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I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...

skin hollywood

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#2401 TheFountain

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 06:50 AM



Also have you seen the complexion of a lot of chinese japanese and korean people? They are arguably more ghost like than whites in complexion, because their culture supports that beauty standard, particularly in females, whereas, lo and behold, western caucasians LOVE tanning.

East Asians do have more pigment in their skin than Nordic whites. And perhaps the same amount, or less than mediterranean whites do do age better among the white subgroups. that isn't to say that blondes/nordics can't age well if they take exceptionally good care of their skin.
TheFountain: I did specifically mention East Asians, which you will see if you re-read my post. I stated that *collagen* also plays a crucial role in the aging process, so even in the East and North Asian populations, where complexions can approach milk-white, the physical signs of aging are tempered because Asians have higher collagen levels relative to their European counterparts. Collagen and elastin are the scaffolding that keeps the skin plump, wrinkle free and youthful-looking. Higher collagen level translates to skin that is plump, elastic, and younger-looking for longer periods of time. Additionally, Asians (whether East, West, North or South) have higher levels of melanin than White Europeans, even in cases where phenotypically, they are similar in terms of complexion. To be sure, "genetics" play a role, but frankly, what are collagen and melanin if not products of genetics? I DO think nutrition, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and beauty regimen play important roles. I never said they do not. For that matter, air quality, the amount of stress hormones being dumped into our bloodstream, and radiation also play a role in how we age. But I think it's a pipe dream to think that diet, exercise, and beauty products can make a marked difference. My sense is that there is a base we each start from, and that base makes it comparably easier for some groups to keep/maintain their youthful looks than others. In other words, there are some whose genetic underpinnings will have them looking 60 at 45 no matter how much astaxanthin, vitamin C, and krill oil they consume. No matter how much sunscreen, retin-A, or egg membranes they slather on. No matter how much yoga, meditation or voodoo chants they do. There is a point of limitation. When I visited West Africa (Ghana) I saw 70+ year-old women with completely wrinkle-free skin, firm boobs and tight buttocks! When I visited Guang Zhou, I saw Chinese women and men in their 60s with poreless, beautiful, wrinkle-free skin. I have travelled to Amsterdam, Paris, Spain, Italy and, on this side, Canada. I have seen BEAUTIFUL men and women in each place. But I have never ever seen a 70-year old White European with wrinkle-free skin, despite knowing many health-conscious White Europens who have stellar diets, who take meticulous care of their skin, and who purchase the highest-end caviar products money can buy. So I'm a bit incredulous about the proposition that a healthy lifestyle, exercise, diet, and beauty products can work wonders. It DOES help, that I do not dispute, but I believe the genetic lottery plays a much much more significant role. As you travel through life, be an active observer. Look around. What do your eyes tell you?


Too bad you are missing the fundamental life-style choice many western caucasians make, to pathologically tan, and to visit tanning salons as well. It is quite an irony when Korean and Chinese people opt to avoid sun exposure in favor of the palest complexions. 


Here we have the perfect example of a Korean model who likely both avoids sun exposure as well as uses skin lightening solutions regularly. 


And here we have an example of the tendency many caucasian western females have toward keeping a tan complexion because they believe it looks 'healthier'. But here you can clearly see fine lines and wrinkles already developing. 


Let's pay great attention to lifestyle choices when making all encompassing determinations shall we? 

#2402 Heyman

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 07:38 AM

So I'm a bit incredulous about the proposition that a healthy lifestyle, exercise, diet, and beauty products can work wonders. It DOES help, that I do not dispute, but I believe the genetic lottery plays a much much more significant role. As you travel through life, be an active observer. Look around. What do your eyes tell you?


If you take a quick look at skin generally unexposed to the sun (see it at the gym locker room) of old caucasians e.g. 50-60+ you'll often see it looks flawless as well. At a certain age it deteriorates but that seems to be quite late in life. How would you explain that?



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#2403 Matt

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 04:35 AM

31 Years old.  32 this year. :)



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#2404 Boopy!

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 07:13 AM

You look better now that you lost some weight!   Keep it up.

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#2405 vishalv

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Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:37 PM

There was a post in this thread about how to be young by being stress free... making friends with younger people, etc. Can someone share that post again? I can't seem to be find it. I think the author was from EU... Many thanks!

#2406 marcobjj

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Posted 30 May 2017 - 02:42 AM

Shatner is now almost 90 years old. He's always giving interviews but nobody ever questions what he does to stay so healthy and vibrant. He looks, moves, sounds, thinks, feels like a man in his 50s.


Edited by marcobjj, 30 May 2017 - 02:44 AM.

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#2407 Boopy!

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Posted 30 May 2017 - 11:17 AM

Hmmm....probably a mix of wealth,   possible surgeries and help like that,   lifestyle....but mostly,   he's Jewish.   Check out how long many of the Jewish population -- especially those who went through hell during the war --  tend to live.    My grandmother was one hundred and was teaching up until about 94.   She walked everywhere,   worked like a fiend,   smoked like a chimney,   and kept on truckin.    My theory is that what didn't kill many made them far stronger.    Survival of the fittest and all that.   Hitler was trying to create a superstrong master race....and ironically enough he may have succeeded in helping the Jews do this.    Ah karma.

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#2408 Matt

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 12:55 AM

Shatner is now almost 90 years old. He's always giving interviews but nobody ever questions what he does to stay so healthy and vibrant. He looks, moves, sounds, thinks, feels like a man in his 50s.




I thought he said that he follows Ray Kurzweil's plan?  You can't fake how he acts there with cosmetic surgery. You're right... In every way he appears biologically younger.

Edited by Matt, 31 May 2017 - 12:57 AM.

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#2409 marcobjj

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:05 AM


Shatner is now almost 90 years old. He's always giving interviews but nobody ever questions what he does to stay so healthy and vibrant. He looks, moves, sounds, thinks, feels like a man in his 50s.




I thought he said that he follows Ray Kurzweil's plan?  You can't fake how he acts there with cosmetic surgery. You're right... In every way he appears biologically younger.



that's interesting, do you have a source on that?

#2410 marcobjj

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:07 AM

Hmmm....probably a mix of wealth,   possible surgeries and help like that,   lifestyle....but mostly,   he's Jewish.   Check out how long many of the Jewish population -- especially those who went through hell during the war --  tend to live.    My grandmother was one hundred and was teaching up until about 94.   She walked everywhere,   worked like a fiend,   smoked like a chimney,   and kept on truckin.    My theory is that what didn't kill many made them far stronger.    Survival of the fittest and all that.   Hitler was trying to create a superstrong master race....and ironically enough he may have succeeded in helping the Jews do this.    Ah karma.


yeah longevity is an Ashkenazi thing, but I think he even looks great for his ethnicity. His co-star Leonard Nimoy for example was also jewish and didn't age as well, died a couple of years ago unfortunately.

#2411 Matt

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:33 AM



that's interesting, do you have a source on that?




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#2412 marcobjj

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 04:26 AM

thanks Matt!

#2413 ZuoCi

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:12 AM

I think it's very rare to look young for your age. But I think most white people in Western countries look far older than they should at a given age. So someone who is 45 and "looks 35" really looks exactly like a 45 year old should look like. That may be the top 2% in aging. Still, that is what they ought to look like, baring terrible damage from the sun, dehydration, obesity, and lack of proper skincare. But most 45 year olds look ten years older(or more).


I've known several men and women who, without makeup, were well over 40 and looked very early 30s. They all had the same traits. Very little sun, well hydrated, never overweight, used basic skincare like moisturizers.


Now post menopause, most women fall apart. That's due to a lack of estrogen. The only two women over 50 that I've known who looked a lot younger than their age(the 60 year old really did look early 40s), both took estrogen immediately when menopause hit. They continued looking feminine.


The reason most older women start looking like men is because their estrogen levels fall to almost nothing, while their testosterone levels rise. Meanwhile, men are suffering from the opposite problem(crashing testosterone levels and steadily rising estrogen). People grossly underestimate how powerful the sex hormones are on appearance.


Female is basically the default look of humans. It's only once testosterone starts to kick in that things change. That's why it's virtually impossible to tell a baby's sex, and lacking cultural markers(hair, clothes, etc), very difficult in children. Once testosterone is dominant, things begin to change. For example, vocal cords begin to thicken, etc. This is why older women have a deeper voice. They are simultaneously becoming less feminine as their estrogen drops, and more masculine as their testosterone increases. Much like a boy as he enters adolescence.


Case in point:

Edited by ZuoCi, 07 June 2017 - 12:14 AM.

#2414 sharpie456

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Posted 26 July 2017 - 08:32 PM

Some celebrities posted in this thread do look around their age.  A lot of people just have a very distorted view of what certain ages look like.  If a middle-aged person doesn't look haggard/horrible, then people think "X looks 10+ years younger", which is a fallacy.  Just because a middle-aged person is wrinkle-free and sag-free, doesn't mean they look 10+ years younger.  They do look their age - they just look like a good version of that age.

Edited by sharpie456, 26 July 2017 - 08:33 PM.

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#2415 Artificiality

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Posted 27 July 2017 - 03:18 AM







This man is 50.

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#2416 Boopy!

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 01:00 AM

ok,   and?

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#2417 Artificiality

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 04:51 AM

The topic is asking for people who look younger than their age. The pictures I posted are of a man who looks younger than his age. What is there to not understand? 

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#2418 Matt

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 02:30 PM

He looks amazing for his age for sure. :)  I know, I share your frustration with the lack of responses on this forum these days lol.

This 42 year old from Taiwan looks amazing.


https://youtu.be/Z2u7c_eRVMA?t=11m21s (the one on the right in the white shirt).





#2419 Boopy!

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 01:21 AM

I think I meant above that (mostly) I just trust those who aren't "advertised"   or marketed.    So far the guy above definitely looks younger,    but I suppose I also look at stuff more from a distance.   As in,    are they selling something?    Trying to get attention?    Rather than running into someone at work who just surprises me when they tell me their age.   I mean a pose,   filtering,   etc. is so rampant today it sucks to have to claim that it's the truth.    The guy above I believe and would agree.    Then people on here have posted pictures of Nicole Kidman which,   sorry,   but come on.   That's just laughable.   It simply doesn't :"count"   any more than a picture of Kim Kardashian's weird ass being the "truth."     I suppose you could then post the pic and say,   well,   how did they attain this artificially,   which is then a bit interesting.     But if it's actual lifestyle and things like that I pay attention.   Perhaps this is why no one looks on here that much -- is that what you are saying?    I assume it's because so many people have retreated to the filtered world or not at all.   Which sucks bc I am still interested in real stuff.

#2420 Matt

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 05:29 AM

Hey Boopy.


Sometimes these people just come to our attention because they are just living their lives and then get spotted. I've been invited to do media as well... TV, Radio or online articles like Daily Mail. At the time I declined most of them for various reasons. And does it matter if they are trying to market themselves? Everyone has to try to make a living in this world. As long as they are being honest and not exaggerating (I know plenty of people on youtube who are raw foodists and talk bs to push products) then I don't see a problem in it.

Even I monetise some of the content I write. I'm not selling something directly, but I am an affiliate and run a few websites. I look younger than my age, and don't claim the skinceuticals is the product responsible for that, but I say that I use it and I highly recommend it because it DID make big difference to my skin. And if people buy it through my amazon links, I get just a few percent commission on it. Sometimes content can take hours to write... I think it is a smart idea to monetise it. Time isn't free, unless you're already rich lol  :laugh:


I have my reasons: I want to contribute more to life extension, SENS and make sure that I have enough money to benefit from life extension technology lol (i'm not too sure these days!)


I get what you're saying, but don't discount people just cos they are selling something. I bought a valuable course and it was worth it!!! It actually helped me hugely. I watched his channel for a while, I knew he was selling something. And did it work? YES! 


I think it's pretty easy to tell when someone is genuine vs just trying to push crap.


Edit: see? Even longecity is an amazon affiliate xD

Edited by Matt, 21 October 2017 - 05:31 AM.

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#2421 marcobjj

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 05:25 PM

He looks amazing for his age for sure. :)  I know, I share your frustration with the lack of responses on this forum these days lol.



this place is definetly not as lively as it used to be when I first joined circa 2012-ish. This is happening to a lot of forums that I used to post on, I'm not sure what happened but it feels like youtube comment sections is where the action is these days.

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#2422 Nate-2004

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 07:55 PM

Yeah I think people just dip in and out now days to see what's new on the anti-aging front. It's slow going and also this forum platform is a little outdated imo. I think it could use a lot of enhancements and reorg, it's just really tedious in my opinion and the rating system doesn't quite work right. Personally I think a subreddit would do far better but there are a lot of opinions to the contrary on that.


As for looking younger, there are *plenty* of actors and actresses I see who both either look older than they are or they look dramatically younger. People like Branden Routh are nearing 40 and still look 29. People like Clark Gregg are in their mid 50's and look at least 10 years younger. For some reason women have it worse than men do and I think it's the cultural notion that people should look tan and for some reason fair skin is bad when I think just the opposite is true. Koreans have it right, avoid the sun at all costs and wear sunscreen, especially with UVB blocker because that's the crap that ages you.


Personally I think that while William Shatner certainly doesn't look to be nearly 90, he's still not in all that great of shape. I've always thought of him as someone who never aged very well. His rounder features probably help but he's had a lot of weight issues. He's certainly vibrant for his age but here's hope that by the time I'm 90 I still look 10 years younger than I am today (43).

Edited by Nate-2004, 21 October 2017 - 07:58 PM.

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#2423 recon

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 04:50 PM

EDUT: Should’ve just scrolled up. Saw that this was posted just a few pictures up.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen this before, but a Singaporean man looked very young for his age. Have been exercising and modelling as well.

I wonder, apart from genetics, what can we learn from him?


This is him, at 50:


Edited by recon, 22 October 2017 - 04:53 PM.

#2424 Boopy!

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Posted 23 October 2017 - 12:35 AM

no one thinks officially it looks good to be tan anymore that I know of and hasn't in like twenty years.    It looks good to have a healthy glow and when one is darker,   one looks more toned or muscular and it tends to hide marks and spots on the skin better.   That's why body builders and bathing suit models always go the fake tan route.    It really does work to look more toned.    But officially being tan has NOT been called desirable since concerns over skin cancer came about.   Now you seen sunscreen in just about everything.    I wonder if people even look at what's selling in stores nowadays.   Unless you are thinking of old movies like "Ten."   Koreans no longer are the only ones to put sunscreen in everything,   and the fad over being obsessed with Korean skincare is only because they were "ahead"  of other countries when it came to avoiding the sun.   There are whole forums devoted to Korean skincare.   Some have over ten steps in a regimen and people are obsessed with it.

#2425 Believer

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Posted 04 November 2017 - 06:38 PM

I can't quote the OP bizarrely.


Whenever somebody swears they look twenty or even fifteen years younger I get very skeptical. I have seen people who look almost ten years younger but that's exceedingly rare. In the popular media Jared Leto is a good example. I have seen the pictures of a few people who post on here and while they usually look a few years younger than their real age, it's not as much as they'd like to believe. Maybe it's just that I'm really good at telling age.

Jared Leto was literally born a woman, it's a woman who has taken male hormones. Lack of receding hairline (the U shape), nose is curved, pointy and long (female nose), eyes glimmer (female trait), some oddness about "his" neck.

That's why "he" looks younger.

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#2426 Matt

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Posted 04 November 2017 - 11:13 PM

While Jared Leto certainly has some feminine features, and lack of a prominent brow ridge, I really doubt he was born female lol. 


Jared Leto has stated what he does to look young...  Vegan diet, eating healthily, protect his skin from sun, yoga, hidking, not smoking, not drinking... all sensible stuff. :) 

When I get my Nikon DSLR soon I will upload some new pictures. :) I just turned 33 years old and someone I met recently thought I was 20. :p 

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#2427 recon

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Posted 05 November 2017 - 12:30 AM

While Jared Leto certainly has some feminine features, and lack of a prominent brow ridge, I really doubt he was born female lol.

Jared Leto has stated what he does to look young... Vegan diet, eating healthily, protect his skin from sun, yoga, hidking, not smoking, not drinking... all sensible stuff. :)

When I get my Nikon DSLR soon I will upload some new pictures. :) I just turned 33 years old and someone I met recently thought I was 20. :p

Better get that Nikon soon. I’m curious.

Can you give a rundown on your regimens? What do you think helped you the most?

#2428 Boopy!

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Posted 05 November 2017 - 12:41 AM

Ha!    That's funny tho.    He just has somewhat delicate features compared to some,   I suppose.  To me he just looks like a well aging Irish type,   the black Irish type I know all too well in my own family.   Delicate features,   small and skinny boned although tall.....I guess my dad has aged very well since he has a full head o' hair  at eighty.     I have the same issue Jared has gotten lately,  which is we thinner types start to get hollow-y looking in the face and eyes.   So even though we are thin,   if you really look at us with a sharper eye up close,   we look haggard as all get out  at times.   I purposely eat a lot more fat now like flax oil because I really hate that hollowed out look.   Especially bc I am female.  Currently looking into magically finding the money for illegal growth hormone --  illegal that is to the "little people"  of the world.   With money you get access to illegal stuff.

#2429 marcobjj

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Posted 05 November 2017 - 03:52 AM

Ha!    That's funny tho.    He just has somewhat delicate features compared to some,   I suppose.  To me he just looks like a well aging Irish type,   the black Irish type I know all too well in my own family.   Delicate features,   small and skinny boned although tall.....I guess my dad has aged very well since he has a full head o' hair  at eighty.     I have the same issue Jared has gotten lately,  which is we thinner types start to get hollow-y looking in the face and eyes.   So even though we are thin,   if you really look at us with a sharper eye up close,   we look haggard as all get out  at times.   I purposely eat a lot more fat now like flax oil because I really hate that hollowed out look.   Especially bc I am female.  Currently looking into magically finding the money for illegal growth hormone --  illegal that is to the "little people"  of the world.   With money you get access to illegal stuff.



while you're saving money for it you might try some natty supplements such as this formulation based on Deer Placenta:





it contains the constituent aminoacids to IGF1 plus Hyaluronic acid.  This formula is used in chinese medicine to rejuvenate body tissues, especially skin and cartilage.

#2430 bosharpe

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Posted 05 November 2017 - 12:49 PM

While Jared Leto certainly has some feminine features, and lack of a prominent brow ridge, I really doubt he was born female lol. 


Jared Leto has stated what he does to look young...  Vegan diet, eating healthily, protect his skin from sun, yoga, hidking, not smoking, not drinking... all sensible stuff. :) 

When I get my Nikon DSLR soon I will upload some new pictures. :) I just turned 33 years old and someone I met recently thought I was 20. :p 


He does look great, but it's got to be be more than his diet, yoga etc. Botox, fillers, Ultherapy - these are all available, non-invasive options for celebrities. 

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