2322 JohnD60

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 11:53 PM

I don't usually comment on Asians because I believe caucasians  such as myself just have a difficult time telling their ages, but since this Masako Mizutani will not go away.... The only time dated video of her I found was here it is from 2012. To me she looks 33 in the 2012 video, so 9 years younger than her real age. There are, imo, a lot credible claims that she blurs/digitally enhances her selfie photos. Sure she still looks very good for her age even in the videos, but she is no standout.


Based upon the totality of Paul's pics I say he looks his age. His hair does look very youthful, even considering he gets it colored regularly, I think that is more genetics than anything, he was famous for his hair before he was famous for his music.

Edited by JohnD60, 01 December 2014 - 11:59 PM.

#2323 happy lemon

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 12:34 PM

Some Asians age very slowly.


Take a look of these three artists; the first picture of each link is the latest pic of these artists.


This guy is 40 yo.






This lady is 47 yo.




And she is 60.





#2324 mustardseed41

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 03:39 AM

Her mom sure has a rockin bod goin on.





#2325 Maecenas

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 04:12 AM

Her mom sure has a rockin bod goin on.



Melanin makes wonders. It's not hard to find black people who don't exercise and have a bad diet who still look 20 years younger than their age.

#2326 mustardseed41

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 05:05 PM


Her mom sure has a rockin bod goin on.



Melanin makes wonders. It's not hard to find black people who don't exercise and have a bad diet who still look 20 years younger than their age.



Lot more than Melanin going on there.

Edited by mustardseed41, 04 December 2014 - 05:06 PM.

#2327 Adamzski

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 06:43 AM

Hello gentlemans...and ladies ! 


Final countdown for me :-) ! 43 years in 11 months !



Hi bis, I am looking more and more at PRP for the face and scalp. I suppose there is no harm in trying one session but I would not like to waste money or write it off after a single session when multiple are needed.


You said you had a few? I did ask you before about it but after more time what do you think?





And how much did you pay? 

#2328 Heyman

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 12:02 PM

The lightning conditions in this icture are so different that you really can't compare anything. Probably without the tan he looks exactly the same?

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#2329 Adamzski

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 04:01 PM

Yes the lighting is so different. Nothing put out by a seller of anything can be trusted. But he does seem to have gone from more of a retirement home look, to being a fairly swarve kind of looking guy.


Still not sure about it. IF it did work then it would have to be the best kind of treatment for aging looks. They are using it for hair loss and muscle/tendon injuries now.

#2330 JohnD60

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:59 PM

PRP technology has been mainstream in the U.S. for more than 6 years. It is primarily used to enhance healing post op in various surgeries and for treating musclosekeletal problems like knee joint pain. I have seen the machine, it is basically a centrifuge a little larger than a desktop printer. It isn't something that costs more than $15,000.  But it is not used by many docs in the US cosmetic med spa industry, this an industry where docs think little of paying $100,000 for a laser. The large majority of med spa docs don't offer PRP because they don't believe it does anything more than act as a high priced substitute to short term dermal fillers such as Juvederm, and despite what some people may think, most such docs are not in the business of selling snake oil. The before after pics you will find online are either immediately after the PRP procedure or include other procedures such as dermal filler injections.It also appears to be common trick to use much more lighting on the after photo like the photo of the guy above. http://www.drjamesfe...pire-facelift/#

Edited by JohnD60, 14 December 2014 - 08:41 PM.

#2331 Boopy!

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 01:24 AM

I love when you get well informed stuff like this on here so thank you.  This is true,  as I looked into PRP for filler type stuff.  SOME docs go on and on about it,  but many of them are not at all sold on it and give very valid reasons why.   I cannot remember which sites I looked on but I wanted to "overhear"  what docs in the industry really think about some of the stuff like ultherapy and PRP -- you know,  like a site where doctors talk shop about what works, what doesn't,  why this filler causes more problems than others when injecting,  what machines are worth buying or not.  SO many of the machines end up what is referred to as expensive paperweights,  not worth it for clients and not worth it to doctors who truly want obvious results.  Pictures are literally the LAST thing I would use to make a decision about expensive procedures,  as many people have an agenda and pictures do lie.   I am thinking of,  e.g.,  the pics of Christie Brinkley (major sun worshipper who had a ton of plastic yet some on here seem to think it's natural)  and so many others.   When I was young I believed all the lies I was sold so I am merely trying to give the honest dirt on stuff and I wish everyone would.  One thing though -- the fillers from fat to juvederm are often used WITH PRP and they claim the PRP makes the filler last longer,   blah blah blah.   I wouldn't think it could ever be a SUBSTITUTE.   This speaks volumes about volume adders,  as if PRP were so great it would be used alone,  right?    They say it adds an extra oomph to the filler,  particularly fat.   It also costs WAY more when done with PRP,   as with so many of these machines as docs are trying to recoup their losses.   From what I read I am not sold,  and the best way to know if something is worth it is NEVER a picture,  but rather from knowing an actual person and seeing them in real life.   With stuff like this,  seeing them,  say a year from the procedure,  and IF IT LASTED --  this is the most important part too.   Or if you are friends with a doctor who speaks the truth to you.  

#2332 Adamzski

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Posted 16 December 2014 - 05:52 PM

I think from my research the best thing available for filling is your own fat. It does get re-absorbed and does not work for everyone but here are doctors local to me who will do it for $2k and keep some of it on ice for 3 months incase you want more put in. 

Things like juvederm cost very similar to fat but are somewhat reversible. 


The PRP, yep I don't see it even get talked about so much.

#2333 Area-1255

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Posted 16 December 2014 - 06:36 PM

"People will lie to themselves, and then delude themselves in more lies, and then drown the truths of others out with another, even greater avalanche of lies, if it makes them feel better about themselves, in all of this overlooking the dwelling , forming, mutated, and transforming bout of narcissism , and even psychopathy that many of us already have, many of us are just waiting for the final pieces to come from the stock of the worlds most merciless events to unlock our inner creature, our most dark and uninhibited side ever."
(Area-1255 ; The innovative immortalists amongst us. )
~Jason De'Russo (Mr.X)~



Edited by Area-1255, 16 December 2014 - 06:37 PM.

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#2334 sensei

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 08:22 PM

Jack Lalane at age 60




top picture


at 95



#2335 JohnD60

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 10:14 PM

Jack Lalane at age 60




top picture



A. Just because someone put it in their blog that someone is 60 in a particular photo does not make it true. B. It appears to me you are misreading the blog, it says in the picture "to the right" he is 60, it seems much more probable to me the blogger was referring to the 2nd photo with the dog where you can barely see his face. C. JL would have been 60 in 1974, color photography was commonplace in 1974, a B&W photo from 1974 seems unlikely. D. He is just not 60 years old in that top photo.

Edited by JohnD60, 27 December 2014 - 10:16 PM.

#2336 sensei

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 10:26 PM


Jack Lalane at age 60




top picture



A. Just because someone put it in their blog that someone is 60 in a particular photo does not make it true. B. It appears to me you are misreading the blog, it says in the picture "to the right" he is 60, it seems much more probable to me the blogger was referring to the 2nd photo with the dog where you can barely see his face. C. JL would have been 60 in 1974, color photography was commonplace in 1974, a B&W photo from 1974 seems unlikely. D. He is just not 60 years old in that top photo.


http://en.wikipedia....ki/Jack_LaLanne -- picture at 47 years old 


to me he looks younger than the pic on the rocks, but maybe you are right




middle pic with boat he is 60 

#2337 sensei

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 10:33 PM

Oh and Ralph Macchio "Daniel San" in the original Karate Kid was 25 during filming




Here is a picture of him at 50



#2338 Adamzski

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:43 AM

Looks like an extremely young 50yo

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#2339 Maecenas

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 09:18 AM

Ralph Macchio looks not a day older than 30. Jack Lallane looked somewhat younger than his age but he spent all his life living in the Californian sun.

#2340 Matt

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 10:00 AM

I've seen many comments about Ralph from people on videos / photos and most people seem to think he looks in his 30s.


He's always looked young for age. In Karate Kid 3 he was around 27 when filming it. He was around 23 in the original. Apparently his grandmother also looked very young; she must be around 100 now if she's still alive. 

I don't think he has protected his skin, but he has stayed lean most of his life. 


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