Gorarthur did you ever try a iv injection? and did you feel no effect at all or were the effects disappointing. Also where did you order from?
I did not try an iv injection, as I don't have the training, and my understanding is that it wouldn't be any more or less effective. I'm not sure if I felt any effect at all, as day-to-day differences in sleep, diet, other nootropics (which I didn't add in for two weeks), etc. were much more noticeable. I certainly didn't experience anything remotely resembling a "best day of my life" type experience for a couple weeks like some other users have described. I ordered from Superhumangear.
What are you trying to fix? Do you have any psychiatric conditions or mental imbalances ?
(I posted this at the start of my cycle)
My reasons for using Cerebrolysin are as follows:
-as a general nootropic - to enhance memory, intuition, visuospatial skills, etc.
-as a long-lasting antidepressant
-to reset my brain chemistry to an ideal state, unmodified by SSRIs and past soft drug use
-to repair the damage caused by three minor concussions I had many years ago
-to prevent chronic migraines (an off-label use, but another poster mentioned this, and I am hopeful cbl will help)
I am a fairly healthy and functional person without nootropics, my main neurological problem being my chronic migraines. I also have a history of mild depression. I am certainly a far cry from the aging Alzheimer's patients who have benefited most from Cbl. It's possible I overestimated my own deficits, and there was very little to fix in my brain.
works great as a anti depressent you feel top of the ball on this. also good for my hard drug use, maybe it was because yours was soft....you can be honest if it was more than soft tho, were all friends here :D
also to be blunt almost all mild depression has to do with the way you're living your life, its your bodys way of telling you to change something for the better. The best anti depressent is good exercise, join a tai chi class, learn a martial art, learn to speed read, take up drawing, read books, play a sport, volunteer. those are bound to get rid of mild depression....because it usually comes from being bored and unmotivated...you gotta get on a regular schedule and get some sunshine and socialize and at the end of the day feel proud that you did something to better yourself and/or others.
Minor conussions, I' can't be there but i woldnt worry about unless you were to the point where you werent allowed to fall asleep.
btw althzheiimers and adhd run in y famly and i get a huge benefit from CERE, so maybe you are overdestimating your own defecits.
Eat Right
Take Fish Oil
Take a MultiMineral
Eat Cashews(natural anti depressent)
Eat Bananas
Avoid melatonin and dont take it more than 18 times a year. I have the benefit of one of the best psychs in the 10tth floor of downtown san franisco. graduate from brown school of medicine and charges $500 intial consultation.
and thats straight from his mouth and he had some very enlightening things to say, i was honest with my past drug use with him and he still gave me the goods, i also found out he practiced qi gong, meditation, and studied sacred geometry.(did i mention i love san francisco?) hehe.
btw when he does your assessment he asks you to bring in all the vitamins you take, even protein shakes, because they can lessen the effects of your meds, first psychiatrist to actually do that, and it made me smile. H'll also order a electrolyte panel on you. He also screens you for OCD because its often the undiagnosed problem that prevents the problem you think you have from getting any better. :D I didn't have it, but ii know so many people who are ocd in denial it makes alot of sense.
Good Luck My best reccomendaton is what i listed above, and some aniracetam mixed ina protein shake with whole milk, make sure the protein shake has l-glutamine in it. for a choline donor take the occasional CDP choline until you can feel what's the right amount for you..
and as far as pharms, get a script to nuvigil, its amazing stuff if you can get it, you can thank me by giving me that CERE that doesnt work for you ahahahah
just playing, but not really :D