Better get that Nikon soon. I’m curious.While Jared Leto certainly has some feminine features, and lack of a prominent brow ridge, I really doubt he was born female lol.
Jared Leto has stated what he does to look young... Vegan diet, eating healthily, protect his skin from sun, yoga, hidking, not smoking, not drinking... all sensible stuff.
When I get my Nikon DSLR soon I will upload some new pictures.I just turned 33 years old and someone I met recently thought I was 20. :p
Can you give a rundown on your regimens? What do you think helped you the most?
Skincare is quite basic right now. I just updated it the other day.
Since my sister doesn't do a lot of the stuff I do, but still people think she is in her early 20s to mid 20s, (she's 31), I think genetics are probably a factor. It'll be more interesting to see how we diverge in the next 10 years because she looks pretty similar.
I have a small frame, I'm just 5ft 7" and maintained a low BMI with calorie restriction since I was 18. That's around 15 years of severe to moderate calorie restriction. Ten years vegetarian / vegan.
I've also used skincare products since I was 16 years old, and started using Skinceuticals about 8 years ago. I also protect my skin from the sun, and am a bit of a night owl. So I go out mostly in the mornings and evenings.
My supplement regimen is quite simple.
Zinc picolinate 50 mg
Licorice root extract
Spearmint leaf extract
Allicn Max 2-4
Methylcobalamin B12
Vitamin D3 2000 IU
Magnesium Citrate (half tea spoon)
Healthy Origins Probiotics (take these on and off)
1.25 mg Finasteride
My dad went bald, so did my grandfather... and although my hair was still normal and thick compared to most, I was pretty sure it was getting a little thinner and I wasn't taking any chances. After taking finasteride my hair has become really thick and is still regrowing hair near the front.
I want to just wait until I get my new camera to take new pictures to update on this post
You can see how skinny I am from those photos. The bottom photos were taken one year ago, a few days after I started finasteride. I don't know if it affects my skin, but my skin feels very smooth and soft.
Edited by Matt, 05 November 2017 - 03:40 PM.