Good idea. The projects list is also getting set to help get this done. The general way is through exposure in general which will yeild a higher perctage of people to donate and the main way is through a methuselah foundation fund raiser that we are developing that is going to be part (probably) of an imminst drupal page for volunteers. Probably called "easy ways to volunteer" or something like that.
The page is going to list a bunch of simple ways to help like give to the fund raiser, join fah, take Kevins youtube challenge, take Sashs book owners challenge, sign the petitions etc.. Its going to have something like a check off box next to each that will tally some how. Like for example maybe tally a point value for each task to a spot in peoples profiles or maybe on another web page or something. The points will be incentive and even be able to be used to by imminst merchandise or something like that. It is all still in development. If you or anybody wants to join that team then let me know. Thats one of the top five most lucrative ones we are going to be focusing in on.
The projects list is called "leeep" for life extension exposure expedition projects. Its here and that project is on line 30. This is the rough draft list, its being cleaned up and moved to the imminst wiki.