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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Suggestion: Welcome to the Universe, take your ticket and x off your m

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 01:10 AM

Im looking for somebody to make a more fluid, nice looking, printable version of the following:

The topic is in regards to this link: http://spreadsheets....gclfcz7S3nquWAQ I cant get the spread sheet to embed here. A whole screen shot of the whole scroll of the page would work. If anybody knows how please let me know.

With little time to waste, we need every life extensionist to make the neccessary moves to set themselves up for fulltime life extension work.

Two good places to get started for those that are still looking for opportunities to help are:

Join on as an MFURI student and or volunteer.

Get in on a project to help gain exposure for the cause.

If you want to chat about it first, then besides the forums, a good place to chat live time is in the imminst broadcast channels chat and meeting room.

Save a copy of this spread sheet, add in your appropriate amount of x's, print it out and hang it up in your house to help remind you of the urgency of the situation.

<iframe src="http://spreadsheets.google.com/embeddedform?key=pl0Ksbaygclfcz7S3nquWAQ" width="310" height="326" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>

Edited by brokenportal, 31 October 2009 - 01:41 AM.

#2 brokenportal

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 06:26 AM

Please check out that spread sheet. Its a life time calendar for effect, but its not the greatest. Can somebody work out a way to make that same concept in a better way? 150 little and square calendars with days in them, side by side would work the best.

#3 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 07:56 AM

broken, it ends at 208 years?

I think you have a cool idea here, you should try to find someone who can write an iGoogle\Mac\Windows desktop widget with a life countdown (based on the current average lifespan).

And have diet\lifestyle settings which can alter the countdown for better or for worse... slap an imminst logo on it, and you just might attract a few new followers!

Another cool thing would be to have it tell you when the average lifespan increases, and maybe even some projections based on past trends.

#4 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 08:13 AM

Posted Image

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 10:19 AM

broken, it ends at 208 years?

I think you have a cool idea here, you should try to find someone who can write an iGoogle\Mac\Windows desktop widget with a life countdown (based on the current average lifespan).

And have diet\lifestyle settings which can alter the countdown for better or for worse... slap an imminst logo on it, and you just might attract a few new followers!

Another cool thing would be to have it tell you when the average lifespan increases, and maybe even some projections based on past trends.

It ends at 208 because I had to put every number in by hand and thats all the farther I wanted to go. It should be indefinite for effect though that would be awsome. I hope we can find somebody that can make that kind of widget. Ill have to write that into a project today. A supplements adjuster might be cool too, if its done in conjunction with longevity escape velocity maybe. The red zone is when people usually die, the orange is the super danger zone and the black zone is the abyss.

What is the picture of the battery for? ??

#6 Mixter

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 10:38 AM

Great idea.

Most important, the red marked zone is where it usually gets really uncomfortable...

For any IT/office worker/etc who doesn't go hiking or run marathons, and for people
with a lot of stress (not speaking of unhealthy lifestyle), this red zone is usually 15 years earlier.

If you're reading this, go and distribute flyers. Talk to friends. And become one of
the last 80 MPrize 300 members now. Thank you.

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 07:34 PM

Great idea.

Most important, the red marked zone is where it usually gets really uncomfortable...

For any IT/office worker/etc who doesn't go hiking or run marathons, and for people
with a lot of stress (not speaking of unhealthy lifestyle), this red zone is usually 15 years earlier.

If you're reading this, go and distribute flyers. Talk to friends. And become one of
the last 80 MPrize 300 members now. Thank you.

It would be nice to have a better version of this though. Does anybody have any ideas on how to make one?

So, what are they going to do when the 300 is filled up with 300 people? They cant possibly turn people away at that point right? Is there going to be a 300 2 or something? I was thinking, they should consider setting up a 300 for every state and every province and or whatever other countries have. Maybe even instead of a monetary donator for each 300 spot in each state, they could go for getting 300 fund raisers in each state.

Im going to work this in to the simple things that everybody can do volunteers list project that we are working on. Its on line 30 here. We need a team of 5 to 10 to work on that project. If your interested, anybody, for the love of life I hope somebody is interested, then let me know.

#8 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 07:44 PM

It ends at 208 because I had to put every number in by hand and thats all the farther I wanted to go

That would be a good reason :-D I just thought it was a really random number ;)

The pic of the battery was just a quick-drawn concept for a widget... it could be anything, it's a battery because its easier for me to draw than an indefinite amount of thumbnail-sized calenders! lol

Anyway, I like the idea you've got going here! The life-sized calender would be a nice conversation starter.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 08:03 PM

I thought of the idea like 6 years ago, Im sure many others must have thought of it too right, anybody? And then I saw somebody, I think it might have been Kevin Perot someplace, was it the imminst documentary? Mention the same kind of thing. Ive been looking for an actual online calendar like that ever since but I could never find one. So I remembered it again and thought I might as well throw it together in an excel sheet rather than never have an interactive version anywhere. Its potent, inspirational and motivational.

Me and some people have been working with this projects list that Ive been trying to get people to help get going for years and years too. Now that I finally went ahead with a rough draft of it Im finding that getting people to commit to even small simple projects has been like pulling teeth. So Ive been thinking a lot about why that is and what we can do to get them to help. One thing out of many that occured to me is that some life extensionists are in comfort zones, and we have to make them uncomfortable in their comfort zones in order to get them to step out of them. This is a war, feasably we should be drafting people. We are working on a gimmick to try to work with that idea effectively too. (line 23) So, this calender idea is one way of many we are working on compiling that we will eventually turn into a campaign to try to get life extensionists out of their comfort zones. (line 40)

So do you know how to make widgets? Do you think you could make a widget that counts down to the sunday evening up date and meetings?

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 17 February 2009 - 07:45 PM

There has got to be somebody out there that has some good ideas on how to put this calendar together in a better format. Preferably with little squares of months for each year. If we can get it made up then I can get it printed up. Im already lined up to order some regular calendars with imminst on them.

There is also going to be an imminst store being set back up eventually. Other parts of the movement are setting up stores, like MFURI. This perpetual calendar will be a powerful tool once we get that going.

I think all it really requires at this point is for somebody to format it, we could then archive it for printing. I will probably order a bunch right away and start giving them away as token incentives and stuff.

Heres the crappy version of the calendar: http://spreadsheets....gclfcz7S3nquWAQ If somebody can spruce that up, please do.

Edited by brokenportal, 21 February 2009 - 05:57 AM.

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 06:09 AM

I have the print out of the one I made here up on my wall. This thing is powerful. We need to get this done up right and printed out. I can see this becoming an imminst trademark item. I can see us presenting vip's with a "ceramonial" 1000 year scroll style version of this. We could give a shorter version out to members for signing up, we can sell them in the imminst online store, etc..

What we need now is somebody with a keen mind for working with computer graphics. Take the basic idea Ive got made up at this link: http://spreadsheets....gclfcz7S3nquWAQ and make it look more like a calendar, something that looks official that we can print out, and then let me know. I dont have a lot of cash but I will for sure pay $20.00 to anybody that can do this.

Im then going to send this in to a printing company and get a bunch of them printed up.

#12 Neurosail

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 07:20 PM

I was thinking of using my MS Project 2000 software for my CR diet. But I never had the time to develop the idea. I think what you're trying to achieve may be better on a Gantt Chart rather than a simple spreadsheet. Gantt Charts do require an end date to finish the projects, but once that goal is accomplished the Gantt chart could be extended to a new end date.

#13 brokenportal

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 07:33 PM

I was thinking of using my MS Project 2000 software for my CR diet. But I never had the time to develop the idea. I think what you're trying to achieve may be better on a Gantt Chart rather than a simple spreadsheet. Gantt Charts do require an end date to finish the projects, but once that goal is accomplished the Gantt chart could be extended to a new end date.

Im not sure I understand. If this is what your talking about:
Posted Image

I dont think it would be as effective as something more like this: http://spreadsheets....gclfcz7S3nquWAQ

Also from what I gather a chart like that would update through the internet. What we are looking for is something permanent we can print out and give or sell to people.

About that software, are you saying you have some that you think could do the job? If so then please do give it a try. If you can make it work Ill pay you $20.00. Send me a quick sketch up of what you would do first though.

#14 Neurosail

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 09:11 PM

What we are looking for is something permanent we can print out and give or sell to people.

About that software, are you saying you have some that you think could do the job? If so then please do give it a try. If you can make it work Ill pay you $20.00. Send me a quick sketch up of what you would do first though.

I was thinking of Gantt and PERT Charts for project management goals at ImmInst. Duke may be using this type of software for his business.

I can try to make Gantt and PERT charts but it will take some time. Maybe since ImmInst is doing several projects, the directors will need this type of software to keep up with the data, otherwise they may waste time or money duplicating tasks or goals and also to watch out for time restraints. Imminst may even use Six Sigma to make sure that it doesn't waste time or money on projects.

You want something to hand out to the public? A double sheet or a single sheet? I'm not sure how to do that.

#15 brokenportal

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 09:18 PM

This is a good idea, but I would bring that up in the projects section. My aim here is only to get that calendar made. The calendar is more like a novelty that is supposed to have inspirational and motivational qualities rather than be used for keeping track of tasks. It is meant to get people to move faster and become more efficient though.

#16 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 07:24 AM

If it's a calendar for the website of the immortalists it needs to have infinite months on it. To do that they will have to become smaller and smaller as it goes along. I suggest designing it so that way points are visible along it such as the average life expectancy 2000 years ago, the oldest someone's lived in modern record, and obviously 969 years old. I'm trying to make a prototype but it's incredibly hard to find a tool that will make what I'm thinking of without some programming. I'm downloading the newest version of Inkscape to try right now.

Here's a rough idea. Just needs small boxes with a bold box every 12 or something.
Posted Image

Edited by lunarsolarpower, 24 February 2009 - 07:38 AM.

#17 brokenportal

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 07:46 AM

Hmm, not sure exactly what your talking about here but it looks promising and I hope to see some kind of further development on it. Maybe somebody else here has picked up on the idea and can help you.

Im sort of grasping how you intend to make it seem infinite, but we would need to make sure that at least the first 100 years or 200 years were much more directly visible so people could x off the years. What I imagine is one long peice of paper say, 5 feet long, that has rows of 12, 1 inch tall calendars. It would only go to so many hundred years, but it I think it would get the point across.

Hopefully if we do one that way we can set it up so people can order one thats as long as they want. It would be nice to be able to order 1,000 year long calendars for different impactful purposes. For example, a cause spokesperson gets on a show, they could present the host with a thousand year long calendar for effect.

#18 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 08:30 AM

Here's my last attempt for tonight. Obviously it's rough and should be generated parametrically but I did the first 2+ years. The months would rapidly get smaller so that going around the first loop got one up to 20 or so. Then going around the other loop should pass 122.

Posted Image

#19 brokenportal

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Posted 05 March 2009 - 01:44 AM

Hmmm, so then this would all be on like, one big 30 by 30 inch peice of paper? I suppose this version might work well too. If you can get this done or propose a way for somebody else to do it then please do.

I would also like to see a straight list like the version in the link, but anything that works and looks good like your idea here will serve the purpose. We can always do more versions later.

Would you be interested in committing to this lunarsolarpower? What do you think about planning on say, 3 weeks to finish it up?

#20 brokenportal

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Posted 17 July 2009 - 09:16 PM

I could be wrong but I think a calendar like this would be iconic for the cause. I think it would be like, a sword is to a knight or something. Ill send an imminst t shirt from money from my own pocket to anybody who can complete this with the loose specs agreed upon. Its only about a $20.00 value but its all I can offer at this point.

Please do consider it. I have a crude version of this hanging up on a door and its really perspective filling and motivating. Its one of many small super tools we can harness for gaining exposure for this cause. I think it would be a hot seller. It makes for a hell of an ice breaker into the heart of the cause too. I mean its kind of hard to deny that aging has its down sides when you are looking at the short blip remaining in your life right there on a perpetual calendar.

Ive been marking my month squares off month by month. Just thinking about it now sickens me. If we are going to live indefinitely into this glorious existence then we are going to have to stir and harness more rage against aging. Content, indifference and comfort zone maintenance dont usually win wars.

#21 brokenportal

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:49 PM

Ill send an imminst t shirt from money from my own pocket to anybody who can complete this with the loose specs agreed upon.

Im uping this to $100.00, to anybody who can complete this to my fairly basic specifications. Inquire about the specifications if you want to do this for $100.00.

#22 brokenportal

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Posted 31 October 2009 - 01:39 AM

Alright, you all have left me no choice. I am now willing to pay upwards of 1 billion dollars to whoever can do this.

#23 brokenportal

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 09:21 PM

This calendar called today, it said, "Help me! Make me! People are dying! I can help motivate them! Put in your two cents today because the change ads up!"

It also wanted me to let everybody know that these are only available for a limited time.

#24 brokenportal

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 09:52 PM

The pay for whoever can make this has been up'ed again. I am now offering to thaw out Antarctica and give it as the gift to whoever can get this made to the basic specifications Ill give.

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