First off, we must be discreet. Since our ultimate goal is ostensibly radical, we must support it fairly inconspicuously. I mean that appose to addressing the problem as a single medical endeavor entailing several major biomedical interventions, initially we'll have to espouse them as though their merits are mutually exclusive (instead of synergistic with continuity, etc.). Ideally "robust mouse rejuvenation" will be achieved and that'll pique the public's interest enough to where we'll no longer have to operate under a facade, etc., but until then we should really just try to refine the technologies separately as to prevent the project from being quelled on the premise of infeasibility. Anyway, you get what I'm saying.
Now for me, I intend to eventually become a prominent doctor.
Right, in the beginning, in many cases, we have to be discreet. We have to use PR names and PR goals when talking to some certain groups of people. For example (one example of many) when we write to VIPs we want to use terms like Longevity Communities Network, restoration and maintenance of function, and sometimes indefinite life extension. When we raise money like we did for the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin we want to tell them we are funding the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin, and tell them about how it clogs our cells, but not tell them that we are funding the invincibility of humanity so that we may become immortals or something like that.
However, although we do want to be conspicuous in many cases, more so in the beginning here, we also have to find avenues to keep the pressure on so that we may continue working to push this cause out into the mainstream so that we can help it to become non-radical. A lot of concepts start out as radical, crazy, heretical, space age nonsense, until the mainstream picks up on it, at which point it tends to become the norm and unremarkable.
So the point is, it seems to me we need both, things like robust mouse rejuvenation in the papers, but also a slow methodical assimilation of the public until it reaches mainstream in the mean time.
Anyways, I have three project suggestions for you.
-Can we interest you in joining the VIP Outreach team, you can help get the word out about SENS.
-Can we interest you in joining a Media Outreach team? That team is still developing at this time, but the more people that sign on now the faster that will develop.
Both of those projects would take about 30 minutes to 2 hours per month, and they flex to your schedule.
-If you dont have time for projects like that, then hopefully I can interest you in helping to move our
science invite and application (part of this plan) only section along. If so then please respond there and Ill get you in the loop on the discussions and progressions.
The proposal is developing to be designed to fit right in with researchers and students routines.