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Modafinil daily dose


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Poll: Modafinil daily dose (255 member(s) have cast votes)

Your Modafinil dose

  1. 25mg-50mg daily (lasting an entire day, above 10 hours) (41 votes [14.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.96%

  2. 100mg daily (57 votes [20.80%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.80%

  3. 200mg daily (50 votes [18.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.25%

  4. 300mg daily (8 votes [2.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.92%

  5. 400mg daily (11 votes [4.01%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.01%

  6. 500mg and above, daily (6 votes [2.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.19%

  7. 25mg-50mg as needed (lasting 4-8 hours) (16 votes [5.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.84%

  8. 100mg as needed (36 votes [13.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.14%

  9. 200mg as needed (31 votes [11.31%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.31%

  10. 300mg as needed (4 votes [1.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.46%

  11. 400mg as needed (5 votes [1.82%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.82%

  12. 500mg and above, as needed (9 votes [3.28%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.28%

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#31 steelsky

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Posted 17 July 2009 - 07:48 AM

I'm also curious as to what people's thoughts are. I've been taking 3 divided doses of 100mg recently (sometimes with an additional 100mg if needed).

I rarely go above 400mg per day though. Not much point - as for me it doesn't improve focus above this level.

I actually need 150mg-250mg "when needed", but I usually only encounter one or two occasions during the day when that is the case, so It pretty much adds up to when you're describing, only with fewer doses (but larger ones).

#32 Felicia Biberica

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Posted 17 July 2009 - 05:27 PM

I'm a producer with ABC News and I'm working on a story about the debate over so-called cognitive enhancers. I'm very interested in interviewing someone who uses a medication like adderall, or ritalin, or provigil off-label for improved concentration, memory, etc. You can reach me at felicia.biberica@abc.com
Thanks so much.

Edited by Felicia Biberica, 17 July 2009 - 05:28 PM.

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#33 dave_black

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Posted 05 August 2009 - 12:30 AM

Ok, after using modafinil on and off over the last 10 months, what works well for me is 100mg morning, 50mg lunch and 50 mg afternoon (modalert brand).

I find taking any more than 100 mg at one time causes me to lose flexibility and can cause annoying headaches.
By taking the booster doses though out the day the effect of the initial 100 mg dose is maintained without any jitteriness.

Phenibut helps with sore eyes and makes modafinil feel awesome!
I do think this combination is addictive so i reorder only after my supply runs out.

I have read some good posts on sulbutiamine and some say it has the feel “good” effect.
If I end up trying sulbutiamine i will post my experiences here so it can be compared to modafinil.

#34 Rags847

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Posted 17 November 2009 - 06:08 AM

I think the numbing side-effect discussed above is fairly common and understandable. Modafinil wakes the brain up and, unlike stimulants, leaves the body alone (peripheral nervous system). If your consciousness is in an extremely awake state it can certainly be useful for a long bout of productive work. You can keep keep going on and on and on. Yet, there won't be much room left over in your conscious-experiential space for other states. You are awake. Not cycling through various emotions. Not in calmer creative or meditative states.

You can experience this for a few moments through an act of will. Just imagine being very wide awake (eyes wide open). It is an all-encompassing state. Like a high-wattage light bulb turned on. There is no room for anything else. It's not emotional. It's not dreamy and creative.

Doesn't make Modafinil good or bad. It just is what it is. And it is useful for certain things. Such as consuming reams of printed material. And sometimes it isn't bad to be an emotionless robot (the Stoics worked hard to dampen emotions in order to be spared turmoil). Sometimes. Not all the time.

When you are awake you can do more. Most people sleep through life.

Edited by Rags847, 17 November 2009 - 06:56 AM.

#35 dave_black

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Posted 30 November 2009 - 03:50 AM

I found my previous dosages to be over the top (100mg morning and 50mg booster dosages).
My memory and imagination felt clouded, thus making me less spontaneous and witty in social situations.
After taking a break from modafinil for a few weeks I noticed I felt more in touch with my emotions and my judgement was clearer.

I have started taking 50mg once or twice a day and it feels like enough (like I am sensitised to it more than before) and I plan to take breaks of a few weeks every now and then as it feels very revitalising.

IMHO I think this is a useful substance if used in small doses and cycled but has more negatives than positives if used for too long or in too higher dosages.

#36 k10

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Posted 30 November 2009 - 06:06 AM

25 mg is the perfect dosage for me in the morning.

#37 protoject

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 10:13 PM

Maybe I'll try this again, but when I took 100-300mg, it did absolutely NOTHING. I'm really just baffled that people get any effect from this medication whatsoever and I don't. Maybe I'll try that whole 25-mg idea.

#38 acantelopepope

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 02:59 AM

I agree that it is superior. Although I'm not a biochemist, from what I've read there's no question about that.
600mg is pretty high - How much does it cost you? How do you purchase it (online order, hospital pharmacy...)?

I am prescribed 600mg per day and my insurance pays for 62 200mg tabs every 24 days so i either cash pay for the other 10 or Mr doctor gives me samples when i see him. its $10 per 200mg provigil tab in the U.S. I hear nuvigil will be cheaper when it launches.... can't wait for that

Did you have to convince your insurance company/doctor you had a sleep disorder?

#39 droopy

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:05 PM

I have Narcolepsy and Cataplexy ,these conditions usually come together.I have been taking modafinil 100mg morn, midday and early evening for the past 10 years to counteract narcolepsy and clomipramine 25mg morn, midday and early evening for Cataplexy.If I forget my meds for one day I am Ok but by the third day look out I drop off ever 30 mins and am inclined to suffer from a cataplectic attack provoked by any excitable event.eg.laughter,temper ect .I feel normal when medicated but depressed if I stop taking the drugs,I suffer from no negative effects otherwise. Q which drug is overcoming my depression and as I didnt suffer from depression before has this medication created my depression.

#40 zeropoint

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 04:31 AM

As per another posters suggestion I tried splitting 100mg. tablet in 2 and very much weaker......too weak for my tastes,but if it would work would save a lot of $$$. That was 50mg. and someone posted that 20 to 25mg.? works well for them....incredible.Does that person drink coffee,I would think all he/she would only need a quarter cup perhaps,,,a whole cup and you'd be flying....Weeeeeeee!

#41 Thorsten3

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Posted 15 April 2010 - 03:55 PM

As per another posters suggestion I tried splitting 100mg. tablet in 2 and very much weaker......too weak for my tastes,but if it would work would save a lot of $$$. That was 50mg. and someone posted that 20 to 25mg.? works well for them....incredible.Does that person drink coffee,I would think all he/she would only need a quarter cup perhaps,,,a whole cup and you'd be flying....Weeeeeeee!

This stuff is so expensive. I have found it available in bulk powder form though. 10g for $100

I've never really had the urge to try it. I suppose you could classify it as a true nootropic

#42 jCole

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Posted 19 April 2010 - 06:25 PM

50 mg in the morning w/ a cup of coffee, lasts the entire day for me... I take it M-F and cycle off on the weekends.

Any more then 50mg and I will start to experience undesirable side effects like over anxiousness and slight anxiety/inner tension... I also get 'twitchy' and it seems to enhance some OCD tendencies haha, all tho not terribly bad.

Edited by jCole, 19 April 2010 - 06:28 PM.

#43 kassem23

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 05:28 AM

50 mg in the morning w/ a cup of coffee, lasts the entire day for me... I take it M-F and cycle off on the weekends.

Any more then 50mg and I will start to experience undesirable side effects like over anxiousness and slight anxiety/inner tension... I also get 'twitchy' and it seems to enhance some OCD tendencies haha, all tho not terribly bad.

I once took 200 mg modafinil and a cup of strong coffee and I was anxious like hell. It really had a bad effect on me, although I got a lot of stuff done. I was constantly ticking around, asking: "Is this right? Is this right?" and I would blurt stuff out in class suddenly with no inhibitions, a very weird but kind of drunk feeling. I didn't try anything less than 100 mg, which also gives me a bit of anxiety, might try a 20-25 mg range some people say is good.

#44 Rain

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 09:21 AM

I tried just 100mg today with a B complex, without anything else. Very intense effect for a couple of hours in terms of concentration except got quite anxious and had a small arguement with someone and got very angry, furious which didn't allow me to do anything haha.
After a few hours i started to become very normal, which is good as i'm usually tired without anything, and then i started to get tired around 8-9hrs after taking.
I think i need a bigger dose or even just take a few smaller doses throughout the day!

#45 cbn5

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 01:50 PM

has anyone else experienced problems with their hearing after taking modafinil? I took 200mg Modalert on sunday, which gave me a nice lift. When i woke up on monday i was nearly deaf on my left ear. I went to a doctor who diagnosed me with "Sensorineural hearing loss" and severe hearing impairment on the left ear. He prescribed me a vasodilator (betahistine) which seemed to help, because now, three days later, my hearing is almost back to normal. This whole thing was a very frightning experience and i was wondering if the hearing loss could be in any way associated with the modalert (i've never taken modafinil before).

#46 Runner

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 06:26 PM

cbn5: i've never heard of things like that before.

Does anyone know a reasonable comparison doseage wise between moda and adrafinil. I don't know how much adrafinil is converted in the body.

#47 Animal

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 11:13 PM

cbn5: i've never heard of things like that before.

Does anyone know a reasonable comparison doseage wise between moda and adrafinil. I don't know how much adrafinil is converted in the body.

100mg Modafinil ~ 300mg Adrafinil.

#48 john410

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Posted 24 June 2010 - 03:23 PM

I'm taking Modafinil for I-ADD, maybe some sleepiness disorder that isn't diagnosed, but recall being sleepy and tired all the time since childhood.

Currently on 300mg, once daily, as soon as I wake up (around 8am).

I don't have any problems sleeping on that schedule. I sleep good, sound 8-9 hours per night, but I feel tired earlier than that. And my focus isn't super-laser or anything. It's better, but it's not as good as, say, my first 6 months on Ritalin. Weee!!!

On the other hand, my cognition is way better. If I manage to read and learn, I really learn. After 6 months on Ritalin I could feel I wasn't really learning. I could excel at tests and all that, but the information faded away quickly after that. So much that I couldn't relate to the answers I gave when it was time to check my grade.

I wanted to know how people take it for ADD: once-daily, twice-daily, which dosage? I'm thinking about taking 200mg in the morning and 100mg 4 hours later, because I'm getting sleepy too early, around 9pm, and I'm at college until 11pm.


#49 LazarusMan

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 07:55 PM

Christ, while I'm not one to be an alarmist I saw the wiki page on one of the possible side effects which was Steven-Johnson Syndrome and it really freaked me out a bit.

#50 brokenportal

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 09:52 PM

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#51 moomoo

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 03:01 PM

One friend said he felt he was getting depressed/suicidal whilst the other said he felt he was going psychotic. Friend number one said he felt something was missing and felt empty inside, and had turned into a robot with no emotion. Friend number two said he was developing split personalities, where he would be constantly talking to himself, and said the longer I take modafinil the more I feel like I'm losing myself. All quite odd, any else experience this?

Not just you.
  • Robot = yes
  • No emotion = yes
  • More talking to myself = sort-of
  • Going phychotic = not really
  • Missing Something = yes
  • Empty Inside = yes

I personally wouldn't take it long-term. It may be nootropic but I find I prefer to use it like a crutch or boost. When I need it. The rebound makes me feel emotional. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like my girlfriends have told me they feel around the time of their period: over-emotional, with raw-feelings, affected by everything, not able to gauge base-line as well, etc.

#52 Matt79

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 11:51 AM

Has anyone taken Modafinil consistently for >12months? I'd love to hear reports on this.

#53 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 05:07 AM

Took 1.3 g of Adrafinil today. Worked like a charm. Simply didn't feel tired at all, still don't.

Edited by redan, 29 March 2012 - 05:08 AM.

#54 Raptor87

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 03:20 PM

I have been using Modafinil for a couple of weeks straight now. Seems that the effects of Modafinil have improved rather from taking them occasionally, and the sideeffects have dampened. I have tried this before but had to quit because I thought that I was going crazy. It seems that melatonin and methylcobalamin is helping to counteract the sideeffects. Except for itching, it´s still there due to the damn methylcobalamin.

Today the whole class was talking out loud and I usually have it very difficult when I am in a class with a full room of people, especially when there´s a lot of movement and sounds or talking going on. But today I sat and read a damn book right in the middle of the stir. I could also read faster. It made class quite enjoyable. Also I felt a lot calmer than I usually do.

This was interesting when I googled.


(Béracochéa et al. 2001).
Turner et al. (2003) found no effects on attentional (rapid
visual information processing), executive (attentional setshifting)
and spatial working memory tasks of the
CANTAB, however, there were positive effects of
modafinil on performance in the digit span (forward and
backward) and pattern recognition memory tasks.


Previous studies in primates showed that, when not performing a complex task, neurons in the prefrontal cortex fire often and seemingly at random. During the performance of a focused task, however, that area of the brain is quiet and the cells fire only in concert with actions associated with the task. These modes are called exploration and exploitative, respectively.
"We found that modafinil shifts the human brain into exploitation mode and study subjects perform better on tasks," Minzenberg said.
In the current study the research team used fMRI to look at brain activity in real time in 21 healthy adults who were asked to perform a standardized test called a POP Task (Preparing to Overcome Prepotency) that requires the subject to pay close attention.
The subjects performed this task on different days after taking either a sugar pill or a dose of modafinil. Researchers then looked at the differences in brain-activity patterns.
"Subjects performed much better on these tasks after taking modafinil, but, more importantly, using fMRI we were able to see the shift to quieter, more focused brain activity ," Minzenberg said.
According to Minzenberg, this study is one of the few to look at the pharmacological activity of a drug in real time using a non-invasive method.

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#55 noos

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:43 AM

What is "exploitation mode"?

Edited by noos, 09 April 2012 - 12:44 AM.

#56 Raptor87

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 05:08 PM

What is "exploitation mode"?


#57 vali

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Posted 30 September 2012 - 09:17 PM

My experience with modafinil by itself has been positive. That said, I'd encourage you to be careful adding nicotine or caffeine, as either one made my head feel like it was on fire. 4mg of nicotine (I don't smoke, so no tolerance) + 200mg modafinil made me dizzy, manic, and more hyper-focused than I have ever been before or since. I felt burned out the entire next day. I take modafinil 3 days a week max, and never with any other stimulants.

#58 optic

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:16 AM

I am a software developer and started experimenting with Modafinil (ModAlert brand) about 3 weeks ago. I used to be heavy coffee drinker during last 10 years and decided to limit the amount of coffee I drink per day (1 coffee max). I found Modafinil very usefull.

I only take it 5 days per week, usually during the weekdays, trying to have 2 consecutive days off. I usually get up between 6:00 and 7:00.

Mu current dosage is:
- 100mg in the morning on empty stomach
- after about 15-30 minutes I drink coffee and eat apple or banana
- 50mg at 13:00 on empty stomach
- 50mg at 20:00 (depending on the workload in the evening)
- I aim to go to sleep at 00:00, but no later than 01:00

From my experience I cannot tell if coffee has any impact on Modafinil for me. Maybe once my body lowers the caffeine tolerance. What I have noticed is that the morning exercise greatly enhances effects of Modafinil.

I have read somewhere that Modafinil works well with Piracetam. I recently purchased Piracetam, Alpha GPC, Omega-3 and ALCAR. Today is my first week of experimentation. My current stack is:
- Modafinil 200mg
- Piracetam 1600mg
- Alpha GPC 600mg
- ALCAR 1000mg
- Omega-3 1000mg

Apparently the effects will be noticeable within 7-10 days. I will keep you posted.

#59 prunk

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:51 PM

Although Modafinil isn't my favourite enhancer / nootropic / supp, I've always been getting a great pattern detection / recognition capabilities while on it.

Edited by prunk, 31 May 2013 - 08:58 PM.

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#60 noos

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:41 AM

Although Modafinil isn't my favourite enhancer / nootropic / supp, I've always been getting a great pattern detection / recognition capabilities while on it.

Which one is better for you?

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