I have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...
Posted 26 May 2009 - 05:16 AM
btw, i do agree that jared leto looks younger than his age. i would have put him in his early 30's. but i also agree that he looks fairly effeminate and to some extent, sickly. the most impressive picture here - by a long shot - is the 42 year old friend somebody posted. that guy looks like he is in his 20's. and with a physique like that, i have a sneaking suspicion he is no vegetarian!
Posted 26 May 2009 - 01:27 PM
I said earlier that my mother looks young (at least to many ppl she meet, who are like "What??? 4....4...4...8???)

Edited by VidX, 26 May 2009 - 01:30 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 03:42 PM
P(20 <= Age < 25) = 5%,
P(25 <= Age < 30) = 70%,
P(30 <= Age < 35) = 20%,
P(35 <= Age < 40) = 5%.
The reason why this kind of threads grow so long is bad communication about such distributions. Does the claim "I think Jared Leto really looks 38" mean:
1) that the mean of your distribution is 38;
2) that the median of your distribution is 38;
3) that the minimum age for which P > 0 is 38;
4) that the maximum age for which P > 0 is 38; or
5) that the age for which P is highest is 38?
My best bet for Leto's age is 28, but I can believe he is 38, albeit at a low degree of belief.
Edited by miklu, 26 May 2009 - 03:43 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 04:36 PM
A lot of biased guesses are here.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:18 PM
the way thefountain speaks so authoritatively on how old someone LOOKS - i.e., is the epitome of subjectivity - is laughable. while you have provided some entertainment here, you may want to be a little more accepting of dissenting opinions on something as subjective as how old someone looks. it is simply your opinion.
btw, i do agree that jared leto looks younger than his age. i would have put him in his early 30's. but i also agree that he looks fairly effeminate and to some extent, sickly. the most impressive picture here - by a long shot - is the 42 year old friend somebody posted. that guy looks like he is in his 20's. and with a physique like that, i have a sneaking suspicion he is no vegetarian!
Most females in my age bracket (20-25) think Jared leto is in his early 20s when they first see him. The only people who think he looks older than that are 40 something year old men from this website. I think I will take the opinion of sexy/beautiful young girls over that of 40 something year old men who may just be showing signs of envy. So it is not merely my opinion, but the opinion of the majority of young females who in no way think he looks anywhere near his chronological age. This is far more objective than it is subjective.
And what is an effeminate look? Beauty in general? I think that is a small minded perspective.
Also, you have to understand I speak in terms of averages here. The average 38 year old male does NOT look like jared leto. If other people are not approaching it in terms of averages then that sort of defeats the purpose then and actually makes their estimations more subjective than my own.
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 09:33 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:21 PM
But my friend, we must remember that they can hardly be defined as 'guesses' as these people are all fully pre-aware of the ages of said individuals before making their magical estimations.We shouldn't forget that facial ageing is merely a sum of CONCRETE signs of a degeneration/change of facial tissues, not some magical thing or "aura" by witch we can decide how old is somebody.
A lot of biased guesses are here.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:25 PM
Upon seeing a picture, we don't merely form a single estimate of the person's age, but a whole probability distribution of it. For example, here are my (approximate) beliefs about Jared Leto's age:
P(20 <= Age < 25) = 5%,
P(25 <= Age < 30) = 70%,
P(30 <= Age < 35) = 20%,
P(35 <= Age < 40) = 5%.
The reason why this kind of threads grow so long is bad communication about such distributions. Does the claim "I think Jared Leto really looks 38" mean:
1) that the mean of your distribution is 38;
2) that the median of your distribution is 38;
3) that the minimum age for which P > 0 is 38;
4) that the maximum age for which P > 0 is 38; or
5) that the age for which P is highest is 38?
My best bet for Leto's age is 28, but I can believe he is 38, albeit at a low degree of belief.
Can you please explain 'P(25 <= Age < 30) = 70%,'?
Is this to say that 70% of the populace would guess his age at a 30 years? I disagree. Go to any video featuring him on youtube and you will see that well over 70% of individuals believe he is in his early to mid 20s. But this might have something to do with the fact that 95% of the viewers of said videos are sexy, beautiful young girls. I would think that, instinctively, such girls would be better guessers than older men. And I think too many people in general fancy themselves good guessers of age when they either purposefully overestimate or know the individuals age in advance.
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 09:25 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:34 PM
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:37 PM
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 09:47 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:39 PM
2-bags under eyes
3-sunken features/eyes
5-Fatigued look
This leaves what then to show that he is approaching 40?
Note: I am also choosing the worst pictures of him, with facial hair and tired look to prove my point. Still the man looks in his 20s according to most girls my age and in their teens.

Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 09:47 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:48 PM
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:50 PM
Jared looks much younger than his age. Anyone who does not think so is a complete MORON. The average fat pre-maturely aged slob working in the cubicle beside you wishes he looked that young at that age.
I concur 110%
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 09:52 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 10:14 PM

There are some people that clearly have good skin but look carefully, and still look their age. Then there are the genuine youthful people where without prior knowledge of their age you already put them at a much younger age than they really are. There could also be problems with trying to put an age on people because maybe from where I live people look older at certain age than they might somewhere else.
Edited by Matt, 26 May 2009 - 10:14 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 10:22 PM
It's funny cause people from high school will recognize me and I look at them like....umm....who are you....lol
Posted 26 May 2009 - 10:38 PM
Some people do prematurely age though, these are some examples. Actually I've noticed a lot of people that play rugby, football (soccer), Business people at the top and so on tend to look older than their age. Maybe its the stress.
Ben Clarke 22 years old
Rocky Andrews 21 years old
sonny-bill-williams 22 year old (32-34?)
You can always use google image search (make sure you have filters on) and random pictures will come up of whatever age you put in and yo ucan see that Jared looks younger than most people in their mid 20's.
Edited by Matt, 26 May 2009 - 10:42 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 10:52 PM
I think I'm the only 1 out of about 60-70 or so people from high school in my year group that have actually not really aged or matured since I left high school at 16. Sometimes people I see from high school think I look younger now at almost 25 years of age than I did when I was 16.
Some people do prematurely age though, these are some examples. Actually I've noticed a lot of people that play rugby, football (soccer), Business people at the top and so on tend to look older than their age. Maybe its the stress.
Ben Clarke 22 years old
Rocky Andrews 21 years old
sonny-bill-williams 22 year old (32-34?)
You can always use google image search (make sure you have filters on) and random pictures will come up of whatever age you put in and yo ucan see that Jared looks younger than most people in their mid 20's.
These people look really old for their ages!
There seems to be a lot of people who are just around 20 and still have a lot of fine wrinkles, balding etc...
How do they manage to age so prematurely? Rugby players can't be too heavy drinkers/smokers etc either...
Posted 26 May 2009 - 11:15 PM
I think I'm the only 1 out of about 60-70 or so people from high school in my year group that have actually not really aged or matured since I left high school at 16. Sometimes people I see from high school think I look younger now at almost 25 years of age than I did when I was 16.
Some people do prematurely age though, these are some examples. Actually I've noticed a lot of people that play rugby, football (soccer), Business people at the top and so on tend to look older than their age. Maybe its the stress.
Ben Clarke 22 years old
Rocky Andrews 21 years old
sonny-bill-williams 22 year old (32-34?)
You can always use google image search (make sure you have filters on) and random pictures will come up of whatever age you put in and yo ucan see that Jared looks younger than most people in their mid 20's.
These people look really old for their ages!
There seems to be a lot of people who are just around 20 and still have a lot of fine wrinkles, balding etc...
How do they manage to age so prematurely? Rugby players can't be too heavy drinkers/smokers etc either...
Cardiac stress for the latter?
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 11:15 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 11:19 PM
I look very young for my age. I'm 42 and someone thought I was 20 a few weeks ago. That is not the norm. He is a litlle crazy.
It's funny cause people from high school will recognize me and I look at them like....umm....who are you....lol
Well you've been using tretinoin for over a decade and keeping your nutritional regimen strict for quite some time haven't you? It might just serve as some sort of model for what happens when you start the avoidance principle fairly young.
Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2009 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 11:23 PM
I look very young for my age. I'm 42 and someone thought I was 20 a few weeks ago. That is not the norm. He is a litlle crazy.
It's funny cause people from high school will recognize me and I look at them like....umm....who are you....lol
Nowwhen making such claims you have to post a picture of yourself

Posted 26 May 2009 - 11:44 PM
Cardiac stress for the latter?
Probably not. I've played football since I was like 5 years old to about 20. From age 8 or so I must have played for a minimum of 3-4 hours per day, and in the summer holidays from school I'd be over the park everyday from 4pm to 9pm (sometimes starting early in morning to the evening with small breaks to go home for dinner). It didn't really have the effect on me and I'm older than all those people; http://www.facebook....mp;id=635673153 < 24 years 7 months here
Edited by Matt, 26 May 2009 - 11:46 PM.
Posted 27 May 2009 - 12:08 AM
Attached Files
Posted 27 May 2009 - 04:17 PM
Cardiac stress for the latter?
More likely excessive sun exposure on the field.
Posted 27 May 2009 - 05:41 PM
He said "That first pic you showed you look easily 24-25" (he's refering to this one http://www.facebook....mp;id=635673153 )
Maybe I shouldn't of said I was over 24 years old before asking to guess my age. But even then he would of probably put the age up a bit. hmmm. Or is it just difficult to judge age =/
Edited by Matt, 27 May 2009 - 05:45 PM.
Posted 27 May 2009 - 09:35 PM
Posted 27 May 2009 - 09:53 PM
Edited by nancyd, 27 May 2009 - 09:57 PM.
Posted 27 May 2009 - 09:57 PM
At my last job I had a really dumb huge crush that came out of nowhere on a coworker. Well once I became aware of it I reprimanded myself because I thought he was 18. That's not an age range I would have the remotest interest in any other case. Anyway he was 30. Do you know how he looked so young for 30? He smoked several times a day, consumed copious amounts of alchol and went to the desert (UV damage) on the weekends. So yes genes play a role in how young a person looks. Anyway this is all ego. We're all going to look old some day. It's wise not to get attached to looking young.
I would say that is apparently a rare case. So in SOME cases it is true that genetics plays a role, but it still doesn't point to other cases, like Jared Leto's for example. Most 38 year old men do not look as young and vivacious as he does. That is what averages are based on, the MOST quantity compared to the least quantity. When I say the average 38 year old, that is thus precisely what I mean. And that average almost always has something to do with lifestyle choices, at least to some degree.
Posted 28 May 2009 - 01:22 PM
a masculine look is generally thought to be one with a square jaw, defined brow ridges, muscular, facial hair, etc.
so while leto looks young and may indeed have a great deal of female fans - probably in large measure due to his eyes and i would guess facial symmetry - i don't think that is a great measuring stick for a "masculine" look in the least. though i don't think the rugged, alpha-male image has ever been what he has sought so it's all good for him.
Edited by frederickson, 28 May 2009 - 01:22 PM.
Posted 28 May 2009 - 02:18 PM
Gives a better idea of where I started and how I am years after starting CR.
SAME hair style now so a better comparison shot than my previous one with shorter hair, and its brighter. 18 years old on the left and 24 years 4 months old on the right.
Wow! you look like a kid!
Huge cute eyes and narrow face and chin..
Did you ever hit male puberty? :D
Posted 28 May 2009 - 02:23 PM
Apparently Michael had the telomere length of a 2year old boy. Hence why he beat david and just about everyone else on there. David also says that his telomere length is that of an average 38 year old. He only began CR at around 31-32 apparently. Plus Telomere don't telll you much about how long a person is going to live. There can be as much as 30x difference and subjects can die around same age anyway. It's not a reliable test, and maybe its more to do with the rate of shortening rather than the initial length when tested.
There is also a study here indicating higher vitamin D3 results in longer telomeres
Does it mean I should keep drinking milk?

Posted 28 May 2009 - 03:41 PM
I think that is a disjointed estimation of what masculine means. No less sexist than saying that being feminine means pacifistic and quiet. I also do not see the feminine symmetry in Jared letos face. I don't think most females have as prominent a jawline as he does, as if they did they might look masculine themselves. I also doubt many hot young females mistake him for a woman, especially when their hormones are reacting to his image. If perfect facial symmetry is what is associated with feminine features then 90% of hollywood actors could be considered such.i agree that jared leto does look considerably younger than his age, but i maintain he looks quite effeminate. someone else mentioned that as well and i think it is due not only to his thin frame, but his facial features.
a masculine look is generally thought to be one with a square jaw, defined brow ridges, muscular, facial hair, etc.
so while leto looks young and may indeed have a great deal of female fans - probably in large measure due to his eyes and i would guess facial symmetry - i don't think that is a great measuring stick for a "masculine" look in the least. though i don't think the rugged, alpha-male image has ever been what he has sought so it's all good for him.
Edited by TheFountain, 28 May 2009 - 03:42 PM.
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