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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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New people: What is a project that you would like to see get going

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 03:01 AM

What is a project that you would like to see get going, or get going more to help gain exposure for the indefinite healthy life extension cause?

(non new people please feel free to answer this question as well)

Edited by brokenportal, 20 May 2010 - 10:21 PM.

#2 AgeVivo

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 10:28 PM

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 01 January 2009 - 06:05 AM

Id like to see an imminst 300 of volunteers for LEEEP, a Life Extension Exposure Expedition Projects list. Its on its way, stay tuned. With SENS and MFURI and CAR and CEL and Longevity Meme and the folding team and imminst powering back up in a big surge, and the singularity on its way and Novamente and Sing Inst moving more, and conferences and a concert and Exponentiality picking up and many other great things and great minds and dedicated indefinite healthy life extensionists on their way, 2009 is going to be like a whole new dimension. The pro aging trancists and the grim reaper are doomed. See you at the front lines.

#4 brokenportal

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 11:33 PM

To help keep action generating topics like this going please discuss things in it in general, and join the 72 team project, which is designed to keep action discussion flowing more. It is a tool used while the second active topics button is in development.

#5 Sun~Rose

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 12:18 AM

I added a reply and don't see it, so doing it again:

What is a project that you would like to see get going, or get going more to help gain exposure for the indefinite healthy life extension cause?

I see so many ideas for things to be done to the body, and, so far, no reference to the use to which we put our minds. Since no-one 'dies' without giving their consent, it would seem that mind is where it's at.

What do you think?


#6 bacopa

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 03:17 AM

I added a reply and don't see it, so doing it again:

What is a project that you would like to see get going, or get going more to help gain exposure for the indefinite healthy life extension cause?

I see so many ideas for things to be done to the body, and, so far, no reference to the use to which we put our minds. Since no-one 'dies' without giving their consent, it would seem that mind is where it's at.

What do you think?


I know so many people who suffer from mental illness. I think it is essential to work on the mind as well as the body. I believe living longer should take first priority, and maybe synergestically along with this work on better drugs for the mind as well as other ways to combat depression; like something more advanced than ECT treatment. And ultimately a way to use biotechnology and nanotechnology to engineer better brains that don't enslave us with depression, anxiety and the host of other mental illness.

Edited by dfowler, 09 June 2009 - 03:18 AM.

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 04:35 AM

I added a reply and don't see it, so doing it again:

What is a project that you would like to see get going, or get going more to help gain exposure for the indefinite healthy life extension cause?

I see so many ideas for things to be done to the body, and, so far, no reference to the use to which we put our minds. Since no-one 'dies' without giving their consent, it would seem that mind is where it's at.

What do you think?


That reminds me of the idea that we need to see about scanning our brains some how to try to help preserve our thoughts as a back up, and for possible use after possible cryonic revival.

More projects anybody? We are looking for more ideas from more people.

#8 The Immortalist

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:59 AM

I would like to see the Local Chapters project have more work put into it, I want to meet more Immortalists in real life.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 01:47 AM

Thanks for your support of the Chapters project. Besides helping us find more poeple that may be interested in utilizing and maybe helping with it, it also encourages us to push forward with it.

Anybody else?

#10 robomoon

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 01:16 PM

A good deed is to avoid the wishful thinking that food supplements and cryonics are the greatest solution against aging. Supplements and cryo are useful solutions against illness and death, but the necessary economies of scale are missing. It makes no big difference when people say that there are already some medications with various substances tested on mice which should prolong human life like a wonder drug. It's also out of question that half of mankind will sign up for cryonics while the other half has barely enough healthy food on the table or medication in their stomachs.

Important facts are explained in the article On the Incomplete Architecture of Human Ontogeny: Selection, Optimization, and Compensation as Foundation of Developmental Theory http://www.mpib-berl...thein/index.htm by Paul B. Baltes. It's useful to find out some general motives for further aging research which I also posted at http://www.imminst.o...showtopic=32017 including a proposal for a lotion against skin wrinkles which will improve fund raising. Quoting from the article: when persons of different ages are asked about what age they would like to be, they report an increasing negative discrepancy between their actual age and their desired age (Smith & Baltes, 1996). Seventy-year-olds, for instance, would like to be on average about 10 years younger. For 90-year-olds, the discrepancy is increased to about 25 years.

Yet, a great target group for marketing rejuvenation therapies are persons who are 70 years and older. They clearly wish to be younger. Here's a catch phrase for promotional banners and flyers which I also posted before: "Keep yourself fresh at 100!" When ImmInst recruits new members who embrace the wishes of elderly persons, they are right at home with the desired adjustments on the incomplete architecture of aging. The topic Overpopulation at SENS on Facebook http://www.facebook....0...&topic=7609 renders women and children as the first target group for any initial project. Women are the greatest customer group for an anti-wrinkle lotion anyways. Regarding children, they would be happy with some sort of gene therapy which increases their chances to jump vitally around at an age of 100.

#11 N.T.M.

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 06:14 AM

I really think Aubrey needs more exposure (media attention, etc.). There are a few prominent scientists that should receive more attention, but I suppose he encapsulates age reversal better than any other.

#12 zerokule

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 07:49 AM

A project involving the taking of products to build a better human body & mind
like i take liquid amino acids-ultra bio minn, on a daily basis, as well
10 in one liquid multi formula, by GBG.
2000mg of vitamin c
omega fish oil with vitamin D3
colon cleanser
ultra ginkgo plus endurance formula with siberian ginseng & tibetan rhodiola.

are there proven products that experienced persons have knowlege of?
are there any nano tech products that are available to public yet?
like nano engines that are programed to search out illness's & eliminate them
or take readings of your bodies intake & if your short of something they will stimulate the body to produce it's own
medicines vitamins, or drugs as needed.
forget this last paragraph if it is too far out yet..
As far as the mind I'm aware of blueberries, avacodos, ultra ginkgo plus endurance formula with siberian ginseng & tibetan rhodiola, & LSD has mind expansion capabilities but where does one draw the line, for some it's okay for others too much too little, non at all. Meditation, mind excercises, reading..

Edited by zerokule, 02 March 2010 - 08:24 AM.

#13 brokenportal

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 07:43 PM

A good deed is to avoid the wishful thinking that food supplements and cryonics are the greatest solution against aging. Supplements and cryo are useful solutions against illness and death, but the necessary economies of scale are missing. It makes no big difference when people say that there are already some medications with various substances tested on mice which should prolong human life like a wonder drug. It's also out of question that half of mankind will sign up for cryonics while the other half has barely enough healthy food on the table or medication in their stomachs.

Important facts are explained in the article On the Incomplete Architecture of Human Ontogeny: Selection, Optimization, and Compensation as Foundation of Developmental Theory http://www.mpib-berl...thein/index.htm by Paul B. Baltes. It's useful to find out some general motives for further aging research which I also posted at http://www.imminst.o...showtopic=32017 including a proposal for a lotion against skin wrinkles which will improve fund raising. Quoting from the article: when persons of different ages are asked about what age they would like to be, they report an increasing negative discrepancy between their actual age and their desired age (Smith & Baltes, 1996). Seventy-year-olds, for instance, would like to be on average about 10 years younger. For 90-year-olds, the discrepancy is increased to about 25 years.

Yet, a great target group for marketing rejuvenation therapies are persons who are 70 years and older. They clearly wish to be younger. Here's a catch phrase for promotional banners and flyers which I also posted before: "Keep yourself fresh at 100!" When ImmInst recruits new members who embrace the wishes of elderly persons, they are right at home with the desired adjustments on the incomplete architecture of aging. The topic Overpopulation at SENS on Facebook http://www.facebook....0...&topic=7609 renders women and children as the first target group for any initial project. Women are the greatest customer group for an anti-wrinkle lotion anyways. Regarding children, they would be happy with some sort of gene therapy which increases their chances to jump vitally around at an age of 100.

Im a little confused here, so are you for compression of morbidity in a traditional lifespan or indefinite healthy life extension?

In the first paragraph you seem to be saying that supplements and cryonics and a few interventions that might extend the life of a mouse by a few years arent good enough. Which makes me think that you are for indefinite life extension strategies like SENS and the developing discussion/ proposal for an imminst science section to promote more strategy creation. That article though seems to be saying that we should focus on compressing morbidity with better and more forceful stages as aging increases in levels from 60 on up through 100 and that in the end we should consider genetic intervention to compress the morbidity of 90 and 100 year olds.

I think you are talking about both. That makes me think of a projects somebody had mentioned before, maybe it was you, that we should consider getting into something like wrinkle creams so we can penetrate those anti aging minded markets more, and then tell them about things like Imminst and SENS. So, if thats what your talking about, I think that could be a good idea too.

To that end, we have an Imminst supplement mix coming out. Its supposed to be one of the best ones on the market for helping you to stay healthy. With your idea here, Im wondering if you might be interested in helping to target those elderly markets and others in these ways you seem to be suggesting. If so then let us know. Ad me in skype if you have it, my ide there is brokenportal.

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 07:56 PM

I really think Aubrey needs more exposure (media attention, etc.). There are a few prominent scientists that should receive more attention, but I suppose he encapsulates age reversal better than any other.

They have crews handling that. You could see about helping them. Through Imminst here we could come up with some more ideas too if you want. We have a media team/or outreach going through discussion right now. John Schloendorn has a bunch of Ending Aging books hes looking to give to people. Do you want to help us extrapolate on this concept and see what we can come up with? If so then let me know and I help keep you in the loop. For one, add me in skype, my id there is brokenportal.

What Im thinking here is that in our outreach efforts you can help with the outreach in general if your interested, and help us keep wording in there that also alerts them to Aubrey so that they might also contact him. We send out book packages a lot for other things like the VIP Outreach team and we can see what we can do to get Ending Aging into that rotation more as well.

#15 brokenportal

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 08:12 PM

A project involving the taking of products to build a better human body & mind
like i take liquid amino acids-ultra bio minn, on a daily basis, as well
10 in one liquid multi formula, by GBG.
2000mg of vitamin c
omega fish oil with vitamin D3
colon cleanser
ultra ginkgo plus endurance formula with siberian ginseng & tibetan rhodiola.

are there proven products that experienced persons have knowlege of?
are there any nano tech products that are available to public yet?
like nano engines that are programed to search out illness's & eliminate them
or take readings of your bodies intake & if your short of something they will stimulate the body to produce it's own
medicines vitamins, or drugs as needed.
forget this last paragraph if it is too far out yet..
As far as the mind I'm aware of blueberries, avacodos, ultra ginkgo plus endurance formula with siberian ginseng & tibetan rhodiola, & LSD has mind expansion capabilities but where does one draw the line, for some it's okay for others too much too little, non at all. Meditation, mind excercises, reading..

Please do get involved with this Imminst Community Supplement Design. Is that the kind of "products to build a better human body & mind" that you mean?

As far as nanotech goes, we are still in the process of getting more involved with it. Im wondering if you might be interested in helping us reach out to more nanotech minded people. If you are then let us know and we can discuss it, and or meet us at the open general discussion meetings listed at imminst.org/meetings. If you want to just jump in and get involved with something that can help with this right away, then join the INW Internetworking Team here and we will help you get set up in reaching out to try to bring more nanotech minded people in here.

#16 N.T.M.

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 04:28 AM

First off, we must be discreet. Since our ultimate goal is ostensibly radical, we must support it fairly inconspicuously. I mean that appose to addressing the problem as a single medical endeavor entailing several major biomedical interventions, initially we'll have to espouse them as though their merits are mutually exclusive (instead of synergistic with continuity, etc.). Ideally "robust mouse rejuvenation" will be achieved and that'll pique the public's interest enough to where we'll no longer have to operate under a facade, etc., but until then we should really just try to refine the technologies separately as to prevent the project from being quelled on the premise of infeasibility. Anyway, you get what I'm saying.

Now for me, I intend to eventually become a prominent doctor.

#17 bacopa

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 04:42 AM

I really think Aubrey needs more exposure (media attention, etc.). There are a few prominent scientists that should receive more attention, but I suppose he encapsulates age reversal better than any other.

They have crews handling that. You could see about helping them. Through Imminst here we could come up with some more ideas too if you want. We have a media team/or outreach going through discussion right now. John Schloendorn has a bunch of Ending Aging books hes looking to give to people. Do you want to help us extrapolate on this concept and see what we can come up with? If so then let me know and I help keep you in the loop. For one, add me in skype, my id there is brokenportal.

What Im thinking here is that in our outreach efforts you can help with the outreach in general if your interested, and help us keep wording in there that also alerts them to Aubrey so that they might also contact him. We send out book packages a lot for other things like the VIP Outreach team and we can see what we can do to get Ending Aging into that rotation more as well.

Furthermore, to add to this discussion, I contacted Aubrey, and he agrees that he needs more media attention. If you have Facebook, you can add him there, or you can ask me for his email, I'm sure he won't mind, just tell him how you got his email.

Aubrey with MF and SENS all need a really good Pr and promotions campaign, maybe you can volunteer with them? Aubrey's assistant, - I forgot her name -, asked me if I'd llike to volunteer, I said yes, but haven't heard back. You may have better luck, particularly if you're knowledgeable about SENS theory and anti-aging or nano-tech sciences.

David Goebel runs the Methuselah Foundation, and the MF page is really great where you essentially have to donate something when you sign up, I think there is a way to become a member without donating as well.

So contact Methuselah Foundation, Aubrey, or SENS if you wish to contribute. Also I run the VIP outreach team and our mission is to get top celebs and others of notoriety informed of the movement, with ultimate goal them being a spokesperson spreading the meme.

If you keep on top of SENS and MF and also you should sign up for the longevity meme newsletter, it's really a great look into what's going on now with anti-aging, rejuvenation medicines, stem cells etc.

But as for being discrete about the "radical nature" of what we are doing, you'd be surprised how many theists, atheists, what have you, jump at the thought of living several hundred years. I think what MF and SENS are doing is perfect, they are focused on better years, prolonging life, without specific estimates of what should or will be possible, on their pages.

Edited by dfowler, 15 March 2010 - 04:45 AM.

#18 N.T.M.

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 05:07 AM

I really think Aubrey needs more exposure (media attention, etc.). There are a few prominent scientists that should receive more attention, but I suppose he encapsulates age reversal better than any other.

They have crews handling that. You could see about helping them. Through Imminst here we could come up with some more ideas too if you want. We have a media team/or outreach going through discussion right now. John Schloendorn has a bunch of Ending Aging books hes looking to give to people. Do you want to help us extrapolate on this concept and see what we can come up with? If so then let me know and I help keep you in the loop. For one, add me in skype, my id there is brokenportal.

What Im thinking here is that in our outreach efforts you can help with the outreach in general if your interested, and help us keep wording in there that also alerts them to Aubrey so that they might also contact him. We send out book packages a lot for other things like the VIP Outreach team and we can see what we can do to get Ending Aging into that rotation more as well.

Furthermore, to add to this discussion, I contacted Aubrey, and he agrees that he needs more media attention. If you have Facebook, you can add him there, or you can ask me for his email, I'm sure he won't mind, just tell him how you got his email.

Aubrey with MF and SENS all need a really good Pr and promotions campaign, maybe you can volunteer with them? Aubrey's assistant, - I forgot her name -, asked me if I'd llike to volunteer, I said yes, but haven't heard back. You may have better luck, particularly if you're knowledgeable about SENS theory and anti-aging or nano-tech sciences.

David Goebel runs the Methuselah Foundation, and the MF page is really great where you essentially have to donate something when you sign up, I think there is a way to become a member without donating as well.

So contact Methuselah Foundation, Aubrey, or SENS if you wish to contribute. Also I run the VIP outreach team and our mission is to get top celebs and others of notoriety informed of the movement, with ultimate goal them being a spokesperson spreading the meme.

If you keep on top of SENS and MF and also you should sign up for the longevity meme newsletter, it's really a great look into what's going on now with anti-aging, rejuvenation medicines, stem cells etc.

But as for being discrete about the "radical nature" of what we are doing, you'd be surprised how many theists, atheists, what have you, jump at the thought of living several hundred years. I think what MF and SENS are doing is perfect, they are focused on better years, prolonging life, without specific estimates of what should or will be possible, on their pages.

I honestly would absolutely love to contribute on that level, but I'm just too busy with work and school. :( Once I get situated with a good job after my schooling's complete then I'll have more time. Possibly before then if circumstances change.

In the meantime, I talk about it frequently, and I already have a couple friends interested. I'm also trying to encourage them to disseminate the info too.

I think what MF and SENS are doing is perfect, they are focused on better years, prolonging life, without specific estimates of what should or will be possible, on their pages.

Yeah, actually that's perfect.

#19 bacopa

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 05:20 AM

cool, N.T.M, I'm listing you on my volunteer page on google docs. I just emailed Aubrey telling him that I would like to help with his PR campaign, this was in response to an email from him saying he'll be looking for people to help get the message out very soon, assuming better funds first.

So I'm sure you can have a very profound and direct help with Aubrey and co., especially if you are good with the science end of things.

#20 brokenportal

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 06:48 PM

First off, we must be discreet. Since our ultimate goal is ostensibly radical, we must support it fairly inconspicuously. I mean that appose to addressing the problem as a single medical endeavor entailing several major biomedical interventions, initially we'll have to espouse them as though their merits are mutually exclusive (instead of synergistic with continuity, etc.). Ideally "robust mouse rejuvenation" will be achieved and that'll pique the public's interest enough to where we'll no longer have to operate under a facade, etc., but until then we should really just try to refine the technologies separately as to prevent the project from being quelled on the premise of infeasibility. Anyway, you get what I'm saying.

Now for me, I intend to eventually become a prominent doctor.

Right, in the beginning, in many cases, we have to be discreet. We have to use PR names and PR goals when talking to some certain groups of people. For example (one example of many) when we write to VIPs we want to use terms like Longevity Communities Network, restoration and maintenance of function, and sometimes indefinite life extension. When we raise money like we did for the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin we want to tell them we are funding the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin, and tell them about how it clogs our cells, but not tell them that we are funding the invincibility of humanity so that we may become immortals or something like that.

However, although we do want to be conspicuous in many cases, more so in the beginning here, we also have to find avenues to keep the pressure on so that we may continue working to push this cause out into the mainstream so that we can help it to become non-radical. A lot of concepts start out as radical, crazy, heretical, space age nonsense, until the mainstream picks up on it, at which point it tends to become the norm and unremarkable.

So the point is, it seems to me we need both, things like robust mouse rejuvenation in the papers, but also a slow methodical assimilation of the public until it reaches mainstream in the mean time.

Anyways, I have three project suggestions for you.

-Can we interest you in joining the VIP Outreach team, you can help get the word out about SENS.
-Can we interest you in joining a Media Outreach team? That team is still developing at this time, but the more people that sign on now the faster that will develop.

Both of those projects would take about 30 minutes to 2 hours per month, and they flex to your schedule.

-If you dont have time for projects like that, then hopefully I can interest you in helping to move our science invite and application (part of this plan) only section along. If so then please respond there and Ill get you in the loop on the discussions and progressions.

The proposal is developing to be designed to fit right in with researchers and students routines.

#21 N.T.M.

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Posted 24 March 2010 - 07:59 AM

First off, we must be discreet. Since our ultimate goal is ostensibly radical, we must support it fairly inconspicuously. I mean that appose to addressing the problem as a single medical endeavor entailing several major biomedical interventions, initially we'll have to espouse them as though their merits are mutually exclusive (instead of synergistic with continuity, etc.). Ideally "robust mouse rejuvenation" will be achieved and that'll pique the public's interest enough to where we'll no longer have to operate under a facade, etc., but until then we should really just try to refine the technologies separately as to prevent the project from being quelled on the premise of infeasibility. Anyway, you get what I'm saying.

Now for me, I intend to eventually become a prominent doctor.

Right, in the beginning, in many cases, we have to be discreet. We have to use PR names and PR goals when talking to some certain groups of people. For example (one example of many) when we write to VIPs we want to use terms like Longevity Communities Network, restoration and maintenance of function, and sometimes indefinite life extension. When we raise money like we did for the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin we want to tell them we are funding the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin, and tell them about how it clogs our cells, but not tell them that we are funding the invincibility of humanity so that we may become immortals or something like that.

However, although we do want to be conspicuous in many cases, more so in the beginning here, we also have to find avenues to keep the pressure on so that we may continue working to push this cause out into the mainstream so that we can help it to become non-radical. A lot of concepts start out as radical, crazy, heretical, space age nonsense, until the mainstream picks up on it, at which point it tends to become the norm and unremarkable.

So the point is, it seems to me we need both, things like robust mouse rejuvenation in the papers, but also a slow methodical assimilation of the public until it reaches mainstream in the mean time.

Anyways, I have three project suggestions for you.

-Can we interest you in joining the VIP Outreach team, you can help get the word out about SENS.
-Can we interest you in joining a Media Outreach team? That team is still developing at this time, but the more people that sign on now the faster that will develop.

Both of those projects would take about 30 minutes to 2 hours per month, and they flex to your schedule.

-If you dont have time for projects like that, then hopefully I can interest you in helping to move our science invite and application (part of this plan) only section along. If so then please respond there and Ill get you in the loop on the discussions and progressions.

The proposal is developing to be designed to fit right in with researchers and students routines.

I'm really not completely sure as to what everything you listed there entails, but yes, I'd be glad to help. You can send me a PM with links and/or instructions, or whatever you think would be best. Give me an overview of how I can help, and I'll do my best. :)

cool, N.T.M, I'm listing you on my volunteer page on google docs. I just emailed Aubrey telling him that I would like to help with his PR campaign, this was in response to an email from him saying he'll be looking for people to help get the message out very soon, assuming better funds first.

So I'm sure you can have a very profound and direct help with Aubrey and co., especially if you are good with the science end of things.

I'm very limited with what I can do now, but in the not-too-distant future I intend for contributing to be a major part of my life.

Edited by N.T.M., 24 March 2010 - 08:00 AM.

#22 modelcadet

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Posted 24 March 2010 - 01:27 PM

Great thread idea, BrokenPortal. Lurkers, have no fear! We'd love your fresh ideas. N.T.M.: No worries, I'm in school and working; I know it's tough. Probably the best way for us to help is to find small projects we can knock out in an hour of volunteer time or so. One thing that always comes to mind is promoting ImmInst and its events through Facebook. Even 5 minutes spent posting something to your wall can potentially bring in new members, who then volunteer their 5 minutes, thus creating a positive feedback loop.

Edited by modelcadet, 24 March 2010 - 01:28 PM.

#23 N.T.M.

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 08:22 AM

Great thread idea, BrokenPortal. Lurkers, have no fear! We'd love your fresh ideas. N.T.M.: No worries, I'm in school and working; I know it's tough. Probably the best way for us to help is to find small projects we can knock out in an hour of volunteer time or so. One thing that always comes to mind is promoting ImmInst and its events through Facebook. Even 5 minutes spent posting something to your wall can potentially bring in new members, who then volunteer their 5 minutes, thus creating a positive feedback loop.

That's a great idea, seriously. I usually neglect stuff like that, but as far as disseminating the information, it'd be invaluable. ;)

I'm gonna do it.

#24 johnross

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Posted 28 June 2010 - 07:12 PM

I find the idea of promoting any sort of life extension worrying....as soon as someone comes up with a treatment that realy works at a reasonable cost the pension/insurance industry will panic and get it made illegal.The longer it all stays very quiet the longer we'll be allowed to carry on.

#25 bettslacroix

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 05:32 AM

Better tools to understand biology.

#26 brokenportal

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 05:36 AM

I like that general concept. What kinds of tools? Are you talking things like nanotechnology? Can you name any other kinds of specifics that it might be good to support the development of?

#27 Luna

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:47 PM

Any computer programming related project (not web programming, still don't know Java) like the AI that was suggested I'd be interested to help :)

Anything else.. maybe one day when I get more expertise from my degree studies.

Edit: Here is an idea for a project, some sort of data base and computer simulation to help follow and understand which proteins DNA codes and follow the proteins in the body and see all the ways they go and might end and then see the effects they could cause.

Edited by Luna, 05 July 2010 - 12:49 PM.

#28 Neorxnawang

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 05:49 PM

I'd like to see some help put in towards cancer and Alzheimer research, two subjects tied up with aging and lifestyle that are an utter blight on humanity.

If any of you are familiar with SETI they had a project a number of years back (it may still be running I guess) where they asked people to sign up and download an App. This app on your machine would then help to number crunch the vast amounts of research data that SETI had captured.
The idea being all the idle computers sitting out there at 3am in the morning could help out.

I'm not sure whether cancer research or any other areas of medical science could benefit from a program like this, but I think it is something that us folks not in the medical, bio-engineering or similar fields could help out with.

#29 The Immortalist

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 02:47 PM

I'd like to see some help put in towards cancer and Alzheimer research, two subjects tied up with aging and lifestyle that are an utter blight on humanity.

If any of you are familiar with SETI they had a project a number of years back (it may still be running I guess) where they asked people to sign up and download an App. This app on your machine would then help to number crunch the vast amounts of research data that SETI had captured.
The idea being all the idle computers sitting out there at 3am in the morning could help out.

I'm not sure whether cancer research or any other areas of medical science could benefit from a program like this, but I think it is something that us folks not in the medical, bio-engineering or similar fields could help out with.

Are you talking about folding @ home ? Imminst already has a team called the LogevityMeme and it's ranked about #73

#30 brokenportal

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:04 AM

Any computer programming related project (not web programming, still don't know Java) like the AI that was suggested I'd be interested to help :)

Anything else.. maybe one day when I get more expertise from my degree studies.

Edit: Here is an idea for a project, some sort of data base and computer simulation to help follow and understand which proteins DNA codes and follow the proteins in the body and see all the ways they go and might end and then see the effects they could cause.

Doesnt the folding at home project get into that? http://imminst.org/fah Im not sure. Maybe it doesnt get into those particulars.

I'd like to see some help put in towards cancer and Alzheimer research, two subjects tied up with aging and lifestyle that are an utter blight on humanity.

If any of you are familiar with SETI they had a project a number of years back (it may still be running I guess) where they asked people to sign up and download an App. This app on your machine would then help to number crunch the vast amounts of research data that SETI had captured.
The idea being all the idle computers sitting out there at 3am in the morning could help out.

I'm not sure whether cancer research or any other areas of medical science could benefit from a program like this, but I think it is something that us folks not in the medical, bio-engineering or similar fields could help out with.

Cancer and Alzheimers, indeed, and that is part of what this is all about. One of the main things we concern ourselves with in the quest for indefinite life extension is the defeat of aging. That damage that comes with aging is the cause of most of these diseases. Most of these are age related. Stop aging, stop most cancer, alzheimers, parkinsons, heart disease, diabetes etc... Hence, more health, indefinite life, hopefully, thats the plan.

As for things like SETI, great idea. We do folding at home. http://imminst.org/fah Can you join our team and spread the word? We are currently ranked at around 73 out of over 166,000 teams. If you want to become a recruiter for this team too then let me know, and also, if your interested, this team even has its leader position open at this time as well. Let me know, thanks.

Edited by brokenportal, 22 August 2010 - 02:05 AM.

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