Very interesting! I'm sure it doesn't only improves mind in sports, but also body. I remember now back to last year, riding a slightly old bike which would exhaust me due to some bad working of its pieces, I started running on it and I DID NOT GET EXHAUSTED, I mean, I took a long and full of cars road (requiring to run fast with bike) and I was impressed, it looked like muscles were never demanding oxygen. I ignore if this is refined motor function, or heart or muscle/oxygen improvement. I tend to believe Cerebrolysin downs brute physical force as a consequence of mind-opening and up coordination and reaction motor function. But now, I'm not sure. I guess the anti ischemic properties must oxygenate better all the body endings. Also, I seem to be somewhat better on football, which I play less 1 time per month, even when there's no CRB cycle recently.
I keep amazing myself by all the aplications on real life this has. This is like antidote to our lives' superficiality.
Edit! I remember now the posts Sunshinefrost stated saying Cebria (oral version of CRB) had negative effects on joints. Cere seems to not share this which remains inexplainable at me ATM.
Also, I remember, talking about sports, an interview with Zinedine Zidane where he said just before 2002 Champions Finals and 2006 World Cup Finals, he said he was given a pill wihtouth explaining him what it was. I know dopping has been there a lot for now, but what if now substances like Cerebrolysin started emerging? I'm sure lots of sportists are using it, just anti dopping Comitee doesnt know about it yet. I alos remember last season when I thought "I should e-mail Mourinho (I'm a Real Madrid fan) and tell him about Cerebrolysin to improve his players' performance" . I truly believe this could be the definite dopping substance in almost every sport and side effects free. I guess is a matter of time they realize this is dopping.
EDIT 2: about the addiction question said before. I'm too convinced th aplications of this are placed mostly on alcoholic patients. A non alcoholic patient can yet see the benefits but he won't them as clearly as an alcoholic one. It also helps with tobacco but to a lesser degree. However, I think ADD, autism, even suspected sociopaths/psychopaths can benefit from this more they think.
Edited by Sholrak, 04 June 2014 - 01:14 AM.