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20 replies to this topic

#1 Heliotrope

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 02:12 AM

试验 试验 试验


#2 Matthias

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 02:26 AM


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Pilot version of the China region

Test test test

Li entitlements test on 15 January 2009

My favorite online translation tool for exotic languages is >>this<< one. :-)

#3 Heliotrope

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 02:32 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

Edited by HYP86, 16 January 2009 - 02:33 AM.

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#4 niner

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 04:21 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

What language and font is being used here? It's not loaded on my machine, because it's just showing up as little boxes. Back in the Usenet days there was an ASCII version of at least some Chinese language, probably Mandarin, that used numbers to encode inflection. Is that still in use at all, or is it long gone? How widely distributed might this be; i.e., what sort of audience size might a Chinese regional or East Asian regional forum get? This is pretty cool, HYP86.

#5 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 04:28 AM

這沒有很好大概翻譯,我看見一些滑稽的翻譯從漢語到英語和我只使用一個互聯網譯者。 那裡某一天將是更好的翻譯。 我想要歡迎您到不朽學院,我們也許能更加容易地談話的某一天。 謝謝您的興趣在極端生活生活引伸上.

#6 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 04:32 AM

这没有很好大概翻译,我看见一些滑稽的翻译从汉语到英语和我只使用一个互联网译者。 那里某一天将是更好的翻译。 我想要欢迎您到不朽学院,我们也许能更加容易地谈话的某一天。 谢谢您的兴趣在极端生活生活引伸上。

#7 Matthias

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 05:54 AM

It's not loaded on my machine

Maybe try Mozilla Firefox. It shows these fonts correctly.


這沒有很好大概翻譯,我看見一些滑稽的翻譯從漢語到英語和我只使用一個互聯網譯者。 那裡某一天將是更好的翻譯。 我想要歡迎您到不朽學院,我們也許能更加容易地談話的某一天。 謝謝您的興趣在極端生活生活引伸上.


यह शायद एक अच्छा अनुवाद नहीं है, मैं अंग्रेजी में चीन से कुछ हास्यास्पद अनुवाद देखा और मैं सिर्फ एक इंटरनेट अनुवादक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं. एक दिन वहाँ एक बेहतर अनुवाद किया जाएगा. मैं अमर कॉलेज के लिए आप का स्वागत करना चाहते हैं, हम और अधिक आसानी से एक निश्चित दिन पर बात करने के लिए सक्षम हो सकते हैं. जीवन पर चरम जीवन विस्तार में आपकी रुचि के लिए धन्यवाद.


Это, вероятно, не хороший перевод, я увидел смешной перевод с английского на Английский и я могу использовать только Интернет-переводчик. Один день будет лучше перевода. Я хотел бы поприветствовать вас на бессмертную колледжа, мы сможем легче говорить на определенный день. Спасибо за вашу заинтересованность в крайних срока на жизнь.


이것은 아마도 좋은 번역을하지 않습니다, 제가 영어로 번역이 중국에서 어떤 재미를보고 난 단지 인터넷 번역기를 사용할 수있습니다. 어느 날 거기에 더 나은 번역됩니다. 나는 불멸의 대학에 오신 것을 환영 싶어, 우리가 더 쉽게 특정 일에 얘기를 할 수있습니다. 생활에 극도의 수명 연장에 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사합니다.


This is probably not a good translation, I saw some funny translation from Chinese into English and I can only use an Internet translator. One day there will be a better translation. I want to welcome you to the immortal College, we may be able to more easily talk on a certain day. Thank you for your interest in extreme life extension on life.

And the tool can also store and read out the text:

Chinese: http://tts.imtranslator.net/2tS4

English: http://tts.imtranslator.net/2tSE

Attached Files

Edited by Matthias, 16 January 2009 - 05:58 AM.

#8 ilia

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 09:37 AM

Just posted a link to this page at the Chinese Transhumanist Network on Facebook:


Edited by ilia, 16 January 2009 - 09:38 AM.

#9 Heliotrope

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 03:30 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

What language and font is being used here? It's not loaded on my machine, because it's just showing up as little boxes. Back in the Usenet days there was an ASCII version of at least some Chinese language, probably Mandarin, that used numbers to encode inflection. Is that still in use at all, or is it long gone? How widely distributed might this be; i.e., what sort of audience size might a Chinese regional or East Asian regional forum get? This is pretty cool, HYP86.

Language: Chinese. Font: simplified. The system you mention is still being used, by very few people now. I know some in my academic circles do it.

It'll likely get audiences such as LEists like us. I know there're some boards in China that do their own things, and also talk LE/imm., but not as active as II.

#10 Evolutionary

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:14 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

What language and font is being used here? It's not loaded on my machine, because it's just showing up as little boxes. Back in the Usenet days there was an ASCII version of at least some Chinese language, probably Mandarin, that used numbers to encode inflection. Is that still in use at all, or is it long gone? How widely distributed might this be; i.e., what sort of audience size might a Chinese regional or East Asian regional forum get? This is pretty cool, HYP86.

Language: Chinese. Font: simplified. The system you mention is still being used, by very few people now. I know some in my academic circles do it.

It'll likely get audiences such as LEists like us. I know there're some boards in China that do their own things, and also talk LE/imm., but not as active as II.


#11 Evolutionary

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:17 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

What language and font is being used here? It's not loaded on my machine, because it's just showing up as little boxes. Back in the Usenet days there was an ASCII version of at least some Chinese language, probably Mandarin, that used numbers to encode inflection. Is that still in use at all, or is it long gone? How widely distributed might this be; i.e., what sort of audience size might a Chinese regional or East Asian regional forum get? This is pretty cool, HYP86.

Language: Chinese. Font: simplified. The system you mention is still being used, by very few people now. I know some in my academic circles do it.

It'll likely get audiences such as LEists like us. I know there're some boards in China that do their own things, and also talk LE/imm., but not as active as II.


#12 Evolutionary

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:17 AM

cool. That's not a bad translator. It got the rough meanings across.

I wrote it in the Regional Forums as testing thread and maybe future sub-forum for china region, east asian region etc.

What language and font is being used here? It's not loaded on my machine, because it's just showing up as little boxes. Back in the Usenet days there was an ASCII version of at least some Chinese language, probably Mandarin, that used numbers to encode inflection. Is that still in use at all, or is it long gone? How widely distributed might this be; i.e., what sort of audience size might a Chinese regional or East Asian regional forum get? This is pretty cool, HYP86.

Language: Chinese. Font: simplified. The system you mention is still being used, by very few people now. I know some in my academic circles do it.

It'll likely get audiences such as LEists like us. I know there're some boards in China that do their own things, and also talk LE/imm., but not as active as II.

没有中国讨论?为什么没有亚洲论坛? 中国和印度是人类40%,加上香港,台湾, 新加坡, 和日本就更多了。

Edited by Neuron, 18 February 2009 - 07:21 AM.

#13 .fonclea.

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 11:04 PM


试验 试验 试验


Pilot version of the China region

Test test test

Li entitlements test on 15 January 2009

My favorite online translation tool for exotic languages is >>this<< one. :-)

I'm afrain this translator is not performent. I just test it from english to french with a simple salutation and the result is a complet sh***. I wouldn't try in chinese, that would be even worth :p

#14 Lee Rain

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 06:43 PM

Christian Internet Dating
Granite Tile

Edited by Lee Rain, 13 July 2010 - 06:43 PM.

#15 tonya

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:53 AM


#16 brokenportal

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:57 AM



#17 darrelee

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 02:38 AM

I'm a native Chinese.Glad to see this topic.Love Longecity.
BTW,online translation tool sucks,but most part of the translation can be understood.

#18 tham

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 07:32 PM

BabelXL is a better translator, better than the old Babelfish.
I think it uses the Bing engine.

It looks like the only one here which translated "Immortality Institute" accurately.

Google's translator is not very accurate.


那裡某一天將是更好的翻譯。 我想要歡迎您到不朽學院,我們也許能更加容易地談話的某一天。

BabelXL :

This is not very good about translation, I see some funny translation from Chinese to
English and I only use an Internet translator. One day there will be a better translation.
I want to welcome you to the immortality Institute, one day we may be able to talk more
easily. Thank you for your interest in extreme life on life extension.

Google :

This is not good about translation, I saw some funny translation from Chinese to
English, and I only use an internet translator.There one day will be a better translation.
I want to welcome you to the immortal College, one day we may be able to talk more
easily. Thanks for your interest in living in extreme life extension.


试验 试验 试验


BabelXL :

China test

test test test

test Lee on January 2009

Google :

China region test version


Lee enjoy test on January 15, 2009



BabelXL :

Chinese version of the above is really quiet. But China is still a lot of people support
the immortal ~~

You can round up more people from China to support this cause, and directing them
to this forum?

Google :

The Chinese version of the above really quiet. However, China is still a lot of people
support the immortal ~ ~

You can circle more people to support this cause, and guide them to this forum?

Edited by tham, 02 September 2012 - 07:44 PM.

#19 Dataguru

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 07:03 AM


#20 chloe1023

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 08:18 AM

not professional

#21 Sun Nootropic

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 05:15 AM

&#21703; &#38750;&#24120;&#26399;&#24453;&#20013;&#22269;&#29256; &#21704;&#21704; &#21487;&#20197;&#30003;&#35831;&#29256;&#20027;&#30340;&#20040;

why can`t i post in Chinese, strange and disappointed :mellow:

&#20013;&#22269; &#33487;&#24030; &#25305;&#25919;&#22253;

i am using Mozilla Firefox, but can not post in Chinese

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